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Energy Meter
Part 3 – Calibrating and Using it!
In the last two months, we’ve described how our new Touchscreen
Appliance Energy Meter works and how to put it together. Having finished
assembling the unit, all that’s left to do is to calibrate it and start using it.
ou will need to perform several form could have a slight DC offset sensor and thus its output can swing
calibration steps. These allow due to asymmetrical current flow and above or below the zero level, to indithe unit to compensate for vari- improperly balanced phases, as we’re cate both the magnitude and polarity
ations in the transformer and divider measuring via a transformer, we have of the current.
This is important since we need to
resistors used to monitor the mains to ignore it.
be able to distinguish in-phase curvoltage and the isolated current senrent, which indicates power flowing
sor used to measure the instantaneous Mains current calibration
The output of the ACS712 isolated from the mains into the load, and
current drawn by the load.
In a little more detail, as shown in current sensor (IC4) has its own sepa- out-of-phase current, which indicates
Fig.2 on pages 30-31 of the August rate half-supply DC bias, obtained power flowing from the load back into
issue, the AC-coupled output of the from a voltage divider inside the chip. the mains.
To calculate the true power drawn
transformer used to monitor the mains So, calibration is performed with no
voltage is DC biased to around 2.5V load to allow the unit to measure the by the load, we subtract one from the
by two 56kΩ resistors across the 5V zero-current voltage level. This too is other. Note that for purely reactive
stored and subtracted from subsequent loads, such as capacitors connected
supply rail.
across Active and Neutral, the result of
However, the 5V rail from the AC/ readings.
This bias exists because current can this subtraction is zero, indicating that
DC converter may not be exactly 5V
and the resistors may not be exactly the flow in either direction through the the power is purely reactive.
While measuring
same value, so we
the current sensor’s
can’t assume that
zero level voltage,
the DC bias level is
Essentially, all you need to do is the unit also deterWe have discovered a few bugs in the
exactly 2.5V.
During the cali- original version of the firmware (v1.0) download the new BASIC source code mines its RMS noise
bration procedure, supplied. The most serious causes it to (available in a zip on our website) and output, so that it
the unit measures run out of memory if you try to change the load it into the PIC32 over the USB serial can subtract this
the average DC level time or date. Other bugs fixed include a interface. This will wipe the unit’s set- from future readof this signal and factor-of-ten error in the cost computa- tings so it should ideally be done before ings. Otherwise, it
would look like curstores it so that it tions, incorrect mains frequency read- doing any calibration or setting up.
The procedure was explained in the rent was flowing
can be subtracted out and lost logging data while updating
panel on page 91 of the September is- even with no load.
from future read- graphs.
As a result of these bug fixes, we sue, although you can skip uploading the
ings, to give a pure
upgrading to v1.01 imme- Library BASIC file into the chip if it has Calibration
AC signal.
can easily do this via the already been programmed. The library procedure
Note that while
file hasn’t changed.
the mains wave- unit’s USB port.
First, power the
Firmware update required
October 2016 57
Fig.7: the main screen which has been improved slightly
since the prototype was revealed in the August issue. The
main differences are the addition of the frequency read-out
below the power factor and support for fractional cents in
the tariff, plus seconds display for the current time.
unit up and wait at least 30 seconds for
everything to settle (coupling capacitors to charge, etc).
You can judge this using the elapsed
time in the lower-left corner of the device’s display. Then touch this elapsed
time display at the lower-left corner
of the screen and you should see a
“Calib” button appear at the bottom
(centre) of the screen (see Fig.8).
Press this and the calibration screen
will be displayed for a few seconds.
It will then return to the main screen
and after a second or two, the amps
reading should drop to zero (power
should be zero, too). This indicates
that the unit has correctly calibrated
the DC offset and base noise level from
the current sensor.
Next, you need to manually adjust
the voltage scale to give a correct mains
voltage reading. All you need to do this
is a mains-rated DMM.
Set it to AC volts mode and if it
isn’t auto-ranging, set it to a suitable
range for measuring mains (eg, up to
260VAC). After ensuring that you have
suitably rated leads, push its prongs
into the Active and Neutral sockets
of a mains outlet (GPO). Make sure
that there’s no exposed metal that you
could touch and also check that the
probes won’t fall out.
Now touch the lower-left corner
of the screen again (the elapsed time
display) and this time press the “Diag”
button. You should get voltage and current readings at the top of the screen,
with + and – buttons to the right of
each (see Fig.9).
Use these buttons to adjust the
displayed voltage reading so that it
matches the voltage on the DMM as
58 Silicon Chip
Fig.8: the logging status screen has also been improved since
the first article. The same information is shown but there are
now buttons to access the diagnostics screen and to perform
automatic calibration. The button to dump logged data is not
visible because you need to pause logging first.
closely as possible. You can now unplug the DMM from the GPO.
Current scale calibration
Now connect a device which will
draw a small, fixed and easily determined amount of real power; for example, a small incandescent or halogen
lamp. In a pinch, you could also use
a desk fan or fluorescent lamp but
make sure it has a power consumption
figure printed on it so you know what
to expect. If you already have an accurate mains power meter, that’s even
better – use it to measure the power so
that you have a calibration target for
the new unit.
Now connect your test load to the
Energy Meter and switch it on, then
let it stabilise (it may need to warm
up etc) and check the power reading.
It will probably be close to the rated
power, but maybe a little off. As you
did when adjusting the mains voltage, use the + and - buttons next to
the current reading in the diagnostic
screen to make small adjustments to
the current reading, then go back to
the main screen and check the power
reading. Continue adjusting until the
power reading is very close to what
you would expect.
If you’d like, you can now disconnect your test load and connect
another small load, and verify that
you get a reasonably accurate reading.
Note that loads which draw very little
power (eg, under 5W) could have a
quite substantial measurement error
and some loads such as plugpacks may
even read zero when they are in fact
drawing a watt or two. This is down to
the limited resolution of the ADC and
current sensor and there isn’t a lot we
can do about it.
You may also get some slightly inaccurate readings from loads with very
low power factors. But generally, the
unit should be quite accurate, within
1% or so of the actual reading, plus or
minus a couple of watts.
Setting up tariffs
That’s all you need to do to measure
power consumption but if you want to
see how much an appliance is costing you to run, you will also need to
program in your tariff(s) and if your
home has a smart meter, the peak, offpeak and shoulder times. You will also
need to set the current time and date.
These all contribute to the unit being
able to calculate the cost of power at
any given time.
First, set the time and date by touching on the time/date display in the
lower-right corner of the main screen.
Type in the time, in 24-hour notation,
with colons separating the hours, minutes and seconds. The seconds value
is optional and the time will be set as
soon as you press “OK”, so once you
have entered the time value, you can
wait until your clock rolls over to the
next minute and then press that button. The value entered will be red if
it is invalid or incomplete, or black if
it is valid and complete.
Having set the time, enter the date
in the same manner, in DD/MM/YY
format. You can just press OK if you
just want to update the time and keep
the current date.
Now that the time and date are set,
press on the yellow tariff data to the
left of the screen (initially, it will read
Fig.9: the diagnostic screen which shows the voltage and
current readings with extra decimal places and allows fine
adjustment of the scaling factors for both. It also displays
the automatically calibrated calibration constants below,
plus the sampling rate, measured frequency and preprocessing VA figures.
“OFF-PEAK 0.00c/kWh”). Now press
on the “Off-peak” text towards the
bottom of the screen, type in the cost
of power, in cents per kilowatt-hour.
You can use up to three decimal places.
Press OK when finished, then press in
the very upper-left corner to go back
to the main screen.
If you don’t have a smart meter,
that is all you have to do because this
tariff value is the default for situations
where a conventional watt-hour meter
is fitted. (Don’t worry if you have an
off-peak hotwater system as it is on a
separate circuit in your house wiring).
Setting up time-of-day
Assuming you have a smart meter, you now need to set the peak
and shoulder tariffs, using the same
method. Then you will need to set the
start and end times for the peak period
during the week (ie, Monday through
Friday). Refer to your electricity bill
or electricity authority website if you
don’t have this information.
To set the peak times during the
week, press on the text which says
“Weekday: N/A”, just under where the
peak tariff is displayed, near the top of
the screen. Then, enter the peak start
time in 24-hour format, with the hours
and minutes separated by a colon and
press OK. You will immediately be
prompted to enter the end time, in the
same format.
The unit has support for two peak
periods, however presently no Australian supplier has a separate morning
and afternoon peak time. So you can
simply press OK to go through the two
following screens without entering
Fig.10: this keypad allows you to update the current
time and date as well as set the tariffs and various other
tariff-related settings. In this case we’re setting the time
and pressing OK without entering anything leaves it
unchanged. The new time can be entered with or without
any additional time values.
The peak time period should now
be displayed below the peak tariff. If
your supplier also has peak periods
during the weekend, you can enter
the start and end time by pressing on
the line below which says “Weekend:
N/A” and using the same procedure as
above. Otherwise, move on to setting
up the shoulder period.
Most suppliers which have a peak
period also have a “shoulder” period
before and after the peak period, where
the cost of electricity is higher than
it is off-peak but lower than during
peak times. Assuming yours does
too, you will need to set its start and
end times just as you did for the peak
period, but instead by pressing on the
weekday and weekend lines below the
Shoulder tariff.
Note that it’s OK for the peak and
shoulder periods to overlap; indeed,
they should. The peak tariff will override the shoulder tariff during those
times when they are both active.
That’s it, you can now go back to
the main screen. The tariff data is
automatically stored in non-volatile
flash memory and will survive a power
outage (or simply unplugging and
moving the unit).
Public holidays
While probably not critical, for the
cost display to be truly accurate, we
also need to take into account the
fact that public holidays are charged
the same as weekends. For the unit to
take account of this, it must know the
dates of public holidays and so you
can program them in. If you don’t, it
won’t normally make a big difference
to cost calculations, so it’s entirely up
to you. But it only takes a few minutes.
To do this, acquire a list of the public holidays in your state for the next
couple of years, then touch on the
area at the bottom of the tariff settings
screen. You can then press on each
blank public holiday space and enter
the date in dd/mm/yy format. Enter as
many or as few as required. Whenever
the date matches one of these days,
weekend rates will be applied. Touch
right at the top of the screen to go back
to the main tariff settings display.
Accumulating & logging data
Logging and accumulation of energy
usage and cost begin automatically
when the unit is plugged in. However,
you can pause or stop and reset this
data at any time. To do this, press on
the time elapsed in the lower-left corner of the screen. The logging screen
displays the current logging status,
such as how much memory has been
used and the maximum time that logging can continue with the current
interval, as well as some buttons to
control it (see Fig.8).
Pressing the “pause” button will
stop logging but retain all data so
far. You can then resume or press the
“stop” button to clear the cumulative
energy usage, cost and voltage/current/power logs.
Note that you can log data for up
to two hours and 40 minutes with a
one-second interval, up to 24 hours
with a ten-second interval and up to
one week with a one-minute interval
but you can only change the interval
when logging is stopped (ie, no data is
stored). To do so, simply press on the
October 2016 59
Fig.11: power usage plot for a soldering iron. The iron was
switched on around five minutes ago and you can see the
large power draw as it warms up initially, followed by
the consumption jumping up and down as the element is
switched on for brief periods to keep it warm.
Fig.12: plot of the mains voltage which shows how it varies
over a one-hour period. Depending on the location and
time of day, the voltage can vary far more dramatically
than this. Even so, we can see it varying by more than 1%
(2.3V) in a relatively short period of just 30 seconds or so.
“Interval:” line on the logging screen.
While paused, you also have the option to dump the logged data to your
PC via the USB interface. This can be
done with the mains still connected.
In fact, if the unit loses power, this
logged data will be lost, so you will
need to keep the mains power plugged
in, at least until you’ve connected the
USB interface.
Once the USB serial port has been
recognised by your PC, fire up a terminal program and open that port
with the correct baud rate (normally
38,400). Next, set up the terminal program to capture data from that serial
port to a file. You can then press the
“Dump” button on the screen and the
data will be output in CSV format, as
the logged interval.
5) average mains RMS current for
the logged interval.
6) product of #4 & #5, ie, average VA
for the logged interval.
7) average real power for the logged
8) average power factor for the
logged interval (ie, #7 divided by #6).
When finished, press the “Back”
button to return to the main screen.
Note that while logged data is lost
if the unit’s power is removed, the
accumulated power usage and cost
information, shown on the main
screen, is stored in the EEPROM once
per minute and the last saved data is
restored at power-on. This data is only
reset when logging is stopped.
collected so far. The horizontal axis
has the latest measured value at right
and the oldest data at far left. Note that
depending on how long the unit has
been running, it can take some time
for it to average all the data required
to plot the graph, so be patient.
The unit can also display the same
data in a histogram. Simply press in
the middle of the graph to switch to
histogram mode. The data is automatically allocated to ten “bins” which
span the range of data collected and
their height indicates the proportion of
values measured which fit into those
“bins” (see Fig.13). Press on the middle of the graph again to go back to the
main screen. (This is the only way to
get out of the graph display.)
Plotting data on the unit
SILICON CHIP Appliance Energy Meter log
at 11:04:37 09/09/2016
It may take some time to off-load
all this data at 38kbaud, depending
on how long you have been logging.
This data can be saved in a CSV file
and opened in a spreadsheet program.
The columns are as follows:
1) record number, starting at one for
the first row of data.
2) number of seconds since logging
began. Starts with zero and increments
by one, 10 or 60 depending on the logging interval.
3) time since logging began, in
mm:ss or hh:mm format, depending
on how long logging has been going.
4) average mains RMS voltage for
The data stored in RAM which can
be exported to a PC can also be used to
produce various plots on the Meter’s
touchscreen. However, due to limited
screen space (and program space),
you can only plot one measurement
at a time.
Simply touch on one of the following items on the main screen to draw
a graph of the data collected so far:
voltage, current, power, VA or power
factor. Initially, a line graph will be
drawn, showing the variation in that
parameter over time. You can change
the plot duration between one hour,
one day and one week by touching on
the duration legend below the graph.
Note that if the unit has insufficient
data to show the selected duration, it
will simply show what it has so far.
The vertical axis of the graph is
automatically scaled to fit the data
Extrapolating power
consumption and cost
60 Silicon Chip
During logging, the total power consumption and accumulated cost on the
main screen are continuously updated
(once per second). They will continue
to increase even if the logging RAM is
full, indefinitely.
If you want to see how much an appliance is costing you on average, or
its average power usage, connect it to
the Meter and let it run for a sufficient
period for it to experience representative power usage. In some cases (eg,
a refrigerator or air conditioner), this
may take one or two days.
At the end of this period, simply
touch on the power consumption or
cost figure on the main screen. The unit
will divide the figure by the amount of
time it has spent monitoring that load,
then extrapolate the energy usage/cost
out to the following periods: one hour,
Fig.13: histogram plot of mains voltage. This gives you a
good idea of which voltages the mains sits at most of the
time relative to outliers. Note that the X-axis labels are
rounded to the nearest volt while the data has sub-volt
one day, one week, one month and
one year. This will tell you the energy
usage/cost for running that appliance
over those periods, assuming that the
energy usage continues at the same
rate (see Fig.14).
With something like an air conditioner, you will have to keep in mind
that if you are measuring during summer or winter, the yearly usage will be
Fig.14: extrapolated energy usage involved in running a
temperature-controlled soldering iron, based on around
eight minutes of data. You don’t normally leave a soldering
iron on all the time but if you did, this shows just how
much power it would use.
overestimated (since you won’t need
the same amount of cooling or heating
year-round). For heaters, the same is
true in reverse. And refrigerator energy
usage is likely to vary significantly
with the season too.
The easiest way to become familiar
with the functions of this device is
probably to set it up and then “have
a play”.
For those constructors who may
wish for features that we didn’t have
room for, feel free to download the
BASIC source code and add your own
features. However, keep in mind that
you will probably need to remove
some of the existing features to make
Developing the two critical CFUNCTIONs
While the GUI code is mostly written in BASIC, we had to write
two sections of the program in C. The first is the part which queries
the ADC and performs averaging, power calculations and zero
crossing/frequency detection. This needed to be written in C both
so that it was fast enough to be run thousands of times per second
while still allowing enough free CPU resources to handle screen
updates, and so that it could run constantly in the background to
avoid missing any voltage, current or power samples.
The second is the part of the code which calculates the current
tariff based on the time, date and configuration data. This was
originally written in BASIC, however, it used too much RAM; this
was especially problematic because the very inner-most function
which reads and stores power data must call it in order to keep the
running cost up to date (based on the current tariff). Re-writing
this code in C caused it to use up more flash memory (due to
the way CFUNCTIONs are stored) but significantly less RAM and
solved a long-running problem with the unit crashing due to lack
of memory. It’s also a lot faster than the equivalent BASIC code.
Essentially, what this second function does is calculate the day
of the week based on the date, then if it is a weekday, it checks to
see if the date matches any of the public holidays programmed into
the unit. Once it knows whether to use the weekday or weekend
tariffs, it figures out the current tariff based on the time.
The other CFUNCTION is significantly more complex. While it’s
a single function, it performs multiple duties. The first one is to set
up the hardware sampling timer (TIMER1) and the internal data
structures used to keep track of the voltage, current, power, etc.
As soon as TIMER1 is set up, the interrupt handler runs several
thousand times per second and this alternately samples the voltage and current.
After each pair of samples has been completed, it then updates
the internal RMS voltage, current, VA and power variables and
checks to see if a zero crossing has occurred. If so, it increments
the zero crossing count and transfers the accumulated data into
a second area of RAM, so that all averages are performed on full
multiples of half-cycles of data (to prevent readings from varying
depending on which point in the half-cycle the data is read).
The BASIC software can then call the same CFUNCTION with a
different set of parameters to read out these internal registers and
get at the accumulated data. When this data is read, interrupts are
disabled and it is cleared, so that the next ADC interrupt will start
fresh, collecting the next set of data.
The number of zero crossings detected per time period are used
to calculate the mains frequency along with the real time clock and
the Micromite’s internal millisecond timer.
Finally, this CFUNCTION also provides calibration functions, ie,
the ability to read and write the registers which define the voltage
and current DC offset levels as well as compute these levels when
no load is connected. Once set, the calibration levels are used
by the sampling code to improve the accuracy of the readings.
Some calibration functions, specifically the relationship between
measured voltage and actual mains voltage and current, as well as
dealing with noise from the current sensor, are performed solely
by the BASIC code.
Those who are curious can download both the BASIC and C
source code from the SILICON CHIP website and see the full details.
October 2016 61