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Precision Voltage &
Current Reference With
Touchscreen Control
Uses a chopper-stabilised op amp
Pt.2: By Nicholas Vinen
We introduced this instrument with its comprehensive touchscreen
control in the October issue. It is a first for SILICON CHIP in that is
is a test instrument with no physical switches or knobs to control
its functions; everything is done via the touchscreen. In this second
and final article, we give the construction details and provide all
the testing and operation instructions.
IRTUALLY ALL the components
are mounted on a single PCB
coded 04110161 and measuring 140
x 85mm. Fig.3 shows how the components are fitted in both sides of the
board. All the SMDs are mounted on
one side while the through-hole components and the LCD BackPack mod64 Silicon Chip
ule go on the other side. The only offboard components are the four insulated banana sockets.The PCB assembly
and all four banana sockets are mounted on the lid, with short lengths of stiff
wire joining the sockets to the board.
Start by fitting the SMDs. The only
slightly tricky parts are voltage refer-
ence REF1 and the USB socket (micro
or mini, depending on which you have
decided to fit). These have the most
closely spaced pins. However, there
are only a few pins on each and the
other components have much more
generous spacing, making them quite
easy to solder.
Start with REF1. Use a magnifying
glass and a good light to identify the
pin 1 dot on top of its package and
place it on the PCB near its pads, with
pin 1 closest to the adjacent board
edge. Place a little solder on one of
its corner pads, then heat that solder
while sliding the part into place. Check
that all its leads are over their associated pads; if not, reheat the solder joint
and gently nudge it into place.
Alternatively, having tinned one of
the pads, you can carefully line up the
IC and then press down gently on it
while heating the solder on that pad to
let it “sink in”. Either way, you should
now have the part tacked down and
properly aligned with all of its pads.
You can then proceed to solder the
remaining pins. This is easiest if you
first apply a little flux paste to the pins.
Don’t worry if you bridge any of the
pins with solder; simply add a little
flux paste and use solder wick to remove the excess solder. When finished,
refresh the solder joint on the pin you
first used to tack the part down, either
by adding a little flux and heating it
(the preferred method) or by adding
some fresh solder.
Clean off any flux residue using flux
cleaner or alcohol (eg, methylated spirits or isopropyl alcohol) and carefully
check all six leads to ensure that they
have proper fillets and no bridges. Assuming you’re happy with that, move
on to solder the remaining ICs (IC1-IC6
and REG1) using a similar technique.
If you can’t locate a pin 1 dot or divot
on any of these, check for a bevelled
edge; pin 1 is on that side.
Discrete semiconductors
Next, move on to the smaller discrete semiconductors, ie, D1-D4, Q2,
Q3, ZD1 and ZD2. Note that with the
exception of D1, these are all in essentially identical packages so don’t get
them mixed up. All you need to do
is tack down one pin as above, check
the placement and then solder the remaining pin(s).
Now move on to the resistors and
capacitors, using a similar technique.
None of them are polarised. The resistors are labelled with their value in
a shortened code (eg, 22kΩ = 223 or
2202) however you may need a magnifier to read them. SMD ceramic capacitors are not labelled. Note that the three
10µF capacitors may be larger than the
others and the pads provided are more
widely spaced to suit. The 0.1Ω
Parts List
1 PCB, code 04110161, 140 x
1 Micromite LCD BackPack
1 UB1 jiffy box (157 x 95 x 53mm)
1 black laser-cut lid to suit jiffy box
2 red panel-mount binding posts/
banana sockets (IN+,OUT+)
2 black panel-mount binding posts/
banana sockets (IN-, OUT-)
3 0.9mm PCB pins (TP1-TP3)
1 47µH 6x6mm SMD inductor (L1)
1 220µH 3.2x2.6mm/1210 SMD
inductor (L2)
relays (RLY1-16,RLY19,RLY20)
2 G6H2-5V DPDT relays
1 SMD mini USB type B
connector (CON1a) and/or
1 SMD micro USB type B
connector (CON1b)
1 18-pin low-profile female header
(or cut down 40-pin dual-wipe
DIL socket) (CON2)
1 18-pin female header (or cut
down 20+ pin female header)
1 200mm length 0.7mm diameter
tinned copper wire (or four
component lead off-cuts)
4 M3 x 25mm machine screws
4 M3 x 15mm Nylon tapped
4 3mm ID 6mm OD 1mm thick
Nylon washers
4 TPIC6C595 8-channel SPI
relay drivers, SOIC-16
tor is larger again but a similar technique can be used, although you might
need to hold the iron on the joint a bit
longer to produce a good joint.
The smaller inductor (L2) can be fitted in the same manner as the resistors
and capacitors. And while a similar
technique is required for L1, its much
larger thermal inertia presents some
challenges. Be sure to spread a little
flux paste on both pads before starting.
Also, when you slide the part onto the
pad with the molten solder, you will
find it solidifies as the inductor heats
up and it will be several seconds be-
1 ADA4522-4ARZ quad precision
op amp, SOIC-14 (IC5)
1 LM358, SOIC-8 (IC6)
1 MAX6071-2.5 precision 2.5V
reference, SOT-23-6 (REF1)
1 CS5173 boost regulator,
1 BSP030 N-channel Mosfet,
SOT-223 (Q1)
2 BC846 NPN transistors, SOT-23
1 5.6V SOT-23 zener diode (ZD1)
1 39V SOT-23 zener diode (ZD2)
1 DB2W60400L 60V 2A Schottky
diode (D1)
3 BAT54S dual serial Schottky
diodes (D2-D4)
(2012/0805 X7R 50V unless stated)
3 10µF 50V X5R 3216/1206
4 4.7µF 6.3V X5R
1 1µF 16V X7R
9 100nF
1 10nF
2 47pF 50V C0G/NP0
Resistors (0805 1% unless stated)
2 270kΩ
1 3kΩ
2 47kΩ
2 2.2kΩ
3 30kΩ
1 1.5kΩ
1 22kΩ
6 1kΩ
51 12kΩ 0.1%
1 750Ω
4 10kΩ
3 100Ω
1 4.7kΩ
2 47Ω
1 0.1Ω 1% 3W 2512 1 0Ω
Note: a short form kit will be available
for this project from the SILICON
CHIP online shop which includes
everything except for the BackPack
kit (available separately), box, tinned
copper wire and optional PCB pins.
fore you can finally move the part into
its correct location.
Lastly, when applying solder to the
second pad, you will need to heat it
for a few seconds before a good solder
joint will form.
Now fit Mosfet Q1. Start by spreading a thin smear of flux paste on the
large pad, then add solder to one of the
smaller solder pads and slide the part
into place, as with the other components. After that, solder the other two
small pins before turning your attention to the large tab. As with L1, it will
take a few seconds to heat the part and
December 2016 65
Fig.3: the parts layout diagrams for both sides of the main Voltage/Current Reference PCB. All SMD components
go on one side of the board, as shown at top, while the relays and LCD BackPack are mounted on the other
side. Only one of USB power input connectors, CON1a and CON1b, should be fitted. Note that the 18-pin female
header that the LCD BackPack is plugged into actually consists of two stacked headers (see text).
PCB up so that they are hot enough for
the solder to flow properly and form
a good joint.
The final SMD part to fit is either
CON1a or CON1b (one of the USB
sockets). Normally, both would not
be fitted, as plugging them both into
two different USB sockets would potentially damage one or both of the
power supplies.
66 Silicon Chip
Decide which one you want to use,
then solder one of its mounting lugs to
the board, using a similar technique as
before. Make sure all the small pins are
properly aligned over the pads before
soldering the other mounting lugs and
finally, the pins themselves.
You will probably need to apply
flux and some solder wick to remove
any bridges which form, as the pins
are closely spaced. We’ve elongated
the pads for both connectors to make
this easier.
Assembling the BackPack
If you haven’t already done so, you
will need to assemble the Micromite
LCD BackPack, as described in the
February 2016 issue. This is a pretty
quick job as it only involves a dozen
That makes it easier to supply power
for testing and also provides access to
the serial console, should you need it.
Once you’ve assembled the BackPack PCB, mount the LCD touchscreen
in place. If you have purchased a kit
which already has the correct software
loaded, then you can test it by applying 5V power to the board and check
that the display comes up correctly.
The software should detect that the
main board is not attached and display a message indicating this. You can
now test the touch function by touching that message to dismiss it.
If you don’t have a pre-programmed
chip, there are two ways to program
it. Firstly, you can download the HEX
file for this project from the SILICON
CHIP website and load this onto your
PIC32 using a PICkit 3 and Microchip’s
MPLAB X IPE (Integrated Programming Environment). You can then plug
the chip in and proceed as per above,
however, you need a PICkit 3 to do
this, plugged into the ICSP header on
the BackPack board.
Alternatively, if you have a PIC32
programmed with MMBasic (or you
can program one), you can then plug
this into the LCD BackPack, power it
up, connect it to your PC using a USB/
serial converter (as described in the
February 2016 issue) and then set it
up using the free MMChat software.
To get it going, you will need to set
up the TFT and touch interfaces (also
described in the February 2016 issue),
then download the BASIC source code
for this project from the SILICON CHIP
website and upload it to the Micromite chip, as detailed in the panel on
page 70.
Through-hole parts
or so through-hole components. Note
that this project was not designed to
use the Micromite Plus LCD BackPack
(described last month); it requires multiple 5V-tolerant pins, which is one of
the few incompatibilities between the
two. So for now, you will need to stick
with the regular LCD BackPack.
Note that the BackPack is available
as a complete kit from the SILICON CHIP
Online Shop and you can even get it
with the BASIC software for this project pre-loaded – see www.siliconchip.
One small change that we suggest
you make while building the LCD
BackPack is to use a right-angle header
for CON1 (power and console), with
the pins projecting out the side of
the module, as shown in our photos.
Now flip the board over and fit
CON2. This is an 18-pin low-profile
female header which can be cut from
a 36-pin (or larger) DIL socket. 40-pin
sockets are probably the most common
part which can be used.
Carefully separate one of the pin
strips from the rest of the socket by
cutting the plastic cross-braces with
a side cutter. Trim off any large projections and cut off any excess pins so
that you are left with 18 (be careful not
to cut the 18th pin or you may have to
throw it away and start again).
Now, feed the four M3 x 25mm machine screws through the BackPack
mounting holes on the main PCB
(heads on the SMD component side)
December 2016 67
The Micromite LCD BackPack module is plugged into the header socket on
the relay side of the PCB and is secured in place using M3 x 15mm tapped
Nylon spacers and machine screws (see text).
and place one of the 1mm thick Nylon
washers over each screw shaft. Screw
a 15mm tapped spacer over each shaft
until it is almost tight.
Next, detach the TFT module from
the BackPack PCB and unscrew the
four tapped spacers. That done, plug
the full-height 18-pin female header
into the low-profile header you made
earlier (from the DIL socket) and plug
that assembly onto the 18-pin male
header on the underside of the BackPack PCB. Push it all the way home.
Now place the BackPack PCB over
the four screw shafts sticking out of
the tapped spacers and lower it down
so that the pins of the female header go through the holes in the corresponding pads on the main board.
That done, screw the 9mm tapped
spacers removed from the BackPack
earlier on top of the remaining shafts
in order to hold the BackPack PCB
in place while you solder the female
header to the SMD component side of
the main board. Make sure it’s sitting
flat on the PCB before doing so. Now
that the header has been soldered to
the board, remove the BackPack PCB
and its mounting screws and spacers
and keep them until later.
as shown in Fig.3. Make sure they are
pushed down fully onto the board before soldering the pins. It’s a good idea
to solder two diagonally opposite pins
and then check the relay is sitting flat
before soldering the remaining pins.
The orientation of each of the 18
HK4100F relays is obvious, as they
can only be inserted one way. Again,
make sure they are pushed fully into
the PCB before soldering.
Now you can re-attach the BackPack
PCB, as you did before. Make sure that
all the screws and spacers are done up
tightly. But before plugging the TFT
module back into the BackPack PCB,
trim the 14 solder joints adjacent to the
LCD screen as short as possible using
sharp side-cutters so that they won’t
interfere with the lid later (these joints
are for the 14-pin header which was
supplied pre-soldered to the module).
You can now plug the TFT module
into the BackPack and attach it to the
Nylon spacers using the 6mm machine
screws supplied with the BackPack kit.
Don’t lose the four extra Nylon washers or longer screws supplied with that
kit as you will need them to attach the
whole assembly to the lid shortly.
Remaining on-board parts
You can do some testing before
proceeding to fit the unit into the
case. It’s a good idea to check that
the unit’s current drain is within the
normal range when it’s first powered
up. A current-limited power supply
Basically, the only components left
to fit to the PCB are the 20 relays. The
two G6H2 DPDT relays must be soldered with their pin 1 markings towards the nearest edge of the board,
68 Silicon Chip
is handy to have, but not strictly necessary. You can use any 5V supply
capable of delivering at least 500mA,
connected in series with a DMM set
to measure amps.
It’s easiest to make the supply connections to CON1 on the LCD BackPack module. Be careful that you make
the connections properly, especially
since there is no reverse polarity protection; check the labels on the BackPack PCB. The current drain should
be around 50-200mA, depending on
the setting of the backlight trimpot. If
you get a reading much higher than
this, switch off immediately because
that suggests you have a short circuit
or an incorrectly placed component
somewhere on the board.
If you have an excessive current
drain, you can troubleshoot further by
unplugging the BackPack and briefly
connecting a current-limited 5V supply across pins 1 & 2 of RLY17, with
+5V to pin 1; pin 1 can be identified
as having a square pad and pin 2 is
adjacent. Without the BackPack attached, only a few milliamps should
flow. Much more suggests that there
is either a short circuit somewhere on
the board (eg, due to bridged pins), an
IC has been soldered with the incorrect orientation or one of the other
parts is incorrectly installed.
On the other hand, if the current is
too low then that also suggests that
there is a problem, possibly with the
microcontroller programming or soldering, or its bypass capacitors. Proceed with troubleshooting the BackPack module as per the instructions
in the February 2016 issue.
Now is a good time to check that
you have very close to 2.5V between
TP1 and a convenient ground point,
such as the shell of the USB connector. You should also find virtually the
same voltage at TP2 at this point.
Once the micro has been programmed and the software is running,
you should be able to further verify the
operation of the unit. On power-up,
you should be greeted with the initial
screen shown in Fig.4. Touch the voltage display below the top bar and on
the keyboard which appears (Fig.6),
press “2” and then “V”. Then press
the line which reads “Zout=highΩ”
at the bottom of the screen.
You should get the display shown
in Fig.7 and immediately upon pressing at the bottom of the screen, you
should hear the relays click and the
current drain will jump as the coils
are energised. Now connect a voltmeter between the OUT+ and OUTterminals at the left side of the board
and you should measure very close to
2V. That verifies that the reference, divider ladder and relay drivers are all
working properly.
You can now test the boost regulator and PGA by again touching the
voltage setting just below the top bar
and this time entering “4V”. As soon
as you’ve pressed the “V” button, the
boost regulator will be enabled and the
5V current drain should jump again.
Assuming all is well, you can measure 4V between OUT+ and OUT- and
5V (ie, Vref) between TP2 and ground.
If you can access L2, you should be
able to measure the voltage on either
side of it, relative to ground, at around
39V. This is the output of the boost
If you don’t get 4V at OUT+ or you
find the unit locks up or draws an excessive amount of current, you may
have a problem with REG1 or one of its
associated components. But note that
there is quite a large initial spike in
the current drawn from the 5V supply
when it starts up, so if you are powering the unit from a computer USB
port, it may well detect this as a fault
and shut the port down. So it’s best
to power the unit from a 5V charger
or bench supply.
Assuming it’s all working so far,
it’s worthwhile doing one final check
before putting the unit in its case and
that is to test the operation in current
reference mode. To do this, touch the
top of the screen and select “Current
Reference”, then press the box below
this and enter “10mA”, then press on
“Zout= off” at the bottom of the screen
to turn it on (Fig.8).
It’s then just a matter of connecting
an ammeter set to milliamps mode between the output of your 5V supply
and the OUT+ terminal. You should
get a reading close to 10mA±0.1mA
(plus the tolerance of your ammeter).
Basically, if the reading is between
9.5mA and 10.5mA then chances are
everything is working correctly.
Case preparation
The case requires 10 holes in total:
one in the side for the USB power supply socket, one rectangular cut-out in
the lid for the touchscreen, four 3mm
holes in the lid for mounting the whole
assembly and four larger holes in the
These two views show how the Micromite LCD BackPack module and the Voltage/
Current Reference relay PCB are stacked together with the front panel.
lid for the insulated banana input/output sockets.
We’re not going to go into detail here
because by far the simplest and neatest approach is to purchase a laser-cut
panel from SILICON CHIP to replace the
existing case lid. These are made from
3mm black acrylic with a matte surface
on the top side and the holes are all
neat and accurately cut. The panel is
sized to fit exactly on a standard UB1
jiffy box and uses the same mounting
holes for attachment.
Also, the four banana socket holes in
the laser-cut lid are profiled for a snug
fit and to prevent accidental rotation
of the sockets. The only disadvantage
compared to the lid supplied with the
case is that the corner screw mounting
holes are not recessed, so the screw
heads will project slightly above the
lid. Also, you may need to use longer
self-tapping screws than those supplied with the case (depending on the
manufacturer). Still, we think this is
the easiest approach that most constructors will adopt.
If you still want to cut the holes in
the lid yourself, download the drilling
template PDF from the SILICON CHIP
website and use this as a guide.
Once you have prepared the lid (or
obtained the laser-cut version), attach the completed PCB assembly to
its underside with 1mm thick Nylon
washers between the top of the TFT
module PCB and the back side of the
lid. Attach the module to the lid using
M3 x 8-9mm machine screws (ideally,
black). Make sure that the touchscreen
surface is flush with the top of the lid
and that it hasn’t caught on any plastic burrs or projections.
Now remove the retaining nuts
from the four insulated banana sockets, push the sockets through from the
top side of the lid and then re-attach
the nuts on the other side. Do them
up tightly. Make sure that the red and
black sockets are in the correct locations – if in doubt, refer to the photos
in this article.
Next, feed short lengths of tinned
copper wire through the banana socket
tabs and bend them over to go through
their corresponding pads on the PCB.
Solder these wires at both ends to complete the electrical assembly.
Final assembly
The only additional hole is the USB
socket access hole, on the side of the
case. This cut-out should be approximately rectangular in shape (12mm
wide, 6mm high), with its upper edge
positioned 32mm down from the top
edge of the box. Its exact location depends on which USB socket you have
The easiest approach is to download the drilling template from the
SILICON CHIP website, cut out the side
panel, attach it to the side of the UB1
jiffy box case and then drill a series of
small holes around the inside of the
appropriate cut-out. Knock out the
December 2016 69
Uploading The BASIC Code To The BackPack
The simplest approach here is to purchase a pre-programmed PIC or, if starting with a blank PIC, flash it with the supplied HEX file which includes MMBasic
along with all our code. Alternatively, if you are starting with a regular LCD BackPack kit or you want to modify the software, here’s how you load the BASIC code.
First, program your PIC32 with the MMBasic 5.2 firmware and establish a serial
console connection using a USB-serial adaptor. You will need to set up the display
and touch panel as detailed in the February 2016 article on the LCD BackPack.
Note that the BackPack (and, if attached, the main board) are powered from the
PC during this process.
Then you need to load “SCVoltCurRef_Library.BAS” into the Micromite, which
contains the fonts. Having downloaded this from the SILICON CHIP website, grab
a copy of Jim Hiley’s Windows/Linux “MMEdit” program. It is freeware and available from For Windows, download the setup
file called MMEdit.exe and run it. It will work on any Windows version since XP.
Run MMEdit and open the BASIC file mentioned above. Next, ensure the “Auto
crunch on load” option in the Advanced menu is selected and set up the COM port
to communicate with the Micromite by selecting the “New . . .” option under the
Connect menu. You can then click the “Load and run current code” button, rightmost in the toolbar under the menu (with the icon that looks like a blue stick figure
running while holding a torch). You should get a progress dialog and the upload
will take around 30 seconds.
If it fails, close this window and re-check the COM port settings; make sure you
don’t have the port open in another program.
Once the upload is complete, the MMChat console window should automatically
appear. You can then execute the “LIBRARY SAVE” command (note: if you have previously done this, you will need to run “LIBRARY DELETE” first). After a brief delay,
it should display the MMBasic prompt (>). You can verify that the code was saved
by issuing a “MEMORY” command, which should yield a response like:
> memory
0K (0%) Program (0 lines)
14K (24%) Library
46K (76%) Free
Now open the file “SCVoltCurRef_Main.BAS” file (which is supplied in the same
ZIP as the BASIC file loaded earlier) and, again ensuring that the “Auto crunch on
load” option is enabled, upload that to the PIC32. The MMChat window should appear once this is complete. You can then type in “OPTION AUTORUN ON”, press
enter, then execute the “RUN” command to start the program.
Now unplug the USB lead and proceed with the remainder of construction/set-up.
centre plastic section and file it into a
rounded rectangle shape, then clean
off any swarf and plastic pieces and
drop the PCB assembly down into the
case temporarily to make sure the USB
socket lines up with the hole.
Using it
There are four basic ways to use the
unit: (1) as a divider/attenuator, (2) as
a voltage reference, (3) as a current reference or (4) as a resistance reference
(albeit with a rather limited range).
The first step, once the unit is up
and running, is to select the mode and
that’s done by touching the line right
at the top of the screen. A list of six
70 Silicon Chip
available modes appears and you select the one you want by pressing on
it (see Fig.5). The two extra modes allow you to enable or disable the output
buffering in the attenuation and voltage reference modes. Normally you’ll
want to enable the buffering to reduce
the chance of output loading affecting
the accuracy of the unit, however, you
need to use unbuffered mode for input voltages outside the range of 0-38V
(up to ±60V).
Having selected the mode, the next
step is to set the required parameter
by pressing on the display area just
below the top mode bar and then using the keypad which appears. Taking
each mode in turn, this parameter is:
• Divider/attenuator mode: the attenuation factor between zero (100%
attenuation) and one (no attenuation).
There are a number of different ways
to set this. You can enter a decimal
number between zero and one, or you
can enter a fraction like “1/2” or “2/3”
(decimals are allowed in both the top
and bottom parts), or you can enter a
divider ratio such as “3:1” which operates like a resistive divider. In this
case, it would operate similarly to a
3kΩ/1kΩ divider in that it is equivalent to a ratio of “1/4” or “0.25”.
You can also enter a value in decibels (including decimal places), in
which case, the attenuation factor
will be calculated based on that. For
example, entering 20dB is equivalent
to entering “1/10” or “0.1” (see Fig.9).
• Voltage reference mode: the desired output voltage, entered in either
V or mV. The range is either 0-37V or
0-37000mV. You can also enter a fraction such as “2/3V”.
• Current reference mode: the desired current to sink/source, in either
A or mA. The range is either 0-5A or
0-5000mA. You can also enter a fraction such as “1/20A”.
• Resistance reference mode: the
desired resistance, between 3.5kΩ
and 114kΩ. Enter the value desired,
in either kΩ or Ω but note that the actual resistance you get (which will
be displayed on the screen later; see
Fig.10) may not be exactly what you
have entered. For values in the range
4-12kΩ, chances are you will get the
exact value you entered or very close
(off by maybe one ohm). For 3.5-4kΩ
and 12-18kΩ, expect a value within a
few ohms of the target. Above 18kΩ,
the error increases to around ±10Ω at
22kΩ, ±50Ω at 33kΩ and up to 1kΩ or
more, above 55kΩ.
Having entered your desired parameter, the actual output that you will
get will be shown just below it. This
display is most helpful in divider/attenuator mode as you can see the entered value (which may be in decibels
or a fraction), along with the equivalent decimal value below. However,
in all modes, the tolerance figure may
be helpful.
Towards the bottom of the screen,
the approximate input and output impedances are shown. The output resistance is fixed and depends on the mode;
it is normally either 0Ω (ie, a buffered
output) or 2.4kΩ (the ladder output
Fig.4: assuming everything is working
properly, this is what should appear
on the LCD when the unit is first powered up.
Fig.5: after touching the bar at the
very top of the screen, you can select
from the six different modes shown.
Fig.6: when you touch a value that
can be changed, a keyboard like this
appears. The keyboard layout changes
to suit the value being entered.
Fig.7: the unit has now been set as a
2V voltage reference with buffered
output but the output has not been
switched on yet, as shown at bottom.
Fig.8: it is now operating as a 10mA
current reference and the output is
on. Note the always-present terminal
labels at the left side of the screen.
Fig.9: in divider mode, the division
ratio can be entered in multiple ways;
in this case, in decibels (dB). The
attenuation factor is shown below.
Fig.10: the resistance reference mode
is somewhat limited; the selected
resistance is shown at the top while
the actual resistance is shown below.
Fig.11: the set-up menu which
provides access to the calibration
menu and allows you to set up the
output for manual or pulse mode.
Fig.12: the calibration screen after
pressing the Automatic calibration
button. Note that the PGA resistors are
now shown with the measured values.
sistance). Note that initially, this will
show “highΩ” or “output off”, indicating that the output is not yet switched
on and you will need to press on this
area to activate the output.
The input resistance also depends
on the mode as well as the current parameter setting (ie, attenuation, output voltage, etc). It ranges from 3.5kΩ
to 114kΩ, ie, the same range as available in resistance reference mode. This
means that if you’re using the unit to
attenuate an external signal, depending on the attenuation factor, it may
need to drive a load as low as 3.5kΩ.
But you can always enter the required
ratio and then check what the actual
input impedance will be before proceeding.
Note that most of the time, it’s the
reference voltage generator driving the
ladder so the input impedance is only
really important in attenuator mode.
While the unit is running, note also
that on the left side of the screen, the
inputs and outputs connections are
shown so that you can always refer
to these while wiring it up. Also note
that the current mode and parameters
are stored in non-volatile memory and
will be restored when the unit is powered back up, however it will always
power up with the output disabled.
Making connections
Connections are made as follows,
depending on the mode:
• Divider/attenuator: the signal
source is connected between IN+ and
IN-, and the output is available between OUT+ and OUT-. An external
connection between IN- and OUT- is
required for correct operation.
• Voltage reference: IN+ and IN- are
not connected internally. The referDecember 2016 71
The completed unit, prior to installation in the case. The two input sockets
(IN+ & IN-) are at top left, while the output sockets (OUT+ & OUT-) are
immediately below them.
ence voltage is available between the
OUT+ and OUT- terminals.
• Current reference: either connect
OUT+ to your external positive supply
rail and use OUT- as a current source, or
connect OUT- to your external ground
and use OUT+ as a current sink.
• Resistance reference: the resistance shown is available between the
IN+ and IN- terminals. OUT+ and OUTare not used.
Automatic calibration primarily involves sensing the value of the resistors in the Programmable Gain Amplifier, used to provide reference voltages
above 2.5V. This is not done automatically when the unit is first powered up,
as it would complicate testing the unit.
So once the unit is working properly,
or if you want to re-calibrate the unit
later, simply press the “Menu” button
in the lower-right corner, which gives
the screen shown in Fig.11. Then press
the “Calibration” button, followed by
the “Auto. Cal” button.
The relays will click for a few seconds and you should then see new
values for the PGA resistors appear,
as shown in Fig.12. Press “Back” to
exit this screen.
To manually calibrate any value on
this screen, simply touch that value (ie,
Vref, Rshunt, Rval or one of the PGA resistors) and enter the measured value,
or cancel to go back to the calibration
screen. You can then use the “Back”
button to return to normal operation.
Vref calibration is not necessary and
you only need to change Rval if you’ve
used a precision resistor value other
than 12kΩ to build the unit.
72 Silicon Chip
The one manual calibration you will
probably want to perform will be to
set a more accurate value for Rshunt.
If you’ve purchased a kit from SILICON
CHIP, simply enter the value we supply
along with the shunt resistor. Otherwise, you will need a high-precision
ohmmeter to measure the shunt value
and then enter that.
External voltage reference
The simplest way to use the unit
with an external voltage reference is to
set it to divider mode and then select
the desired output voltage by entering
a fraction. For example, say the external reference is 4.096V and you want
to get an output of 2.5V. You could
achieve this by simply entering an attenuation ratio of “2.5/4.096”.
Note that when the unit is used as an
unbuffered divider, the IN+, IN-, OUT+
and OUT- terminals are completely
isolated from the rest of the circuitry
and the maximum applied voltage between IN+ and IN- can range from -60V
to +60V. However, when using it as a
buffered divider, OUT- is necessarily
connected to circuit ground and since
normally OUT- and IN- are joined externally, by extension IN- is also. This
should not normally matter since the
unit’s supply will normally be floating
but it’s worth keeping in mind.
When operated as a resistance reference, the inputs and outputs are also
fully isolated, whereas in both voltage reference and current reference
mode, OUT- is connected internally
to ground.
Other features
When using the unit in current ref-
erence mode, the current, voltage and
temperature of the controlling Mosfet
(Q1) is continuously monitored (or in
the case of temperature, estimated) and
the temperature is shown on-screen,
where the input impedance is normally shown (see Fig.8).
As explained in the October issue,
should any of these parameters exceed
the normal limits, the output relay will
immediately switch off and a message
indicating the reason for disconnection will be displayed. You can simply press on this message to dismiss it
(see Fig.13) and then switch the output
back on again.
When using the unit as a buffered
voltage reference or divider, the output
will also switch off if the output voltage is pulled outside its normal range
by the load, although this would be a
rare situation. This is to protect the op
amps from being damaged by a backfed voltage and similarly, an on-screen
message will appear if this happens to
explain why the output has been disconnected.
Pulse test mode
Normally, once the output of the
unit has been switched on, it stays on
until you switch it off. But there may
be situations where you want to feed
the output of the unit to its load only
for a brief period. This is especially
useful if using the unit as a current
source or sink above 100mA to prevent it from overheating, for example,
while load testing a power supply but
it can be applied to any mode.
In this case, you can set an output
on-time from 10ms to one minute. You
switch the output on manually and it
automatically switches off after the set
time. Note that the actual on-time may
differ slightly from the set time due to
relay switching times.
The on-time can be set via the
set-up menu, accessed by touching the “Menu” button in the lower right-hand corner. You then have
the option to select either continuous (ie, normal) or pulsed operation and set the pulse duration (see
The mode and pulse time are stored
in flash memory and will be automatically restored on power-up. When in
pulse test mode, a countdown is shown
on the screen each time the output is
switched on and a message displayed
after the output is switched off, which
can be dismissed by pressing on it. SC