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and a
using an Explore100
The DAB+/FM/AM Radio is
complete. In our last exciting
episode, we had left the heroine
tied to the railroad tracks
(woops, sorry, wrong episode)
we had just finished assembling
the radio PCB, leaving us with
quite the cliffhanger!
Part 3: By Duraid Madina and Tim Blythman
f you’re building our fantastic new
DAB+/FM/AM radio, after following the instructions in the article
last month, you will have a completed Explore 100 module and digital
radio board.
We now need to put those together
and into a case, and load all the required software to get it up and running.
While you’re reading this article, be
sure to check out the updated screen
grabs, as the software is now complete
and it looks much better than the ‘work
in progress’ interface shown in the last
couple of articles.
Final assembly
The following instructions assume
that you are building the radio into
our custom-designed laser-cut acrylic case.
If you are not, the general assembly
of the ‘stack’ will be much the same,
but you will be omitting the acrylic
parts. The case arrangement is shown
in Fig.3.
You might think that it would be a
good idea to test the whole stack before completely assembling it, but we
Silicon Chip
found that it needs to be held rigidly
together to ensure that all the connections between the boards are good.
So we suggest that you put it all together before testing and programming
it. It isn’t difficult to get apart if you
run into problems later.
Start with the front acrylic piece,
with the large cutout for the LCD
screen. Put an M3 x 32mm machine
screw through each corner hole and
secure them to the panel with M3 Nylon nuts.
The panel is not symmetrical; the
small cutout for the touch panel cable is the most obvious indicator. So
check that the screws are the correct
way around relative to the LCD panel
before securing them with the nuts.
Feed the 5-inch touchscreen assembly over the machine screw shafts so
that its front sits nearly flush with the
front of the acrylic front panel. Attach it to the front panel by threading
12mm tapped spacers over the machine screws.
Now feed the assembled Micromite
Plus Explore 100 module over the
over the machine screw shafts, ensuring that the header on the touchAustralia’s electronics magazine
screen board seats into the header on
the Micromite board. The Explore 100
module is then secured by four 9mm
tapped spacers over the screw shafts.
Next, fit the 15mm tapped spacers
over the remaining stubs of the machine screws.
You may have noticed that you have
a spare 20x2 female header socket with
long pins (it was in parts list). This is
used to bridge the gap between the
Micromite board and the radio PCB.
We’ve seen a few versions of these
with different lengths, so you may find
you need to trim the pins, or you might
even be able to replace CON3 entirely
and solder the header with long pins
directly to the radio PCB.
However, we do not recommend
that you try to de-solder CON3 if you
have already fitted it to the board, since
you’re likely to damage the board in
the process. In that case, you’re better off using the intermediate header,
as we did.
The radio PCB sits flush against the
M3 x 15mm tapped spacers (24mm
from the Micromite board), so you
can judge at this stage how the headers between the Micromite board and
the radio PCB will fit. In any case, ensure that the connection between the
Micromite board and the radio PCB
is solid.
To finish the case assembly, rest the
partly assembled stack with the screen
facing down (it’s a good idea to set it
on a sheet of blank paper or a clean
cloth to protect it).
Slot the longer, narrow acrylic pieces in place. The one with the single
squarish hole goes over the IR receiver. Slot it into the front panel, then tilt
it over the IR receiver; you may need
to gently bend the IR receiver to suit
the hole.
The other long, narrow acrylic piece
goes along the opposite edge of the
front panel, with the cutouts matching
the small three-pin header for the serial port (to program the Explore 100)
and the microSD card socket (to load
the Si4689 firmware). With these two
panels in place, the two side panels
can now be fitted.
The side panel with four round
holes is for the side with the RCA sockets. Slot the tabs in the front panel,
then tilt into place over the side tabs.
The RCA sockets protrude, so it will be
difficult to get this on the wrong way.
The remaining small panel fits on
the other side. Similarly, the antenna
socket protrudes, so slot the panel into
the front and tilt up to engage the tabs
in the adjacent panels.
At this stage, you’ll have a large
piece of acrylic, four 25mm-long machine screws and four 15mm-long
tapped spacers left. You’ll also note
that the large piece of acrylic has a
long slot on one side and two short
slots along the opposite edge; these
align with the tabs on the back of the
side panels.
While appearing symmetrical, the
back panel is not. The long slot goes
on the side near the RCA connectors
(and is needed due to their location in
that side panel).
Thread the 25mm machine screws
through the mounting holes in this
rear panel and fit the 15mm tapped
spacers to their threads. Tighten the
spacers until they are almost, but
not quite tight; we need the machine
screws to be able to rotate to complete
the last step.
Finally, line up the back panel by
placing its machine screws into the
holes in the corner of the radio PCB,
and tighten them up, ensuring that the
tabs are correctly captured in the slots.
Radio 40-pin Long pin 40-pin
tapped spacer PCB socket socket header
Case top panel
Case front panel
M3 Nylon nut
M3 x 32mm screw
M3 x 25mm screw
VHF antenna socket
Touchscreen LCD panel
Case side panels
mini USB
AM loop
antenna socket
Speaker terminals
Case rear panel
M3 tapped
M3 x 32mm screw
M3 x 25mm screw
M3 Nylon nut
Explore 100 PCB
20 1 9
Case bottom panel
Access hole
Serial header
Fig.3: this shows how the three PCBs (LCD, Explore 100 & Radio) are
joined using tapped spacers and pin headers. The top, bottom and sides
of the case are sandwiched in between the front and rear panels, which
are held rigidly together by the whole stack.
At this stage, the external telescopic antenna and AM loop antenna can
be attached, and a set of headphones
or other means of testing the audio
plugged in.
Loading the software
The first step for installing the radio software and firmware is to load
MMBasic onto your PIC32 chip (if it
isn’t pre-loaded) and then load the radio’s BASIC source code into it.
The software for this project is
available for download from the SILICON CHIP website. The ZIP package
includes the BASIC source code, two
HEX files and the Si4689 firmware file.
Most constructors will already have
the Micromite firmware installed on
the PIC32 in the Micromite Plus Explore 100 module, as they will be
building it from a kit with a pre-programmed chip.
If instead you have a blank PIC32
and need to load MMBasic yourself,
you will need a PICkit 3, PICkit 4 or
Microbridge (described in May 2017;
The August 2016 article on the MiAustralia’s electronics magazine
cromite Plus has some information
on programming the PIC32 chip with
a PICkit, on page 68; see siliconchip.
After that, you will need to configure
the LCD screen, touch panel and SD
card to work as noted in this article.
The steps to do this are listed below.
But first, we’ll explain how to program
a blank PIC32.
You can upload the firmware HEX
file to the microcontroller using the
in-circuit serial programming (ICSP)
header on the Explore 100 board.
This can be done with a PICkit or Microbridge.
You can either load a plain Micromite HEX file, in which case you will
also need to load the BASIC code later,
or use a HEX file specifically for the
radio project which contains MMBasic and the radio code.
If using a PICkit, plug it into the ICSP
header with pin 1 (arrowed) lined up
on both plug and socket, then launch
the Microchip MPLAB IPE software
(included with the free MPLAB X IDE
Connect to the PICkit and select
March 2019 43
Changes to the final circuit and PCB
While testing the radio, we found that we needed to make some
minor “tweaks” to the circuit and the PCB design, which were presented in the January and February issues.
You may remember from the first article that the AT25SF321
32Mbit serial flash chip is wired both to the flash SPI interface on
IC1, the Si4689 radio IC, and also to pins 5, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 & 20
on CON3, the Micromite Explore 100 interface header.
As we explained then, while the Si4689 can read its firmware
straight off the flash chip via its direct interface, we need the Explore 100 to communicate with the flash chip directly, to initially
write the firmware into it. And we may also need to write a new
firmware later, if an update becomes available.
We planned to set the connected Explore 100 pins as highimpedance inputs after programming the flash chip, allowing the
Si4689 complete control over the flash.
But unfortunately, due to the high frequencies that it uses to
communicate with the flash chip (to load the firmware quickly),
even with the Explore 100 pins in a high-impedance state, these
extra connections still caused problems.
We found that the Si4689 would sometimes fail to boot or worse,
boot a corrupted copy of the firmware and then crash when specific radio functions were activated.
We tracked this down to the parasitic inductance/capacitance
of the long tracks on the Explore 100 board connecting these pins
(the intervening connectors don’t help, either).
the correct chip type (PIC32MX470F512L). Load the HEX file, then
power up the Explore 100 board and
press the program button.
Check the bottom of the window. It
should tell you that the chip has been
programmed and correctly verified. If
you got an error, check that the programmer is wired up correctly and
that you don’t have any soldering or
component errors on your Explore
100 board.
The process with the Microbridge
is similar except that you use differ-
ent software. See the May 2017 article
for instructions on how to program a
PIC32 with a HEX file using pic32prog.
Setting up the touchscreen
Your chip should now be programmed with MMBasic. If you used
the HEX file with the radio code included, the touchscreen will be configured, but you may still want to calibrate the touchscreen to ensure its
touch sensing is accurate.
If you have programmed it with
plain MMBasic, you will also need to
Screen1: at power up, the radio displays a simple
splashscreen. After initialising the digital audio transceiver
chip, the radio feeds the bootloader code into the Si4689
radio IC, as shown here, and it switches to the main screen
once this chip is ready for reception.
Silicon Chip
The resonance and antenna-like properties of these tracks
caused overshoot and ringing on the flash SPI lines when they
were being driven by the Si4689, interfering with its ability to read
the firmware data off the flash chip.
Our solution was to insert four resistors in series with the FLSO,
FLSI, FLCK and FLCS lines of the flash SPI bus, between IC3 and
CON3. We placed these close to IC3, keeping the tracks between
IC1 and IC3 short. This solved the booting problem.
We determined that the ideal values are 2.2kΩ for the data lines
(SO and SI) and 100Ω for the clock (CK) and chip select (CS) lines.
These have been added to the final version of the PCB, close
to IC3 and inside the radio box at upper-right. They will be presoldered to those boards which have been ordered with IC1 and
associated parts already fitted.
We have decided to supply the flash chips pre-programmed
with the firmware, on those boards which are supplied with the
chip fitted.
In theory, those resistors could be removed once the flash chip
is programmed, leaving flash chip IC3 only connected to the radio chip, IC1. However, you would then lose the ability to write a
new firmware image to the flash chip (we’re not sure if there will
be any firmware updates in future).
Because we program the flash chip from the Explore 100 at a
fairly slow rate (it takes a couple of minutes to write around 2MB),
these extra series resistors do not interfere with that process at all.
set up the LCD controller and SD card.
These steps can all be done using
a computer’s USB port. You can also
use this connection to load the BASIC code, as described below. Note
that the micro-USB connector on the
Explore 100 CON1 (if installed) only
supplies power, so you will need to
use the mini-USB connector (CON2)
for this task.
This, in turn, requires that JP1 be
set to provide power from CON2. You
should also take care that no other
power supplies are connected, as they
Screen2: the main radio screen, in DAB+ mode. 204.64MHz
is channel 9B, one of four DAB+ frequencies used in
Australia, and WSFM is one of the channel 9B services in
Sydney. The channel text is displayed below this (it scrolls
so you can read it all), with the reception power of 49dBµV
shown above. The + and - buttons select different services
while the << and >> buttons change frequency.
Australia’s electronics magazine
may back-feed the computer through
Alternatively, you can use a USBSerial Module connected to the serial
port pins (GND/TX/RX) on the Micromite instead, with external power.
If you are using Windows 10, macOS or Linux, then you should not
need any special drivers on your PC.
For earlier versions of Windows,
you can download the SILICON CHIP
USB Serial Port driver from http:// or from
You will need a terminal program
such as TeraTerm or PuTTY. Find the
serial port of the Micromite and open
this port with the terminal program.
The baud rate is unimportant, as it is
merely a virtual serial port.
After opening the serial port, press
enter and you should see the text
prompt “>” appear, possibly along
with a boot message. To set up the LCD
screen, type the following command:
You should then see coloured circles
appear on the screen. Press the spacebar to stop the test. Then run the following commands to set up and calibrate the touchscreen:
OPTION TOUCH 1, 40, 39
You only need to run the last command above if your screen has already
been set up. Use a stylus or similar
to press accurately on the targets that
appear in each corner of the screen.
You should get a message like “done.”
to indicate that calibration was successful. If you get an error message,
try again.
is set and the program will start when
power is applied.
By the way, it is also possible to get
the BASIC code onto the Micromite by
loading it onto a microSD card, plugging it into the Explore 100 and using
the LOAD command.
Loading the BASIC code
Loading the radio firmware
If you programmed the PIC32 with
the HEX file that already contains the
BASIC code, you can skip to the next
section. Otherwise, you will need to
load the radio code onto the Micromite chip.
Note that the ‘uncrunched’ (ie, including comments and whitespace)
version of the BASIC program is too
large to be loaded into the Micromite’s
flash memory, so the ‘crunched’ version must be used unless you are using a program like MMedit, which
supports automatic crunch-on-load.
In the terminal, type “XMODEM RECEIVE” and press Enter. Use the terminal program’s menu to send the BASIC file using the XMODEM protocol.
In TeraTerm, this can be done by
choosing the File Transfer → XMODEM → Send.. menu option and then
selecting the file.
After a few seconds, you should
get a message that the program has
been saved.
Now type “RUN” and press Enter.
The program will start and display
diagnostic information in the terminal window, and the Micromite display panel should show its startup
messages too. While you might not
be ready to use the unit just yet, this
step ensures that the AUTORUN flag
In addition to the MMBasic software
that runs on the Micromite, providing
the radio user interface and controlling
the Si4689 radio IC (IC1), there is also
software (firmware) that needs to be
loaded into the radio IC itself.
While it is possible to get the Explore 100 to read this off an SD card
and load it into IC1, that’s a slow process, so it is also stored on serial flash
memory chip IC3.
Three firmware images need to be
loaded into IC1, one for each radio reception mode (DAB+/FM/AM). There
is also a so-called “bootloader” image
which is loaded directly from the Micromite, which allows IC1 to load the
main firmware images by itself.
The bootloader is just 940 bytes,
so it fits comfortably in the Micromite’s own flash memory, and since
it’s small, it’s fast to load in this way
(the main firmware images are around
half a megabyte each). This 940-byte
bootloader then loads a larger 6kB
bootloader from the serial flash IC,
and that is then used to load the larger
firmware images.
If you have purchased the kit from
flash chip should already be programmed with the necessary firmware images. So you just need to load
Screen3: the main screen with the radio in FM mode. You
can see that the RDS data has given us the station name
and currently playing song. The SNR and received power
figures are shown just below the tuning control, which is
surrounded by the fine and coarse tuning buttons and scan
up/down buttons. The eight channel presets are below, with
the mute and volume control to their right.
Screen4: in AM mode, there is no text display or station
name; we simply show the tuned frequency, signal-to-noise
ratio and received power figures. The Standby button
switches the radio and screen off but leaves the micro
powered up, so you can wake it up by touching the screen
or pressing the power button on the remote control.
Australia’s electronics magazine
March 2019 45
the software into the Explore 100 (see
If you do not have a pre-programmed flash chip, there is a routine
in the supplied Micromite BASIC code
which can do this for you.
By the way, we’re storing the 940byte bootloader as binary data encapsulated in a “CFUNCTION” in the
BASIC code.
But it isn’t really a function; it’s just
a blob of data that we can read out of
the micro’s flash memory and feed to
the radio IC.
progress of the write as follows:
Programming the flash chip
If you see something very different or an error is reported, then the
write has not completed correctly. You
should check that the connections between IC1 and IC3 are correct, especially the four series resistors (see panel). If the write completes successfully,
then the programming is complete.
If you need to program the flash IC
with the radio IC’s firmware, this can
be done from the unit itself, although
it does require the firmware images to
be placed on a microSD card, so that
they can be copied.
They consist of four files with .bin
extensions (see Fig.3). Copy them to
the root directory of a microSD card
and plug it into the Explore 100.
Power the radio on from a USB socket (so that the diagnostic serial data can
be viewed) and allow it to boot. Open
the serial port and press the Config
button on the main screen.
There is a button labelled “Write
Flash”. Press this to start the process
of copying the files from the microSD
card to the flash IC.
The “Write Flash” button will
change to say “Writing...” and the process will take around five minutes.
You should see the button change
to “Write Done” when the process is
The serial port will also display the
erasing flash chip:
please wait...
flash chip erased
writing FM radio firmware
to flash...
writing DAB radio firmware
to flash...
writing AM radio firmware
to flash...
writing Loader firmware
to flash, copy 1 at 0x2000
writing Loader firmware
to flash, copy 2 at 0x4000
Setting up the radio
As you can imagine, the DAB+/FM/
AM radio is full of features which we
will now explain in detail.
On power-up, a splash-screen is
displayed while the various systems
are initialised (Screen 1). After a few
seconds, the main screen appears and
the radio is ready to use (Screens 2-4).
In the AM and FM modes, there is
one station or program at each frequency. But with DAB+, multiple
“services” (which can have multiple
components) coexist on the same frequency.
There are few frequencies used for
DAB+ (four in Australia), so the radio
only needs to search for services inside
this limited range of frequencies, rather than seeking across an entire band,
as with AM or FM.
The top half of the radio display
(inside the large frame) is responsible
for tuning and band control, as well as
the selection of digital radio services. Some of the buttons only appear
in certain modes; some of the tuning
buttons do not appear in DAB+ mode,
while the service selection buttons are
not visible in the AM or FM modes.
The buttons around the frequency
display near the top of the screen are
used for tuning. The “+” and “-” buttons change the frequency in small
steps, akin to fine-tuning. In AM mode,
for example, these are 1kHz steps. This
is mainly useful for correcting small
errors when entering a frequency using the keypad.
The next buttons, “<” and “>”,
tune in larger steps: 9kHz for AM and
0.1MHz for FM. These would generally be used for manually stepping
through the frequency band, listening
for stations.
The outermost buttons, “<<” and
“>>” are used for seeking. They will
step the frequency down or up until
the radio finds a station. This is done
by the radio chip internally.
In DAB+ mode, these are used to
switch between the four channels.
By default, the radio is set up for the
Australian DAB+ frequencies, but you
can change this in the settings if you
are overseas.
If you try to seek but the radio cannot
find any stations, you can press one of
The serial port produces a lot
of useful information during
the boot process, and will be
helpful in troubleshooting any
problems. This test screen is
typical of a normal startup.
Screen5: the configuration screen gives you some checkbox
(on/off) options at upper left, LCD backlight control
settings, a locale setting (to determine which DAB+
frequencies are used) plus an error log display at right
and a button to write new firmware to the serial flash chip
Silicon Chip
Australia’s electronics magazine
Fig.4: these files need to be in the root directory of the SD card plugged into
the Explore 100 module before you can program flash chip IC3 with the radio
firmware. You could also copy the basic file and use the LOAD command
the tuning buttons again to cancel the
seek. Note that all the other buttons
are disabled while a seek is occurring.
The frequency display can also be
touched to manually enter a station
frequency using an on-screen numeric keyboard. Sensible bounds are provided to prevent invalid values being
In the DAB+ mode, the buttons
next to the upper frame are available,
and these are used to cycle through
the available services on a given frequency. There is no specific order to
these services; they are listed in the
order that they are detected by the radio chip, IC1.
The smaller frames below are used
to indicate station information and, if
available, information about the current program (eg, which song the station is currently playing, or the latest
news or weather).
AM broadcasts have no facility for
carrying program information, so the
station information is limited to the
tuned frequency in this case.
In FM mode, it displays the tuned
frequency by default, but if RDS (Radio Data System) is available, this will
carry the station name which will then
be displayed. RDS data usually also
contains program information, which
is displayed in the lower frame.
When DAB+ mode is active, the upper frame displays the service name,
with the lower frame showing program
information, if available.
There are also small numerical displays indicating the received RF power
and either signal-to-noise ratio (SNR;
in AM/FM mode) or signal quality (in
DAB+ mode).
Despite DAB+ transmissions being
vertically polarised, we found DAB+
reception to be best with the antenna
horizontal while FM reception was
best with the antenna vertical.
You may need to experiment with
antenna orientation and positioning
to maximise reception. Keep the AM
loop antenna away from the radio and
ideally, near a window.
Station presets
Below the tuning controls, eight
preset buttons provided, which can
be set to any station, band or service.
A long press on one of these buttons
(for more than one second) will store
the currently tuned station or service
to that preset.
The button caption is changed to
match the name displayed in the upper frame, which may be a frequency
or text if this is available from an RDS
or DAB+ service.
A short press activates the preset,
changing band, frequency and service
as necessary.
Any time a station or service is
saved, all of the current settings are
saved to flash, so that they are reloaded
the next time the radio starts.
To the right of the presets are the
volume and mute controls. The volume level is remembered while muted,
although the control is disabled and
can’t be changed until mute is disabled. The volume scale is from zero to
63 (loudest), as this is what the radio
IC uses internally.
The radio can detect when headphones are plugged into the jack socket, and any connected speakers are automatically muted when headphones
are plugged in.
Since the stereo amplifier driving
the speakers has its own volume control, volume for the headphones and
speakers can be set independently.
This saves your ears from being
blasted when plugging headphones in
(although it’s always a good idea to put
Australia’s electronics magazine
them on after plugging in) and is also
convenient since you can set a comfortable default level for both outputs.
Because IC1 is not able to deliver
digital and analog audio outputs simultaneously, if you want to use the
digital outputs, you will need to enable them using the Dig Out button on
the main screen.
It is automatically disabled when
headphones are plugged in, so that the
headphone output can produce sound,
and this also has the beneficial effect
of automatically muting any speakers
connected to the digital outputs.
At the bottom right of the display is
the “Config” button, which will take
you to a separate Settings page. Pressing the “Main” button will then return
to the main radio screen. Whilst on the
Settings page, the radio will continue
doing whatever it was doing last, so
you can continue listening to the last
tuned station as you fiddle with the
As well as providing some configuration options, this page also includes
an error log, which can be used to help
debug the unit in the absence of a serial terminal display. If the message
“No Errors” is seen, chances are that
everything is working normally.
If multiple errors are indicated,
pressing the up and down arrows next
to the display will cycle through the
text description of the errors found.
Practically all the errors that can be
shown will involve IC1, the main radio IC.
We’ve also mentioned the “Write
Flash” button above in the setup section. There is little need to use this
after the radio is operational, but we
hope that there will be future firmware
upgrades to the Si4689 radio IC to expand its features, in which case this
can be used to write the newer firmware to the flash
We’ll briefly explain what each of
the settings does now. There is a “Save
Settings” button in the top right corner. While most settings will take effect
immediately, they will not be saved
automatically; they must be saved if
you want them to be retained after a
power cycle or reset.
There is a backlight dimming control which can be used to reduce the
backlight brightness after the display
is not touched for the delay period.
As soon as the display is touched, the
March 2019 47
maximum backlight intensity is set.
The maximum cannot be set any
lower than 20%. This prevents the
screen from becoming unreadable.
The “Digital Output” checkbox
disables analog audio when selected
(and no headphones are plugged in),
allowing the digital audio outputs to
be used.
There is also a setting to swap the
left and right analog outputs, in case
your speaker or headphone channels
are swapped. And there’s a setting
to force mono output in cases where
you may only have one speaker, eg, if
you’ve built the radio into a box with
an internal speaker.
And there’s also an option to enable
“quiet mode”, where SPI traffic and
CPU activity is kept at a minimum,
to maximise reception, especially for
AM. Note though that when this is
enabled, you will not get an FM RDS
or DAB+ station information display.
Remote Control
In addition to the touchscreen, the
unit can also be manipulated using a
universal infrared remote control. We
have included code to allow many of
the functions to be controlled by an
Altronics A1012 or Jaycar XC3718 remote control (others may be suitable,
but we have not tested them).
Many, but not all of the features can
be accessed from the remote control.
Since there is no easy way to tell a long
press from a short press, stations cannot be preset, but existing presets can
be selected using the remote control.
The BASIC program has space for
custom remote codes, and also displays the codes it receives to the serial
monitor. Thus, if you’re interested in
modifying the BASIC source, you can
easily find out what codes are being
transmitted by your remote, and use
them to add functions to your radio.
By default, remote control buttons
1-8 select between your presets, with
the volume and mute controls providing their standard functions. Seeking
can be accomplished with the channel
up and down buttons, and switching
bands is done by the AV button on the
Altronics remote.
Since the Jaycar remote lacks a mute
or AV button, the play/pause button
is used for muting, and the “CH” button provides band switching.
You can also enter an AM or FM
station frequency manually using the
remote control, by first pressing the
“200+” (Jaycar) or “OK” (Altronics)
button, then typing in the frequency.
Then press the 200+/OK button again
to tune to that station, or standby/on/
off on the Altronics remote to abort.
The Jaycar remote should work out
of the box, but the Altronics remote
needs to be set to use AUX code 171.
This is done by pressing and holding
the SET button, then pressing the AUX
button and releasing the SET button.
When the LED illuminates, enter the
code 171 using the number keys, and
the LED should go out.
Refer to the remote control manual
for more detail on the programming
process. You will need to press the
AUX button before using the remote
so that the codes are sent using the
correct code.
What’s next?
We’ve been swamped with suggestions of extra features for the DAB+/
FM/AM Radio. You will have seen
from the first part of the series that we
have even included a header to attach
a potential expansion board and connections to the audio multiplexer to
allow an alternate source of audio to
be fed to the output stages.
We don’t yet have any firm plans
for what (or even if or when) will be
added here. The expansion header was
designed with the intent of allowing
Two of probably hundreds of
remote controls suitable for
this project (the only ones we
actually tested). On the left is
the Altronics A1012 “Universal
Remote Control” while the
smaller unit on the right is
the Jaycar XC3718. It’s
sold as an “Arduino”
remote control but
works perfectly
with the DAB+
Silicon Chip
Australia’s electronics magazine
a WiFi-equipped board (such as one
based on an ESP8266) to be attached,
and be able to provide access to internet radio stations.
But there are so many possibilities
for expanding or enhancing the radio
that we couldn’t possibly investigate
all of them properly.
So, we put the call out to you, dear
We challenge you to add features
to the radio. The source code is available to those subscribers constructing
the project, and the expansion header makes changing the hardware easy
(and reversible).
Take great care if you are considering changing the interface with the
radio IC. It’s easy to “break” the code,
although you probably won’t damage
anything; going back to the original
software should at least get your radio going again.
Adjust the user interface if you like.
The colour scheme is simply set by
numerous CONSTs at the start of the
code, so this aspect can quite easily be
changed if you prefer a different feel.
If you come up with a useful enhancement, please send it in.
We may publish it in Circuit Notebook, or even its own article, if it’s significant enough. We look forward to
seeing what you come up with.
DAB Receiver Parts:
The following parts for the DAB+/FM/AM
Receiver will be available from the
Main PCB only
Main PCB with IC1 pre-soldered
Main PCB with IC1 and extra SMD
parts pre-soldered (SC4897)
Set of SMD parts (contains most parts
not included with the partially preassembled board) (SC4904)
Clear acrylic case (SC4849)
465mm extendable VHF whip antenna
with SMA connector (mainly for DAB+)
700mm extendable VHF whip antenna with
SMA connector (good for DAB+ and FM)
PCB-mount right-angle PAL socket
PCB-mount right-angle SMA socket
Dual horizontal PCB-mount RCA sockets