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Just like ET, with this project you can phonome from
anywhere in the universe. Unlike ET, when you phonome,
you’ll be able to do lots of things, like turn devices on and
off, monitor things, listen to sounds in your home and much
more. Best of all, it’s completely legal because no connection
is required to your phone or line. No alien visitors here!
by Leon Williams
34 Silicon Chip
Phonome Feature
transmitted down the
’m sure there have
telephone line when
been many times
! PIC microcontroller
you press the keys on
when you have been
Independently control
modern telephone
away from home – perhaps
2 relay outputs
! Monitor 2 opto-co
on holidays – and wonupled inputs
! No direct connectio
dered if you’ve forgotten to
A normal telephone
n to telephone line
turn something on or off.
keypad has only 12 but! Controlled by a ton
e telephone anywhere
in the world
Or perhaps you would
tons - 0-9, # and *. But
! Dial in and listen to
any sounds in your ho
have liked to monitor the
there are actually 16
! Easy to recognise
multiple frequency ton
alarm system or feed the
that can be genere
! 6 digit password pro
goldfish or wondered if
ated because one tone is
! EEPROM stores pa
the dog is barking. Maybe
made from a bank of four
ssword in case of powe
r failure
Intelligent ring detectio
the next-door-neighbour
low tones and one from a
! Powered from low
has called your mobile
of four high tones.
power 12V plug pack
to say there are noises
DTMF tones are used all
! Cheap and easy to
coming from your home.
over the world, so no matYou’d love to be able to
ter where you are, whether
“listen in” to home before
using a pay phone, a house
couple of relay outputs and
calling the Police.
phone or even a mobile
some opto-isolated signal inputs for
With the Phonome you can do all
phone you will be able to access the
you to do or control anything you wish.
this and much more.
Phonome. Of course old-style decadic
or pulse-dialing telephones are not
The Phonome (phone home, geddit?)
Not every phone will do
suitable – but these are fairly rare these
is a PIC-microcontroller-based unit
For the Phonome to work you will
days anyway.
that sits alongside your hands-free teleneed to have a telephone that has a
phone or speaker-phone.
No connections
speaker button that when pressed anIt listens for a ring from the teleswers the call, enables hands free operphone and when that ring is detected,
The unique feature of the Phonome
ation, and when pressed again releases
it operates a solenoid that presses the
is the way it interacts with the telethe call. There is a large range of these
speaker button on the telephone to
phone, without actually connecting to
telephones on the market and many of
answer the call. The Phonome then
the telephone line. By not connecting
the cordless telephone base stations
listens for a DTMF password from
directly to the telephone line we avoid
also incorporate these features.
the speaker.
the expense and complexity of having
We use this push button and the
to comply with the normal regulatory
If it gets that password, it maintains
speaker to avoid having to connect
the call, allowing you to control things
anything to the phone or line.
by pressing keys on your telephone,
To answer and release calls, a leThe Phonome accepts DTMF tones.
or simply to listen in via the speakver operated by a solenoid is used to
DTMF stands for Dual Tone Multiple
er-phone. When you are finished, you
press down the speaker button on the
Frequency, a universal system used for
enter a command that operates the
telephone for about one second. An
signaling over telephone lines. DTMF
solenoid again releasing the call.
electret microphone in the Phonome
tones are made up from two separate
box then acoustically receives DTMF
What things can you control? That’s
tones, generated simultaneously and
tones from the telephone speaker.
entirely up to you. We simply provide a
The “Phonome” control box,
showing the holes drilled in the
side for the speaker and also the electret microphone glued in position.
June 2001 35
Table 1:Key Commands
Turn ON relay 1
Turn OFF relay 1
Turn ON relay 2
Turn OFF relay 2
Read Input 1
Read Input 2
Change Password
End the call
Conversely, tone responses from the
Phonome are generated by an internal
speaker which are picked up by the
telephone’s microphone. To detect
an incoming call, the Phonome uses
the microphone to listen for bursts of
sound and decides if it is a valid call or
if it is spurious noises, which it rejects.
Normal ring signal is comprised of
a 400ms burst, 200ms silence, 400ms
burst and a 2-second silence, which
can easily be distinguished from noise.
To allow us to do all these things
simply and reliably, a PIC 16F84 microcontroller is used to perform all the
control functions. By using a microcontroller we can also have nice features
such as password checking, idle time
protection, informative tone responses
and ring training.
Ring training is used to train the
Phonome to the particular ring cadence
that your telephone emits. More about
this and the other special features later.
Apart from the solenoid assembly
the project is constructed on a single
PC board and housed in a plastic box.
Power is supplied from an unregulated
12V DC 500mA plugpack.
The Phonome responds to DTMF
tones that are sent each time you press
a key on the telephone. Table 1 shows
the possible commands, with the corresponding telephone key.
Note that there must be two # key
presses in a row to end the call. If any
key not shown in Table 1 is pressed, it
is ignored and an error tone is returned.
Various audible responses are generated by the loudspeaker. Because this
is the only communication between
the Phonome and you, the responses
have been chosen to be informative
and easy to recognise.
The responses range from a single
burst of tone (called a beep) to a multiple combination of different frequency
tones, ranging from 500Hz to 2100Hz.
Once you hear the responses a couple
of times you will quickly become familiar with them.
Table 2 describes the responses and
the associated tones.
Circuit description
The circuit is shown in Fig.1. As
Table 2:Phonome Beep Translation
Tone name
When tone heard
Tone (beep) description
When the unit is powered up
1 long medium frequency
After ring is detected and the solenoid
is operated to answer the call.
20 short high frequency
When a correct password is decoded.
3 short rising frequency
At the start and end of changing a password. Also heard after programming
default values has finished
6 short medium frequency
When a tested input is off, or a relay
is turned off.
1 long low frequency
When a tested input is on, or a relay
is turned on
2 short rising frequency
Indicates relay 1 or input 1.
1 short medium frequency
Also heard at the start of DTMF testing.
Indicates relay 2 or input 2.
Also heard at the start of ring training.
2 short medium frequency
When an unknown key is pressed,
or the first password attempt is wrong.
4 long low frequency
When the call is about to be terminated.
4 long descending frequency
36 Silicon Chip
you can see the heart of the design is
the PIC chip (IC1) which does all the
hard work.
The PIC chip used here is a 16F84
and has been used in many Silicon
Chip projects. It has 1K of ROM, 68
bytes of user RAM and 64 bytes of
non-volatile EEPROM.
The EEPROM holds the password
and other data in case of a power failure. When power is restored, the data
is read from the EEPROM into RAM for
program use. Like all microcontrollers
it needs to be programmed with the correct instructions. These instructions
come in a file called DIALUP.HEX,
and more details about this and how
you get it are at the end of the article.
Firstly, let’s have a look at the analog
input circuit (see Fig.1).
DTMF tones are received by the
electret microphone, which obtains
DC bias via a 10kΩ resistor. The small
audio signals from the microphone are
capacitively coupled to amplifier IC1b,
an inverting op amp. Here the signal is
amplified about 4 times.
A .001µF capacitor provides low
pass filtering in an effort to eliminate
high frequency noise so that the DTMF
detector has an easier time decoding
the digits.
From IC1b the signal goes in two
directions. The first path is to IC1a,
another op amp which provides a
variable gain up to about 25. The variable gain is accomplished by adjusting
trimpot VR1, and is included to raise
the level of the DTMF signals to suit the
following DTMF decoder. Once again
a .001µF capacitor provides low pass
filtering. The output signal is coupled
by a .01µF capacitor into the DTMF
detector IC2.
Note also that the inter stage coupling capacitors are reduced in value
to help keep out low frequency signals
such as 50Hz hum.
Although the DTMF signals pass
through the telephone network, get
reproduced by a speaker, are picked
up by a microphone and amplified,
the DTMF decoding has proved to be
very reliable.
The second path for the microphone
signal is on to op amp IC1c. IC1c provides a variable gain up to about 25,
made adjustable by trimpot VR2. This
adjustment sets the detection level for
the ring bursts.
From IC1c, the signal passes to IC1d
which is configured as a comparator.
The output of a comparator rests at ei-
Fig. 1: the Phonome circuit diagram.
June 2001 37
ther rail until the input signal exceeds
the threshold level. The threshold
level is determined by the ratio of the
47kΩ and 470kΩ resistors connected
to pin 12. When this level is exceeded
the output of IC1d swings between the
rails, so IC1d is acting like a very high
gain amplifier.
This high level signal is then passed
to a charge pump rectifier (D1 and
D2) which charges the 1µF capacitor.
The rectifier capacitor values are deliberately small so that the voltage on
the 1uF capacitor closely follows the
ring cadence. Transistor Q1 inverts
the voltage to logic levels for the PIC
input, such that a burst of ring is a
low and silence is a high. Transistor
Q2 lights LED1 when the ring burst is
active, and provides a visual aid when
setting trimpot VR2. A 15kΩ and a
10kΩ resistor supply a 2V reference
point for the op amps, while the 10µF
capacitor provides filtering.
IC2 is a MC145436 DTMF detector
and accepts audio signals from IC1a
via pin 7. This chip is quite popular,
and here it is used in its basic form.
The outputs are permanently enabled
by taking the Tri-state enable pin high,
and the internal oscillator function
Fig.2: component
overlay of the
Phonone. Only the
speaker and jacks
mount off the PC
38 Silicon Chip
is used. When a valid DTMF tone is
received on pin 7, it takes pin 12 (Data
Valid) high and the hexadecimal value
of the tone is output on the data pins
1, 2, 13 and 14. Transistor Q3 turns
on LED2 when Data Valid goes high
and is used while setting the correct
position of trimpot VR1. Pins 9 and 10
are the oscillator pins and a common
3.5795MHz crystal is used. To save
the cost of using another crystal, a
divide-by-8 clock output (447kHz) at
pin 11 is used for the PIC clock.
So much for the input circuit. Now
let’s look at the main circuit incorporating the PIC chip.
Pin 4 is the reset pin and is simply
tied to +5 volts by a 100Ω resistor.
The PIC has a built-in intelligent
reset circuit and this should prove
to be adequate in this application.
As discussed above, the PIC uses an
external clock input provided by the
DTMF decoder. This is input on pin
16, while the other clock pin (pin 15)
is not used and left open.
While 447kHz is a relatively low frequency for a microcontroller, the PIC
still has plenty of time to complete its
functions. However, the software must
on occasions take into consideration
the slow clock rate (instruction cycle
time about 8.94µS). An example is
the tone generation routines that turn
on and off the output pin at the tone
frequency rate.
Port A has five pins associated with
it and all are programmed as inputs.
RA0 to RA3 accept the hexadecimal
DTMF code, while RA4 monitors the
Data Valid line. Port B is configured so
that pins RB0 to RB3 are inputs while
RB4 to RB7 are outputs.
The ring signal waveform is monitored on RB0. The software monitors
this pin and measures the time the
input is low and the time it is high over
a 6-second period. If the low and high
times fall within the programmed values held in the internal EEPROM, then
the signal is considered valid ring.
Pin RB1 is checked at power up. If it
is low (by shorting the password pins
together on the PC board) the PIC goes
into the special features mode. More
about this later.
Under a normal power up RB1 is
read high because of the 10kΩ pull
up resistor and normal operation continues. RB2 and RB3 are connected to
opto couplers. They are normally held
high by the 10kΩ pull resistors but
are pulled low when current flows in
the opto-coupler LEDs. A diode and a
resistor provide polarity and over current protection for each opto-coupler
input. When current flows into the opto-coupler LED, the PIC pin is pulled
low and the PIC reads this as ON.
Pin RB4 drives a power Mosfet (Q7)
that switches the solenoid. When the
PIC pin is high, the solenoid is ener-
Inside the Phonome control box. The plugpack and solenoid connections are on the left while the right terminal blocks are
for inputs and outputs. Note the electret microphone glued in position on the upper case wall with the speaker alongside.
gised. Diode D5 is included to limit
reverse voltage spikes generated by
the inductive solenoid.
Pin RB5 is the output that is toggled high and low by the software at
the tone audio frequency. This drives
transistor Q6 which in turn drives
the speaker. A 22Ω resistor limits the
current drawn when the transistor is
on and consequently determines the
volume of the tones. A speaker and
the necessary driver software was
used rather than a simple piezo buzzer,
because it allows tones of different
frequencies to be generated.
Pins RB6 and RB7 drive transistors
that independently operate two SPDT
relays (RLY1 and RLY2). Each relay
coil has a diode in parallel to limit
reverse voltage spikes and a 47Ω resistor is included between the coils
and the unregulated supply rail. This
rail will probably be greater than 12V
and considering that the relays may
be energised for long periods, the
resistors drop the voltage to limit the
heat generated in the coils.
The power supply is relatively
straightforward, with a 7805 regulator
(REG1) providing a regulated +5V to
the electronics. Diode D8 provides
reverse polarity protection and a
2200µF capacitor smoothes the supply
and provides extra capacity when the
relays or solenoid are operated. Diode
D9 isolates the regulator from input
voltage drops during these short peri-
ods with the charge on the 1000µF capacitor helping maintain the regulator
input voltage. If we didn’t do this, it
may be possible that the +5V rail may
drop out for brief periods when the
relay and solenoids operate causing
the PIC chip to reset.
Start construction of this project by
assembling the PC board. There are
four wire links to be installed (one of
which is much longer than a resistor
pigtail offcut), so do these first. Ensure
they are straight and lay flat on the PC
board. Follow this with the smaller
components, such as the PC stakes, IC
socket, trimpots, resistors and diodes.
It is a bit difficult to read the value
of 1% resistors with the eye, so do as I
do and check them with a meter before
insertion. Their colour codes are also
listed in Table 3. Next, install the capacitors, ensuring that the electrolytics
are installed with correct polarity.
The relays and terminal strips can
be installed next. The holes for these
components may need enlarging so
that they fit neatly into the PC board.
Follow this with the LEDs, transistors
and ICs, with the exception of the PIC
chip which should be left until later.
Note that not all the ICs face the same
way, so check the component overlay
diagram before soldering them in.
The 5V regulator (REG1) runs quite
cool and won’t need a heatsink. The
transistors are a mixture of different
types including PNP and NPN, so
check that you have the right one
before inserting them in the PC board.
Once the PC board is finished you
can prepare the case which needs to
have a number of holes drilled in it.
See the photographs as a guide. Start
with holes to mount the DC socket and
solenoid socket at the left hand end. At
the far end, where the terminal strips
are located drill a large (say 10mm)
hole to allow cabling to enter.
Place the PC board on the bottom
of the case locating it so that the edge
where the LEDs are mounted is a few
millimeters from the side of the case,
mark the position of the holes, remove
the PC board and drill with a 3mm
drill. Mounting the PC board this way
gives extra room to mount the speaker
on the opposite side.
A series of holes needs to be drilled
to allow sound to escape from the
speaker through the case wall. These
are located about mid way along on
the other side. On the same side but
towards one end is a hole for the mic
insert. Once all the holes are drilled
and reamed to size, mount the speaker
with a bead of silicone adhesive placed
around the edge.
The mic insert is also glued into position with silicone adhesive. Firstly,
push the insert through the hole until
the face is flush with the outside of
the case. Then run a bead of adhesive
June 2001 39
Parts List –
1 PC board code 12106011
1 Plastic case 197mm x 113mm
x 63mm
10 PC board stakes
1 3.579MHz crystal (X1)
1 57mm 8Ω speaker
1 Electret mic insert
1 DC panel-mount socket to
match plug pack
1 3.5mm mono phono socket
2 12V SPDT relay (RLY1, 2)
2 3-way PCB terminal strip
2 2-way PCB terminal strip
1 18-pin IC socket
4 10mm x 3mm screws and nuts
4 self adhesive feet
Light duty hook up wire
Tinned copper wire
Light duty figure-8 cable
Shielded cable
1 PIC 16F84-04P (programmed
with DIALUP.HEX) (IC3)
1 MC145436 DTMF decoder
1 LM324 quad op amp (IC1)
2 4N25 opto-coupler (IC4, 5)
3 BC337 NPN transistors
(Q4, 5, 6)
2 BC547 NPN transistors
(Q1, 3)
1 BC557 PNP transistor (Q2)
1 MTP3055E Power Mosfet (Q7)
4 1N4148 signal diodes
(D1, 2, 6, 7)
5 1N4004 power diodes
(D3, 4, 5, 8, 9)
1 7805 positive 5V regulator
1 5mm Red LED (LED1)
1 5mm Green LED (LED2)
1 2200µF 25VW PC electrolytic
1 1000µF 25VW PC electrolytic
3 10µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 1µF 16VW PC electrolytic
7 0.1µF MKT polyester
1 .01µF MKT polyester
2 .001µF MKT polyester
Resistors (0.5W, 1%)
1 1MΩ
1 470kΩ 7 47kΩ
1 15kΩ 15 10kΩ
2 560Ω
2 220Ω 1 100Ω
2 47Ω
1 22Ω
1 10Ω
2 250kΩ horizontal trimpot
(VR1, 2)
40 Silicon Chip
around the insert on the inside of the
case and leave overnight to cure.
Once the case has been prepared,
install the sockets and mount the PC
board in the case with 3mm screws
and nuts. An extra nut is placed on
the screws between the case and the
PC board to act as a spacer.
The power socket and the solenoid
socket are wired to the PC board
stakes with light duty figure-8 cable.
The speaker is wired using light duty
hookup wire, while the microphone
insert should we wired to the PC
board with a short piece of shielded
audio cable. Ensure that the shield is
connected to the mic insert pin that is
bonded to the metal body.
Apply four self adhesive feet to the
bottom of the case when finished.
The solenoid
The dimensions of your solenoid
assembly may need to be adapted to
suit the specific speaker-phone you
use. Changes may include such things
as the height of the solenoid assembly
and the length of the lever and extension arm. The design of the successful
prototype assembly was arrived at after
quite a bit of experimentation with
various solenoids and mechanical
Obviously this assembly is optimised for telephones with the speaker
button towards the lower edge of the
base. In my small survey, I found this
to be the most common type.
If the speaker button is in the middle
of the base, a different solenoid technique will be required. I’ll leave this
to your mechanical construction skills.
My experiments with a couple of
telephone bases indicated that between 100 and 200 grams of force was
needed to depress the speaker button,
with a travel of between one and two
The specified solenoid when operated at 12V is able to supply this force,
however a couple of things need to
be taken into consideration to ensure
that the assembly will work reliably.
Firstly, the pulling force with all
solenoids is reduced the further the
plunger is removed from the coil. To
obtain the required force for our application, the plunger throw must be
no more than 3-4mm.
Secondly, when we connect the
plunger to an arm to act as our lever
we must ensure that the distance from
the button contact point to the pivot is
equal to or less than the distance from
the pivot to the plunger.
If the button side of the lever is
too long, the force available to press
the button will be reduced, and may
not operate reliably. The prototype
solenoid assembly was designed and
constructed taking into account these
considerations and as a result proved
to be very successful.
It would be useless placing the
solenoid on the desk next to the telephone without securing it so that it
acts against the speaker button.
If it was not anchored the solenoid
would simply rise as the lever was
moved, and the button would not be
pressed. To overcome this problem the
solenoid assembly must be screwed
to a stand that sits underneath the
telephone base.
When the solenoid is energised, the
arm now works against the button and
full pressure is applied.
Solenoid assembly
The first step therefore is to obtain
a piece of 10mm thick timber, such as
MDF or particle board and cut it to size
so that there is enough space to sit the
telephone base and solenoid assembly.
The accompanying photographs show
the general idea.
There are plenty of options here
and you could even stain or paint it a
matching colour if you wish.
The solenoid assembly proper is
constructed from scrap double sided
PC board. While this may seem unusual, this material is easy to work, can
be soldered easily and is quite strong.
Fig.3 shows the details of the PC
board sections that were used for the
prototype. Cut out the sections using a
fine tooth hacksaw blade, and file the
edges smooth. Drill all the holes and
clean away any burrs.
To enhance the appearance of the PC
board, clean the copper surface with a
plastic kitchen scourer and spray with
PC board clear lacquer. When drilling
the holes in section C, make sure that
the hole for the brass spacer pivot
bearing is just big enough to allow the
spacer to slide through the lever arm.
Don’t solder it in place at this stage. A
hacksaw mounted with two hacksaw
blades should be the right width for
the slot in the extension arm (E) so that
the lever (C) is a slide fit onto the arm.
Solder the vertical section (A) at
90º to the base piece (B), leaving a 1
to 2mm gap from the edge of the base.
Solenoid Assembly
Two close-up views of the solenoid
assembly, made from scraps of PC
board (see detail below). Note how the
actuator arm can be set to the precise
position required for reliable action
on your particular phone.
This is best done by firstly spot soldering and checking for square, and when
satisfied, running a fillet of solder on
both sides of the joint.
Mount the solenoid with the two
3mm x 4mm long screws, and also
install the 4mm x 20mm screw onto
the pivot hole in section (A). Tightly
screw on a nut to hold the pivot screw
in position. Solder the 4mm nut with
a spot of solder between two faces of
the nut and the PC board to stop it
loosening. Slide the spacer into the
lever and place onto the pivot screw,
with the 3mm hole in the lever closest
to the upper edge. Enlarge the plunger
hole with a 3mm drill and then slide
it into the solenoid housing. Move the
lever up into the plunger slot and slide
a 3mm screw through the holes in the
plunger and lever. Test the lever for
free movement.
Screw a nut onto the pivot screw to
prevent the spacer from moving sideways, but still letting it rotate freely.
If the spacer is too long and you are
unable to screw on the 4mm nut completely, you will need to file the end
of the spacer a little until it fits. Now
slide the lever arm along the spacer
until it is inline with the plunger slot
and parallel with the vertical section.
Once this position is found, carefully
disassemble and solder the lever to the
spacer, being careful not to get solder
inside the spacer hole.
Reassemble and ensure that the lever and plunger can move freely. You
may need to loosen the screws holding
the solenoid and rotate it slightly to let
1 12V DC solenoid (Jaycar SS0901)
1 3.5mm mono jack socket
2 3.5mm mono jack plug
1 3mm x 12mm screw and nut
2 3mm x 4mm screws
1 12mm long brass spacer (hole
clearance for 4mm screw)
1 4mm x 20mm screw and nuts
3 No 6 x 10mm self-tapping
Light duty figure 8 cable
Scrap double sided PC board,
approx 60mm x 160mm
10mm thick stand (Pine, MDF or
plywood), size to suit
telephone base
the plunger move freely. Tighten the
screws again, once the correct position
is found.
When satisfied, spot solder the outer
4mm nut to the pivot screw and a nut
onto the plunger/lever screw to stop
them unscrewing due to vibration.
Solder the stopper section (F) under
the lever arm at the plunger end and
check that there is 3-4mm of plunger
travel available.
Solder in the triangular brace section (D) to strengthen the assembly,
again with a fillet of solder along each
edge. Install a 3.5mm mono jack socket
in the remaining hole in the vertical
section above the lever. Shorten the
Fig.4: detail of
the solenoid
mounting assembly, using scraps
of double-sided
PC board.
June 2001 41
Use this side-on shot as a guide to drilling the speaker and microphone holes.
solenoid coil wires and solder them
to the socket with either polarity, so
that they are away from the lever. If
you temporarily apply 12V DC to the
solenoid, the lever arm should move
up with a sharp ‘click’ when power is
applied and release smoothly when
the power is removed.
Place your telephone base on the
stand and the solenoid in front of the
speaker button.
Slide the extension arm section (E)
onto the lever arm. Move the assembly
so that the extension arm is above and
almost resting on the speaker button
with the lever arm in the normal
position (lever resting on stopper
section). Mark the position and screw
the assembly to the stand with three
self-tapping screws.
Note the position of the extension
arm, move the telephone base aside,
and spot solder the extension arm to
the lever arm.
Place the telephone back into position and using the 12V DC supply
operate the solenoid and check that the
speaker button operates correctly. That
is, when the solenoid is energised, the
telephone goes off-hook and you can
hear dial tone and when it is operated
again the telephone goes on-hook. Adjustments can be made to the extension
arm position by melting the spot solder
with an iron, moving the arm to the
new position and allowing it to cool.
Once you are satisfied that all is OK,
solder the extension arm permanently
to the lever arm. In normal operation,
power for the solenoid comes from the
main PC board, so you will need to fabricate a cable to connect the solenoid to
the socket on the case. This is simply
a short length of figure-8 cable fitted
with a 3.5mm jack plug on both ends.
Initial testing
Once construction is complete, it
is time to apply power to the circuit.
Leave the solenoid unplugged at this
Connect the plug pack to the DC
socket, and using your multimeter
measure the voltage at the power
supply socket (between + and 0V).
This should be somewhere between
12V and 17V. Leave your black test
lead connected to 0V and measure
the voltage at the junction of D8 and
D9, which should be around 0.6V less
and finally at the input to REG1 which
should be 0.6V lower again.
Next measure the voltage at the output of REG1. You should read close to
5V and you should also read the same
voltage at pin 14 of the PIC socket.
About 2V should be read at pin 2 of
IC1. If you don’t get these readings or
Table 3: Resistor Colour Codes
No. Value 4-Band Code (1%) 5-Band Code (1%)
1 1MΩ
brown black green brown brown black black yellow brown
1 470kΩ yellow violet yellow brown yellow violet black orange brown
7 47kΩ
yellow violet orange brown yellow violet black red brown
1 15kΩ
brown green orange brown brown green black red brown
15 10kΩ brown black orange brown brown black black red brown
2 560Ω
green blue brown brown green blue black black brown
2 220Ω
red red brown brown red red black black brown
1 100Ω
brown black brown brown brown black black black brown
2 47Ω
yellow violet black brown yellow violet black gold brown
1 22Ω
red red black brown red red black gold brown
1 10Ω
brown black black brown brown black black gold brown
42 Silicon Chip
fairly close to them, remove the power
source quickly and look for errors,
especially with the power wiring
and the installation of the polarised
When you are satisfied that the
power supply is correct, adjust the
two trimpots halfway and whistle into
the microphone. The ring LED (LED1)
should turn on, then go off when you
stop whistling. If it doesn’t turn on,
there is a problem with the audio
input circuit. Note that the DTMF
LED (LED2) should not turn on at this
stage. You should be able to trace any
problems in the audio circuits with
a multimeter and an audio monitor
Once done, remove the power,
wait a few seconds and insert the
programmed PIC chip into the 18-pin
socket. Apply power again and after a
second you should hear the power up
beep in the speaker. This beep is good
news, because the PIC has powered up
The 5V power rail takes some time
to fall away after power is removed, so
you must wait a few seconds between
powering off and on to allow the reset
circuit to work properly.
If you don’t hear the beep, you have
a problem. This may simply be in the
speaker circuit or maybe the clock
input from IC2.
If you suspect the oscillator is at
fault, the best approach would be to
check for the 447kHz clock signal at
pin 16 of IC3 with a frequency counter.
If you cannot make a reading, then the
DTMF decoder (IC2) or the crystal is
probably at fault.
Default password
When the unit is powered for the
first time the password is unknown.
Because we can only access the unit
by entering in a correct password, we
need a backdoor method so that we can
get in and program our own.
To do this, remove the power, apply
a short between the password pins,
wait a few seconds and reconnect
the power. The power up beep will
be heard again and after 10 seconds
Table 4: Capacitor Codes
Value IEC code EIA code
remove the short on the pins. The
password tone will be then heard
indicating that the default password
has been set to 123456 and stored in
EEPROM. Turn off the power again.
If, in the future, you forget your
password, you can invoke the default
password in the same way. Note that
as a security precaution, you can only
do this when you are physically at the
unit and not from a remote location.
On-hook detection
Imagine that we make a call to the
Phonome and it answers by operating the telephone speaker button but
during the call the power goes off.
When the power comes back on the
Phonome powers up, goes to idle and
waits for ring. It does not know that
the telephone call is still off-hook.
This means that ring will not be heard
and in any case no one can call this
telephone because it will be busy.
To overcome this potential problem, a special process is invoked each
time the Phonome powers up to determine whether the telephone is on
or off-hook. We can tell when a hands
free telephone is on-hook because
there is no sound from the speaker,
however when we press the speaker
button and go off- hook we hear dial
tone until the exchange times out.
The Phonome uses this method to
determine whether the telephone is
off or on hook, and also if the telephone and line are working. We will
look at the normal situation first.
When the Phonome powers up,
the solenoid is
automatically operated and after a
2 second settling
time, the ring output (Q1 collector)
is monitored.
If dial tone is
present and VR2 is
adjusted correctly,
the ring output
will be low. It is monitored for a further two seconds and if it is continuously low for this period the Phonome
considers this to be the off -hook state.
It then operates the solenoid again to
go onohook and wait for a call. There
are however, two situations where the
ring output may not be low for two
seconds after operating the solenoid
following a power up.
Firstly, the power up of the Phonome may have taken place with
the telephone already off-hook, as
discussed above. In this situation
operating the solenoid at power up
will place the telephone on-hook and
so no dial tone will be heard.
To check if this is the case the
Phonome firstly waits five seconds,
operates the solenoid and looks for
dial tone again. If dial tone is found
this time, the telephone must now be
off- hook. The Phonome operates the
solenoid, returning the telephone to
on- hook and waits for ring.
The second situation is if there is a
line fault. With a line fault we are not
going to get dial tone no matter how
many times we operate the solenoid.
As there is little use in continually
cycling the solenoid for extended
periods if the line is faulty, the Phonome will only try for dial tone four
times in a row. If after four attempts
dial tone is still not detected, the Phonome stops and waits for 10 minutes
before trying another sequence of four
attempts. Note that no calls will be
answered until the 10 minute period
has elapsed and the next search for
dial tone has been successful.
Special features
Using a microcontroller in a design allows some nice features to be
included that would otherwise be
difficult to do. In this case two very
useful diagnostic features, a DTMF
decoder checker and a ring training
function are included. Both these
features are accessed through shorting
the password pins for set periods at
power up.
DTMF decoder checker
The DTMF decoder checker allows
you to ensure that the input circuit
including the microphone and the
DTMF decoder are operating correctly.
To access the DTMF decoder checker, apply power with the password
pins shorted and release the short
within five seconds. A short beep
will be heard and each time a DTMF
sequence is decoded a sequence of
beeps equal to the value of the key
will be heard.
For example if the key ‘1’ is pressed
one beep will be heard and if the ‘7’
key is pressed seven beeps will be
heard and so on. Trimpot VR1 varies
the sensitivity of the input amplifier
and is adjusted while monitoring
LED2 so that it turns on when each
DTMF digit is heard.
Full-size artwork
of the Phonome
PC board for those
who like to make
their own. It can
also be used to
check commercially-made boards
for defects
June 2001 43
and then quickly short
the pins and take the
short off before the
next ring burst. Another two beeps will
be heard indicating
that training is now in
progress. The PIC waits
until it has detected a
burst of ring between
400mS and one second
before proceeding. It
then waits for the start
of the following burst of
ring and measures the
Here's a close-up showing how the solenoid extenon and off ring periods
sion arm pushes down on the “speaker” button of the
for the next six seconds.
phone. Only loudspeaking phones with this type of
button can be used.
At the completion of
the six second period
Power must be removed to end continuously repeating beeps
DTMF checking.
will be heard and the new ring values
will be stored in EEPROM. This rather
Ring training
involved procedure is to try and ensure
The input circuit provides a digital that two periods of good ring are stored.
You will need to turn off the power to
signal to the PIC chip, which is low
when a burst of ring is heard by the stop the beeps and exit ring training.
microphone, and high when there is
Final testing
no ring.
Perform the default password proThe software within the PIC measures the length of the low and high gramming operation, if you haven’t
periods of the ring signal. These are already done so. Place the telephone
then compared with reference values base on the stand with the speaker
stored in the EEPROM to determine if button under the solenoid lever arm.
it is ring or some other repetitive noise The case should be placed so that the
microphone is close to the telephone
which can be ignored.
These EEPROM values are set to speaker and the Phonome speaker is
close to the telephone microphone.
default values for standard Australian
ring when the default password proce- Obviously there are limitations to this,
and the unit should still work if you
dure is done.
cannot get them real close.
There may be situations where the
Remember that the further they are
particular ring that is heard from your
telephone is not close enough to the apart, the more echo and noise will be
default values to be considered valid picked up by the microphone. It is also
important to adjust the volume control
ring. This could be due to variations
in the exchange you are connected to, on the telephone base to the correct
level. It must be set so that the level
or the electronics in the telephone etc.
To allow the Phonome to detect is above the background noise but not
almost any ring signal, we can enter a so loud that the tones are distorted.
There is plenty of gain range ad‘training’ state so that the ring on and
justment in the input circuit, and
off times can be read and stored.
This is done by powering on the Pho- the DTMF decoder chip has a large
dynamic range, so there is no need
nome with the password pins shorted
for longer than five seconds but less to have the telephone level too high.
If you do have trouble with the
than ten seconds, where two beeps
detector working reliably, it will probwill be heard.
ably be due to distorted DTMF tones
Now sit the unit near the telephone
and ring your home from your mobile through over driving the telephone
or get someone else to ring you. Watch speaker rather than too low a level.
Plug the solenoid cable into the
LED1 and check that it flashes in time
with the bursts of audible ring. If not, solenoid socket and the plug pack
into the power supply socket on the
adjust trimpot VR2 until it does.
When you are ready, wait for a pe- case. Apply power and you will be
riod of silence in between ring bursts greeted again with the power up beep.
44 Silicon Chip
Following this you should see the solenoid operate searching for dial tone. If
everything is OK, dial tone should be
heard for two seconds, LED1 should be
on and then the solenoid will operate
again returning the handset to the on
hook state. If the LED does not come
on, then you will need to adjust VR2.
Using your mobile phone, or obtaining the help of a friendly next door
neighbor, call your number and check
that LED1 turns on when the bursts of
ring can be heard. If the ring detection
values in the PIC are correct, the solenoid should operate to answer the call.
After the solenoid has operated, you
should hear 20 short beeps of tone.
From the moment the beeps stop you
have three seconds to enter a password
digit. If any of the password digits are
not entered within three seconds of the
last, the call will be cancelled. If you
enter 6 digits within time but the password is wrong, an error tone will be
sent and one more attempt is allowed.
If the second attempt fails the call is
cancelled immediately. At this stage
enter the default password, 123456.
You should see LED2 turn on as each
digit is received. If not, you may need
to adjust VR1 and try again. You may
find it necessary to hold down the keys
on the telephone a little longer than
normal and enter the digits slowly to
obtain reliable DTMF detection under
some circumstances.
Once the password is accepted you
will hear a connected tone of three
beeps. At this point you have three
minutes to enter a command. If no
commands are entered a reminder
tone is sent each minute, and if three
minutes have elapsed since the last
digit was received the call is cancelled.
You may at this stage wish to refer
to the keys and the corresponding
commands in Table 1, and the tones in
Table 2. It would be a good idea at this
stage to set your own password, so that
a level of security is provided. To do
this press the ‘*’ key on your handset.
You will then hear the password tone
sequence. Enter the new password,
and after the sixth digit is entered the
password tone is sent again and the
new password is stored in EEPROM.
If you timeout during this process, the
error tone is sent and the old password
is restored.
An added bonus with the Phonome is that you can listen to what
is happening inside the room where
it is located. If you were, for example
turning on a radio or television in the
room, you would be able to check that
it indeed did come on.
will be terminated.
Screw the cover onto the box and the
Phonome is ready for action.
Inputs and outputs
Press the ‘1’ key and you should hear
a single beep followed by a two-beep
rising frequency tone indicating output
1 is on. Relay 1 should have energised
at this point. Now press the ‘2’ key.
You should now hear a single beep,
followed by a single low frequency tone
indicating output 1 is off, and relay 1
should now be de-energised. Relay 2
operates the same way using the ‘3’
and ‘4’ keys, except that 2 beeps will
initially be heard to indicate relay 2.
Press the ‘5’ key. You should hear a
single beep followed by a single low frequency tone indicating that input 1 is
off. Connect a DC supply of around 5V
to the input 1 terminal strip, ensuring
correct polarity. Press ‘5’ again and you
should hear a single beep followed by a
two-beep rising frequency tone indicating output 1 is on. Input 2 operates the
same way, except that two beeps will
initially be heard indicating input 2.
If you now press the ‘9’ key, you
should hear the error tone. Anytime an
unrecognised digit is received the error
tone is returned and no action is taken.
To end the call, press the ‘#’ key twice
in a row. The end tone will be heard,
the solenoid will operate and the call
To conclude, here are a few final
comments and tips to help you get
the most from your Phonome. As
mentioned before the mechanical
construction of the stand and solenoid assembly will really depend on
the telephone base you use and your
individual requirements. For example,
you may want to include some form of
seating for the telephone so that it does
not move around, and you may also
want to encase the solenoid assembly
with a cover to tidy it up a little.
The relays (RLY1 and RLY2) are
small 12V SPDT types that are only
intended to switch low voltages. If
you want to operate mains devices,
then use these outputs to control
larger isolated mains rated relays. The
opto-coupler inputs are designed to
interface with logic outputs that can
supply around 5mA of current. If you
intend to interface to high voltage
lines, you may need to include an
additional external resistor in series
with the opto-coupler LED circuit to
limit the input current. While higher
currents can be tolerated, including
the extra resistor to limit the current
to around 5 to 10mA would be safe
If you want to test your Phonome
off-line without making telephone
calls, this is simple to do. Instead of
the need for ring and dialtone from
the telephone, you can simulate these
sounds by whistling into the microphone. The ring detector input circuit
cannot distinguish the frequency of
tones, only audio level, so a constant
whistle will suffice. To get the ring
detector to work you need to be fairly
accurate with your whistle, however
the two 400ms bursts can be simply
combined into a single 1-second burst.
If you unplug the telephone from the
wall socket and connect the telephone
line plug to a 12V DC supply, you
can test the DTMF checker without
needing to make telephone calls. After
pressing the speaker button, the DTMF
tones will be heard from the telephone
speaker as the keys are pressed.
To fully explain how the software
works would take an article on is own.
The best approach is to download
the Phonome files from the SILICON
CHIP Web site combined in a zip file
DIALUP.ZIP. To program your own PIC
chip you will need the file DIALUP.
HEX, while you can get a better understanding of how it works by reading
the DIALUP.ASM file.
Full-size artwork for the Phonome fron panel. This suits the zippy box specified in the parts list.
June 2001 45