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DC Fan and
Nicholas Vinen
We originally designed this multi-channel pump and fan speed controller
for automotive (or other vehicle) tasks – but now realise it has a myriad
of other applications. It can be used anywhere you need to adjust the
speed of low-voltage DC fans or other PWM-controlled devices. It has
many options and is easy to set up using an onboard USB interface.
form 20A output channels.
ust one look at the specs panel opposite will show just
The design also incorporates a comprehensive supply
how flexible this project is! If you need to control the
voltage monitoring and timer scheme which allows it to
speed of a low-voltage DC motor – a fan or pump for
consume a tiny amount of power (microamps) when the
example – in response to changes in temperature, this is
battery voltage is low but quickly comes into operawhat you need.
tion once the battery starts charging. The
The speed is controlled by varying the duty cycle of
timers allow the unit to run for a specithe DC voltage applied to the device (ie, Pulse-Width
fied time after the supply voltage drops,
Modulation or PWM control) and is calculated
eg, to cool down a turbo-charged enbased on either the absolute temperagine after driving for some time.
ture of one or two sensors, or
During this “cooldown” period,
the difference in temperature
the fan(s) and pump(s) can be run at
between two sensors.
a reduced duty cycle, to avoid disUp to four temperature sencharging the battery too quickly.
sors can be connected and these
And the unit can be programmed
can either be analog (NTC thermisto ignore periods of lower battery
tors) or digital (Dallas DS18B20)
voltage, as would be the case in
Shown here vehicles where the battery is not
There are four independent 10A
close to life size, the charging while ever the engine
output channels which can be used
motor/pump controller fits is running.
to control four separate fans/pumps,
on a single PCB. While it has all SMD
The relationship between senor they can be combined in pairs to
components, construction is not difficult.
Silicon Chip
Australia’s electronics magazine
Features & specifications
Supply voltage: .............................. 5-15V DC
Outputs:............................................ 4 x 10A or 2 x 20A or 2 x 10A + 1 x 20A
Supply protection:......................... can handle typical load dumps and other automotive spikes
Quiescent current: ........................ typically <1mA
Temperature sensors:................... up to four, each a 10k NTC thermistor or DS18B20 digital sensor
Temperature sensor range:......... -55°C to +125°C (DS18B20), -30°C to +105°C (NTC)
Temperature sensor accuracy: .. (-10°C to +85°C): ±0.5°C (DS18B20), typically ±1°C (NTC)
PWM frequency: ............................ 0.1Hz to 160kHz (configurable; output capabilities vary)
PWM duty cycle: ........................... 0% to 100% in 1% steps
Configuration interface:............... USB port (serial console)
Per-output configuration:........... which temperature sensors control duty cycle, minimum/maximum duty cycle, duty cycle hysteresis, duty cycle
ramp speed, supply voltage compensation, motor characteristic compensation
• Power supply configuration:....... switch-on voltage, switch-off voltage, switch-off delay, cooldown voltage threshold, cooldown delay
and maximum time, cooldown mode duty cycle adjustment
• Software features: ........................ status feedback, debugging
• Other features:............................... configurable indicator LED on/off-board, shut-down/enable input
sor temperature and fan/pump speed is controlled using
numerous parameters which make the unit’s set-up very
flexible. For example, you can specify both a minimum
and maximum duty cycle for each output, along with the
corresponding sensor temperature(s).
You can also compensate for the fact that the load speed
varies with supply voltage and that speed may not be proportional to voltage. For example, fan speed is roughly
proportional to the cube root of the voltage applied (see
The unit can linearise this control so that the fan speed
doubles when the temperature (difference) doubles.
All these various parameters are programmed over a USB
interface so that you can avoid fiddling with trimpots or
jumpers; depending on how you wire it, you can change
its configuration without having to open the case – or possibly even the vehicle bonnet!
This same interface can provide real-time feedback on
the status of all the temperature sensors and output duty
cycles. You can also temporarily override temperature sensor readings and the supply voltage to see whether the unit
responds as expected.
Circuit description
Fig.1 shows the full circuit, which is based on PIC16F1459
microcontroller IC1.
We chose this controller for the following properties: a
USB interface, a very low sleep current (so it can be powered from a fixed battery supply), multiple hardware PWM
outputs, multiple analog inputs plus a number of free digital inputs and outputs and sufficient flash memory and processing speed for a reasonably complex firmware program.
This chip has two hardware PWM outputs at pins 5
(RC5/PWM1) and 8 (RC8/AN8/PWM2). These feed two
halves of a dual low-side Mosfet driver, IC2 (TC4427A).
IC2 is effectively just two high-current buffers; its output
pins 7 and 5 follow the state of input pins 2 and 4 but the
inputs draw minimal current (ie, have a high impedance)
while the outputs can source and sink several amps peak.
This high current charges and discharges the gate capacitances of Mosfets Q1a and Q1b quickly, giving rapid
on and off transitions. Fast switching avoids the high dissipation which occurs when the Mosfets are in a partial
conduction state.
These Mosfets are connected between the negative terminal of the fan/pump outputs at CON8 and CON9 and
power ground.
The positive terminal of each fan/pump output connects
directly to the positive terminal of the high-current supply header, CON15. The power ground connection is also
made at this connector.
So essentially, the positive supply to each fan/pump
comes directly from CON15 while the negative supply at
CON15 connects to the fan/pump via the Mosfet channel.
Hence, the Mosfets switch on power to each fan or pump
when their gate is high and off when it is low.
Mosfets Q1a and Q1b are in a single 8-pin SMD package
and are each rated to handle up to 30V and 40A with a typical on-resistance of 4.34mΩ. This gives a continuous dissipation when conducting 10A of 434mW (10A2 x 4.34mΩ).
Thus, the dual package could dissipate up to 868mW.
The junction-to-ambient thermal resistance for this device is 95K/W, giving a maximum temperature rise of 82.5K
(868mW x 95K), so with an ambient temperature of 55°C,
we would expect a junction temperature of up to 137.5°C,
which is well below the maximum rating of 175°C.
In practice, the heatsinking effect of the PCB results in a
lower temperature rise and so these Mosfets should each
comfortably handle 10A continuously even, in the hostile
environment of an engine bay.
(A good rule of thumb is that a single 8-pin SOIC package can handle around 2W without becoming too hot, as
long as it is connected to a reasonably-sized copper plane.)
The same arrangement is used for driving fan outputs 3
and 4 at CON10 and CON11, using dual Mosfet driver IC3
and dual Mosfet Q2. These are controlled by digital output
pins RC3 (pin 7) and RC4 (pin 6) of IC1.
Since IC1 only has two hardware PWM pins, these must
be software-controlled; they are updated from a timer-controlled interrupt handler routine which means that we can
provide reasonably accurate PWM signals up to a moderate frequency (around 2kHz).
Note that each output Mosfet (Q1a-Q2b) also has an associated diode to the +12VF supply rail (D1-D4). These
are rated at 5A continuous, 200A peak (non-repetitive for
8.3ms) and 400V, and are included to absorb any back-EMF
Australia’s electronics magazine
October 2018 47
Fig.1: the Fan Controller is built around PIC microcontroller IC1, which provides PWM signals to Mosfet drivers IC2
and IC3. These then control Mosfets Q1a-Q2b to switch on and off and vary the speed of up to four fans or pumps. Up
to four digital (DS18B20) or analog (10k NTC thermistor) temperature sensors can be connected via CON4-CON7.
Configuration and monitoring are done via the USB interface at CON1 or CON3.
from switched inductive loads such as fan motors. The
back-EMF current could exceed 10A but would typically
average much lower than this, well within the 5A rating.
Temperature sensors
Between one and four temperature sensors can be wired
up to pin headers CON4-CON7. Each of these headers has a
4.7kΩ pull-up resistor from pin 1 to the 3.3V supply while
pin 2 connects to ground. Pin 1 also connects to one of the
following input pins on IC1: RC1/AN5, RC2/AN6, RB4/
AN10 or RB5/AN11 (pins 15, 14, 13 and 12 respectively).
If a 10kΩ NTC thermistor is connected to one of these
pin headers, it forms a voltage divider with the 4.7kΩ resistor to the 3.3V rail, so a voltage appears at the micro pin
which drops with increasing temperature. In this case, the
micro pin is configured as an analog input.
The 3.3V rail is fed directly into pin 16 (VREF+) and is
Silicon Chip
used as the ADC reference voltage. This allows for accurate ratiometric measurements of these voltages so that the
temperature readings can be as accurate as the resistor and
NTC tolerances allow.
If a DS18B20 digital temperature sensor is used, it is
configured in 2-wire mode, with its ground pin to pin 2
(ie, circuit ground) and its other two pins tied to pin 1. In
this case, the sensor gets its supply voltage from the 3.3V
supply via the 4.7kΩ resistor and the sensor and micro
also communicate by briefly pulsing this pin low. Thus,
the sensor pin is used as a digital I/O for digital sensors.
During ADC conversions, the DS18B20 sensor draws
more power, so the micro drives the relevant pin high to
5V, to ensure it is supplied with sufficient current. The fact
that this is above the normal 3.3V level for this pin is not
a problem because the DS18B20 can operate with a varying supply voltage as long as it is in the range of 3.0-5.5V.
Australia’s electronics magazine
approximate range of -10°C to +105°C.
The temperature sensor inputs could also be used as
digital inputs under some circumstances, to either inhibit
the operation of a fan or pump or to force it on. We’ll explain how to do this later. Essentially, if you leave an input open, you get a very low temperature reading while if
you short it out, you get a very high temperature reading.
Supply voltage sensing
PWM frequencies above 1kHz require a 30V+ schottky diode to
be connected across the fan/pump, cathode to positive, with a
current rating at least half the load’s maximum. Solder it across
the unit’s outputs or the fan/pump terminals. We also suggest
that you solder 10µF 25V X5R capacitors on top of the 100nF
bypass capacitors for IC2 and IC3 and add a 2200µF 25V lowESR electrolytic between the +12VF and 0V (fan power input)
terminals on the board. Note that the loads may run briefly
when power is first applied; disconnect all loads before making
a connection to CON2 (ICSP).
Hence, no circuit changes are needed to use either an
NTC thermistor or digital temperature sensor. You just
have to tell the software which type of sensor you are using on which input, so it knows how to configure the corresponding pin.
The measurement range for the DS18B20 is -55°C to
+125°C and it has a specified accuracy of ±0.5°C from -10°C
to +85°C. There is a precision/update rate trade-off with
this type of sensor; at 1.25Hz, you get readings in 0.0625°C
steps; at 2.5Hz, the steps are 0.125°C; at 5Hz, 0.25°C and at
10Hz, 0.5°C. The rate is software configurable.
For an NTC thermistor, the software calculates readings
from -50°C up to around +120°C but a typical thermistor is
only be specified to operate from -30°C to +105°C (it may
work outside these bounds but accuracy may suffer). We
recommend the use of 1% tolerance thermistors which
should give readings accurate to within about ±1°C in the
The unfiltered supply connection (nominally 12V) is
applied to the emitter of high-voltage PNP transistor Q3.
When IC1 brings its RB7 digital output (pin 10) high, this
switches on small signal Mosfet Q4, as its gate voltage is
then 5V above its source, which is connected to ground (0V).
Q4 then sinks current from the base of Q3, via the 100kΩ
series resistor, switching on Q3. The supply voltage is then
applied to the 22kΩ/10kΩ resistive divider, resulting in a
voltage at pin 9 of IC1 (analog input AN9) which is approximately one-third of that of the supply voltage.
IC1 uses its 5V supply as the ADC reference voltage for
this measurement, allowing it to measure a supply voltage
of up to 16V (5V x 3.2). This is then used to decide whether
IC1 should be active or go into low-power sleep mode and
is also used to compensate the PWM output duty cycles
for supply variations if that option is enabled.
When IC1 is in sleep mode, pin 10 is driven low, switching off Q4 and Q3 and thus minimising the quiescent current.
Dual diode D7 (with the two diodes connected in parallel) prevents damage to Q4, should there be a spike in the
12V supply, which could couple through the base-emitter
junction of Q3 and across to the collector of Q4. Since the
cathodes of D7 connect to the filtered and clamped 12V
supply, any excessive voltage is conducted to TVS1 and
dissipated within.
When IC1 is active and pin 10 is high, this also supplies current to the input of reference regulator REG2, via
a low-pass RC filter comprising a 220Ω resistor and 100nF
ceramic capacitor.
REG2 supplies minimal current – just the current through
the four 4.7kΩ temperature sensor pull-up resistors (a maximum of 2.8mA) plus a few microamps to supply the VREF+
analog reference of IC1’s internal ADC (via pin 16). So its input is driven directly by digital output RB7 (pin 10) on IC1.
This is the same pin used to control the gate of Q4, so
when the supply voltage sensing is active, REG2 is also active, to provide the reference voltage to pin 16, allowing
the ADC to make accurate supply and temperature sensor
voltage measurements.
The 220Ω series resistor from pin 10 to REG2 also limits
the initial current spike from charging/discharging REG2’s
100nF input bypass capacitor to 15mA. Its low-pass filter
action minimises any supply noise feeding through to the
output of REG2.
Power supply
There are two separate power connectors; CON15 is used
to feed power solely to the fans via Mosfets Q1 & Q2 while
CON14 powers the rest of the circuitry. The two grounds
are connected via a 1kΩ resistor for testing purposes but
usually, they will both connect back to the negative terminal of the battery, effectively shorting that resistor out.
The reason for the separate connectors is so when the
Australia’s electronics magazine
October 2018 49
fans/pumps are powered, the voltage
automotive systems, so are longer
drop along the wires does not affect the
spikes at lower voltages. To avoid
battery voltage measurement.
the 220Ω resistor and TVS1 burning
That could cause the unit to continuout in such a case (eg, during jump
ally switch on and off if the battery voltstarting), PTC1 has been included.
age is close to the cut-out threshold. That
If it is conducting more than a few
was a problem with our previous design,
hundred milliamps, its resistance indespite it having significant built-in hyscreases after a short time. This limits
teresis for the cut-out voltage.
the long-term current and thus disPower for the board flows through resipation in itself and the other comverse polarity protection diode D6, two
ponents. Once the supply voltage resmall schottky diodes within the same
turns to normal, its resistance drops
package that are connected in parallel to
and it no longer has much effect on
minimise the voltage drop. The supply We show the blank PCBs mainly
circuit operation.
current then flows through a small PTC because construction is a little unusual:
REG1 is the primary regulator prothermistor and a 220Ω 3W SMD resistor using SMDs, all the components are
viding power to the rest of the cirbefore reaching transient voltage sup- mounted on what would normally be
cuit and it has a very low quiescent
regarded as the “underside” of the
pressor TVS1.
current of just a few microamps.
These components protect the cir- double-sided board. The large holes
This means that when IC1 is in sleep
along the edge allow large terminals for
cuitry from the voltage spikes which are
mode, the whole circuit normally
connecting heavy-current motors, etc.
common in automotive supplies. TVS1
draws less than 1mA and so has virclamps the voltage at input pin 8 of REG1 to a maximum tually no effect on battery life.
of about +18V and -1V while conducting around 1A; this
We’re using the high-voltage version of this regulator,
value is based on an expected maximum spike voltage of rated to survive with an input in the range of -50V to +60V,
around ±200V with current limiting due to the 220Ω se- for maximum robustness, even though the input protecries resistor.
tion circuitry should prevent its supply voltage from ever
While brief (~1ms), high-voltage spikes are common in coming close to those extremes.
Fig.2: this web-based software (which can be run on the local PC if necessary) provides a simple interface for setting all
the configuration parameters for the DC Fan Speed Controller. The text at the bottom is automatically updated and if sent
to the unit’s USB serial console, will set the new configuration automatically. You can also read the configuration back out
of the unit using the reverse procedure.
Silicon Chip
Australia’s electronics magazine
This regulator requires an output filter capacitor with an
ESR in a specific range for stability, so we have carefully
chosen a 22µF 16V tantalum capacitor with a suitable ESR
over a wide temperature range, to ensure it works well in
the hostile environment of an engine bay.
There is no onboard fuse for the fan supplies but a fuse
is required. If you don’t have a suitable spare fuse in your
fuse box, you need to add an inline fuse between the battery
positive terminal and pin 1 of CON15 with a sufficiently
high rating to handle the full load current.
Shut down/enable input
CON12 provides a method to shut down the unit’s outputs when they are not needed. For example, it could be
wired to a switch in the cabin to enable or disable the extra
fans or to an ECU or another computer which may decide
to shut them down for some reason.
By default, pulling the RA4 digital input (pin 3) on IC1
low shuts down all the outputs and this pin is held high
using a software-enabled internal pull-up current. Pin 3 can
be pulled low by making a connection between the pins
of CON12. But the software settings can also be changed
to invert the operation of this pin so that it must be pulled
low to enable the outputs.
USB interface
The signal pins on USB socket CON1 (D- and D+) connect directly to the USB pins on microcontroller IC1 (pins
18 and 19). The micro has all the internal circuitry required
for USB communication.
The USB 5V pin is wired to IC1’s digital input RB6 (pin
11) via a 100kΩ resistor, so that pin is pulled high when
a USB host is connected. Dual schottky diode D5 (again
paralleled) allows current to flow to the micro’s 5V supply
from the USB socket, so the unit can be programmed without needing an external power supply wired up to CON14.
If there is already power at CON14, D5 does not conduct
unless the USB 5V rail is significantly higher than 5V. D5
also prevents current from being fed back into the USB port
if the USB 5V rail is a bit low.
When powered from the USB supply, Mosfet drivers IC2
and IC3 have no supply voltage, so we avoid driving their
inputs. Microcontroller IC1 detects this condition and disable all the PWM outputs unless the supply rail which feeds
these chips is above 5V, to avoid current flowing through
their input clamp diodes.
IC1 needs to know when a USB connection is made so
it can initiate communications with the host. If power is
coming from the USB connector, then this happens immediately at power-up but if power has already been applied externally, then the only way to know when to initiate communication is by monitoring the state of pin 11.
But this is a little tricky since we haven’t provided any
pull-down resistor on that pin to ensure its level is low
when the USB cable is not connected (this was done to
save space). The trick is that we briefly set pin 11 as a digital output and pull it actively low, then set it as an input
again and check the voltage.
The small pin capacitance ensures that the voltage is still
close to 0V when we read its state unless the USB supply is
present and pulling it up to 5V. So this allows us to avoid
needing the extra component; the 100kΩ series resistor is
necessary to ensure that excessive current does not flow
Parts list – DC Fan/Pump
Controller (main board)
1 double-sided PCB, code 05108181, 68 x 34.5mm
1 MINIASMDC014F PTC thermistor, 4832/1812 SMD package
1 SMD mini type B USB connector (CON1)
1 5-pin header (CON2)
1 4-pin header (CON3)
6 2-pin polarised headers with matching plugs
1 PIC16F1459-I/SO microcontroller programmed with
0510818A.HEX (IC1)
2 TC4427AEOA dual low-side Mosfet drivers, SOIC-8
1 LM2936HVMAX-5.0 LDO regulator, SOIC-8 (REG1)
1 MCP1700-3.3 3.LDO regulator, SOT-23 (REG2)
2 BUK7K5R1-30E dual N-channel Mosfets (Q1,Q2)
1 MMBTA92 high-voltage PNP transistor, SOT-23 (Q3)
1 2N7002 N-channel Mosfet, SOT-23 (Q4)
1 blue high-brightness SMD LED, SMA package (LED1)
1 TPSMD14A transient voltage suppressor, SMC case (TVS1)
4 SD2114S040S8 5A 400V schottky diodes, SMB case (D1-D4)
3 BAT54C dual schottky diodes, SOT-23 (D5-D7)
Capacitors (all SMD 3216/1206 size, 50V X7R unless otherwise stated)
1 22µF 16V SMB case tantalum
[Vishay/Sprague 293D226X0016B2T]
1 10µF 16V X7R
1 1µF 25V X7R
1 470nF 50V X7R
4 100nF 50V X7R
1 1nF 50V X7R
Resistors (all SMD 3216/1206 size, 1% unless otherwise stated)
2 100kΩ 1 39kΩ
2 10kΩ 4 4.7kΩ 3 1kΩ 2 220Ω
1 220Ω 5% 3W SMD 6331/2512
Other parts (case, wiring, sensors etc)
1 IP65-rated case large enough for the PCB
1-4 waterproof 10kΩ NTC thermistors with cables (TS1-TS4)
1-4 waterproof DS18B20 temperature sensors (TS1-TS4)
1 USB cable with Type-A connector or chassis-mount Type-B
USB socket (optional)
1 inline blade fuse holder rated at 40A or higher
1 40A blade fuse
various lengths of heavy duty automotive wire (10A and 40A,
red and black)
through the clamp diode on that pin while the 5V bypass
capacitors are charging immediately upon power-up.
The unit automatically comes out of sleep mode if a USB
cable is connected, so that you can communicate with it,
and stays out of sleep mode as long as the USB cable is
But it still shuts down the outputs based on the supply
voltage, so the fan/pump behaviour is not affected by using the connection state of the USB interface.
In addition to the onboard micro USB connector, the
USB connections are broken out to a 4-pin header, so that
a USB cable or waterproof socket can be soldered directly
Australia’s electronics magazine
October 2018 51
to the board and either fed through a grommet in the case
or mounted on the case respectively.
LED feedback and programming
LED1 is provided as a means to determine what the unit
is doing. It can be programmed to light up when the unit
has power, or light up when the unit is active (ie, not in
sleep mode). Or it can be set to change brightness depending on the maximum output duty cycle. It is driven from
digital output RA5 (pin 2), using software PWM to control
brightness, as all the hardware PWM pins are used for the
fan/pump outputs.
Five-pin header CON2 allows microcontroller IC1 to
be programmed once it has been soldered to the board.
We expect most constructors would purchase a pre-programmed micro but if there is a software update, or if you
want to program it yourself, this is possible using a PICkit
3 or PICkit 4 plugged into CON2.
CON2 is designed so that it does not need to be soldered
to the board; the pin header is a friction fit so it can be inserted when needed and then removed when programming is complete.
High-current connections
Note that while CON8-CON11, CON14 and CON15 are
labelled as connectors, in each case, they are actually a
pair of pads on the PCB. This is because, to save space and
because of the high currents involved, and for reliability
reasons, we decided it was best to make these connections
by soldering wires directly onto the PCB.
As you can see from the photo, the pads are large enough
for thick copper wire, to ensure it can handle the high currents without excessive voltage drops or wire heating. The
wires are clamped or glued to holes in the case so that the
solder joints do not fatigue and fail from vibration.
Set-up and software
Initially, the plan was for the unit to be completely configured and controlled using the USB port, via a serial (text)
interface. You would send it commands and it would display a response. This would let you set and view all the
parameters, see the status and send testing commands to
check that it’s operating as expected.
Unfortunately, although we are using the version of this
chip with the maximum amout of flash memory (16384
bytes), it was simply impossible to fit all these functions
into the space available.
So what we have done instead is created a separate piece
of software that you run on a computer, which allows you
to set all the various configuration parameters. This then
produces a code which you “copy and paste” into the serial terminal to update the configuration programmed into
the chip.
To simplify the software, this code is a text representation
of the bytes to write into the chip’s configuration memory.
This interface is shown in Fig.2. The various parameters
have been chosen at the top and the long configuration
string is shown at the bottom.
This updates as soon as you make any changes to a parameter and there’s a convenient button to copy it, ready
for pasting.
The USB interface provides a method to dump the unit’s
configuration in the same format, and if you copy and paste
this back into the setup software shown in Fig.2, all the
configuration data at the top of the page is updated with
the values you chose last time.
So the process of making small changes to the unit’s
configuration is quick and easy. You just dump the configuration in the text console, copy it, paste it into the app,
make the changes, then copy the new string and paste it
back into the text console. You can skip the first few steps
when making subsequent changes since you will already
have the app open.
Status monitoring and debugging
The monitoring/debugging interface lets you easily “peer
inside the black box” of the Fan Controller to see what it
is doing. This is done by issuing commands over the USB
text console.
For example, if you type “show status” then you get a
listing of the current supply voltage, the temperature readings of all the connected sensors and the PWM duty cycle
and frequency of each output (see Fig.3).
Once you have set the unit up, so that you don’t have
to manipulate the battery voltage and sensor temperatures
to verify that it’s doing its job correctly, you can also issue
commands to override the battery voltage and/or the temperature readings.
For example, if you issue the command “override TS2
57C”, the unit behaves as if temperature sensor TS2 is giving a reading of 57°C. You can verify that the fans/pumps
respond as expected, then issue another command so that
the reading goes back to normal. Overriding the supply
voltage works similarly.
The operation of the USB interface does not interfere
with the unit’s other functions, so if you can route the USB
cable to allow it, it would be possible to drive around and
have someone in the passenger seat monitor the temperatures, fan speeds etc, to see how they respond.
Coming next month
Next month we will have the full construction and wiring
details of the new DC Fan Speed Controller as well as more
details on how the software works, the various settings, the
control commands and other helpful instructions.
Fig.3: the text-based USB serial console interface allows
you to monitor the unit’s status in real time, read and
update its configuration dynamically and also perform
debugging/testing actions which allow you to see how the
unit responds to changes in sensor temperatures and/or
supply voltage variations.
Silicon Chip
Australia’s electronics magazine