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Items relevant to "Touchscreen Appliance Energy Meter, Pt.2":
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Touchscreen Appliance E
Part 2 –
By JIM ROWE & NICHOLAS VINEN Last month we introduced our new
Appliance Energy Meter. It uses a
2.8-inch touchscreen to display
energy usage data and has handy
features such as cost calculation
based on time-of-day tariffs,
graphing and logging. This second
instalment will take you through
the process of building the PCBs
and assembling the whole unit,
as well as describe some of
the interesting features of the
he Appliance Energy Meter consists of two modules.
The larger PCB hosts the custom circuitry for this
project while the smaller one is used to build the
Micromite LCD BackPack, which provides all the control,
display and user interaction functions.
The BackPack module and main PCB fit into a UB1 jiffy
box along with a mains fuseholder and two cable glands
to secure the mains wiring.
The February 2016 article introducing the LCD BackPack
has the full construction details, although it’s pretty selfexplanatory.
We can supply a kit with all the parts for the BackPack
88 Silicon Chip
(including some of the mounting hardware you’ll need
later), and you just fit the kit components to the PCB where
indicated on the silkscreen.
Once you’ve assembled the BackPack, including the
display, check that it works if you can but don’t go any
further. We’ll program it after building the main PCB. If
you’re programming the PIC32 chip on the BackPack PCB
yourself, now would be a good time to do that.
SMD parts
The main PCB has just three SMD ICs plus about 20
passive components. Refer to the PCB overlay and wiring
Energy Meter
diagram, Fig.3. IC2 has a relatively fine pitch while IC3
and IC4 are easier to solder. So fit IC2 first. This can be
done with a standard soldering iron. The only extra tools
you need are a good light, some flux paste (available from
Jaycar, among other stores), solder wick, flux cleaner (eg,
methylated spirits or pure isopropyl alcohol) and some sort
of magnifier for checking the solder joints.
There are a few different techniques but unless you
happen to have a hot air or infrared reflow set-up, they’re
pretty similar. Start by depositing a little solder on one
of the corner pads – try not to get any on any of the other
pads. Then you have two options, depending on which
you think will be easier.
You can either place the LTC1863 in position, check that
all its pins are properly aligned over its pads and that pin
1 (indicated with a dot or divot) is at upper left as marked
on the PCB and shown in Fig.3. Then, while gently pressing the IC down onto the PCB, heat the solder on the pad
that you deposited earlier so that the associated pin sinks
down into it. Then re-check the positioning and solder the
diagonally opposite pin.
Alternatively, you can position the IC next to its pads
with pin 1 in the correct orientation and, while heating
the solder on that one pad, slide it into position using
tweezers or a couple of fingers. Then check that all the
pins are correctly located over the associated pads. If not,
We’ve had to make a minor circ
uit change since the
first article on the Appliance Ene
rgy Meter was published
last month.
We’ve added a 100nF capacitor
between the Ear th
terminal on CON8 and the VREF
pin (pin 10) of IC2. This
reduces the effect of noise from swit
ching regulator REG1
on the operation of the analog-to-d
igital converter.
We also recommend using the Rev
I PCB, as shown in
the overlay below, which now use
s an ACS718 (SOIC-16,
IC4) and one extra 1nF 0805 cap
acitor. This is needed as
the previous ACS712 had insufficie
nt reinforced voltage
rating for double-insulated use.
reheat that solder joint and gently nudge it into position
before soldering the diagonally opposite pin.
Either way, you should now have the IC located properly
and pinned down so it’s just a matter of soldering the remaining pins. You can attempt to do this one at a time, by
first applying flux along all the pins and then touching the
tip of the soldering iron, loaded with a little solder, onto
the very ends of the PCB pads. Alternatively, simply solder
the pins two or three at a time, then apply flux paste and
use solder wick to remove the excess solder.
Regardless of which method you use, make sure to refresh
the solder on those first two pins and use the flux paste
and solder wick to clear any bridges between pins. Finally,
clean off the flux residue using your solvent of choice and
a lint-free cloth, then inspect the IC under a bright light
and high magnification to ensure all solder joints are good.
If any do not look 100% or you find any bridges, apply
some flux and heat (and if necessary, solder wick) until it
all looks good.
Then solder IC3 and IC4 using the same technique although you should find them significantly easier due to
Fig.3: this diagram shows not only the component layout on the PCB but also its connections and placement within the
UB1 Jiffy Box. Take care when identifying (and then soldering) the surface-mount components onto the board – all SMDs
should be in position before mounting the transformer, EMI filter, AC-DC converter, serial converter, CON8, 9, 10 and 12.
September 2016 89
Note that you will want to fit the button cell to the realtime clock module before soldering it to the board and that,
if you are using a non-rechargeable (primary) cell, you will
need to first desolder the surface-mount, glass-encapsulated
diode from the module so that the module won’t try to
charge it when power is applied.
Making the connecting cable
The LCD BackPack and main PCB are joined by a 50-wire
IDC cable that’s around 60mm in length. You will need to
crimp the two 50-way IDC sockets onto either end of the
cable as shown in Fig.4. You can either use a vise, with
protective pieces of timber on either side of the assembly
or an IDC crimping tool such as the Altronics T1540. We
don’t suggest you use a different tool such as pliers since
this is likely to result in the plastic connector fracturing.
Once you’ve made the cable, taking care that the ribbon
is properly aligned and the connectors are fully clamped
down, the next step is to do some basic checks to make
sure everything is working before putting it in the case.
Initial testing
Fig.4: here’s how the IDC cable is made up with its two
connectors – note the loop and direction of the cable.
the larger pins and wider spacing.
The next step is to fit the six SMD resistors and 15 SMD
capacitors using a similar technique. Basically, you just
tack them in place at one end, then solder the other end
before refreshing the initial joint. Make sure that solder
flows onto both the PCB pad and the leads of each device.
The resistors will be marked with value codes on the top
(eg, 223 or 2222 = 22k). Capacitors will be unmarked so
you will need to take care not to get them mixed up after
removing them from their packaging. None of these
parts are polarised.
First, plug a microUSB cable into the socket on the main
board and plug the other end into your computer. The red
LED on the real-time clock module should light up.
If you are using Windows 10, Mac OSX or Linux, the
serial port should be automatically identified. If using an
older version of Windows, download and install the SILICON
CHIP USB serial driver. Verify that a new serial port is available, eg, by running a terminal emulator such as TeraTerm
Pro and checking the list. You can open it and type some
characters into the terminal but all that will happen is the
LED on the USB/serial adaptor should flash.
Once you’ve verified that the USB serial port is working, unplug the cable and connect the BackPack module
to the main PCB, using the ribbon cable you prepared
earlier. This can only go into the socket on the main PCB
Through-hole components
Now fit through-hole diode D1 with the cathode
stripe positioned as shown and then solder a standard
6-way pin header in place for CON10.
Now fit the box header in place for CON9 with the
notch towards the top as shown in Fig.3 and on the
PCB silkscreen. Follow with the 1000µF electrolytic
capacitor, with its longer lead through the pad indicated with the plus sign. You can now fit the 4-way
terminal barrier for CON8 along with the USB/serial
adaptor board, which is soldered to the pin header
already in place on the PCB, with the microUSB
socket on the top. MOV1 can then be fitted and it
can go in either way around.
That just leaves transformer T1, the EMI filter, the
Yunpen AC/DC adaptor and real-time clock modules.
Ensure that each one is pushed down fully onto the
PCB before soldering its leads. Only the real-time
clock module can be installed the wrong way around
– it’s mounted vertically but make sure that the main body
of it sits next to the AC/DC converter; see Fig.3. If unsure,
check the labelling on this module’s pins and line them up
with the corresponding labels on the PCB before soldering.
90 Silicon Chip
Fig.5: how to connect the LCD BackPack to the main PCB
for testing (the TFT touch screen is not shown for clarity).
12mm LONG
Fig 6: it’s a snug fit but
all the components
mount inside the UB1
Jiffy box, as shown
here. Compare this
and the photo on page
88 when assembling.
Case drilling details
are shown on page 95.
Note: this diagram is
shown oversize, for
BLOCK AVB 1.5/2/6
6mm LONG
one way but you will need to be careful to plug it into the
BackPack with the correct orientation; refer to Fig.5. For
the moment, rest the BackPack module on your bench top
as shown. Note that the TFT is not shown fitted on top of
the module, for clarity.
The trick here is to make sure that the GND pin of the
BackPack goes into either of the right-most holes on the
IDC socket. You can then check for continuity between
GND points on the two boards to confirm that it is located
correctly; for example, place one probe on the via just to
the right of the 10uF capacitor immediately to the left of
the USB/Serial converter on the main PCB and the other
probe on pin 3 of the BackPack ICSP header (CON4).
Now plug the USB cable back in. If you’ve used a microcontroller that was pre-programmed with the Appliance
Energy Meter firmware, almost immediately you should
Uploading the code to the Micromite chip
Most constructors will simply purchase a pre-programmed
PIC or download and install the HEX file which includes
MMBasic along with all our code, so that the micro is ready
to go. But some readers may wish to modify the code and
because we had to resort to some tricks to make it fit, here
is the multi-step procedure used to load it.
First, program your PIC32 with the MMBasic 5.1 firmware
and establish a serial console connection using the USB converter. You will need to set up the display and touch panel as
detailed in the February 2016 article on the LCD BackPack.
Note that the BackPack (and, if attached, the main board)
are powered from the PC during the programming process.
The first step is to load the SCAppEnergyMeter_Library.
BAS into the Micromite. First, download the code from
the SILICON CHIP website, then grab a copy of Jim Hiley’s
Windows/Linux “MMEdit” program. It is freeware and available from For Windows,
download the setup file called MMEdit.exe and run it. It works
on any Windows version since XP.
Run MMEdit and open the BASIC file mentioned above.
Next, ensure the “Auto crunch on load” option in the Advanced menu is selected and set up the COM port to communicate with the Micromite by selecting the “New...” option
under the Connect menu. You can then click the “Load and
run current code” button, right-most in the toolbar under
the menu (with the icon that looks like a blue stick figure).
You should get a progress dialog and the upload will take
around 30 seconds.
If it fails, close this window and re-check the COM port
settings (make sure you don’t have this open in another
Once the upload is complete, the MMChat console window should automatically appear.You can then execute the
“LIBRARY SAVE” command (note: if you have previously
done this, you will need to run “LIBRARY DELETE” first).
After a brief delay, it should display the MMBasic prompt,
“> ”. You can verify that the code was saved by issuing a
“MEMORY” command, which should yield a response like:
> memory
0K (0%) Program (0 lines)
18K (31%) Library
42K (69%) Free
Now open the SCAppEnergyMeter_Main.BAS file
(which is supplied in the same ZIP as the BASIC file
loaded earlier) and, again ensuring that the “Auto crunch
on load “option is enabled, upload that to the PIC32. The
MMChat window should appear once this is complete. You
can then type in “OPTION AUTORUN ON”, press enter,
then execute the “RUN” command to start the program.
Note that this will fail, with a real-time clock error, if the
BackPack is not yet plugged into the main board. Regardless, you can now unplug the USB lead and proceed with
the remainder of construction/set-up.
September 2016 91
see the main screen come up. The readings may not all
initially be zero but they should drop to zero after a few
seconds (you may get a current reading of around 60mA
since the unit has not been calibrated yet). Touch one of
the elements on the screen and verify that it takes you to
a different screen.
If your microcontroller has been programmed for the
Micromite Mk2 but you do not yet have the Appliance
Energy Meter software installed, connect to the USB serial
port with a terminal emulator set to 38400 baud and press
the reset button on the LCD BackPack. You should see the
Micromite prompt in your terminal emulator. You can then
use the multi-step procedure detailed in the side-panel to
load the firmware.
Once the software is running, it’s a good idea to check
that the real-time clock and ADC are working. Checking
the real-time clock is quite easy; press on the time and
date in the lower-right corner of the screen to set it, then
once it has been set, pull out the USB plug and then plug
it back in. Once the unit restarts, it should retain the date
and time. That indicates the real-time clock and its backup
battery are OK.
Testing the ADC is a bit more tricky. If you’re getting
a zero voltage reading, that’s a good sign. However to be
sure, the easiest way is to pass some current between the
“A IN” and “A OUT” terminals on the PCB (eg, from a DC
supply with a current-limiting resistor) and check that it
registers on the display.
You can reverse the polarity and you should get a similar
reading but note that it won’t be exactly the same, as the
unit has not been zeroed yet.
If you have a fully programmed BackPack but get a blank
display, there are a few things that might be wrong. Firstly,
check that the ribbon cable has been made properly and
correctly plugged in at both ends. Check also that the red
LEDs on the real-time clock module and USB/Serial modules are lit. Run a terminal emulator, connect to the USB
serial port at 38,400 baud and press the reset button on the
LCD BackPack. See if you get any error messages which
may give you a clue.
For example, if the micro can’t communicate with the
real-time clock it will issue an error message and halt. You
would then need to check that the clock module is soldered
properly and orientated correctly.
If you’re getting nothing on the display and no error
messages over the serial console, there is likely something
wrong with the BackPack module itself, possibly in the
TFT connections or a bad component or solder joint, so
check it carefully.
If you can’t get a 5mm Nylon machine screw, consider
using a longer Nylon screw fed through an untapped spacer
and secure with a Nylon nut, although this will be a lot
more “fiddly” to attach.
Now is a good time to attach some rubber feet to the
bottom of the box. Adhesive types are the easiest, however
you could use slightly longer screws to attach the Nylon
spacers and also hold screw-on feet in place (but make sure
they don’t project any more than 3mm into the spacers), or
simply drill four extra holes and attach the feet that way.
Before fitting the PCB into the box, drill the three round
holes at the left end for the mains cable and fuseholder and
make the rectangular cut-out on the right side for access
to the USB socket. Details are in the drilling and cutting
templates mentioned above and available for download
from our website, as well as being shown on page 95.
The best approach for the round holes is to start with
a small drill (eg, 3mm) and use either a tapered reamer,
stepped drill bit or series of larger drill bits (going up by
1-2mm at a time) so that the holes are nice and round. Once
they’re large enough, test fit the components, then de-burr
the holes using a larger drill bit or countersink tool.
The rectangular cut-out can be made by drilling a series
of holes inside the perimeter with a small bit, cutting the
remaining plastic to remove the inner piece, then filing the
edges smooth and flat with a flat needle file.
The drilling diagrams also show a hole in the front of
the box, so that you can access the brightness adjustment
trimpot on the LCD BackPack board with a small screwdriver. This is optional however it may be a good idea as it
will allow you to reduce the display brightness for lower
power consumption during long-term power logging and
then increase it again when you want to read the results.
For the lid, a large, rectangular cut-out plus four 3mm
mounting holes are required to suit the LCD BackPack. It’s
quite hard to do a neat job cutting the hole for the display.
By far the easiest approach is to simply buy a replacement
laser-cut black acrylic panel from the SILICON CHIP online shop.
You may need to use longer self-tapping screws than those
supplied with the case, as this panel is slightly thicker than
the existing lid and lacks the recessed holes for the screw
heads – it depends on how long the supplied screws are
as this can vary, based on case manufacturer. But it does
give a neat appearance and you can still attach a lid label
should you wish to. Alternatively, download the cutting
diagram and make the holes in the original lid, using a
similar technique as described above.
Case preparation
The next step is to fit the 3AG safety fuseholder into
the centre hole in the left-hand end of the box, using the
pliant washer and mounting nut supplied. Tighten up the
nut firmly, with the body of the fuseholder positioned so
that the side connection lug is in a position that allows
easy access for soldering.
You can then mount the two cable glands. Tighten up the
internal nuts to secure the bodies of the glands but leave
the outer nut loose. Now cut the 3m 230V/10A extension
cable in half. If you don’t have a 60mm length of 10A
brown mains wire handy, cut a 60mm long piece off the
input cable (ie, with the 3-pin plug on the end) and strip
its insulation off.
The next step is to prepare the case. First, drill the holes
for mounting the main PCB in the base. You can either use
the diagrams on P95, use the PCB as a template, positioned
as far to the right as possible (see Fig.3) or download the
drilling diagram from the SILICON CHIP website and use that
as a template. The four mounting holes are drilled to 3mm.
Now fit 6.3mm tapped Nylon spacers to the inside of
the box using 5mm M3 machine screws and tighten them
up. We recommend the use of Nylon machine screws for
the attachment of the spacer at lower left (both top and
bottom), which will be closest to the mains wiring when
the unit is complete.
92 Silicon Chip
Putting it all together
Front panel artwork for the Appliance Energy Meter, reproduced here at exactly 100%, to fit the UB1 Jiffy box specified
in the parts list last month. Note that holes are not shown – drilling details are in the diagram on page 95.
Strip 6mm of insulation from one end of the 60mm brown
wire and 10-12mm from the other. Solder the shorter bared
end to the fuseholder’s side connection lug, making sure to
produce a reliable joint, then slip a 15mm length of 5-6mm
heatshrink sleeving over the joint and shrink it down (eg,
using a hot air gun), making sure it covers as much of the
exposed metal as possible.
Now remove about 85mm of the outer sheath from the
cut end of the input cable, to free the three insulated wires
inside. Cut the brown (Active) wire shorter than the others,
to about 40mm, and remove about 6mm of the insulation
from the end. At the same time, 10-12mm of insulation can
be removed from the ends of the blue (Neutral) and green/
yellow (Earth) wires.
Then push all three wires into the box through the input
cable gland, at upper left. You may need to remove the
outer nut entirely but don’t lose the rubber sleeve in the
process. Slip another 15mm length of 5-6mm heatshrink
tubing over the brown wire and push it all the way down,
then solder this wire to the lug at the rear of the fuseholder,
making sure you make a secure and reliable joint. Once
this has cooled down, slip the heatshrink tubing over the
joint and shrink it down.
The next step is to lower the PCB into the case and secure
it to the previously installed mounting posts at each corner,
using M3 x 5mm machine screws.
As mentioned earlier, use a Nylon screw in the lower-left
corner. You can then secure the bare end of the wire from
the fuseholder under the clamping plate of the top-most
terminal of CON8, labelled “A IN”. Route the wire to the
side of the screw furthest from the adjacent terminal and
make sure there are no loose strands of copper and that it’s
screwed down firmly.
You can now remove about 40mm of the outer sheath
from the end of the remaining half of the extension cable,
ie, with the 3-pin socket at its other end. Having done
that, strip 10-12mm of insulation from each of the three
insulated wires. Push this through the other cable gland
and feed the two blue Neutral wires (ie, one from this cable
and one from the other) into the “N IN/OUT” terminal of
CON8 and clamp them down firmly.
You can now complete the wiring by doing the same with
the green/yellow striped Earth wires and finally, the brown
Active output wire; see Fig.3 and the photo for details.
Having completed the wiring, gently pull the two mains
leads out of the cable glands until there is only a little slack
left on the internal wires, then screw the gland nuts down
firmly and add cable ties where shown in Fig.3.
Note that we’re going to glue the gland nuts in place later,
so that they won’t come undone, but we want to do some
more testing before making it permanent.
Connecting the BackPack
The BackPack can now be secured to the inside of the
lid; see Fig.6 for details. Remove the screws holding the
LCD onto the spacers and feed four 10mm M3 machine
screws through from the top side of the lid.
You may want to countersink these holes or use black
screws to match the lid.
Pop 1mm-thick Nylon spacers (3mm inner diameter,
6mm outer diameter) over the ends of the screws, then
feed them into the spacers through the LCD panel, with
September 2016 93
Fitting the software into the Micromite
During the development of this software, we struggled
to fit the required functions into the available flash memory
and RAM of the 28-pin Micromite Mk2. While surface-mount
PIC32s have up to 512KB flash and 128KB RAM, the DIPpackage versions are limited to 256KB flash and 64KB
RAM, with roughly 50KB of each available to MMBasic.
RAM limitations
Our goal was to be able to log up to one week of data
to RAM, with a maximum logging interval of one minute.
We managed to compact the voltage, current and power
readings into 32 bits (four bytes). So one week of data
requires 60 (minutes) x 24 (hours) x 7 (days) x 4 (bytes) =
40,320 bytes of RAM.
After that and taking into account MMBasic’s overhead,
that left us with about 10KB of RAM. That sounds like a lot,
given that our program requires less than 1KB of general
variables. Unfortunately though, during software development, we frequently ran out of memory and had to make
significant changes to the software to work around this
limitation. We also had to frequently rationalise the code
so that it (and the fonts) would fit into the 50KB of available
flash program space.
To make matters worse, changes to reduce RAM usage
would often increase flash usage and vice versa. So we
had to perform iterative optimisation, reducing the memory
footprint, then shrinking the flash space used, then reducing
the memory footprint again and so on until we were able
to get all the required functions into the device.
Our challenges included:
1) each MMBasic variable has several hundred bytes of
overhead; we’re guessing a fixed, relatively large amount
of RAM is allocated to store the name of each variable.
Just allocating a few integers (nominally 8 bytes each) can
easily use up more than 1KB of RAM.
Solutions: minimise the number of variables used; use
arrays where possible (as the name only needs to be stored
once); specify a maximum length for all string variables; use
local variables wherever possible so that the RAM is freed
This code snippet
LOCAL v, a, pf
from the logging
LOCAL temp$(8) LENGTH 18
output portion of
FOR count = 1 TO num_datum-1
the code shows how
t = (count-1)*log_interval
using string arrays
v = get_datum(count, “v”)
with fixed length
a = get_datum(count, “a”)
can be used to paste
pf = get_datum(count, “pf”)
multiple values
temp$(1) = STR$(count)
together with lower
temp$(2) = STR$(t)
memory overhead
temp$(3) = duration_str$(t)
than simply using
temp$(4) = STR$(v,0,1)
a single, long
temp$(5) = STR$(a,0,3)
temp$(6) = STR$(v*a,0,1)
temp$(7) = STR$(v*a*pf,0,1)
temp$(8) = STR$(pf,1,2)
print temp$(1)+”,”+temp$(2)+”,”+temp$(3)+”,”+temp$(4)+”
NEXT count
94 Silicon Chip
once we have finished with them; combine multiple flags
into a single integer variable; pack configuration data into
strings; refactor code to use fewer local variables; do not
use constants (making the code messier, unfortunately).
2) each level of MMBasic function or subroutine recursion uses around 1KB RAM. Therefore, just a few levels
of call depth can exhaust available RAM.
Solutions: “flatten” functions, ie, when a subroutine or
function is only called from one place, integrate it into the
“parent” - this makes the code harder to work with and
read but it uses less RAM; use CFUNCTIONs where this
can’t be avoided, especially for code that must be called
in deeply recursed subroutines, as they have much lower
stack and variable overhead.
3) complex string pasting expressions allocate many
temporary strings, which can easily add up to several
Solutions: split up such complex expressions, placing
temporary strings into local variables with limited size to
reduce RAM usage; perform complex string processing
in CFUNCTIONS which don’t have this limitation.
4) fonts and CFUNCTIONs use up a lot of flash.
Solutions: use a minimal number of fonts (two, plus the
built-in font); place all fonts in the LIBRARY section where
they are compressed; also place as many CFUNCTIONs
as possible in the LIBRARY section (one of the two will fit).
5) the program is too large to fit in flash.
Solutions: place as many extra function as possible
in the LIBRARY section, where they are compressed;
re-factor code to reduce repetition and take advantage
of subroutines, recursion and loops (possibly increasing
RAM usage); use the MMEdit “crunch” feature which
strips out unnecessary spaces, comments, etc from the
program when uploading to the Micromite; use shorter
variable and subroutine names; refactor code to use more
compact expressions which perform the same operation; remove any unused or redundant code; hard-code
display dimensions.
long long int main(const char* date, const char* time, const
char* tariff_times, const char* holidays) {
unsigned int i, day, mon, year, hour, min, dow, offset;
day = bcd2_to_int(date+1);
mon = bcd2_to_int(date+1+3);
year = bcd2_to_int(date+1+8);
if( dow > 0 && dow < 6 ) {
for( i = 0; i < 22; ++i ) {
int holday, holmon, holyear;
holday = bcd2_to_int(holidays+1 + i*6);
holmon = bcd2_to_int(holidays+1 + i*6 + 2);
holyear = bcd2_to_int(holidays+1 + i*6 + 4);
if( holday == day && holmon == mon && holyear == year)
{// it’s a public holiday, woohoo
dow = 0;
This partial CFUNCTION shows how
the lower function call overhead and
ability to pass pointers into strings
eliminates the memory associated
with temporary sub-strings.
the brightness adjustment pot towards the edge of the lid.
If you’re using the laser-cut lid, you should find that the
display fits snugly through the provided cut-out although
you may need to keep the screws loose initially in order to
line it up. If using a self-cut lid and it doesn’t fit first time,
you will have to remove the display and do some filing.
Once it’s secured in place, you can attach the ribbon
cable as shown in Figs.5 & 6. Again, be careful to ensure
that the pins on the BackPack are properly aligned with
its IDC header and check for GND continuity.
Now would be a good time to attach a label to the lid.
Artwork can be downloaded from the SILICON CHIP website.
You have various options for producing the label:
1) print it onto plain or photo paper, then laminate it
and either glue it to the lid (eg, using silicone sealant) or
attach it using thin double-sided tape.
2) mirror it and print it onto overhead transparency film,
then attach it to the lid using a thin smear of silicone sealant.
3) use Datapol/Dataflex printable labels (to suit laser
printers or inkjet printers respectively).
Regardless of which method you use, cut out the holes
for the LCD and mounting screws using a sharp hobby
knife before affixing the label to the lid. One advantage of
attaching a lid label is that it will cover the non-viewable
area of the TFT, for a neater appearance. But since pretty
much all interaction is done via the touchscreen, a label
is not mandatory.
Before attaching the lid to the box, re-check the mains
wiring, especially the wires going into CON8 and make sure
that there are no stray strands of copper wire that could short
to anything else and that all the connections are secure.
Then fold the ribbon cable under the BackPack and attach
the lid to the box using four black self-tapping screws.
Box drilling and cutting diagrams
Shown below are the holes and cutouts required in the
UB1 Jiffy box. These diagrams are shown exactly half size,
so if you enlarge them with a photocopier to 200% they
can be used as drilling and cutting templates.
Alternatively, you can download them from www. (see the downloads section) and
print them at 100% to use them as templates. Colour front
panel artwork can also be downloaded from this source.
Next month
To conclude the Touchscreen Appliance Energy Meter,
next month we’ll go over the calibration procedure and
give more information on how to use the unit. We’ll also
give some details on the CFUNCTIONs we used to augment
the BASIC code and provide the required functions for the
meter to perform well.
More testing
Now for the real test. Make sure nothing is plugged into
the socket end of the mains cable and the lid is securely attached, with no loose wires. Place a fuse in the fuse holder;
you can use a 1A fast-blow fuse for now and replace it with
a 10A slow-blow fuse as specified later, so that it will blow
faster in the unlikely event of a fault.
Place the unit in a secure location where it won’t fall off
under the weight of the mains cables or be knocked off,
then plug it into mains and switch it on. The LCD backlight
should be illuminated immediately and display should
come up soon afterwards (you already tested this earlier,
so all we are really testing here is the mains power supply).
Verify that the voltage reading is reasonable, ie, around
230VAC but keep in mind that you haven’t calibrated it
yet. The current, VA and power readings are not going to
be zero for the same reason but they should drop to a low
level after about ten seconds (less than 100mA, less than
10VA and under 5W). If not, that suggests something is
wrong so switch off, unplug the unit and check for faults,
especially bad solder joints.
70 x 50.5mm CUTOUT FOR
September 2016 95