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Vintage Battery
Radio Li-ion
Ken Kranz
Nicholas Vinen
Vintage Radio
enthusiasts know
that “A” and “B”
batteries have been
effectively unobtainable for some time.
So what to do?
Try this compact and
easy-to-build module:
using Li-ion or LiPo
cells, it can generate
both the A and B supplies for most battery valve sets and suits sets
with a wide range of HT voltages. It generates virtually no EMI (which
could interfere with radio reception). It also incorporates battery overdischarge protection and reversed battery/cell protection.
wanted a power supply to run a
typical battery-powered vintage radio from a set of 18650 (or similar)
Li-Ion rechargeable cells. I considered
developing a switchmode design for
decent efficiency, but RFI from switchmode supplies can interfere with radio
So I designed this ‘low-tech’ supply
using a low-cost PCB-mounting transformer and a few transistors and passives instead.
This circuit was designed to power
Silicon Chip
my Aristocrat Tecnico 859 from four
18650 Li-ion cells, but it would suit a
great many valve sets. It is often tuned
to 3WV in Victoria’s Wimmera from
my home in Adelaide, South Australia,
with no power supply noise evident.
The set requires 90V for the ‘B’ supply
and 1.4V for the ‘A’ supply.
One of these was also fitted to the
1937 Velco radio that I described in the
August 2020 issue (
au/Article/14544) but left off all the
low-voltage cutout components as the
Australia’s electronics magazine
set now runs from a 6V DC plugpack.
The filament supply is 2V <at> 700mA,
so I attached the low tension (LT) regulator to the diecast aluminium enclosure the PCB is fitted into. The B+ for
this radio is 135V.
Most battery-powered radios need a
B+ supply of 90-135V DC at up to about
12mA (<1.7W). So I chose a 5W PCBmounting mains transformer which I
used backwards, with the 230V primary
used as the secondary output winding.
I determined that I would need a
Scope1: a scope grab showing the operation of the oscillator,
with VR1 and VR2 at their midpoints. The yellow and green
traces are the waveforms at the collectors of Q3 and Q4,
while the blue and mauve traces are the gate voltages of
Mosfets Q1 and Q2. The duty cycle is not quite 50%, hence
the need for adjustability. Note how the Mosfet switch-on is
gradual while switch-off is fast.
transformer with either 6V + 6V or 9V
+ 9V secondaries (acting as the primary here, configured as a single centretapped 12V or 18V winding).
You can’t just determine the transformer turns ratio by dividing the secondary voltage into the primary voltage.
Consider the 230V to 6V + 6V transformer; the 6V AC output voltages are
determined for a resistive load at full
power. With 230V AC on the primary,
the 6V windings’ open-circuit voltages
measure 8.4V AC each. So the actual
turns ratio is 230V ÷ 8.4V = 27.5.
Therefore, 8.4V AC is the nominal input voltage when the low-voltage winding is used as the input; if only 90V
output is required, it can be somewhat
lower. The small transformer’s primary
winding DC resistance is around 800Ω,
and the low-voltage secondaries measure around 2.5Ω each (or 5.6Ω each for
the 9+9V version). This also needs to
be considered, as does the high leakage inductance.
The relatively high secondary winding resistance (which is the primary in
Scope2: here the blue and mauve traces are still the gate
voltages of Q1 & Q2 while the yellow and green traces are
their drain voltages (ie, the push-pull drive to transformer
T1). The Mosfets operate as inverters with significant
inductive spikes at switch off; high enough to cause ZD5
and ZD6 to conduct
this application) means that the driving
Mosfets don’t need any current limiting
at switch-on. The peak current is limited by the transformer itself.
Respecting the current ratings for the
various windings, an output of up to
about 2W is possible; more than enough
for this application. The best operating
frequency is often above the 50/60Hz
recommended for the transformers. The
final design provides some frequency
adjustment, to let you set the optimal
operating point.
The B+ supply normally needs to be
galvanically isolated from the filament
supply as back-bias is often employed.
Because of this, and the fact the B+ current remains constant, a simple series
resistor and zener diode is used to regulate the B+ output. Remember that the
800Ω transformer winding can be used
to dissipate some energy.
Depending on how you have configured it, this supply could generate voltages above the 60V DC which is considered the limit of safe ‘extra low volt-
Features & specifications
• Runs from two or four li-ion, LiPo or LiFePO4 batteries
(typically two series cells for the HT generator and two parallel cells for LT)
• HT output (B): 24-135V DC at up to 2W
• LT output (A): 1.2-2.5V at up to 3A (with a heatsink)
• Low-battery cut-out voltages: 0-10V (B), 0-4.5V (A)
• Quiescent current when off: around 10µA (B) & 2µA (A)
• HT operating current (B): around 300mA <at> 6.2V for 135V HT
• LT operating current (A): 5-10mA plus what the radio draws
• Other features: low EMI, indicator LED, provision for low-current SPST
on/off switch, adjustable transformer drive frequency and duty cycle
Australia’s electronics magazine
age’ operation. While 100V or so may
not seem very high compared to mains
voltages, it’s certainly high enough to
give you a serious shock should you
come in contact with the high tension
(HT) side of the circuit.
So you must work in such a way that
you can’t come in contact with the Supply or the HT circuitry it is powering
while power is applied. When probing or adjusting the Supply, always
use tools with sufficiently high voltage ratings. Once it has been set up, it
must be housed in such a way that users can’t come in contact with any of
the HT circuitry, and all wiring should
be properly insulated.
If you are already working on valve
sets, chances are you will already understand the danger and have safe
practices. If you are a novice, seek assistance from a more experienced technician before building or working on
this Supply.
Circuit description
While the circuit and board are designed to operate from one or two batteries, it’s far better to have two batteries: a lower-voltage battery for the A
supply and a higher-voltage battery for
the B-supply. This improves efficiency
and reduces heat dissipation.
My recommendation is that the higher-voltage battery should consist of two
li-ion, LiPo or LiFePO4 cells in series,
giving a nominal voltage of around 7.4V
(or 6.6V for LiFePO4). You could use
two sets of parallel cells if you wanted
to, ie, a 2S2P configuration, although
that isn’t really necessary.
December 2020 27
The lower-voltage battery can be
one of the same cells, or better, two in
parallel. This will then have a nominal
voltage of 3.7V or 3.3V, depending on
the chemistry.
Assuming that two batteries are used,
the higher-voltage battery is connected
to CON1 and the lower-voltage battery
to CON2 (see Fig.1 above).
Both connections have reverse-polarity protection in the form of series 1A
PTC thermistors and reverse-connected
3A diodes, D1 & D2.
Should either battery be connected
with the wrong polarity, the associated diode will conduct and cause the
PTC to go high-resistance. The radio
would then not work, and presumably,
this would lead you to discover and
correct the problem before the battery
discharged. Those PTCs also provide
a measure of over-current protection,
should something go wrong on the
power supply board or in the radio.
The B IN + supply from CON1 then
Silicon Chip
goes through P-channel Mosfet switch
Q5 and runs the high-voltage B-supply generator, while the A IN + supply
from CON2 goes through a similar Mosfet switch, Q6, and onto the A-supply
generator. These Mosfets provide the
low-battery cut-out protection, which
will be described later.
If a single battery is used, CON2,
PTC2, D2, D4 and Q6 are left off the
board, and a wire link is soldered
across LK1. The B IN + supply then
goes through switch Q5 and onto both
the A-supply and B-supply generators.
More on this possibility later.
High-voltage generator
As well as the description below, the
operation of this part of the circuit is
depicted in oscilloscope grabs Scope1Scope5 overleaf.
With Mosfet Q5 on, current flows
through the 220Ω resistor to charge the
10µF bypass capacitor for the oscillator.
The voltage across that capacitor, and
Australia’s electronics magazine
thus the oscillator supply, is clamped
to around 5.6V by zener diode ZD1 for
consistent operation.
NPN transistors Q3 and Q4 form a
basic oscillator, with trimpots VR1 and
VR2 providing a small amount of both
duty cycle and frequency adjustment.
This allows you to tune the oscillator
to get a 50% duty cycle for the most efficient driving of transformer T1, and to
adjust the frequency to tweak the power
delivery to suit your radio.
The oscillation frequency is determined by the time constant of the resistances and capacitors connected to
the bases of transistors Q3 & Q4.
With VR1 & VR2 centred, R = 100kΩ
and C = 100nF, so the approximate frequency is 1 ÷ (1.38 x R x C) = 72.5Hz.
With VR1 & VR2 at the extremes, it
can be varied from about 54Hz up to
The duty cycle is adjusted by varying
the resistance of one trimpot slightly
compared to the other.
Fig.1: the left-hand section of the Power Supply circuit provides input protection
and the low-battery cut-out function, while the middle section is the HT drive
oscillator and LT regulator. The oscillator drives the step-up section at upper
right, with T1 providing high voltage AC that’s rectified by BR1 and filtered by
two electrolytic capacitors and a resistor to give relatively smooth HT DC.
Drive for the gates of Mosfets Q1 and
Q2 comes from the collectors of Q3 and
Q4 via 5.6kΩ current-limiting resistors.
These form RC low-pass filters with the
Mosfet gate capacitances, and their values may be increased if switching noise
is a problem.
The 18V zeners protect the Mosfets
from an excessive gate-source voltage
which might be caused by back-EMF
from the transformer coupling through
the Mosfet parasitic capacitances. In
practice, they rarely conduct.
Q1 and Q2 drive the ‘primary’ of
transformer T1 in push-pull fashion.
The 9+9V windings are intended to be
the transformer’s secondaries when it
is operated from the mains, but here
we are using it in the opposite manner.
T1’s centre tap connects to the battery
supply before the 220Ω resistor, so that
the transformer has a low source impedance. It draws around 0.5A when
delivering more than 2W at 100V.
Note that Q1 & Q2 must be
level Mosfets as they will typically receive a maximum gate-source voltage
of around 5V.
The output of T1 is rectified by BR1
to charge the first 100µF capacitor. The
second 100µF capacitor forms a lowpass filter with the 100Ω resistor to
reduce ripple, while zener diode ZD2
limits the voltage applied to the radio
until its HT current draw comes up to
normal. After that, it’s limited by the
transformer and 100Ω series resistor.
Note that high voltage zener diodes
have quite high zener impedances, so
for example, if ZD2 is a 75V diode, the
B+ OUT voltage could easily exceed
85V at light loads. This is unlikely to
damage any radio, and it will drop to
a more normal level as the radio draws
more current. ZD2 is just there to prevent wildly high HT voltages from being applied.
Filament supply
The filament supply is based around
Australia’s electronics magazine
adjustable linear regulator REG1. This
is similar to the LM317 but can deliver more current; over 3A, rather than
1.5A. The LD1085 also has a lower
dropout voltage than the LM317 at
similar currents, although that isn’t
important here.
The A OUT voltage is adjusted using trimpot VR5, which forms a divider with the 110Ω resistor between the
OUT and ADJ terminals. As there is a
fixed voltage between OUT and ADJ,
and a fixed resistance, that means that
the current through VR5 is essentially
constant. So by varying its resistance,
we vary the voltage between ADJ and
GND, and thus set a fixed output voltage.
A typical 5-valve portable radio (eg,
the Aristocrat Tecnico 859) with a valve
compliment of 1T4, 1R5, 1T4, 1S5 and
3S4 will require 300mA at 1.4V for the
filaments. So with a 3.7V battery, the
regulator will dissipate (3.7 – 1.4) x
0.3 = 690mW so little heatsinking is
required for REG1.
The heatsinking of REG1 can be adjusted as required; some heatsinking
was required for my Velco radio.
You could use a flag heatsink, as we
did on our prototype, or bolt the regulator to a piece of metal, such as the
Note than some battery radios had
the filaments connected in series.
Those radios will need a filament supply of something like 7.5V <at> 50mA.
This circuit would be suitable for such
radios with a few tweaks.
For example, the 110Ω resistor
would have to increase to say 620Ω
to give REG1 sufficient adjustment
range, and the B+ battery would probably need to be three Li-ion, LiPo or
LiFePO4 cells in series to give REG1 a
sufficiently high input for regulation,
even when the battery is almost flat.
The resistors connected to pin 5
of IC1b would also need to change
from 1MΩ/2.2MΩ to something like
3.3MΩ/1MΩ so that the low-battery
cut-out adjustment range would suit
that battery.
Low-battery protection
Mosfet switches Q5 (and Q6, if fitted) are used to provide low-battery
protection. If either battery’s voltage
drops below a critical level, Q5 and Q6
switch off, so the power supply and radio shut down. In this state, the circuit
only draws about 10µA from the B-battery and about 2µA from the A-battery.
December 2020 29
Scope3: the yellow trace is the drive voltage across T1’s
primary (ignoring the centre tap), while the green trace is
the voltage across the secondary. Note the different scales:
20V/div for the primary and 50V/div for the secondary. The
secondary shows little overshoot and no ringing.
Scope4: a close-up of the edge of the waveform in Scope3.
Here you can clearly see the primary overshoot is limited to
around 60V by ZD5 and ZD6, which each conduct for around
µs per cycle, protecting Q1 and Q2 from excessive drain
voltages (although they are avalanche rated, so would likely
survive). Note the 100µ
µs delay between the leading edges of
the primary and secondary waveforms.
Presumably, you would notice the radio has switched off
and either recharge them or swap them for fresh cells. But
if for some reason you forget and leave the radio switched
on, it would be several months before this minimal current
drain could damage the cells. That’s why this circuit was
designed with a low quiescent current in mind.
When power switch S1 is closed, current can flow from
whichever battery has a higher voltage, through small signal diodes D3 & D4 and then switch S1, into the input of
REG2. This is an ultra-low-quiescent-current, low-dropout
3.3V linear regulator. It powers micropower dual comparator IC1 and also serves as a voltage reference.
A fraction of this 3.3V reference is fed to the two inverting
inputs of the comparators, at pin 2 and 6 of IC1. The fraction that is applied to those pins depends on the rotation
of trimpots VR3 and VR4. These set the low-battery cut-out
voltages, and they can vary the voltage at those inputs over
the full range of 0-3.3V.
The actual battery voltages are applied to the non-inverting inputs, pins 3 and 5, after passing through fixed resistive dividers. While these two dividers use the same resistor
values, they are in different orders. So around 1/3 of the Bbattery voltage is applied to pin 3 of IC1a, while about 2/3
of the A-battery voltage is applied to pin 5 of IC1b.
In combination with the nominally 3.3V reference and
trimpots VR3 and VR4, that means that you can set the
switch-on voltage thresholds to anywhere from 0-10V for
the B-battery, and 0-4.5V for the A-battery. Those ranges are
slightly wider than necessary, to allow for variations in the
exact regulator output voltage between samples.
Hysteresis is provided by 10MΩ feedback resistors between the comparator outputs and non-inverting inputs.
This has been arranged so that the hysteresis is a fixed percentage of the voltage.
The source impedance for the non-inverting inputs is
687.5kΩ in both cases (1MΩ || 2.2MΩ), and this forms a
divider with the 10MΩ feedback resistor. It gives a hysteresis percentage of 687.5kΩ ÷ 10MΩ = 6.875%
So for low-battery cut-out voltages of 3.3V and 6.6V for
the A and B batteries, that would give you switch-on voltages 6.875% higher, or 3.525V and 7.05V respectively. The
resulting hysteresis voltages are around 0.23V for the Abattery and 0.45V for the B-battery. When both batteries
are above their switch-on voltages, output pins 1 and 7 of
IC1 are high, at 3.3V. Therefore, the base-emitter junctions
of NPN transistors Q7 & Q8 are forward-biased and so both
conduct, pulling the gates of Mosfets Q5 and/or Q6 low and
lighting LED1. If either battery falls below its switch-off voltage, the corresponding transistor switches off and thus Q5
and Q6 switch off.
The high base resistors for Q7 and Q8 (2.2MΩ) are chosen
because if one battery voltage is low but the other is high,
current will still flow from the corresponding comparator
output and this will increase the current drawn from the
higher voltage battery (usually the B-battery).
The 2.2MΩ base resistors are the highest practical values
to minimise this, and determine the minimum value for
LED’s current-limiting resistor as 12kΩ. That means that
LED1 has to be a high-brightness type.
Silicon Chip
On/off switch
If you don’t need a power switch on the supply, you can
simply place a shorting block on CON3. CON3 is provided as
a convenient way to switch power on and off, and you only
need an SPST switch that hardly has to handle any current.
But with S1 off, there will still be a small quiescent current drawn from the two batteries due to the resistive dividers which remain connected. This is around 1.5µA from the
A-battery and 3µA from the B-battery.
That should mean the batteries last for around a year with
the radio switched off.
If you need to reduce the battery drain when off, you
will instead need to use a DPST or DPDT switch to cut the
battery connections to CON1 and CON2. That switch will
need to handle the full load current of at least 1A for each
battery. Note that the batteries may still suffer from a small
amount of self-discharge, so it’s still a good idea to check
and charge them every six months or so.
Selecting ZD2
Four 5W zener diode options are given in the parts list, to
suit different radio requirements. Common radio B-battery
Australia’s electronics magazine
Parts list – Battery
Vintage Radio Power Supply
Scope5: the yellow trace is again the transformer primary
waveform while the green trace is the voltage across the first
µF capacitor, and the blue waveform is the voltage across
the HT output, with a 20mA load (94.5V into 4.7kΩ
Ω or 1.9W).
You can see that the ripple before the RC filter is very modest
at 92mV RMS, and it’s even less after; just 16.7mV RMS.
voltages are 22.5V, 45V, 67.5V and 90V. Choose the diode type
with a voltage rating just slightly higher than your B-battery
voltage. Our suggestions are 24V, 47V, 68V and 91V respectively. For a 135V HT, you can use a 130V or 150V zener.
Once the radio has warmed up, you can adjust the transformer drive frequency to get a voltage close to the rated
B-battery voltage. The 5W zener diode (ZD2) is mainly included to limit the supply voltage before the valve filaments
reach full emission.
Note that it isn’t uncommon for the voltage to still rise by
5-10V or more above nominal initially, due to the relatively
high zener impedance of these parts (it’s higher for higher
voltage zeners). This usually should not cause any problems
for most radios, given that it should still be within about
10-15% of the nominal voltage and won’t usually happen
continuously unless there is a radio fault.
Choosing a transformer
The 9V + 9V version (Myrra 44236) should suit most constructors. With a 9V DC input, it will deliver around 100V
into a 5kΩ load (20mA), or around 100V into a 10kΩ load
(10mA) at 7.5V DC.
It’s only if you need more current than this, especially at
the upper end of the voltage range (approaching 135V) that
you might need to substitute the 6V + 6V transformer, which
will give you a bit more HT power.
As the battery discharged, I did find that the HT dropped
a bit with my test sets during use with the 9V + 9V transformer. However, I didn’t notice any variation in performance as a result of this.
PCB design
All of the HT tracks and components on the PCB have
been spaced apart by 2.54mm, which is enough spacing to
suit mains voltages (350V+ DC peak). This isn’t strictly necessary, but it was possible without increasing the board size,
so I did it. There is one component (ZD2) that carries HT
that’s quite close to one edge of the board, so avoid putting
that edge right up against anything conductive.
You could add some neutral-cure silicone sealant around
its leads and the solder joints on the underside if you
1 double-sided PCB coded 11111201, 125 x 54.5mm
1 Myrra 44236 9+9V PCB-mount transformer (T1)
[element14 1214600, RS 173-9939] or
1 Myrra 44235 6+6V PCB-mount transformer (T1)
[element14 1214599, RS 173-9923] (see text)
2 RHEF100 or RHEF100-2 1A PTC/polyswitches (PTC1&2)
[element14 3296327, RS 657-1772]
4 2-way terminal blocks, 5.08mm pitch (CON1,2,4,5)
1 2-pin header or polarised header with jumper shunt (CON3)
1 SPST panel-mount switch (S1; optional)
4 tapped spacers (for mounting the PCB) to match screws below
8 M3 x 6mm panhead machine screws (for mounting the PCB)
1 flag heatsink with TO-220 insulating washer and bush
(for REG1; optional)
1 M3 x 10mm panhead machine screw, nut and two washers
(for mounting the flag heatsink)
1 MCP6542-E/P dual micropower comparator, DIP-8 (IC1)
[element14, RS, Digi-Key, Mouser]
1 LD1085V 3A adjustable regulator, TO-220 (REG1)
[element14, RS, Digi-Key, Mouser]
1 S-812C33AY-B2-U micropower low-dropout regulator,
TO-92 (REG2) [Digi-Key, Mouser]
2 CSD18534KCS N-channel logic-level Mosfets, TO-220
element14, Digi-Key, Mouser]
4 BC547 100mA NPN transistors, TO-92 (Q3,Q4,Q7,Q8)
2 IPP80P03P4L04 P-channel logic-level Mosfets,
element14, RS, Digi-Key, Mouser]
1 high-brightness LED (LED1)
1 5.6V 1W zener diode (ZD1)
[^ element14,
1 24V 5W zener diode (1N5359B) (ZD2) [^ ] or
1 47V 5W zener diode (1N5368B) (ZD2) [^ ] or
1 68V 5W zener diode (1N5373B) (ZD2) [^ ] or
1 91V 5W zener diode (1N5377B) (ZD2) [^ ] or
1 130V 5W zener diode (1N5381B) (ZD2) [^ ] (see text)
2 18V 1W zener diodes (ZD3,ZD4)
2 56V 1W zener diodes (1N4758) (ZD5,ZD6) [^ ]
1 W04M 1.5A bridge rectifier (BR1)
2 1N5404 400V 3A diodes (D1,D2)
2 1N4148 small signal diodes (D3,D4)
2 220µF 16V low-ESR electrolytic
2 100µF 250V/400V electrolytic [eg, Panasonic EEUED2E101S]
2 10µF 50V electrolytic
2 1µF 50V multi-layer ceramic
2 100nF 63V MKT
Resistors (all 1% metal film except where indicated)
2 10MΩ
4 2.2MΩ
2 1MΩ
1 100kΩ
2 75kΩ
1 12kΩ
2 5.6kΩ
2 1kΩ
1 220Ω
1 110Ω
1 100Ω 1W 5%
2 50kΩ mini horizontal trimpots (VR1,VR2)
2 1MΩ mini horizontal trimpots (VR3,VR4)
[eg, element14 108244]
1 100Ω mini horizontal trimpots (VR5)
[eg, element14 2859725]
Australia’s electronics magazine
December 2020 31
Fig.2: use this
PCB overlay and
wiring diagram
as a guide to
build the Supply
and wire it up to
the radio and
batteries. Construction is straighforward; simply fit the components as shown here, starting with the lowest profile
types and working your way up to the highest profile. Make sure that polarised components like the IC, diodes, Mosfets,
regulators and electrolytic capacitors go in the right way around.
ed extra insulation. But note that this part can get quite hot
at times. For that reason, we’ve also increased the amount
of copper on the PCB connecting to its leads on both sides;
this helps to draw some extra heat away (although its 5W
rating is already pretty generous).
The Battery Vintage Radio Power Supply is built on a
double-sided PCB coded 11111201 which measures 125 x
54.5mm. It has been made as compact as possible, within
reason, so you to fit it and the li-ion cells in the space that
would have been occupied by the original batteries.
Refer now to Fig.2, the PCB overlay diagram, which shows
where all the parts go.
My original design used mostly SMD components, with
many of them mounted under transformer T1, and therefore
managed to be a bit more compact than this one. But I think
that a lot of Vintage enthusiasts would find it fiddly to build,
hence this all-through-hole version, which still manages to
be fairly compact.
Start by fitting all the small resistors – leave the 1W resistor off, for now. While you can determine the value of a resistor by reading its colour bands (see colour code table opposite), it’s best to use a DMM set to measure ohms to verify
this, as some colours can look like other colours under certain types of light.
If you are using a single battery to power the Supply, bend
one of the resistor lead off-cuts to form link LK1 and solder
it to the board in place of the header shown in Fig.2; otherwise, leave LK1 off. As you read the following instructions,
keep in mind that you will not be fitting the middle terminal
block (CON2), PTC2, diodes D2 or D4, or Mosfet Q6.
Mount the smallest diodes, D3 and D4, then all the 1W zener diodes, ZD1 & ZD3-ZD6. All of these must be orientated
with their cathode stripes facing as shown in Fig.2.
At this point, it’s a good idea to fit comparator IC1. Make
sure its pin 1 notch and dot go towards the top of the board,
as shown in Fig.2. I don’t recommend using a socket for reliability reasons, although you could if you wanted to.
With that in place, mount the larger diodes D1 & D2, again
watching the cathode stripe orientation. Then fit bridge rec32
Silicon Chip
tifier BR1, ensuring that its longer positive lead goes to the
pad marked “+” (its other leads should also have their functions printed on the top of the package). Push it all the way
down before soldering and trimming its leads.
Now fit switch header CON3. You can use a regular or polarised header, or just solder a couple of wires to the PCB. If
you want the Supply to always be on, you can either place a
shorting block on CON3 or solder a small wire link in its place.
The next step is to fit small signal diodes Q3, Q4, Q7 and
Q8. They are all the same type; ensure their flat faces face
as shown in the overlay diagram, and bend their leads out
gently to fit the pad patterns.
Follow with small regulator REG2, which is in a similar
package to those transistors, then install the four ceramic
and MKT capacitors where shown.
Now mount the five trimpots, making sure that you don’t
get the three different types mixed up. VR1 and VR2 are 50kΩ
(and may be marked 503), VR3 and VR4 are 1MΩ (may be
marked 105) while VR5 is 100Ω (may be marked 100).
The next step is to fit the smaller electrolytic capacitors,
ensuring that their longer leads go to the pads marked with
a “+” symbol on the PCB (the striped side of each can indicates the negative lead).
Leave the high-voltage capacitors for later.
Follow with the two PTCs, which are not polarised, and
then the four terminal blocks. Make sure their wire entry
holes face towards the outside of the module, and note that
the three side-by-side blocks are spaced apart and so should
not be dovetailed; mount them individually.
Now fit the five TO-220 devices, which all mount vertically. Make sure you don’t get them mixed up (see Fig.2 and
Fig.1 or the parts list), and also ensure that their metal tabs
are orientated as shown. You may wish to bend the leads
of REG1 slightly before fitting it so that its tab is flush with
or beyond the edge of the PCB, to make it easier to mount a
heatsink later.
Follow by mounting the two remaining capacitors. There
are pads for a 7.5mm-pitch standard radial capacitor or a
10mm-pitch snap-in capacitor. The former suits the 250V
Panasonic capacitor mentioned in the parts list, while the
10mm pads should suit the Altronics Cat R5368 100µF 400V
Australia’s electronics magazine
This photo of the assembled PC
board is, like the diagram opposite,
at 1:1 scale. Not shown here are the
battery holders because these will
depend on the batteries you use and
the way they are set up. You need
7.4V on CON1 – easily achieved
with a dual “18650” battery holder
(two cells in series). For the 3.7V
required for CON1, we used a pair
of single battery holders connected
in parallel, as can be seen in the
photograph on page 30.
capacitor. You might also be able to get Jaycar Cat RE6156
(100µF 400V) to fit with a bit of lead bending.
Fitting the transformer
The transformer has four leads on one side and two on the
other, and these should be an exact fit for the PCB pads. I had
to do quite a bit of ‘massaging’ of the leads to get them to go
in, though, as they are such a precise fit. I found that tweezers are a good tool for this, as you can slip them in under
the transformer and gently bend and coerce the leads until
they all pop into their respective holes.
Make sure the transformer is pushed down all the way onto
the board before soldering and trimming its leads.
The transformer will now make a nice steady base as you
mount the 1W resistor and 5W zener diode (ZD2). While you
could push these all the way down onto the board, it will
aid in convective cooling if you space them off the board at
least a few millimetres. I raised them by about 8mm above
the top of the PCB on my prototype. Remember to choose
ZD2 based on your radio’s HT voltage.
You can now install LED1. How you do this depends on
what your plans are with it. If you don’t need an external
power-on LED indicator, you can simply push it right down
(with its longer lead on the side marked “A”, opposite the
flat on the lens) and solder it in place. Or you could bend it
over at right-angles, facing away from the module.
If you want it to be externally visible, it would be best to
chassis-mount it using a bezel. You could then either solder
flying leads from its leads to the PCB pads, or solder a 2-pin
header (regular or polarised) onto the PCB and then solder
leads to the LED with a plug or plugs at the other end.
If your radio will drawing more than about 500mA from
CON5, especially if there is a big difference between its LT
voltage and the battery supply, fit a flag heatsink to REG1. I
used an insulating washer and insulation bush mainly to ensure good contact between the heatsink and regulator, but it’s
also a good idea in case the heatsink could short to a metal
case, the chassis or anything else.
You will definitely need to insulate the tab from the case or
chassis (using insulating washer and bush) if you are mounting it directly to the case/chassis for cooling.
That just leaves the four tapped spacers, which you can
attach to the provided holes on the board, for mounting the
module to your radio case (or wherever you plan to use it).
Testing and adjustment
It’s best to test and adjust the Supply using a variable DC
bench supply; ideally one with current limiting. You’ll also
need a DMM at the ready, set to a high volts range. As the
board can generate some hazardous voltages, make sure that
it is in a location where it can’t short against anything and
where you can probe it without any risk of coming in contact with the board.
Start by centring trimpots VR1 and VR2, setting VR3
Resistor Colour Codes
Value 4-Band Code (1%) 5-Band Code (1%)
brown black blue brown
brown black black green brown
red red green brown
red red black yellow brown
brown black green brown
brown black black yellow brown
brown black yellow brown
brown black black orange brown
violet green orange brown
violet green black red brown
brown red orange brown
brown red black red brown
green blue red brown
green blue black brown brown
brown black red brown
brown black black brown brown
red red brown brown
red red black black brown
brown brown brown brown
brown brown black black brown
brown black brown gold (1W/5%)
Australia’s electronics magazine
Minimising EMI radiation
While this circuit has low EMI, component
variations could mean that yours radiates
enough to affect radio reception. If so, try increasing the values of the two 5.6kΩ resistors.
These slow the switch-off of Mosfets Q1 &
Q2, reducing the spikes at the transformer primaries. These should ideally be below the 56V
conduction threshold of zener diodes ZD3 & ZD4.
Test the supply with your radio tuned off-station. If you hear hash, try increasing the 5.6kΩ
resistors to 15-22kΩ or possibly higher.
If you have a scope, check the waveforms
at the cathodes of ZD5 and ZD6 to see that the
spikes have been reduced or just test it again
with the radio.
December 2020 33
and VR4 at maximum and VR5 to its
minimum. If you’ve built the two-battery version, bridge the positive inputs
together (you don’t need to bridge the
negative terminals as they are connected on the PCB). Set your bench supply to around 4V and the current limit
to a low value, then switch it off and
wire up either input (CON1 or CON2)
to the supply.
Switch the supply on and watch
LED1. It should not light yet, and the
current drawn from the supply should
be low (under 1mA). If it’s significantly higher than that, you could have a
board fault, so switch off and check for
short circuits and incorrectly located
or orientated components.
If all is well, increase the current
limit to around 1A and wind the voltage up to about 8V, then rotate VR3
anti-clockwise until LED1 lights up.
The circuit has now powered up, so
check the voltage across the CON4 output. It should be slightly higher than
the voltage rating of zener diode ZD2.
You may notice ZD2 and/or the 100Ω
resistor getting warm.
Also check the output voltage at
CON5. It should be around 1.2V. Check
that you can vary it by adjusting trimpot VR5. You might as well set it to
your desired voltage while you’re at it.
Now rotate VR3 and VR4 fully anti-clockwise, set the supply voltage
to your desired A-battery (li-ion) cutout voltage, then rotate VR4 clockwise slowly until LED1 switches off.
Then increase the supply voltage to
your desired B-battery cut-out voltage;
LED1 should switch back on. Rotate
VR3 slowly clockwise until the unit
switches off. You have now set both
battery cut-out thresholds.
To set the ideal operating frequency, you will need to connect your actual radio to the outputs (after powering the supply down). Power it back
on and wind the supply voltage back
up to your nominal battery voltage
(around 7.4V for two li-ion or LiPo
cells in series).
Switch the radio on and after it has
warmed up, make sure it is working
Then adjust VR1 and VR2 in lockstep (eg, making small changes in one,
then the other) while monitoring the
HT voltage. Adjust until you achieve
the specified voltage, or as close to it
as you can get. Once you have done
that, if you have a scope, you can adjust for 50% duty cycle in the transformer drive.
Power down the circuit and connect the scope up to the ends of the
5.6kΩ resistors closest to Mosfets Q1
& Q2 and connect the scope’s ground
to circuit ground (eg, the anode of
D1 or D2).
Power it back on and adjust VR1
and VR2 by small amounts in opposite directions until you achieve pulse
widths on both channels that measure
the same.
You may need to re-tweak the frequency/HT voltage after doing that.
You should eventually arrive at settings for VR1 and VR2 that satisfy both
It’s then just a matter of mounting
the Supply module and its batteries
to your radio case or to a piece of timber you will install in the case. Or if it
won’t fit inside the radio, you could
mount it in some sort of Jiffy box and
wire it up to the set.
If doing that, make sure both the
module and the wiring are properly
You asked for it . . .
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