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View ANY program – even digital TV – on a Vintage TV Set with this
Analog TV audio/
video modulator
1950s’ and 1960s’ TVs are now old enough (and rare enough) to be regarded
as collectable. But how do you enjoy them? You certainly can’t use off-air
signals – they’re now all digital. And the output from a modern VCR or settop box can be far from optimal for driving these old TV sets. This design will
process that signal to provide optimum picture and sound quality.
elevision first appeared in Australia in 1956 and was a great
boon for the Australian electronics industry.
As with a vintage radio, you can restore a 1950/60s TV to working order
and an increasing band of collectors
and enthusiasts are doing just that.
But unlike AM radio (where analog
and digital signals still happily coexist), vintage TVs can no longer be
used as originally intended because
of the shut-down of analog TV transmissions.
Of course, it is not only vintage TV
collectors who may need a good signal for displaying on an old TV set.
Every time you see a TV series
which might happen to show a working TV set of the era means that there
Silicon Chip
is a need for an optimal signal.
Museums face this problem too and
it is sometimes apparent that their display is far from optimum. After all,
back in the days of black & white TV,
people did not habitually watch poor
quality pictures.
So what is the use of a beautifully
restored TV if you can’t watch anything on it?
The obvious approach is to use a
commercial VHF TV RF modulator or
the modulator in a VCR.
Either of these will accept a composite video signal and audio, which
can come from a digital TV set-top
box (allowing you to watch current
TV channels), a digital media player
By Ian Robertson
Celebrating 30 Years
or a DVD player.
In most cases, provided your TV can
tune to a channel your modulator can
generate, you may get an acceptable
picture and sound on your vintage TV
this way. But chances are that the results will be disappointing.
Depending on the TV and the material you are playing, you may notice symptoms such as diagonal white
lines and buzzing interference in the
sound, spoiling your enjoyment of that
classic movie or TV show. (See adjacent photo.)
Why does this happen?
Well, the short answer is that modern analog TV signals are different to
those that were broadcast in the 1950s
and 1960s.
The diagonal white lines often seen on older sets are retrace
lines, which are normally hidden but can manifest themselves due to the VBI not being fully blanked. By the way, the
blue cast on these screens is quite typical for sets of the day.
Here’s a “test pattern” which displays a lot of information
about the signal (in this case, after being processed by our
new Video/Audio Modulator). The moiré pattern is caused
by an interaction between screen and camera.
Firstly, in the late 1960s, in readival Test Signal, Time Code and once
ness for colour, the transmitted sound
home video recorders appeared, a
carrier power was quietly reduced
number of copy protection schemes,
from 25% of peak vision power to
notably Macrovision.
All these systems have three main
The main effect at the time was that
attributes: They became embedded in
many older TVs became more critical
the recorded video, they were virtually
to tune for good sound quality. That
ubiquitous and the VBI portion of the
could be tricky because the tuning for
signal was no longer below ‘‘black”.
best picture (with minimum snow)
Why should this be a problem, since
could result in poor sound.
even vintage TVs have vertical retrace
The second change was the “disblanking circuits?
covery” in the mid-1970s of the VerThe answer is, it turns out to be altical Blanking Interval (VBI) in the
most impossible to fully blank peak
TV signal.
white signals that occur in the VBI
The VBI is effectively the time that
using available internal signals in the
was included in the TV signal to allow
TV with passive circuits.
the scanning beam in the receiver’s
CRT time to return from the bottom
to the top of the screen (vertical
Prior to the mid-1970s,
the VBI contained no
information, just a
black signal; actually, it was below the
black signal level.
Then John Adams at Philips in
the UK came up
with the idea of
transmitting text
data in this otherwise wasted interval and Teletext was
Other uses soon This is actually the rear
appeared for the panel of the Modulator – you’d
VBI. Amongst these normally bring all cables in here so it
were Vertical Inter- would be hidden.
Celebrating 30 Years
Because such VBI manipulation
hadn’t been thought of, early TV designs simply didn’t do it. Even some
early colour TV designs were embarrassed by signals in the VBI and required field modifications.
VBI signals cause another problem.
When fed to most RF modulators, the
peak white excursions of the data in
the VBI completely cut off the AM vision carrier.
This action “punches holes” in the
FM sound carrier, causing an annoying
buzz in the sound. You might remember this buzz from the days when you
operated your TV through the VCR.
So what can be done about it?
You could modify the TV to bypass
the entire RF section and
feed vision and
sound directly to the video
and audio amplifiers.
When done
properly, this
can work very
well but it does
require specific
modifications to
each TV and arguably ruins the originality and authenticity of the set.
And since most vintage TVs used the AGC
to provide contrast control, you will usually lose
this control.
March 2018 81
Fig.1: the structure of an analog video signal around the time of the vertical
blanking interval (VBI), ie, the time between the transmission of each field
(half of an interlaced image). This interval contains a negative sync pulse
(much longer than the horizontal synchronisation pulses) plus a number of
nominally blank lines. In many cases, they might not actually be blank and
that can upset older TV sets.
What is really needed is a device
that will convert modern video signals
into a form suitable for any vintage TV.
To do so, we need to remove all signals during the VBI and return it to
black, clip any peak white excursions
above 1V peak, so they don’t affect the
sound, and generate a TV signal with
a “B&W era” 25% sound carrier.
Then it should provide the best possible picture and sound quality. And
ideally, it should be simple, inexpensive and easy to build!
Many possible design choices were
evaluated. The video processor could
have been implemented digitally but
an analog solution was chosen because
of the lower cost and complexity.
is essentially the same but much longer, lasting for 160s, which is the time
normally taken to scan 2.5 lines.
The remainder of the third line,
plus lines 4 to 17 are blank and finally, the next field starts with line 18. So
it’s these blank lines which may con-
tain unwanted signals that we need
to suppress.
The rest of the time, during normal
picture scanning, it needs to clamp
the maximum signal level to the correct white level and by implication, it
must also adjust the signal to achieve
the correct black level.
Vintage TVs don’t all display an accurate black level but it’s needed anyway to ensure the minimum vision
carrier level of 20% on peak white is
observed, so that the sound is not affected.
Fig.2 shows the signal voltage during the scanning of one line. It starts
with the horizontal blanking interval,
during which time the CRT electron
beam is being swept back to the start
of the next line.
During this time, you can see there
is a short pause (the front porch), followed by the short, negative horizontal
synchronisation pulse, the back porch
(which for colour signals, incorporates
the PAL or NTSC colour burst), then
the visible line interval, during which
the video signal provides the brightness (luminance) information via its
amplitude and, in the case of colour
sets, the chrominance information via
the phase information.
How it works
To reach the goals outlined just
above, three main circuit sections are
required: video processing, audio processing and RF modulation.
The video processing circuitry must
detect the vertical synchronisation
pulse and start a timer which lasts for
the duration of the VBI (1.28ms) so that
it can suppress any extraneous video
signals during this time.
This is illustrated in Fig.1, which
shows how the last two to three lines
of each field are normally blank, containing only horizontal synchronisation pulses, which are negative excursions in the video signal, below
the black level.
The vertical synchronisation pulse
Silicon Chip
Fig.2: a PAL image contains 625 lines and each one is transmitted with a
signal as shown here. The front porch and back porch provide a reference
black level for the rest of the signal. The peak-to-peak amplitude, from the
horizontal sync pulse to the white level, is normally 1V. Sometimes signals
can exceed 1V; one of the jobs of the circuit described here is to prevent that
as it can badly affect sound quality by blanking the audio FM carrier.
Celebrating 30 Years
Fig.3: this
waveform is
a single video
line showing
the relationship
between the
various levels
which can range
between peak
white (1.073V)
and the sync tip
level (0V).
The synchronisation pulses are
nominally 285mV below the black
level while the maximum white level should be about 715mV above the
black level, giving a peak-to-peak voltage of around 1V.
The black level can be determined
by monitoring the average signal level
during either the front porch (just before the horizontal sync pulse) or the
back porch (just after it). This design
uses the back porch since it’s easier
to detect.
The overall design of the unit is
shown in the block diagram, Fig.4.
This shows how the vertical synchronisation pulse is detected by IC2 and
then used to trigger pulse generator
IC5a, which switches the video output
between the version with the limited
white level (clamped by diode D1) to
the version with everything but the
sync pulses removed (clamped by diode D2) during the VBI.
IC2 also detects the back porch period and this is fed to the circuit which
normalises the black level so that the
two clamps limit the video signal at
the right levels.
The processed video and sound are
then fed into audio/video modulator
IC6. This includes an FM audio modulator with tunable carrier oscillator,
RF oscillator for the video carrier and
a double-balanced mixer. The two
variable inductors, L1 and L2, allow
the TV channel and FM sub-carrier
to be tuned.
The sound is processed by applying
an adjustable level of gain and then
passing it through the correct pre-emphasis filter and this is then fed to the
A/V modulator.
The RF modulated output passes
through a low-pass filter and then to
the RF output, which goes to the antenna input of the TV.
So now that we have discussed what
processing must be done, let’s look
at the operation of the complete circuit, starting with the video processing section.
Circuit description
The full circuit is shown in Fig.5.
The composite video and audio signals
to be sent to the TV are fed into dual
RCA socket CON1. A 75Ω termination
resistor sets the load impedance correctly for the video signal, to eliminate
reflections in the cable.
The video signal is then AC-coupled
to non-inverting input pin 3 of IC1 via
a 47µF capacitor and biased to 2.5V
(half the 5V supply) by a pair of 10kΩ
IC1 is a video (wide-bandwidth)
op amp which acts as a non-inverting
buffer and also provides a gain of two,
ie, doubling the signal amplitude.
The gain is set by the ratio of feedback resistors (1 + 4.7kΩ ÷ 4.7kΩ) and
the 47µF capacitor at the bottom of this
divider chain will charge up to the
same bias level as applied to pin 3, so
that the gain is not applied to the DC
offset. That would cause output pin
1 of IC1 to be pegged to the +5V rail.
The signal at this output pin goes to
two different sub-circuits; via a 100nF
capacitor to IC2, the sync separator,
and via a 4.7µF capacitor to emitterfollower buffer transistor Q1.
Let’s look first at what happens
to the signal buffered by Q1. As explained below, the base of Q1 is held
at +1.5V during the back porch interval. This charges up the 4.7µF coupling capacitor.
Because the average voltage of the
back porch is the black level, the black
level of the signal at the base of Q1 becomes 1.5V.
Given the ~0.7V drop between its
base and emitter, that sets the black
level at its emitter to around 0.8V.
The signal at Q1’s emitter passes
through two 1kΩ resistors and then
into inputs B0 and B1 of multiplexer
IC3 (pins 1 & 2).
But there are also two dual schottky
diodes, D1 and D2, connected to these
pins. They are wired in parallel, so
that they act like a single diode with
a higher current rating and lower forward voltage.
Let’s consider the signal at input pin
Fig.4: block diagram of the Modulator. IC2 detects the vertical sync pulse
and starts timer IC5a, which controls an analog switch that changes the
video output to a version containing only sync pulses during the vertical
blanking interval. The rest of the time, D1 and IC2 combine to prevent
signal levels above the maximum white level from passing through to the
modulator, which also receives the processed audio. Variable inductors L1
and L2 allow the two carriers to be tuned.
Celebrating 30 Years
March 2018 83
B0 (pin 2) first. The cathodes of D1 are
held at 2V by buffer op amp IC4c.
This reference level is generated
from a string of four resistors across
the regulated 5V rail. Given that schottky diode D1 will have a forward voltage of around 0.2V when conducting,
this means that input pin B0 will be
clamped at a maximum of around 2.2V.
This is 1.4V above the black level that
we determined earlier would be present
at the emitter of Q1 (ie, 2.2V - 0.8V).
Silicon Chip
Since we’ve applied a gain of two to
the signal, that represents an increase
of 700mV (1.4V ÷ 2) above the black
level in the original signal; very close
to the 715mV mentioned earlier for the
correct white level. So D1 prevents the
signal at pin 2 of IC3 from exceeding
the desired white level.
During active line scanning, the signal at input pin 2 (B0) is fed through
to output Bn (pin 15), which drives
the base of PNP emitter-follower Q2.
Celebrating 30 Years
Thus, Q2 buffers the video signal
which is then fed through a 75Ω impedance-matching resistor and 470µF
DC-blocking capacitor to the video
output socket.
Note that the 75Ω resistor will form
a voltage divider with the 75Ω cable
impedance/input impedance of the TV.
Since IC1 already applied a gain of
two to the video signal, the TV will
receive a signal with the correct amplitude.
Fig.5: complete circuit of the Modulator. The video signal is buffered by IC1 (which also applies some gain), then
buffered again by Q1 and clamped by diodes D1 & D2 before passing to analog multiplexer IC3. Its video output is then
fed to another buffer transistor, Q2, and then onto the A/V modulator, IC6. It then generates a signal which is fed to the
RF output, CON2, via a low-pass filter. The audio level is adjusted using VR1 and processed by IC4b before also being
fed to modulator IC6.
Actually blanking the Vertical
Blanking Interval
As mentioned earlier, the video signal from input buffer IC1 also passes
through to IC2.
This is an LM1881 sync separator
and this detects two control signals:
the vertical synchronisation pulses
(shown in Fig.1) and the colour burst/
back porch (shown in Fig.2).
Its pin 3 output goes low for a fixed
period when a vertical synchronisation
pulse is detected while the pin 5 output goes low during the back porch/
colour burst period.
The vertical sync pulse output from
pin 3 is stretched by IC5a, a 4538 retriggerable monostable multivibrator.
The length of the output pulse is set
by the combination of a 22nF capacitor
and 68kΩ resistor and this time constant was chosen to be equal to the remainder of the VBI.
The signal from the Q output of IC5a
Celebrating 30 Years
(pin 6) is fed to logic input S1 of multiplexer IC3 (pin 10). This switches
the source of the video fed to buffer
transistor Q2 to be from input pin B1
(pin 1) rather than Y0 (pin 2) so that
during the VBI, the video signal sent
to the TV set contains only the horizontal synchronisation pulses and is
otherwise black.
The signal fed to input B1 is similar
to the signal described earlier at B0,
except that it is clamped by diode D2
March 2018 85
Fig.6: use this PCB overlay diagram as a guide during assembly. Most of the
passive components, with the exception of the electrolytic capacitors, are
surface-mounted, as are all the semiconductors, with the exception of IC6. Be
careful to fit the ICs and electrolytic capacitors with the correct polarity.
rather than D1. D2’s cathode is connected to a 0.6V reference level which is
buffered by op amp IC4a (derived from
the same divider string as the 2.0V reference mentioned earlier).
Since the black level of the video
signal at the emitter of Q1 is around
0.8V, taking into account the ~0.2V
forward voltage of D2, this diode will
prevent any signal levels above the
black level from passing through to
input B1. Thus, the synchronisation
pulses (which are negative) can get to
input B1 but anything else during the
VBI will be clipped off.
As a result, anything other than the
sync pulse that may come from the
video source during the VBI is not fed
through to the TV.
By the way, because of the bias requirements of the vision modulator
and the need to allow for diode drops,
the reference voltages generated by the
resistor chain are quite critical and inter-dependent.
A spreadsheet was used to calculate
the best fit, using preferred-value resistors, to avoid the need for adjustments.
The back porch and
black reference level
I explained earlier that the base of
Q1 is held at +1.5V during the back
Silicon Chip
porch to set the correct black reference
level. This reference level comes from
the output of op amp IC4d, which is
in turn driven from the same four-resistor reference divider that produces
the other two reference voltages.
The output of IC4d drives the base of
Q1 when input A0 (pin 12) of analog
multiplexer IC3 is connected to its
respective An output (pin 14) when
logic input S0 (pin 11) is low. This
logic input is driven by the Cn output of the multiplexer, (pin 4). This
part of the multiplexer is being used
as a logic gate.
Since input C1 (pin 3) is tied high to
+5V and input C0 (pin 5) is connected
to the back porch/colour burst output
of sync separator IC2, output Cn will
only be low during the back porch period (ie, output pin 5 of IC2 is low) and
when input S2 (pin 9) is low.
And input S2 is low most of the
time but is driven high during the VBI,
by the output of IC5a that was mentioned earlier.
So basically, the base of Q1 is held
at the +1.5V reference level during the
back porch, except for during the VBI.
This means that the black level of
the signal is “reset” at the beginning
of each horizontal scan line but it is
left unaltered during the VBI since
other signals that are present during
the VBI can be falsely detected as the
back porch and thus could result in
incorrect biasing.
The 4.7µF capacitor at the base of
Q1 has a high enough value to preserve
the correct DC levels during the VBI.
Audio processing
The audio signal from CON1 is fed
to audio gain/volume control pot VR1
and then AC-coupled to non-inverting
input pin 5 of the remaining op amp,
IC4b. The signal is biased to a halfsupply (~2.5V) level using two 100kΩ
This same-size
photo matches
the above
overlay in most
respects, but
is of an early
prototype and
so has a number
of patches
and added
around IC3).
The final PCB
design above has
these changes
Celebrating 30 Years
resistors. A fixed gain of 11 times is
applied, set by the ratio of the 100kΩ
and 10kΩ resistors. Again, the bottom
end of the divider is connected to a capacitor to ground, so that the DC bias
of the inverting input and the output
will also settle at 2.5V.
A simple filter network comprising a
parallel 1nF capacitor and 56kΩ resistor provide audio pre-emphasis with a
time constant of 50µs (treble boost), as
required for the following FM modulator. The audio signal is AC-coupled
to the modulator via a 470nF series
capacitor so that the signal can be biased to 1.7V, to suit the modulator; this
level is derived from the 12V rail using 180kΩ and 30kΩ resistors.
RF modulator
IC6, the MC1374, is designed specifically for this sort of job. Along with
the audio signal just mentioned, which
is fed into pin 14, The video signal at
CON4 is also fed into IC6, at input pin
11. A 47pF capacitor to ground filters
out any RF which may be present in
the video signal, preventing it from affecting the operation of the modulator.
The MC1374 contains an RF oscillator, RF modulator and a phase shift
type FM modulator, arranged to permit
good PC board layout of a complete
TV modulation system. The RF oscillator can operate up to approximately
105MHz, which makes it suitable for
Band 1 VHF. The video modulator is
a balanced type.
The choice of the MC1374 may seem
unwise as this part is no longer in production. However, it is readily available from many sources on the web
at a reasonable price. This is a much
better situation than most that TV restorers have experienced!
SILICON CHIP will have a stock of
this IC available in the Online Shop,
so you can order it at the same time
as the PCB.
The modulated sound carrier and
composite video information are fed
in separately, to pins 1 and 11 respectively, to minimise crosstalk. The RF
output is a current sink which can
drive a 75Ω load.
Note that the PNP video buffer transistor, Q2, is not just used to provide
a low impedance drive for the output
socket. It also allows us to shift the
video signal DC bias level to around
3.9V, as is required by IC6, to set the
correct black level. (Note that due to
the way IC6 works, the same DC bias
Parts list – Audio/Video Modulator
for Analog (Vintage) TV sets
1 130x100x50mm light grey ABS instrument case [Altronics H0371]
1 double-sided PCB, 100 x 88mm, code 02104181
1 150nH variable inductor (L1) [CoilCraft 7M2-151] OR 1 SBK-71K coil former pack
(SILICON CHIP Online Shop Cat SC2746) plus 100mm length of 0.25mm diameter
enamelled copper wire
1 10H variable inductor (L2) [CoilCraft 7M2-103] OR 1 SBK-71K coil former pack
[SILICON CHIP Online Shop Cat SC2746) plus 900mm length of 0.25mm diameter
enamelled copper wire
2 220nH SMD inductors, 2012/0805 package
1 2-way PCB-mount RCA socket, red/white (CON1) [Altronics P0210]
2 black PCB-mount low-profile RCA sockets (CON2,CON4) [Altronics P0207]
1 2.1mm or 2.5mm ID PCB-mount DC socket (CON3)
1 12V DC regulated plugpack with plug to suit CON3
5 No.4 x 6mm self-tapping screws
1 LMH6642 high-bandwidth op amp, SOT-23-5 (IC1)
1 LM1881 sync separator, SOIC-8 (IC2)
1 74HC4053 triple two-channel analog multiplexer, SOIC-16 (IC3)
1 MCP6004 quad op amp, SOIC-14 (IC4)
1 74HC4538 dual monostable multivibrator, SOIC-16 (IC5)
1 MC1374P A/V modulator, DIP-14 (IC6) [Silicon Chip Online Shop Cat SC4543]
1 LM7805S 5V 1A regulator, TO-263 (REG1) OR
1 7805 5V 1A regulator, TO-220, with leads cut short and bent to fit (see text)
1 BC847 NPN transistor, SOT-23 (Q1)
1 BCX17 PNP transistor, SOT-23 (Q2)
2 BAT54C dual schottky diodes, SOT-23 (D1,D2)
1 40V 1A SMD schottky diode, SMA package (D3) [MBRA140T3 or similar]
Capacitors (all SMD 2012/0805, 16V X7R unless otherwise stated)
3 470F 16V radial electrolytic
5 47F 16V radial electrolytic
1 4.7F
6 470nF
2 100nF
1 22nF
3 10nF
3 1nF
1 68pF
3 47pF
1 39pF
1 22pF
Resistors (all SMD 2012/0805, 1%)
1 680kΩ
1 180kΩ
3 100kΩ
1 68kΩ
1 56kΩ
1 30kΩ
1 18kΩ
3 10kΩ
1 6.34kΩ
1 5.6kΩ
2 4.7kΩ
2 3.3kΩ
1 3.0kΩ
2 2.2kΩ
2 1kΩ
3 470Ω
2 150Ω
1 100Ω
3 75Ω
1 10kΩ 9mm horizontal log pot with long 18-tooth spline shaft (VR1) [Altronics
level is used for pin 1).
This shift is due partly to the ~0.7V
base-emitter junction forward voltage
and partly because of the voltage divider comprising two 150Ω resistors
between Q2’s emitter and the 5V rail.
These two resistors also reduce the AC
Celebrating 30 Years
amplitude of the video signal by half,
compensating for the gain of two that
was applied earlier by IC1.
IC6 contains two internal oscillator
amplifiers which drive the RF tank
between pins 6 and 7, to generate the
video carrier, and the FM carrier tank
March 2018 87
supplies the rest of the circuitry. It too
has a 470F output filter capacitor.
The PCB attaches to the rear panel via a single screw on the input socket; the
assembly is held in the case via four self-tapping screws while the rear panel
slots into the vertical guides in the case. This holds the whole thing rigid.
between pins 2 and 3, to generate the
audio carrier.
Both of these tanks are based on
variable inductors, to allow them to
be tuned to the required frequencies,
as well as capacitors, to make them
Since the video carrier, at 50100MHz, is at a much higher frequency
than the audio carrier (5.5MHz), the inductance value of L1 (0.15µH) is much
lower than L2 (10H).
This unit is not crystal locked
but tuned to operate on channel 2
(64.25MHz), since this channel is now
unused and able to be tuned by any TV.
It is a simple matter to re-tune it to any
band 1 channel (1, 2 or 3).
Note that it may be possible to tune
to channels 0 or 4 but neither of these
can be received by early TVs with
10-channel VHF tuners, so they would
not be good choices. Later Australian
sets had 13-channel tuners.
The design could have used a crystal for maximum stability but a suitable custom crystal would be expensive and the LC oscillator stability is
excellent anyway. A PLL could also
have been used but would have greatly
increased complexity.
The configuration of the video RF
tank (a parallel resonant circuit) is
pretty much identical to the sample
circuit in the MC1374 datasheet, with
the exception being the 10nF capacitor; its suggested value was 1nF in
the data sheet. Its purpose is to filter
the applied supply voltage, so a larger
Silicon Chip
value should be better.
Similarly, the FM carrier oscillator components (series resonant) are
very similar to those specified in the
MC1374 data sheet with the only real
difference being the values of the 47pF
and 68pF load capacitors, which have
been tweaked to work better with the
properties of inductor L2.
The balanced modulator gain resistor is the recommended value, at
2.2kΩ. This controls the modulation
depth at the output.
The output is terminated with a
75Ω resistor from the 12V rail, which
also supplies current to the modulator circuitry.
The output signal then passes
through a double-pi low-pass LC filter (fifth order) to clean up the sidebands. It would have been better to use
a proper “vestigial sideband filter” but
these require tuning.
The downside of this simple approach is that it’s possible to tune the
TV to the opposite sideband. However, this will result in poor picture and
sound quality which is easy to identify. In this respect, it’s no different to
typical VCR modulators.
The power supply is simple. We rely
on the plugpack to supply a regulated
12V rail which is used to power the
A/V modulator (IC6) more-or-less directly, via reverse polarity protection
schottky diode D3.
A 470F filter capacitor is provided,
which also acts as the input bypass capacitor for 5V regulator REG1, which
Celebrating 30 Years
As all components mount on a single PCB, construction is relatively
straightforward. The PCB then fits
neatly into the plastic instrument case.
The PCB overlay diagram Fig.6 and
photograph show where all the components go.
Most of the parts are SMDs (surface-mount devices) but there are
some through-hole parts too, notably
the connectors, electrolytic capacitors and IC6.
Because most of the SMDs have
widely-spaced pins, you shouldn’t
have any difficulty soldering them in.
IC1 is the one exception, with closelyspaced leads, but since it only has five
pins (two on one side and three on the
other), it shouldn’t prove too difficult.
Soldering IC1 is a good place to
start. Since it has a different number
of pins on each side, its orientation is
easy to figure. Tack-solder one of the
corner pins (on the side with two pins)
and then check that the other pins are
correctly aligned over their pads using a magnifier.
If not, re-heat the solder and nudge
it into place. Repeat until it’s properly aligned, then solder the other four
pins. This is easier if you apply a little flux paste to the pins first.
Don’t worry about bridging the three
that are close together; if this happens,
simply apply a little flux paste and
then apply some thin solder wick and
heat and the bridges should disappear.
Add some flux paste and re-heat the
initial pin that you tack soldered to
ensure the joint is not cold.
Clean off any residue using alcohol
or flux cleaner and check carefully
under magnification (and with good
light) that all five solder joints have
good fillets. You can then move on to
the other SMD ICs, IC2-IC5.
You can use a similar approach but
you should find these considerably
easier due to the larger pin spacings.
Watch the polarity though; all the other
ICs can be soldered in one of two orientations and only one is correct. Refer
to the photo and the overlay diagram,
Fig.6, to see the correct orientations.
In each case, pin 1 should go towards
the top edge of the board.
Pin 1 of the IC is normally indicated with a dot or divot in that corner,
as well as the pin 1 side having a
elled edge. Make sure the orientation
matches that shown in Fig.6 before
soldering all the pins.
Next, fit diodes D1 & D2 and transistors Q1 & Q2. These are all in 3-pin
SOT-23 packages, similar to IC1 but
since they have fewer pins, the spacings are larger, making them quite easy
to solder.
Just don’t get them mixed up since
they look virtually identical. Use the
same technique as before, tack soldering one pin and then soldering the rest
before reflowing the first joint.
It’s best to solder the passive SMDs
next, ie, the resistors, ceramic capacitors and the two 0.22H chip inductors, L3 & L4. The technique is essentially the same but this time you only
need to make two solder joints per
In each case, make sure it is sitting
straight and flat on the PCB before soldering the second pin.
Also, it’s best to wait for a few seconds after making the first joint before
attempting the second, since if it’s still
liquid, you will end up nudging the
part out of place.
If the component moves when you
go to make the second solder joint,
even though you’ve waited a few seconds, that suggests the first joint hasn’t
adhered to the PCB pad properly.
The SMD resistors will have a code
printed on them to indicate their resistance. For example, a 47kΩ resistor will be marked with either “473”
(ie, 47 x 103) or “4702” (ie, 470 x 102).
However, SMD capacitors will probably not have any markings and the
smaller inductors may not either. If
your DMM has provision for it, measure them to confirm their value before
The final SMD component is the
regulator, REG1. We have specified
an SMD version of the 7805 since that
is what was used to build the prototype, however, it is possible to mount
a standard 7805 regulator if you bend
the leads so that they will sit against
the PCB and then cut them short so
that they don’t protrude past the ends
of the mounting pads.
Regardless of whether you use an
SMD regulator or adapt a through-hole
type, the tab has a lot of thermal inertia
so we suggest that you spread a thin
layer of flux paste on the large tab as
well as the three smaller pads, turn up
your soldering iron’s temperature and
then solder one of the smaller pins.
And here’s how it all fits together, immediately before the case top is placed
in position (it only fits one way) and the two case screws are inserted from
underneath and tightened.
You can then check if the tab is properly located and start applying solder
to the junction of the tab and the PCB.
You will probably have to hold the
iron there for some time (10 seconds
or more) to get the regulator and PCB
hot enough for the solder to flow.
Once that happens, feed the solder
in and then quickly remove the iron
and you should get a nice fillet between the tab and PCB. You can then
solder the remaining pins.
Alternatively, if you have a hot air
rework station, you can apply solder
paste and then carefully heat the regulator and surrounding PCB area with
hot air until the solder melts.
Through-hole parts
There are just a few through-hole
parts and most of them are easy to
solder. Start with IC6, being careful to
ensure it’s correctly orientated before
soldering it in place. We don’t suggest
that you use a socket; it’s better to solder the IC directly to the PCB.
Follow with the electrolytic capacitors. They are different sizes so
it should be obvious where each one
goes but do pay careful attention to
orientation. The longer lead goes into
the hole marked + on the PCB and in
Fig.6, while the opposite side (ie, negative end) of the can should be marked
Celebrating 30 Years
with a stripe.
Fit RCA connectors CON2 and
CON4 next, followed by DC socket
CON3. In each case, ensure the connector is pushed fully down onto the
board before soldering the pins.
Inductors L1 and L2
While you can purchase these inductors from the CoilCraft website, if
you’re only buying two then the postage charge will be prohibitive.
Luckily though, the CoilCraft parts
have an identical footprint to the SBK71K coil formers that we already stock
in the SILICON CHIP Online Shop for
other projects. These are supplied with
a ferrite slug which can be adjusted
for tuning the oscillators, just like the
CoilCraft parts.
Wind inductors L1 and L2 using the
following procedure:
1) cut a ~900mm length of 0.25mm diameter enamelled copper wire and
strip the insulation off one end (by
about 5mm) using a sharp hobby
knife or emery paper.
2) tin the end of the wire and wrap it
around one of the pins at either end
of the side which has three pins (ie,
not the middle pin).
3) push the wire as close to the base
of the former as possible and solder
it to the pin. Be quick since if you
March 2018 89
apply too much heat, the pin could
come out of the former.
Try to avoid getting too much solder on
the rest of the pin since that could
prevent it from being inserted into
the PCB later.
4) pass the wire up the side of the former, through the notch in the base
and wrap it around the cylindrical shaft.
5) wind 45 turns as neatly as possible. With wire this fine, it’s almost
impossible to do it layer-by-layer
but it’s best to avoid making it a total jumble.
Keep the turns below the collar that’s
about 2/3 of the way up the cylinder,
so that they can’t slip over the top.
6) bring the last turn down to the opposite pin on the side with three
pins and cut the remainder off. Strip
the insulation from the end of the
wire, tin it, wrap it around that pin
and solder it in place as you did
the other end. See the below photo
for an idea of what the finished coil
should look like.
7) measure the resistance between the
two pins. You should get a reading
of 0.25-0.3Ω (remember that your
multimeter leads will have some
resistance so if possible, short them
and null/zero it before making the
If you have an inductance meter, you
can measure the coil now. It should
be around 8µH.
8) screw the ferrite slug into the top
of the former until it’s fully inside
and then place the shield can over
the top, with its mounting flanges
on the sides not occupied by pins.
9) L2 is now complete. Use the same
procedure to wind L1, except that
only five turns of wire are required.
The resistance should be much lower – under 0.1Ω.
Having finished winding the two
coils, solder them in place where
You can buy L1 and L2 pre-made but
winding them yourself, using SBK-71K
coil formers from the SILICON CHIP
Online Shop, will prove much cheaper.
L1, 150nH, (5 turns) is on the left, while
L2, 10µH, (45 turns) is on the right.
Silicon Chip
shown in Fig.6. Make sure you don’t
get them mixed up. L2 is the one with
more turns and a higher winding resistance.
Final assembly
All that’s left now is potentiometer
VR1 and dual RCA socket CON1. Fit
these both where shown in Fig.6; try to
keep the pot shaft parallel to the PCB
while you solder its mounting pins.
You can then slip the rear panel over
the connectors and pot shaft and lower the whole assembly into the bottom
of the case.
Affix it to the base using four selftapping screws.
Tuning and testing
There are only three adjustments
to make: tuning the vision carrier and
sound sub-carrier by adjusting the
values of L1 and L2 respectively and
adjusting pot VR1 to give the correct
sound level.
Our prototype drew 42mA at 12V,
so a good way of checking that you
have assembled your unit correctly is
to connect a DMM set to measure milliamps in series with the 12V power
supply when you first power it up.
If you get a reading between about
30mA and 50mA then that suggests
there are no serious faults and it’s probably working correctly.
Having verified that the circuit is
drawing an appropriate amount of
current, the next step is to adjust the
two oscillators by turning the tuning
slugs in L1 and L2 with a plastic adjustment tool.
We’ve come up with three procedures for this, depending on what
equipment you have.
The easiest one is if you have a spectrum analyser. Connect it to the RF output, power the unit up and adjust L1
so that the largest peak is centred on
64.25MHz. Adjust L2 so that the smaller peak is centred on 69.75MHz. You
will likely see an image of the carrier
11MHz below this (ie, 5.5MHz below
the main peak); ignore that one.
If you have a 100MHz+ oscilloscope, connect a tight loop of wire to
the end of one of the probes and place
it near the 39pF capacitor just above
L1. Don’t make a direct connection to
the circuit or you may pull the oscillator off-frequency.
Adjust L1 to read 64.25MHz on the
scope display. Then move the probe
coil near the 68pF capacitor between
Celebrating 30 Years
L2 and IC6 and adjust L2 for a reading of 5.5MHz.
If you don’t have equipment that can
read these frequencies, the simplest
approach is to hook the RF output of
the unit up to the antenna input on an
analog TV that you know works, tune
the TV to channel 2 and feed some
video into the input.
If TV has automatic fine-tuning
(AFT), turn it off.
Adjust L1 so that image just breaks
up at the edge of the sound carrier.
Back it off until you have a clear image.
If you encounter significant ringing
in the image while you are tuning, you
are attempting to tune to the wrong
sideband. Wind the core right out and
start from the top position.
Once you have a clear picture, you’ll
need to tune the sound. It helps to display an image with a lot of white text,
such as a DVD copyright message.
Tune L2 for minimum noise in the
sound – the correct adjustment is a
definite null, either side of which the
noise increases.
Connect an audio signal to the unit’s
input and turn up VR1 (to about halfway) to verify that the sound is properly fed through.
If you adjusted L1 and L2 without using a TV, now is a good time to
hook the unit up to a TV and tune in
to channel 2.
With nothing connected to the video or audio inputs, you should get a
black screen and silence. Then all you
need to do is plug in a video and audio
source and verify that you get a clean
picture and sound.
As for setting VR1, which controls
the audio modulation depth, basically, you just need to turn it up as high
as possible before you notice any distortion in the sound, then back it off
a little bit.
If you can’t get the unit to work,
feed the Video Out signal to the A/V
input on a modern TV while feeding a
video signal into the input and check
that you get a good picture. That will
verify that the video processing circuitry is working OK. If not, check the
circuitry around ICs1-5.
If you can verify that the video output is working correctly but you still
can’t tune into a signal on your vintage
TV, that suggests a problem with IC6
or one of its associated components,
including L1 and L2.
Re-check that you have tuned the
two oscillators correctly.