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Pt.2: By Nicholas Vinen
100dB Stereo LED
Audio Level/VU Meter
Last month, we introduced our new Audio Level/VU Meter which
uses 80 high-brightness SMD LEDs to give a colourful dual-bargraph
display showing average and/or peak audio levels. It has a number
of useful features such as adjustable dynamic range, reference
level and LED brightness. This article deals with assembling it and
explains how to set it up and use it.
S DESCRIBED in Pt.1 last month,
the meter is based on a 32-bit PIC
processor driving 88 bright SMD LEDs.
It has an analog front end with the processed signals being delivered to the
PIC’s analog inputs to be converted
to digital format by its internal ADC
so that the signals can be analysed by
the software.
Having gone over the details of its
operation, let’s now get straight into
building the PCB.
The PCB overlay diagram is shown
in Fig.4. All parts are fitted to this
board, with most being surface mount
76 Silicon Chip
devices (SMDs). The exceptions are
connectors CON1-CON4 and switches S1 & S2. All of these through-hole
components can be mounted off-board
(eg, chassis-mounted) and connected
via shielded cables (for CON1 & CON2)
or twin lead (eg, figure-8, for CON3, S1
& S2) – see below for more details. If
doing this, these components are left
off the PCB and PC stakes can be fitted
to the test points near the DC socket
for wire termination.
Start construction with the SMD
components. It’s best to fit IC1 first,
as it has the finest lead pitch of any
of the SMDs on this board, although
it is not too daunting as the pins have
a relatively generous 0.8mm pitch on
a 10x10mm package.
There are various valid techniques
for hand-soldering SMDs as well as
other methods involving toaster ovens,
frying pans and so on. Our preferred
technique (as long-time readers will
no doubt be aware) is to first place a
small amount of solder on one pad,
heat this while sliding the part into
place, check its orientation and that
all the pins are correctly centred over
their pads, then solder the remaining
pins before finally refreshing the initial joint.
Take your time doing this with IC1
and be careful to ensure that its pin
22k 1nF
3.9k 20k
680pF 100pF
2 × BAT54S
22k 1nF
3.9k 20k
22k 2.2µF 22k
100pF 2.2µF 22k
1k 22k 1 1k
22k 2.2µF
D7 D8 D9
3.9k 3.9k
3 × BAT54S
100pF 2.2µF100pF
680pF 100pF
D4 D6 D5
LEDs 81-84
© 2016
100dB Digital Stereo Level/VU Meter
LEDs 85-88
3 × BAT54S
12k CON3
1.5k POWER
12-15V DC
Fig.4: follow this parts layout to build the Stereo Level/VU Meter. Most parts are SMDs and all are fitted to the top side of
the board. Microcontroller IC1 has a 0.8mm pin pitch, while the remaining parts have wider-spaced pins. Take care when
fitting the LEDs to ensure they have the correct orientation and that they are lined up neatly.
1 dot is in the location indicated on
Fig.4 and that all its pins are nicely
aligned before soldering more than
one. Spreading a thin layer of no-clean
flux paste over the pads aids in soldering. Don’t worry too much about bridging the pins – in fact, it’s easier if you
simply place some solder on the iron
and run it along the side of the IC to
solder a whole bunch of pins at once.
You can then clean up the bridges
by adding a little extra flux paste and
then gently applying some solder wick
and heating it until the excess solder
flows off the IC pins and into the wick.
Repeat until all the pins have been
properly soldered. It’s a good idea to
then inspect the joints under a magnifying lamp after cleaning off any flux
residue with pure alcohol or a specialised flux cleaning solution.
The remaining ICs, including REG1
and REG2, can be soldered using a
similar technique although their pins
are far enough apart to be soldered individually. Note that if IC2, IC3, IC4 or
REG2 lack a dot to indicate pin 1, you
should be able to identify it as being on
the chamfered side of the package. For
REG1, it’s easiest to solder the smaller
pins first and then the tab, as the tab
will require significant heat (and thus
time) to solder. It helps to spread some
solder paste on the large pad for the tab
before sliding REG1 in place.
With the ICs soldered, follow with
D1 and ZD1, ensuring that D1’s cathode stripe goes to the left as shown in
Fig.4. You can then solder transistors
Q1-Q8 and diodes D2-D9 in place,
making sure you don’t get them mixed
up as they are in identical packages.
Follow with all the capacitors and resistors, none of which are polarised.
Note that the resistors will have value
codes printed on top (eg, 223 = 22kΩ)
while the capacitors will be unmarked.
The 10µF and 47µF capacitors may
be a larger size than the others and larger pads are provided to accommodate
these. Similarly, the two 22kΩ resistors
in the input divider are larger than the
others (in case they have to dissipate
more power in a fault condition) and
the 33Ω 1W resistor is larger again.
Next fit VR1, unless you are going
to mount an external brightness pot.
Try to avoid getting solder on its metal
body as the flat pins cover most of the
pads and are quite close to the body.
Installing the SMD LEDs
In terms of SMDs, that just leaves
the LEDs. The first job to do is to check
their polarity. All the LEDs we used
(which are the same types as we will
be supplying) have green cathode dots.
However, some LEDs have green anode dots so you should confirm this.
To do this, set a DMM on diode test
mode and touch the probes to either
side of one of the LEDs. If they make
good contact and the polarity is correct, the LED will light up. In this case,
the red lead is on the anode.
If nothing happens, try flipping the
LED around (or reversing the leads).
You should get it to light up with one
polarity, although it’s possible some
DMMs will not have enough bias volt-
age to light some LEDs (eg, blue).
It’s a good idea to do a reasonably
neat job of soldering LEDs81-88, centring them on their pads and making
sure they are not fitted crookedly, but
it’s absolutely critical for LEDs1-80 if
you want the bargraphs to look good.
The first trick to doing a neat job is
to solder all the LEDs at one end and
inspect them critically before soldering the other ends. This gives you the
possibility of nudging any LEDs which
are misaligned compared to the others.
Don’t forget that the cathodes for
LEDs81-88 face the bottom of the
PCB while the cathodes for LEDs1-80
face the top. Reversing the polarity of
LEDs en masse is possible but time
We aligned the main bargraph LEDs
by hand and while close inspection reveals that a few are slightly askew, this
really isn’t obvious when viewing the
device during operation. If you want
them perfectly aligned, the best solution may be to clamp a straight edge
parallel to the top of the PCB so that
you can push the LEDs up against it
and have them located evenly between
the pads and square with them.
It would then just be a matter of sliding them until they were centred and
soldering the far side. Once they’re all
in place, you can remove the straight
edge and solder the other ends. Note
that SMD LEDs are easier to solder if
you’ve first applied a little flux paste
to the pad and/or terminal. Don’t overheat the plastic lenses though, they can
be burnt quite easily – we strongly adJuly 2016 77
This view shows the prototype PCB assembly. Take extra care when installing the LEDs and ICs to ensure they are all
orientated correctly. We used green LEDs for LEDs 1-30 & 41-70, yellow for LEDs 31-34 & 71-24, amber for LEDs 35-38
& 75-78, red for LEDs 39-40 & 79-80 and blue for LEDs 81-88.
vise against using a hot air reflow tool
in their vicinity.
Through-hole parts
Assuming you are fitting them, push
switches S1 and S2 down fully onto
the PCB and solder their leads. Otherwise you could fit PC stakes to their
mounting pads, or simply solder wires
direct to the PCB. DC connector CON3
should also be pushed down fully before soldering or, as stated earlier, connect supply leads to TPV+ and TPG2.
If your microcontroller has been
supplied pre-programmed you don’t
need to fit CON4. Otherwise, solder it
in place in the usual manner. Alternatively, it can later be fitted to the rear
of the PCB if necessary.
That just leaves RCA sockets CON1
& CON2. If using the RCA sockets
supplied by SILICON CHIP, you will
need to bend the two side pins out to
make them fit the pads (see photos of
our prototype). We supply them in a
pack of four including white and red;
unfortunately, white RCA sockets are
hard to find. Alternatively, you could
use different colours (eg, red & black).
Regardless, make sure they are pushed
down fully and properly perpendicular to the edge of the board before soldering the pins.
If you don’t want to use sockets, solder the braid of a length of shielded
cable to the central pin and the signal
wire to the terminal closer to the top
edge of the board.
Programming the micro
If you don’t have a pre-programmed
micro, you will need a PICkit 3 (or
equivalent) and the HEX file from the
SILICON CHIP website. The Microchip
78 Silicon Chip
MPLAB Integrated Programming Environment is a free download from
the Microchip website. Enter the chip
type, connect to the programmer, then
go into advanced mode and under
“Power” options, enable “Power Target Circuit from Tool”.
You can then go back to “Operate”,
click on the “Browse” button next to
“Source” and select the HEX file. Plug
the PICkit 3 into CON4 on the PCB,
with the triangle on the programming
tool lined up with the pin 1 indicator
on the PCB. Press the “Program” button and after 20 seconds or so it should
announce that the chip was successfully programmed and verified. You
can then unplug the tool.
If programming fails, check that the
solder joints on IC1 are OK, along with
those on the four capacitors surrounding it. Check also that you have enabled
power from the PICkit 3 (at 3.3V or so)
and that it has been correctly plugged
into CON4 and is not offset or reversed.
Chassis-mounting connectors
and/or controls
If fitting the VU meter assembly inside a power amplifier chassis, you
may be able to do without connectors
altogether, although they do make installation somewhat more convenient.
In this case, CON1 and CON2 can be
wired directly to the amplifier outputs. Similarly, CON3 can be omitted
and TPV+/TPG2 wired directly to a
regulated 12-15V DC supply within
the amplifier.
Be careful to avoid creating a ground
loop involving the signal grounds and
power ground connections. Ideally,
the power supply should be floating
and if necessary, derived from a dedi-
cated transformer secondary winding
(or separate transformer).
We also recommend that you avoid
using a DC supply that’s also used to
power a preamplifier. That’s because
the pulsed current drawn by the VU
meter might affect the preamp’s performance. The ideal solution is a small,
separate rectifier/filter/regulator based
on, say, a 7812 and powered from a
separate low-voltage winding on the
transformer. It only needs to be able
to deliver 150mA.
If you can’t use a floating supply,
make sure there is no difference in
ground potentials between the supply
for the VU Meter and the amplifier outputs. Also, if the amplifier outputs are
bridged, do not connect the negative
output to the inputs of the VU Meter.
Instead, wire these inputs to ground
and keep in mind that the input signal swing will be half of the amplifier
output swing (ie, 3dB lower).
Switches S1 and S2 may be mounted
off-board if desired, so that they are accessible outside the chassis, although
in cases where the inputs are hardwired to amplifier outputs, you probably won’t need access to S2. In this
case, the unit will normally be used
with a fixed reference level of +7dBV.
VR1 can also be mounted off-board
so that the brightness adjustment can
be easily accessible. Any potentiometer of approximately the same value
should be fine. Wire its wiper to TPBR,
the bottom of the track (anti-clockwise)
to TPG1 and the top of the track (clockwise) to TP3.3.
Ideally the unit should be powered
for the first time with a
Table 1: Display Modes
LEDs Flashing
1 (default)
average bar + peak dot
LED81, LED85
average bar only
LED81, LED86
peak bar only
LED81, LED87
average bar + peak dot
LED82, LED85
average bar only
LED82, LED86
ed power supply. If you have a bench
supply, set it for 12V with a limit of
200mA. Otherwise, you could use a
15V regulated (or 12V unregulated)
plugpack wired with a 47Ω 5W resistor
in series. Apply power and check that
LED81 (40dB) and LED86 (0dBV) are
lit. A quick press of S1 and S2 should
cycle the lit LEDs.
The current drain should be around
50mA. If using a series resistor, you can
check this by measuring the voltage
across the resistor (eg, ~2.35V across
47Ω). When LED84 (100dB) is lit,
you may find some of the bottom segments of the bargraphs light up. This
is normal as the inputs are currently
Check the voltage between TP3.3
and TPG2. It should be between 3.28V
and 3.32V; a little lower or higher is
OK. You may also wish to check the
voltage across the 2.2µF capacitor to
the right of REG2; it should be between about 10.8V and 11.5V. If it’s
above 11.2V, you may wish to consider shunting the 12kΩ resistor with a
470kΩ resistor (which can be soldered
on top) to reduce it, to ensure the regulator won’t enter drop-out with a supply voltage very close to 12V.
If using a series resistor to limit current, this will not permit the unit to
draw enough current to light up all
LEDs and continue to operate normally. So short out the resistor before
performing further tests.
If you switch off the unit and hold
down S1 while applying power, all
LEDs will light up. You can use this feature to check that they are all soldered
properly and operating normally. If any
do not light up, check their soldering
and orientation. If you need to remove
a LED (eg, if it is faulty), you can do
so by alternately heating the two pads
until it lifts off. Then add a little flux
paste and use solder wick to remove
the remaining solder from the pad(s).
Assuming all LEDs are working, release S1 to exit LED test mode, then
connect a signal source to the unit. You
can then check that the bar displays
are working normally and respond to
presses of S1 and S2 as expected (use
the instructions below as a guide).
Operating instructions
The Stereo LED Level/VU Meter
will fire up as soon as it has power
and resumes the last used mode. You
only need to use the controls to switch
modes or to perform calibration.
A brief press of S1 will cycle to the
next meter scale. The default is 40dB.
Pressing S1 will change this to 60dB,
then 80dB, then 100dB, then back to
40dB. The decibel level of the top-most
segment remains the same, ie, this
lights when the input signal reaches
the reference level which is 0dBV by
default. Pressing S2 cycles through the
four available reference level options.
Initially, the display shows the average level as a bar, with a dot indicating the peak level. In some cases, the
peak dot may coincide with, or be just
above, the top of the bar so it will not
be visible. Normal program material
will typically have a 5-15dB difference between the average and peak,
so there will normally be a significant
You can change to a different display
mode by pressing both S1 and S2 simultaneously, then quickly lifting off
both. Refer to Table 1 for a list of the
five available modes.
To adjust the bar brightness, simply rotate VR1. Note that the specified SMD trimpot does not have an
end-stop so if you turn it too far in
one direction it will “wrap around”.
Note also that the minimum brightness
setting gives about 5-10% duty cycle,
which may not be all that dim, given
how bright modern SMD LEDs are.
Further adjustments can be made
using switches S1 & S2 to access the
various set-up modes described below.
The method to access these modes is
summarised in Table 2.
Noise nulling
The input noise level of our proto-
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July 2016 79
Table 2: Summary Of Set-Up Modes
LED test
Hold down S1 while powering on
Relative LED brightness
Hold down S2 while powering on
Set noise null levels
Hold down S1 after power on for at least 0.5s
Cancel noise null
Hold down S2 after power on for at least 0.5s
Change average/peak
hold period
Hold down S1 after power on, press S2 once (LED81
flashes), release S1
0dB calibration with
reference signals
Hold down S1 after power on, press S2 twice (LED82
flashes), release S1
0dB calibration without
reference signals
Hold down S1 after power on, press S2 three times
(LED83 flashes), release S1
type unit is around -100dBV although
this depends on how the inputs are
terminated, the LED brightness setting, how quiet the power supply is,
etc. With the unit set to 100dB dynamic range, a 7dBV reference level
and average-only display, both bars
should be totally unlit. However, if the
meter is set to 100dB dynamic range
and you select a lower reference level
or enable peak metering, some of the
segments will be lit all of the time, even
with no signal.
If your signal source produces some
noise, and most do, it will likely increase the no-signal reading and may
even light one or more segments on
the less sensitive ranges if it is particularly noisy.
In either case, you can null out the
noise to give a blank display with no
signal by simply hooking the signal
source up, switching both units on
and, with no audio output, holding
down S1 for a little over half a second.
LED84 (“100dB”) will flash and the
bars should drop to zero. If they don’t,
try again. Now introduce a signal and
verify that the meters still light up as
This works by storing the average
and peak level measured when S1 is
held down and these readings are subtracted from future measurements. If
you want to cancel it and go back to
showing the raw (unadjusted) reading,
simply hold down S2 for at least half
a second. LED88 (“7dBV”) will flash
and the display will go back to how
it was before.
0dB calibration
If you want the unit to handle signals above 2.33V RMS, you will need
80 Silicon Chip
to change the input divider. But if you
want to make a small adjustment, eg,
to set a reference level other than one
of the four existing options, or to compensate for resistor error (including
differences between the two channels),
you can do that using the software’s
calibration feature.
A new reference level can be set for
each channel in each of the four available “slots” corresponding to LEDs8588. When you set a new reference level,
it overrides the pre-existing level for
that slot. Before you set a new reference level, use S2 to select the slot
in which you want to store the new
The easiest method is to feed a signal into both channels at the level you
want for full scale, then switch the
unit on with S1 held down. Before releasing S1, press S2 twice. LED86 will
flash a few times. The signal level for
both channels will be used as the new
0dB reference level for the currently
selected slot.
Alternatively, if you do not have a
signal generator that can produce the
appropriate levels, you can adjust the
reference level for a slot incrementally, in 0.1dB steps between -20dBV
and +7.3dBV. Instead of pressing S2
twice before releasing S1, press it three
times. LED87 flashes instead. Now, the
left channel display (top-most bar) will
be shown as usual but the right channel display will instead show the currently selected reference level.
This is achieved by lighting up a 12LED section of the bar which moves
up and down by one LED for each
1dB change in reference level. At the
minimum setting of -20.0dBV, this bar
will start at the bottom-most LED, so
you can figure out the whole number
of decibels by counting the number
of LEDs before the bar starts. At the
maximum setting of +7.4dBV, the bar
will stop one LED from the top.
The fractional number of decibels
is indicated by switching off one LED
within the bar. If the number ends in
.0, the second LED will be off. If it’s
.1, the third LED will be off, and so on
until it’s .9 in which case the secondfrom-last LED will be off. This may
sound complicated but once you see
it in action, you should find it pretty
easy to figure out.
A quick press of S1 will reduce
the selected reference level by 0.1dB
while a quick press of S2 will increase
it by the same amount. Because the
left-channel bar operates normally,
you can observe the effect of changing the reference level on the display,
and adjust it for a particular level for
a particular signal should you wish.
Hold down S1 for at least half a second
in order to set the level for the other
channel. You can switch back and
forth, adjusting the levels as required.
When you’ve finished, hold down
S2 for at least half a second and the
changes will be saved. The unit will
return to its normal display. If you
want to abort changing the reference
level, simply pull power from the unit.
There’s one extra function available
in this mode: if you press S1 and S2
simultaneously (briefly), it will copy
the level setting from the other channel
to the currently selected channel. This
makes it easy to set both channels to
the same (or a similar) reference level.
Changing the averaging/
peak hold period
When the unit is in VU mode (modes
4 & 5 shown in Table 1), the unit performs RMS averaging on each block of
1024 samples and then uses a ballistic
simulation of a moving needle to provide the required 300ms settling time
to 99% and 1-1.5% overshoot for a
VU meter. But in the other modes, the
average value is calculated by averaging one or more of the RMS amplitude
results from the 1024 sample blocks.
By changing the number of values
averaged, you can change the response
time. The minimum is one block, representing around 25ms of signal, and
the maximum is 40 blocks, ie, around
one second’s worth of data. Similarly,
the peak value is calculated as the
maximum peak value of between one
The PCB assembly can be housed in a laser-cut clear acrylic case which
is available from the SILICON CHIP Online Shop. The PCB, programmed
microcontroller and other parts are also available from the Online Shop.
and 40 blocks worth of data. You can
change both values. Changing the peak
calculation period will also affect the
VU-style mode if the peak is shown.
To adjust these settings, simply hold
down S1 while applying power, then
press S2 once. LED85 should flash and
you can then release S1. The averaging window size is shown by which
of LEDs1-40 is lit; LED1 indicates averaging over one sample block, LED2
over two, etc. Similarly, LEDs41-80
show the peak period.
Initially, one LED will be flashing
in the top row. Press S1 to reduce the
averaging window size by one sample
block or S2 to increase it. Hold down
S1 for at least half a second to switch
to the other row, to adjust the peak calculation period, and use S1/S2 to reduce/increase it. When finished, hold
down S2 to save the settings and return to normal operation. To abort the
changes, simply pull power to the unit.
LED brightness adjustment
If you’re using different colour LEDs
which are reasonably well matched in
terms of brightness, the display should
look good without any further adjustment. However, if you’re particularly
fussy or using different LEDs which
are not so well matched, you may
find that some are noticeably brighter
than others.
We have incorporated a feature to
allow you to dim a subset of the LEDs
in the display in order to match the
brightness. There are a few limitations
(explained below) but this method
generally works quite well.
To access this setting, hold down S2
while powering the unit up, wait for
at least half a second, then release it.
Only LED1 and LED2 will be lit. They
will be driven at maximum duty cycle,
to allow you to compare the brightness
of the two LEDs. Short presses of S1
and S2 change which pair of LEDs are
lit, to the left and to the right respectively. Use these to light up the first
pair of LEDs which have a significant
difference in brightness.
You can then rotate VR1 to adjust
their relative brightness until they appear to be matched. Use S1/S2 to move
along until you find another pair of
LEDs with mismatched brightness and
adjust those too. Continue until you
reach the final pair of LEDs for the left
channel, LEDs39 & 40. At this point,
pressing S2 will illuminate the entire
top bargraph and the LED brightness
will be adjusted based on the settings
you have made so far.
You can now use VR1 to adjust the
overall brightness of the bar. Note
that if you have made more than one
adjustment, because they are cumulative, you may find that the brightness
matching is not perfect. You can now
press S1 and make further adjustments before returning to the “preview” mode. Continue until you are
satisfied with the result, then use S2
to switch to the bottom bargraph and
use the same procedure to match the
brightness of its LEDs.
Once you have selected a pair of
LEDs and rotated VR1, the brightness
offset for that pair remains adjusted.
To clear this adjustment, select the
pair of LEDs, then hold down S1 for at
least half a second. They will be reset
to their original state. Holding down
S2 for at least half a second resets all
LEDs to their default states and allows
you to start the adjustment procedure
from the beginning.
When you are satisfied with the result, press S1 and S2 together briefly
and release them. The changes will be
saved and the unit will return to its
normal operating mode. Changes are
stored in flash memory so the unit will
apply them each time it is powered on.
To make further changes to the relative LED brightness you will need to
remove power and repeat the procedure. To disable this feature, re-enter
the adjustment mode and hold down
S2, then save the changes.
The limitations are as follows. Firstly, any relative brightness adjustment
will reduce the overall maximum
brightness of the display. Secondly, the
software supports up to four different
brightness levels within each bank of 10
LEDs. Making adjustments that would
require more than this will have undefined consequences. Also, making relative adjustments that are too extreme
may result in a flickering display.
Finally, the signal-to-noise ratio of
the unit and its ability to register very
July 2016 81
Fig.5: cutting template for the custom-made case. It’s cut from a 208 x
190 x 3mm sheet of clear acrylic (polymethyl methacrylate, Perspex,
Lucite, Plexiglas, etc). The red lines show the internal hole cut-outs. The
three extra small pieces are used to space the board off the base, while
the two slots in the top side allow the mounting tabs in the PCB to fit
through (although they should normally be removed, see text).
brief signal peaks may be slightly impacted by this feature.
Laser-cut case
For those building the Level/VU
Meter as a stand-alone unit, we have
designed a clear acrylic case. It consists of six pieces that are glued and
screwed together and is just a little bit
larger than the PCB itself, giving a compact assembly. The cutting details are
shown above in Fig.5 and one of the
photographs shows the result.
All parts except for the lid should
be glued using a specialised, solventtype plastic adhesive. We used a tube
of SciGrip “Weld On” 16 fast set clear,
medium-bodied solvent cement. This
is available from Plastix [Sydney (02)
9599 2499 or Northern Beaches (02)
9939 0555].
Note that the PCB has two trapezoidal tabs at the top with mounting
holes. These tabs are not required if
using the laser-cut case and can be
cut off using a fine-bladed hacksaw
or similar tool (the sides of the tabs
are squared to make this task easier).
Note that you can still get the PCB
into the case with the tabs intact (as
shown in our photos) but it looks a lit82 Silicon Chip
tle odd and makes it much more difficult to remove the PCB later if that
should be necessary.
The first step in assembling the case
is to attach the PCB to the base. You
can identify this as it is the large piece
with two round holes and one rectangular slot. A small T-shaped piece of
plastic is supplied and this is glued
into the rectangular slot after removing
the protective film from both pieces.
This small piece forms a support for
the top part of the PCB.
Two small square pieces with holes
in the middle are also supplied. Remove their protective film and place
them over the holes in the base. Feed
a 10mm machine screw up through
each pair of holes.
You can then drop the PCB down
on top, with the two screws passing
through the mounting holes at the
bottom of the board. That done, place
a pair of 3mm ID shakeproof washers
on each screw shaft and then screw
an M3 x 12mm tapped Nylon spacer
loosely onto each, holding the PCB in
place. Make sure the square supports
are orientated parallel to the edge of
the board, then tighten the spacers up.
Now mock-assemble the case, with
the protective film still on the remaining pieces, to ensure everything fits.
You can temporarily fit the top panel to
the two spacers using M3 x 6mm machine screws but don’t do them up too
tightly as they may prevent the sides
from going on. Push the other four
pieces into place and make sure every
thing fits. If it does, remove the top
panel and take the protective coating
off both sides, then screw it back on.
It’s a good idea to keep a clean, disposable cloth on hand while gluing
the case, to wipe off any excess glue
quickly before it starts to set. Try to
avoid getting the glue on any of the
external faces of the case since it can
cause hazing.
It’s now basically just a matter of
removing the protective film from the
rear, front and lefthand (input side)
pieces and gluing them in turn to the
base panel and to each other. Coat all
the mating surfaces with the solvent
glue before pushing the panel into
place and ensure it can’t move until the
glue hardens after 5-10 minutes. Full
strength is achieved after 24 hours.
If you need to get the PCB out of
the case, it will be necessary to slide
it out, pulling the RCA socket barrels
out of the holes in the lefthand side of
the case. To allow this, the righthand
side piece should be glued not to the
rest of the case but to the DC socket.
This will hold it in place but allow it
to slide out with the board should you
need to remove it (assuming you have
cut off the top tabs). Like the rest of
the pieces, its protective film should
be removed before it’s glued.
Other case options
The Level/VU Meter could also
be fitted into a case with a clear lid,
such as the Altronics H0332A Sealed
ABS Enclosure (220 x 165 x 60mm),
although this may be more expensive.
It does have the advantage of being
sealed against moisture and dust but
you would have to use suitable sealed
connectors for input and power to keep
the IP65 rating for the finished unit.
In this case, you would simply need
to fit tapped spacers to the four mounting holes on the PCB and either screw
and seal or glue these to the base of
the case.
Alternatively, the PCB assembly can
be fitted into an amplifier chassis, behind a clear window on the front of
the unit, and attached via those same
four mounting holes.