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Accuracy better than 100 parts per BILLION!
Lab Quality
Part 1 – by
Tim Blythman
Whether in design, service & repair, calibration or any other critical
task in electronics there are times when a really accurate and stable
frequency reference is needed. The chances are, whatever frequency you
require, this Micromite BackPack-based project can provide it. Exactly!
ur new GPS-based Frequency Reference provides
three high accuracy, customisable outputs which are
set up using a touchscreen and synchronised to the
1PPS signal from a GPS module. Two of these can be set to a
wide range of frequencies over the range of about 1-100MHz.
The onboard temperature-compensated oscillator is within a temperature-controlled oven for maximum stability.
Not only is its GPS-synchronised oscillator very stable
but you can choose from a huge range of possible output
frequencies – in fact, it has three separate outputs, so you
can even produce more than one signal at a time.
It’s especially useful in combination with frequency counters, oscilloscopes and spectrum analysers with external
reference inputs, especially if their inbuilt oscillator
is not terribly accurate.
For example, many devices
need a 10MHz reference and
this unit can produce that exact
frequency. But it’s also quite
common to see test equipment needing some oddball
frequencies, so you can set
up one of the outputs to cater to those too.
We’ve gone to quite some length
to make this design not only very
accurate and flexible but also com28
Silicon Chip
pact, easy to build, easy to use and relatively inexpensive.
And we have also addressed most of the criticism levelled
at our previous design, mainly to do with its ability to reject jitter from the satellite signals.
We satisfied the compactness and ease of construction requirements by making this unit considerably simpler than
our previous design (March-May 2007 & September 2011;
This is possible because we are using a substantially more
powerful micro (a PIC32) so we’ve been able to replace a
substantial portion of the hardware with software routines.
So this unit is not only better than the earlier models, it’s
Since this project is based
on the Micromite LCD
BackPack V2 (May 2017;, the touchscreen
eliminates the need for all
the extra display and button sensing circuitry and
the need for many cutouts
in the front panel.
Australia’s electronics magazine
We can supply a kit to build the BackPack module; see
the parts list for details.
The simplification of the circuitry has also meant that we
can fit the extra circuitry on a much smaller board. In fact,
it’s now a similar size to the BackPack and simply stacks
behind it, so the whole lot will easily fit into a small UB3
Jiffy box.
And the touchscreen means we can make the user interface much easier to understand and simpler to use, with a
lot of extra features.
But it’s the triple PLL IC which provides the pièce de résistance, that is, the three configurable outputs. One of the
outputs is limited to a small range of frequencies (including that all-important 10MHz option) but for the other two,
you can type in just about any frequency and chances are, it
will produce that exact frequency, or something very close.
And if it isn’t exact, it will tell you the difference.
Excellent long-term precision
The jitter reduction mentioned earlier is possible because
we are no longer using a phase-locked-loop (PLL) IC to lock
the voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) onto the GPS 1PPS
signals. A PLL will adjust the VCO frequency immediately
upon detection of a phase difference but that could just be
due to jitter. Instead, we’re using a software algorithm which
averages the VCO frequency over a range of time periods
and makes small, calculated adjustments to the frequency.
We’ll have more on that algorithm in the next article in
this series.
Also, for it to be as effective as possible, we need an extremely stable oscillator. This has been achieved by putting
a temperature-compensated oscillator in a temperature-controlled oven, along with a very stable reference regulator
which is used to derive the VCO’s control input voltage,
Features & Specifications
• Main 40MHz oscillator is disciplined from GPS signals
• Accuracy of around ±100ppb after 30 minutes
• Three BNC outputs with programmable frequencies:
~ 1-100MHz
• Main oscillator is temperature compensated and oven
• MicroMite BackPack-based 320 x 240 pixel LCD
touchscreen for configuration and status
• Compact unit, 160 x 68 x 44mm overall (in UB3 Jiffy box)
• Powered from 5V USB supply <at> 400mA (500mA at start-up)
• Optional disciplined 1PPS output
• Works with a wide range of GPS units, with external or
internal antenna
• Low parts count
• Modest parts cost
• Most parts are easy-to-solder SMDs
along with a DAC that can produce very small voltage steps.
The end result is that with a satellite-derived 1PPS signal
with sufficient long-term accuracy, we can trim the VCO’s
output so that its error is measured not just in parts-permillion . . . but in parts-per-billion!
Since the new unit is simpler, we’ve also managed to
make it use much less power.
Rather than needing a 12V supply, it runs off 5V instead.
That simplifies the power supply and the unit simply runs
from any USB (5V) power source such as a phone charger
or even directly from a computer.
Principle of operation
The block diagram, Fig.1, shows the basic principle of the
Fig.1: block diagram of the Programmable GPS-Synched Frequency Reference. The VCO is located in the oven section, with
transistor Q1 and a DS18B20 thermometer used to maintain it at a fixed temperature. This feeds the PLL, which then routes
the signal to the Micromite and to the three outputs. The Micromite chip can then send commands to DAC IC1 to shift the
VCO frequency via buffer IC3, to discipline the 40MHz VCO frequency using 1Hz pulses from the GPS module.
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Frequency Reference. The oven section is shown at upper
left, and inside it, there is a voltage-controlled oscillator
(VCO1), a DS18B20 temperature sensor and transistor Q1.
The Micromite controls the output voltage of the DAC
(digital-to-analog converter – IC6) using an SPI (serial pe-
Silicon Chip
ripheral interface) bus. This voltage affects the dissipation
in transistor Q1 and it heats up the components inside the
oven, including the digital temperature sensor.
The temperature reading is fed back to the Micromite over
a Dallas 1-wire serial bus and this information is used to
Australia’s electronics magazine
adjust the voltage fed to Q1, regulating the oven temperature.
A second SPI DAC, IC1, produces a voltage which is buffered by IC3 and then fed to the VCO, to shift its output frequency slightly, over the range of 39,999,800-40,000,200Hz.
The initial tolerance of the VCO is ±2ppm which
equates to ±80Hz, with a drift of up to ±1ppm (±40Hz)
per year, and some small additional variation with temperature or supply voltage changes. By shifting the
VCO frequency, we can compensate for these errors,
getting its output very close to exactly 40,000,000Hz.
Once the oven reaches the target temperature, it varies
over a range of less than 1ºC, improving the stability of
the VCO into the parts-per-billion range.
The trimmed frequency from the VCO is fed to a multi-PLL chip, IC2, and from there back to a high-frequency
counter within the Micromite. The Micromite can then
count the number of pulses received between each 1pps
pulse from the GPS module to determine whether the
VCO’s frequency is spot on.
If it is not, the Micromite adjusts the drive to the VCO
to bring it back in line with the GPS pulses.
Note that it can also average its readings over a
longer period to reduce the influence of jitter in
the GPS 1pps pulses on the output of the VCO.
The 40MHz frequency from the VCO is also fed to three
programmable PLLs within IC2 which can be configured
to produce a wide range of different frequencies. The outputs of the three PLLs are then buffered by IC4 and IC5,
to provide a low impedance for BNC-socket output connectors CON2-CON4.
If LK2 is fitted instead of LK1, CON2 will instead be fed
with a disciplined (ie, more accurate) 1pps signal from the
Micromite instead of the third PLL output.
Circuit description
Fig.2: complete circuit diagram for the Frequency Reference,
showing the Micromite BackPack as a “black box” (the May
2017 article has the details). The 40MHz signal from VCO1 is
fed to PLL IC2 which then produces the three programmable
frequency output signals fed to CON2-CON4 as well as the
signal fed back to RX/T1CK on the BackPack. This is divided
down and compared to the 1PPS signal from the GPS module
at pin 21 and the difference is used to change the voltage at the
outputs of dual DAC IC1, which are combined and buffered
by IC3 and then fed to the VCO’s control input.
Turning now to the full circuit diagram, Fig.2, you can
see that there is a little more to it than described above.
While oscillator VCO1 (TXEAACSANF-40) is in the
oven, we have decided to use a temperature-compensated
oscillator, for extra stability. IC1, the DAC controlling the
VCO frequency, is an MCP4922 dual 12-bit type. We need
fine control over the voltage fed to the VCO, so we can shift
its frequency by very small amounts.
Rather than use an expensive 24-bit DAC, we are instead
averaging the two outputs of the dual 12-bit DAC using
different resistor values, so that the pin 10 output gives
fine control and the pin 14 output adjusts the frequency
in larger steps.
With this arrangement, we can vary the frequency of the
VCO over its full range, in steps of around 60ppb.
So that the VCO output is stable, the control voltage
also must be very stable, so both the averaging resistors
and the 2.5V reference for the DAC (REG2) are inside the
oven, indicated by the shaded area on the circuit diagram.
The combined DAC output is fed to an LMV641 op-amp
(IC3) so that the VCO’s control input doesn’t load up the
averaging resistors and cause the voltage to shift, and so
that the VCO control input is driven from a low-impedance source to ensure it operates correctly.
This is a high-precision, low noise, low power op amp.
A 22pF capacitor at its input reduces unwanted noise.
While IC3 has no gain, there is a 2kΩ resistor in its feedback path, so that the impedance seen by both inputs (pins
2 and 3) is the same.
This is important since mismatched input impedances cause increased thermal drift in op amps
and that is something we definitely do not want.
DAC IC1’s reference inputs (pin 11 and 13) are fed with
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The Main Page provides buttons to
access all the features of the Frequency
Reference, as well as displaying the
current state of the three outputs.
The settings are organised into three
main groups: Presets, Temperature (for
tuning the oven’s operation) and VCO
Trim (for manual adjustment of the VCO).
The Presets page allows frequency
settings to be copied and pasted. All the
presets are saved to non-volatile storage,
so are preserved during power cycles.
2.5V from REG2, a MAX6166A precision regulator with 5ppm/°C temperature coefficient.
Since its temperature variation is
within 1°C and that the VCO “pulling range” is ±5ppm, that means the
influence of variations in REG2’s output should be no more than (2 x 5ppm)
x 5ppm x 1°C which is a fraction of a
part per billion.
Also, REG2 is fed from a 2.7V regulated rail provided by REG1, itself a
very stable 2.7V low-dropout (LDO)
regulator, so its line regulation should
be excellent.
It should be apparent that we have
gone to a lot of effort to ensure that the
VCO’s output is extremely stable and
only shifts when the micro wants it to!
NPN transistor Q1, which provides
heat for the oven, is connected directly
across the 3.3V supply and so its dissipation is directly proportional to collector current, which in turn is related
to its base current. The base current is
determined by the voltage at output
pin 10 of IC6, another MCP4922 dual
SPI DAC, which uses a 2.7V reference
from REG2, to avoid loading up REG1
Q1’s 2.7kΩ base current-limiting
resistor was chosen to keep the maximum dissipation in Q1 to a safe level.
The Micromite sets the DAC output to
control the temperature as measured
by TS1, forming a closed control loop.
The second DAC in IC6 is not needed for any function related to the oven
so its output at pin 14 is connected to
LED1 to vary its brightness as well as
CON7, which is used for diagnostic
The DS18B20 oven temperature
sensor (TS1) sends its data to the Micromite pin 16 and its output is fitted
with a 4.7kΩ pull-up resistor, as required for the Dallas 1-wire protocol.
Phase-locked loop IC
pins 12 (Y1) and 15 (Y2) are terminated to ground with 510Ω resistors,
while the other four outputs are fed
to their destinations via 510 /1.1kΩ
Unfortunately, the CDCE906 data
sheet was not specific about the output loading requirements and we
found these resistor values necessary
to provide reliable operation.
The dividers only reduce the output
signal swing by about 33% and since
the chip runs off a 3.3V supply, that
still gives a useful swing of around
2.2V peak-to-peak.
Output Y4 is fed back to the RX pin
(pin 12) on the Micromite via jumper
LK1 as this is the only pin which can
measure frequencies this high (as described below).
Since this prevents the serial console from operating, LK1 has been provided; simply remove the jumper to
access the serial console and re-insert
it to allow normal operation.
The other three remaining outputs
at pins 16, 19 and 20 (outputs Y3-Y5)
are fed to paralleled pairs of gates in
hex inverter chips IC4 and IC5. These
are 74ALVC14 devices, which are a
modern equivalent to the 74HC14 hex
schmitt trigger inverter.
The difference is that these chips
can operate at lower voltages (1.653.6V) and much higher frequencies
(up to about 100MHz). They can also
source or sink up to 50mA per output.
So each pair can supply up to
100mA and they feed the outputs via
39Ω impedance-matching/currentlimiting resistors.
A dedicated pair of inverters
(IC5e/f) is also provided to buffer the
disciplined 1pps output from pin 22
of the Micromite.
Four of the twelve inverter stages
are unused (IC4a/b/e/f), so their in-
Silicon Chip
The PLL, IC2, is what allows us
to have three customisable frequency outputs which are not simply integral fractions of the VCO’s 40MHz
It is a Texas Instruments CDCE906
triple-PLL clock synthesiser IC, the
only chip that is in a TSSOP (finepitch) SMD package as it is not available in a larger package.
It has six programmable outputs but
since it only has three internal PLLs,
some settings are shared between them
(we are using four of the six). It is controlled over an I2C bus at pins 9 and
10, which are connected to pins 17 &
18 of the Micromite and 4.7kΩ pullup resistors are fitted, as required by
the I2C standard.
If you are not familiar with PLLs,
briefly, they consist of a voltage-controlled oscillator followed by a programmable divider.
A phase comparator compares the
frequency and phase of the divided
output to the input frequency and provides negative feedback, to adjust the
oscillator frequency until the output
of the divider matches the input, thus
providing a fixed ratio between the input and output frequencies.
The 40MHz signal from VCO1 is fed
into the three PLLs within IC2, via a
51Ω resistor, to provide IC2 with the
expected 50Ω source impedance.
Each PLL has a multiplier and a divider, which allows a vast number of
ratios to be chosen, and in turn, a wide
range of frequencies to be derived from
the input clock.
Each output can be programmed
to take its input from any of the PLLs
and the PLL frequency can be further
divided down to give an even wider
range of output frequencies.
The two unused outputs of IC2, at
Australia’s electronics magazine
Tuning the temperature settings can be
done on this page, although we found the
initial values we tried were quite good.
You may need to raise the setpoint if your
workspace consistently gets above 35°.
The VCO settings are basic, but very
useful. Changing the C Value (control
value) allows the VCO to be manually
tuned, perfect if you have an atomic
clock source for calibration.
A Status page is provided to give
information about how the Frequency
Reference is performing. In this case, no
GPS module is connected, and the unit
has fallen back to PLL-only mode.
puts are tied to ground to prevent oscillation.
The link arrangement to select the
signal source for CON2 is a little more
complex than was shown on the block
A 5-pin header is used, which allows a jumper shunt to be placed over
either pins 2 & 3 or 3 & 4 to feed either
signal through to the central pin of the
BNC socket.
But since pins 1 and 5 are wired to
ground, this gives you the option of
feeding either or both signals to offboard connectors by placing a 2-wire
plug over pin pairs 1 & 2 and 4 & 5.
between a 3.3V or 5V power supply for
the GPS module.
We used the trusty old VK2828U7G5LF GPS module with onboard ceramic antenna, which can operate from
either 3.3V or 5V.
But we have provided the option
since some constructors will prefer
to use a module with an external antenna and in this case, you may need
to choose a particular voltage to suit
the module.
Whichever module you use, make
sure it has a TTL serial interface along
with a 1PPS output pin.
The NMEA output from the GPS
module is a stream of serial text data
which contains satellite information,
including the time, date and location.
The module also produces a 1PPS
pulse, which is fed directly to pin 21
on the Micromite.
Once the Micromite confirms from
the NMEA data that a valid satellite
fix has been achieved, it starts timing
the 1PPS pulses in order to discipline
the VCO.
GPS module interface
The GPS module’s serial TX and RX
pins are wired directly to pins 9 and
10 on the Micromite so that the latter
can receive NMEA serial data.
A jumper is placed on LK1 to select
Power supply
You can fit either a mini USB (CON5)
or micro USB (CON6) socket and power then comes from a 5V USB charger
or similar.
The 5V supply is fed directly to the
Micromite BackPack, where it powers
the LCD touchscreen and is regulated
to 3.3V to power the Micromite chip.
The 3.3V supply is then fed back to the
Frequency Reference board, to power
the remaining circuitry.
The only component on the Frequency Reference which may draw
directly from the 5V supply is the GPS
module, and that’s only if you have selected the 5V option.
Everything else runs from 3.3V, with
Parts list – Precision Frequency Reference
1 double-sided PCB, code 04107181, 120mm x 55mm
1 Micromite BackPack V2 kit (described in May 2017)
1 VK2828U7G5LF or equivalent GPS module
3 PCB-mount BNC sockets (CON2-CON4) [Jaycar PS0661]
1 UB3 Jiffy Box
1 40-way snappable pin header (GPS1,JP1,JP2,LK1)
[Altronics P5430, Jaycar HM3212]
1 4-pin and 18-pin female socket
3 jumper shunts (shorting blocks) (JP1,JP2,LK1)
1 SMD USB mini-B (CON5) or micro-B (CON6) socket
3 M3 tapped 12mm long Nylon spacers
3 M3 x 20mm pan head machine screws
1 USB charger or similar power supply with cable to suit
Parts for oven enclosure
2 100mm cable ties
2 bottle caps, film canisters, small foam cups or similar
2 MCP4922 dual 12-bit SPI DAC ICs, SOIC-14 (IC1,IC6)
1 CDCE906 programmable PLL/clock synthesizer,
TSSOP-20 (IC2)
1 LMV641 low-power op amp, SOIC-8 (IC3)
2 SN74ALVC14 hex schmitt trigger inverter, SOIC-14 (IC4,IC5)
1 DS18B20 temperature sensor IC, TO-92 (TS1)
1 MCP1700-2.7V voltage regulator, TO-92 or SOT-23 (REG1)
1 MAX6166AESA 2.5V voltage regulator, SOIC-8 (REG2)
1 3mm LED (LED1)
1 BC337 NPN transistor, TO-92 (Q1)
Capacitors (all SMD X7R, 3216/1206 size)
5 10mF
7 100nF
1 22pF
Resistors (all SMD 1%, 3216/1206 size)
1 8.2M 1 10k 3 4.7k 1 2.7k
3 1.1k 6 510 1 220
1 51
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2 2k
4 39
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Each output (CON2, CON3 and CON4)
has its own control screen and allows
setting of the output frequency by
automatic seeking, manual adjustment of
PLL parameters and from stored presets.
The advanced screen gives direct control
of the N, M and P dividers which are used
by each PLL, as well as reporting whether
the resulting PLL frequency is within the
correct range.
CON4’s advanced PLL control is
restricted to modifying the P value,
as N and M are locked to provide the
40MHz reference that is fed back into the
the 2.7V (REG1) and 2.5V (REG2) regulators being used only to provide the
DAC reference voltages.
Micromite pin 4 is wired to the
LDAC-bar input of IC1 (pin 8), which
is driven to ensure that the output voltages of both DACs within IC1 change at
the same time. This prevents glitches
from changes in the DAC output voltage being propagated to the input of
Communications with the DACs is
simple since the micro only needs to
send the new digital value over the
SPI bus and the output voltages then
change in response.
The PLL IC has a more complex interface and is controlled by programming an array of internal registers
which have various functions.
Note that we have had to use the
Micromite’s pin 26 since there are no
free pins on the I/O header (pin 14 is
a shared SPI pin so cannot be used).
But the BackPack V2 uses pin 26 for
the optional software LCD backlight
control, so and the BackPack must be
built with hardware (trimpot) backlight brightness control instead.
Also, because the Micromite must
use its internal TIMER1 feature to keep
track of the frequency, as none of the
other timers are fast enough to manage
the 40MHz signal. Unfortunately, the
TIMER1 pin is attached in hardware
to the Micromite’s console RX on pin
12, so we have to shut down IC2 until it is needed.
Using the console RX pin to capture
the 40MHz signal from the VCO means
that we can not use the console during
normal operation, as this will cause
the 40MHz signal to be swamped by
signals from the console.
To get around this, the two USB
sockets on the board (CON5 and
CON6) are used for power only. Link
LK1 is provided so that you can still
program the Micromite via the serial
console and it is then shorted with a
jumper for normal operation.
Remaining components
By default pin 1 of IC2 (S0/A0/CLK_
SEL) is configured to disable the six
outputs when low. So we have fitted
a 10kΩ resistor to ground, to make the
outputs disabled by default.
This pin is wired back to Micromite
pin 24 so it can enable the PLL outputs
by making that pin a digital output and
setting it high.
All ICs have 100nF bypass capacitors between their main supply pins
and ground, for reliable operation, and
all regulators have 10mF ceramic input
bypass and output filter capacitors,
except for REG2 which has internal
compensation, so does not require a
capacitor on its output.
To minimise the noise from DACs
IC1 and IC6 and jitter from PLL IC2,
these three devices also have 10mF
ceramic bypass capacitors near their
supply pins, in parallel with the 100nF
Micromite BackPack
The Micromite is responsible for coordinating the functions of all the components on the GPS Frequency Reference board. As mentioned earlier, the
two DACs IC1 and IC6 use the SPI bus,
which is on pins 3 (SPI OUT) and 25
(SPI CLK) of the Micromite. This same
bus is also used on the BackPack for
communications with the touchscreen
but at different times, so the functions
do not interfere.
The Micromite’s digital output pin 5
is pulled low when the software sends
an SPI command to IC1 and this is
wired to its chip select (CS-bar) input.
Similarly, Micromite pin 26 drives the
CS-bar input of DAC IC6.
Silicon Chip
Australia’s electronics magazine
Controlling the PLL
IC2’s software registers allow us to
provide a comprehensive range of output frequencies, as we can set up internal multipliers and dividers to determine a wide range of internal PLL
frequencies. We have the capability to
read and write these internal registers;
the read function is used only to verify
that the writes have occurred correctly.
Each PLL inside IC2 has a 12-bit ‘N’
divider and a 9-bit ‘M’ divider. But
since the ‘N’ divider is in the feedback
loop of the PLL, it actually has the effect of multiplying the frequency. It is
the N/M fraction which determines the
ratio between the PLL and input frequencies. Each of the six outputs also
has a separate 7-bit ‘P’ divider. The
N, M and P values are all integers (ie,
whole numbers).
In more detail, the incoming (nominally 40MHz) frequency is multiplied
by N and then divided by M to give the
PLL frequency, and the PLL frequency
is divided by P to arrive at the output
frequency. The PLL frequency must
be in the range of 80-300MHz and the
output frequency is limited to a range
from 1-167MHz. Our output buffers
limit the maximum usable frequency
to around 100MHz.
We configure the registers in IC2 so
that PLL1 feeds into CON2, PLL3 feeds
into CON3 and PLL2 feeds into both
CON4 and back to the Micromite’s pin
12 frequency counter input. While
PLL1 and PLL3 can be set to a wide
range of frequencies, PLL2 is fixed to
run at 160MHz, so that a ‘P’ divider
of four gives us our 40MHz signal to
feedback to the Micromite.
That means, however, that CON4
cannot be set to produce just any
frequency. But it can still be set to
The Seek page allows the frequency to
be entered by a numeric keypad and
provides MHz and kHz shortcuts to
speed up entry of custom frequencies.
If an entered frequency is too low for the
Seek algorithm, a message box advises
the fact and returns to the previous
screen, preventing invalid results.
When a valid Seek frequency is entered,
the Micromite finds the nearest frequency
which can be generated by the PLL and
displays it so that it can be checked
before being output.
a number of different frequencies,
ie, 160MHz divided by an integer between two and 127 (80MHz,
53.3MHz, 40MHz, 32MHz, 26.7MHz,
…, 1.26MHz).
While CON2 and CON3 can provide
a much more flexible range of frequencies, the software actually has to do
quite a bit of work to calculate the N,
M and P values required to produce a
specific frequency. After all, there are
268 million possible combinations
While it’s possible that there is no
combination of values which will give
a particular frequency that you want,
chances are, if it is in the range of 10100MHz then the unit will be able to
produce something very close (and
you will be able to see on the screen
what that frequency actually is).
Since there are so many combinations of values, we had to carefully
design an algorithm to find the best
combination. It starts by determining
what values of P are valid given the
desired frequency. Because the PLL
frequency must fall between 80MHz
and 300MHz, this gives a fairly small
For example, to produce a 40MHz
frequency, P must be between two
(80MHz PLL) and seven (280MHz
PLL). Since the value of P is limited to
seven bits, the highest valid value for P
is 127. This is also what determines the
lowest possible frequency that the PLL
output can produce, which is 630kHz
Since the N and M registers have 12
and nine bits respectively, that puts
an upper limit on their values at 4095
and 511 respectively. There is also a
restriction that N must be greater than
or equal to M, but given that the minimum PLL frequency is 80MHz, N must
be greater than M to achieve this from
a 40MHz source anyway.
Since M has a smaller range of values, the algorithm iterates over the valid values of P and M, works out what
the exact (decimal) value of N would
need to be to produce the desired frequency, and then tests the next highest and lowest integer values to see
how close they would be to our target
As the iteration occurs, if a better
match is found, it is stored. If an exact match is found, then no further
searching need be done. Otherwise,
it continues until all viable PLL setting combinations have been tested.
Developmental Trials and Tribulations
This project took some time to finish and like many of our more
ambitious projects, we encountered a few stumbling blocks along
the way. The final design is pretty close to the initial concept but
we had to make a few refinements for it to work properly.
As is typical, we are using all of the Micromite BackPack’s free
I/O pins. The only way to get more I/Os would have been to use
a board with an SMD micro but they are trickier to solder. In the
end, the only real compromise we had to make was to use one
of the console pins for I/O, making our debugging more difficult.
This was necessary because the PIC32 only provides one input
pin for each timer clock and only one of the timers is fast enough
to neasure the 40MHz signal from the VCO. That pin just happens
to coincide with the serial console transmit function.
So we had to use the touchscreen to display debugging messages. That meant that we couldn’t see BASIC error messages.
While the V2 BackPack has a USB console connector, unlike the
one on Plus BackPack, this shares the same TX and RX pins, so
that doesn’t help.
The other major problems we had were with the PLL/Clock
Synthesizer chip, IC2. It would randomly freeze up the I2C bus,
sometimes locking up the Micromite and often just failing to respond at all. The I2C signals from the Micromite looked fine on
an oscilloscope.
After many hours of probing, it became apparent that the I2C
signals were OK but the chip couldn’t decode them because its
ground was so noisy. We then noticed that the ground trace to the
PLL/Clock Synthesizer chip had disappeared. This chip is closest to the Micromite header on the PCB and we had laid a short
ground trace between them.
But Altium Designer thinks it’s smarter than us; it saw that there
were two different ground paths between those pins and decided
to remove one of them as it considered it redundant. So the chip’s
ground connection was via a long, circuitous path, hence the noise.
We also found that IC2 operated much more reliably when the
outputs were loaded up with around 1.5kΩ to ground and with
a 50Ω series resistor to set the source impedance for the clock
input; this was not mentioned in the CDCE906 data sheet, so we
had to figure it out ourselves.
Finally, we managed to simplify the design during development.
We originally had two extra logic ICs, a divider to produce 20MHz
and 10MHz signals from the 40MHz VCO output and another to
select which of these three signals was fed to CON4.
We later realised that all these functions could be done inside
IC2, which would also allow for more frequency options for CON4.
Since we had to revise the board to get IC2 to work properly, we
eliminated the two extra ICs at the same time.
Australia’s electronics magazine
October 2018 35
Unfortunately, when this algorithm
was implemented in BASIC, it took
over a minute to complete, which is
far too long.
Thus, we had to write a CFUNCTION
to speed up the process. Once the C
code has been compiled, it generates
PIC32 machine code which is inserted
into and can be called from the BASIC
program and this runs much faster. Our
CFUNCTION version of the code takes
less than one second to complete.
As well as the N, M and P values,
there are a number of registers which
need to be set up for the PLL to operate
as required. Most of these are initially
set by “dumping” an array of data into
the registers during the initialisation
phase. After this, the N, M and P registers are about all that is changed by
the program in the Micromite.
Each PLL also has a one-bit flag
which can be used to select either a
high-speed mode (above 180MHz) or
low-speed mode (below 200MHz). As
each group of registers are updated, this
is set to the appropriate value.
As well as being able to enter a desired frequency and having the register
values calculated for you, we decided
to give users the option to enter the values of N, M and P manually. We found
during testing that the restrictions stated in the data sheet on the PLL frequency are not hard-and-fast rules and that
the chip is able to operate at frequencies outside the specified range.
So our software does not enforce
these rules for manually-entered values, although it does give a warning
for combinations that would result
in a PLL frequency outside the normal range.
Other software considerations
The remainder of the software is
relatively straightforward. Updating
the DAC outputs only requires selecting the chip, writing 16 bits, then deselecting the chip, so this only takes a
few lines of code.
Processing and parsing the NMEA
data from the GPS module is a bit more
involved, as we have to check that the
GPS module has a proper fix before
trying to discipline the VCO from the
1PPS signal (otherwise the 1PPS signal may not be accurate). This involves
checking that we have received the
“$GPRMC” sentence and that it has
the value “A” at a certain point, and
not “V”.
Because it is not much more effort,
Silicon Chip
we also decipher the GPS latitude, longitude, UTC time and date and display
these values on the status page as confirmation that the GPS module is working correctly.
Apart from the software algorithm
for setting frequencies, we also had to
create a second CFUNCTION to count
the incoming 40MHz pulses from the
VCO. This requires setting up the TIMER1 interrupt and an interrupt service
routine to keep track of when the 16bit hardware counter overflows (the
32-bit timers are not able to operate at
this high a frequency).
The same routine also provides the
disciplined 1PPS output by toggling
pin 22 every twenty million received
pulses. Thus, the accuracy of the output 1PPS signal is matched to the accuracy of the 40MHz oscillator, as they
work in lockstep.
We came up with an easy way to do
this accurately. Rather than letting the
16-bit timer roll over at 65,536 as it
would normally (ie, after 216 pulses),
we set it to roll over after 62,500 pulses. Then, each time it rolls over, we
increment another counter and once it
reaches 320, that means that 20 million
pulses (62,500 x 320) have occurred.
So we only need to determine whether to toggle the state of pin 22 right at
the start of the interrupt handler routine and since the delay will be the
same each time, the duty cycle will be
exactly 50% and the frequency will be
exactly locked to the VCO.
The TIMER1 interrupt handler also
increments a 64-bit counter by 62,500
each time it is called. Then, when a
1PPS pulse from the GPS module is
detected on pin 21, the TIMER1 value
is added to this counter and that forms
the timestamp which is stored in a circular buffer.
The intervals between these timestamps are then fed into an algorithm to
determine whether to adjust the VCO
frequency and if so, in which direction and by how much, to keep it running at exactly 40MHz, or as close as
is possible.
User interface
As is usually the case with projects
using a complex touch interface, the
code to display information and process user input is quite involved and,
including font data, takes up about half
of the BASIC source code.
There are nine distinct interface
screens, each quite different. The main
Australia’s electronics magazine
overview page has five buttons, one to
access the “Settings” page, one for the
“Status” page and one each to set up
the three outputs. The current frequencies at CON2, CON3 and CON4 are also
displayed on this screen.
The output settings screen allows
one of four preset frequencies to be
loaded, or custom frequencies to be
programmed, either using the automatic search algorithm or by manually setting the N, M and P divider values. A long press on one of the preset
buttons allows the current output frequency value to be stored in a preset,
while a short press loads that frequency
The settings page allows the presets to be copied between the various
outputs. The characteristics and response of the temperature controller
and VCO adjustment algorithm can
also be changed.
The VCO’s control voltage can be
changed manually, so you can directly
adjust the VCO frequency if you have
access to a high-precision frequency
reference for calibration. The adjustment interval can be changed too.
Longer adjustment periods mean more
data is available to perform a more accurate adjustment, but it will take longer to settle.
Physical construction
Like many of our Micromite projects
that use the LCD BackPack board, the
Programmable GPS Frequency Reference is designed to fit into a UB3 jiffy
box, making for a very compact piece
of test equipment.The BNC connectors project out the side of the box,
with the front panel dedicated to the
Building this project is not particularly difficult, although there are a number of SMD parts. This is because IC2
is only available in an SMD (TSSOP)
package, and we would have had to
use a significantly larger box if we had
used mostly through-hole parts. Except
in the case of IC2, where we had no
choice, we have selected mostly easyto-solder (larger) SMDs.
The oven is made from just a few
commonly available parts and does
not take long. A few holes need to be
drilled and cut into the plastic case but
once you have built the PCBs, the rest
is pretty easy.
We’ll get into the construction and
operating details in part two, next