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Ultra-LD Mk.4 200W
RMS Power Amplifier
Module, Pt.2
This month, we provide the construction details for our new ultra-lowdistortion amplifier module. Most of the parts on the PCB are surfacemount types, keeping it compact and allowing for unprecedented low
levels of distortion. We have avoided difficult-to-solder parts.
Y NOW, you should be familiar
with the features, specifications
and circuit details of our new UltraLD Mk.4 amplifier. This month, we’re
going to discuss some aspects of the
PCB design, describe how we tweaked
it to refine the performance and then
90 Silicon Chip
go through the module assembly
PCB design
One advantage of the new PCB
over the Mk.2 and Mk.3 designs
is that we’ve totally eliminated all
high-current vias, so there is no more
concern about vias fusing under fault
conditions and no wire feed-throughs
are required. All high-current paths
stay on the same side of the PCB.
The front-end control section is routed entirely on the top layer, with just
MJE15030 BD139 MJE15031
Q6 FZT696B
Signal input
1k 33k
Q16 ZD2 D5 Q14 ZD1
Q15 D7 D6
F2 M205 6.5A
(2x27 Ω UNDER)
27Ω 27Ω
1W 1W
or PP
Q1 511 12k
47µF L1
100Ω 510Ω
47 µF
1000 µF
1 µF
2.2 µH
2 x 0.1Ω
150k 154
150pF 15pF
1nF Q4 2.2k
6.2k 622
1 µF
35V 330Ω
47Ω 2x68Ω
K 47k
39 0Ω 1W
391 +
1µF TP4
1000 µF
F1 M205 6.5A
FZT796A Q5
120Ω 1k 330Ω
47 µF (UNDER)
47 µF
Ultra-LD Mk.4
200W Amplifier
1000 µF
2 x 0.1Ω
NJL1302D Q13
TP5 1µF
47k K
NJL3281D Q11
01107151 RevB
Fig.6: follow this layout diagram to install to parts on the top of the PCB. Fit the SMD parts
first in the order listed in the text, then flip the PCB over and install the SMD parts on the
bottom as shown in Fig.7. The remaining through-hole parts can then be fitted. Note that Q7Q13 are soldered to the PCB only after they have been attached to the heatsink.
a few vias to connect components to the analog ground
plane beneath. The remaining
vias are arranged in pairs (or more)
for redundancy and are mostly associated with either the clip detector
circuit or the low-current power supply
rails feeding the front end.
The +57V and -57V pins of power
input connector CON3 are soldered
to top layer tracks which run to SMD
fuse-holders F1 and F2 respectively,
on the top side of the board. These
then connect to two further top layer
tracks which go to the output transistor
collector pins.
The output current at the emitter
pins then runs along tracks on the
bottom of the PCB to the 0.1Ω SMD
emitter resistors, which are fitted
directly underneath the fuse-holders.
The current then feeds into another
bottom layer track which combines the
current from all four output transistors
to through-hole air-cored inductor L2.
A bottom layer track from the opposite
end of L2 then connects to speaker
output terminal CON2.
The double-sided PCB on which
the Ultra-LD Mk.4 is built is coded
01107151 and measures 135 x 93mm.
The output transistors mount on a
diecast aluminium heatsink using
the same layout as the Ultra-LD Mk.3
amplifier. The easiest way to build the
module is to first fit most of the SMDs
on the top side, followed by the eight
SMDs on the bottom, then the remaining SMDs and on-board through-hole
components and finally the heatsinkmounted transistors.
All the SMDs can be soldered using
a regular soldering iron (ie, a pencil
type) and solder wire as long as you
have some solder wick and flux paste.
Depending on your eyesight, you may
also need a magnifying lamp or visor.
A hot-air rework station or reflow oven
can also be used although you will
need to solder the fuse-holders and
LEDs by hand as they can be damaged
by excessive heat.
If you’re assembling the unit from a
kit which has the SMDs pre-soldered
then you can skip this next section.
Soldering the SMDs
Fig.6 shows the parts layout on the
top of the PCB. Begin by installing
transistor Q2. This has a lead pitch of
0.95mm which is the finest of all the
parts but it isn’t particularly difficult.
First, remove the HN2C51F from its
packaging (don’t drop it!) and inspect
it under magnification to locate the pin
1 dot on the top.
Place it near its mounting location
with the correct orientation. Make sure
it’s the right way up; the leads should
be in contact with the PCB. Then flow
a tiny amount of solder onto one of
the corner pads on the board, without
getting any solder on the other pads.
Clean off the iron, grab the part gently
with angled tweezers using your other
hand, heat the solder on that pad and
slide the part into place.
Put the iron away and use a loupe
High DC voltages (ie, ±57V) are present on this amplifier module when
power is applied. In particular, note
that there is 114V DC between
the two supply rails. Do not touch
the supply wiring (including the
fuseholders) when the amplifier is
operating, otherwise you could get
a lethal shock.
September 2015 91
0.1Ω 0.1Ω
3W 3W
0.1Ω 0.1Ω
3W 3W
27Ω 27Ω
1W 1W
Fig.7: once you’ve installed all the SMD parts on the top side, flip the PCB over and follow
this layout diagram to install the eight SMD parts on the underside. Note that the four 0.1Ω
resistors must be rated at 3W, while the two 27Ω resistors must be rated at 1W (don’t get
these parts mixed up). Table 1 on the facing page shows the value code printed on the top
of each SMD resistor.
or similar to check that all six pins are
correctly positioned over their pads,
the pin 1 dot is in the right location
and the part is sitting flat on the board.
If not, reheat the solder joint and fix
the problem by gently nudging the
component. For example, if it isn’t
sitting flat on the board, press down
on it (not too hard) with the tweezers
while heating the joint and it should
drop into place. Alternatively, if it’s
misaligned, carefully rotate or slide
Parts List Errata
In the parts list last month, the two
VS-3EJH02 diodes were incorrectly
listed as D2 and D4. They are D3
and D4.
In addition, the bobbin specified
for the 2.2μH air-cored inductor (L2)
was incorrectly specified as having
a 10mm ID. It should be 13mm ID.
Finally, depending on how you
choose to mount the transistors on
the heatsink, you may need some
additional hardware not listed last
month, including three M3 x 10mm
and four M3 x 15mm machine
92 Silicon Chip
it while heating the solder.
Once it’s in place, solder the pins
on the other side of the package. Don’t
worry too much about bridging them;
just make sure that the solder flows
onto all three pins and their associated
pads. Then do the same for the three
pins on the other side, including the
one you tacked down initially.
Now it’s simply a matter of applying
a small amount of flux paste along both
sides of the IC, then using solder wick
to remove the excess solder. Clean
off using a flux remover (methylated
spirits or rubbing alcohol will do in a
pinch) and inspect under magnification to make sure all six fillets have
formed correctly. Be aware that solder
can adhere to the pin without flowing
onto the PCB pad below.
Once you’re happy with it, fit Q1
and Q3 which are in identical packages.
Next, fit the 11 SOT-23 package
parts: Q4, Q14-Q16, D1-D2, D5-D7 and
ZD1-ZD2. These are similar to Q1-Q3
but with three widely-spaced leads.
Use the same basic procedure; the
correct orientation should be obvious
as there is only one lead on one side
of the package and two on the other.
Do take care not to get the parts in
the wrong place, though; if in doubt,
refer to Fig.6.
Transistors Q5 and Q6 can go in
next. These are in larger packages with
three leads plus a tab for heatsinking
and are soldered to large copper planes
so this will require a fairly hot iron.
Smear a little flux paste on the large
pad, then position the component on
the PCB and solder one of the smaller
leads at either end. You can then solder
the tab and finish with the two remaining leads. Make sure that the FZT796A
goes on the left and the FZT696B on
the right.
Now you can solder diodes D3 and
D4 in place, with their cathode stripes
towards the top of the board. These
stripes are normally quite faint and
you may need a magnifying glass to
see them.
The four LEDs can go in next. If
you’re using the exact types we specified in the parts list last month, each
will have a green cathode marking.
However, some other SMD LEDs have
similar markings at the anodes, so if
using different types, check the data
sheet or else use a DMM on diode test
mode to figure out which end is the
Table 1: Resistor Codes
3-Digit Code
68kΩ or 68.1kΩ
12kΩ or 12.1kΩ
6.2kΩ or 6.49kΩ
2.2kΩ or 2.21kΩ
510Ω or 511Ω
390Ω 1W
not applicable
330Ω or 332Ω
220Ω or 221Ω
120Ω or 121Ω
100Ω 1W
not applicable
68Ω or 68.1Ω
47Ω or 47.5Ω
27Ω 1W
not applicable
0.1Ω 3W
not applicable
Above: this view shows the bottom of the PCB with all
the SMD parts installed, before any of the through-hole
components have been fitted. It’s easier to mount these
components before the larger parts are installed on the
top side so that the PCB will still sit flat on the bench.
anode and which is the cathode.
You can solder the SMD LEDs in
place using a similar procedure as
before, ie, tack down one side then
solder the other. Don’t get the different types mixed up. Note that LED2
and LED3 each have four terminals so
avoid bridging the two at each end. If
you do, use flux and solder wick to
clean them up. Also make the joints
quickly to avoid heating them for too
long; these LEDs are quite small and
can be damaged by heat.
In particular, the plastic lenses of the
SMD LEDs can be damaged if the iron
is held on them for too long or if the air
temperature is too high. Be careful if
using either hot air or infrared reflow.
Trimpot VR2 can go in next. Try to
avoid getting solder on its metal adjustment plate. After that you can solder
the top-side SMD resistors in place.
Each will be printed with its value as
a 3-digit or 4-digit code (see Table 1).
The only resistors which are not fitted
at this stage are one 220Ω 0.5W, two
27Ω 1W and four 0.1Ω 3W types.
Next, install all the SMD ceramics,
except for one 1µF capacitor which
goes on the bottom of the board. Ferrite
bead L1 can also be fitted now.
There are a total of eight passive
SMD components that go on the underside of the board; see Fig.7. Fit these
now, using the same method as before.
Returning to the top side, the SMD
electrolytic capacitors can now be
mounted. These consist of a metal can
on a plastic base with two flat leads
and all but one have a black stripe
on the top of the can to indicate the
negative lead and a chamfered base on
the side of the positive lead. Orientate
each capacitor as shown in Fig.6 and
use a similar procedure as for the ceramic types to solder them in place.
The last top-side SMD parts to fit are
the two fuse-holders. These are quite
large parts with high thermal inertia
as they are soldered to large copper
conductors. A fair bit of heat will be
required but the procedure is otherwise similar to the other components.
Note that the plastic portion can be
damaged by too much heat.
Through-hole components
Now you can fit the through-hole
components, other than the large transistors, in the usual manner. It’s best
to start with trimpot VR1, then follow
with CON4 (if fitted), CON2, CON3
4-Digit Code
and CON1. For CON2 and CON3, we
recommend that you orientate them
so that when the terminal blocks are
plugged in, the wire entry is from the
right-hand side of the board. The easiest way to do this is to temporarily plug
the terminals in just before soldering,
to check the orientation.
Note that depending on your amplifier chassis layout, it may be possible to
mount these the other way around and
have the wires come in over the PCB
itself. However, we haven’t tried this.
Now you can install the optional
through-hole capacitors, if you are
using these, with the exception of the
1000µF types which we’ll leave for
later. You will definitely need to fit
the 47µF 63V electrolytic type if you
have not already mounted its SMD
equivalent, in the lower right-hand
corner of the board.
Similarly, if you are using a polypropylene capacitor for the output
filter, rather than SMD NP0 ceramic,
install it now.
You may fit PC stakes to the test
points if you want to. This does make
adjustments slightly easier as you can
clip alligator leads onto them. However, if you do so, you will need to be
September 2015 93
Making A Winding Jig For The 2.2μ
2.2μH Inductor
Wind wire on
bobbin clockwise
The winding jig consists of an M5
x 70mm bolt, two M5 nuts, an M5 flat
washer, a piece of scrap PCB material (40 x 50mm approx.) and a scrap
piece of timber (140 x 45 x 20mm
approx.) for the handle.
In use, the flat washer goes against
the head of the bolt, after which a
collar is fitted over the bolt to take
the bobbin. This collar should have
careful to avoid accidentally shorting
to adjacent components.
The inductor goes in next but first
you will need to wind it.
Winding the inductor
This is easiest to wind if you make
up a winding jig as shown in the accompanying panel. You only need a
few cheap and easy-to-obtain items
and it will come in handy any time you
need to wind a small air-core choke.
The inductor is wound using a ~1m
94 Silicon Chip
These photos show
how the winding jig
is used to make the
mH inductor. First,
the bobbin is slipped
over the collar on
the bolt (1), then an
end cheek is attached
and the wire
threaded through
the exit slot (2).
The handle is then
attached and the coil
tightly wound onto
the bobbin using 13.5
turns of 1.25mm-diameter enamelled copper wire
(3). The finished coil (4) is secured using one or two
bands of heatshrink tubing around the outside.
a width that’s slightly less than the
width (height) of the bobbin and can
be wound on using insulation tape.
Wind on sufficient tape so that
the bobbin fits snugly over this collar
without being too tight.
Next, drill a 5mm hole through the
centre of the scrap PCB material,
followed by a 1.5mm exit hole about
8mm away that will align with one of
length of 1.25mm diameter enamelled
copper wire on a 10mm wide, 13mm
inner diameter plastic bobbin. Fit the
bobbin to the jig, or if you don’t have
a jig, wind some electrical tape around
a bolt or dowel so that it is a firm fit
through the centre of the bobbin, to
prevent the plastic breaking while
winding on the copper wire.
For a neat result, the wire can first be
straightened by fastening one end in a
vice and pulling hard on the other end
with a large pair of pliers. This requires
the slots in the bobbin. The bobbin
can be slipped over the collar, after
which the scrap PCB “end cheek” is
slipped over the bolt (ie, the bobbin is
sandwiched into position between the
washer and the scrap PCB).
Align the bobbin so that one of its
slots lines up with the exit hole in the
end cheek, then install the first nut
and secure it tightly. The handle can
then be fitted by drilling a 5mm hole
through one end, then slipping it over
the bolt and installing the second nut.
a fair bit of strength so be careful in
case the pliers or vice let go.
Make a right-angle bend in the wire
25mm from one end, then insert this
end through one of the slots in the bobbin and wind on seven closely-packed
turns, which should fill the width of the
bobbin. Since the winding direction affects performance, we recommend that
you wind in the same direction as we
did, as shown in the photos.
Once that layer is complete, wind
another 6.5 turns on top, again
Drilling & Tapping The Aluminium Heatsink
(SCALE 50%)
Fig.8: this half-size diagram shows the heatsink drilling details. The holes
can either be drilled and tapped (using an M3 tap) or can be drilled to 3mm
and the transistors mounted using machine screws, nuts & washers.
Fig.8 above shows the heatsink drilling details. If tapping the holes, they
should be drilled to 2.5mm diameter
right through the heatsink plate and
then tapped to 3mm. Alternatively, the
holes can be drilled through using a
3mm drill and the transistors mounted
using screws, nuts and washers.
It’s somewhat more work to tap the
holes but it makes mounting the transistors quite a bit easier (no nuts required)
and gives a neater appearance.
Before drilling the heatsink, you will
have to carefully mark out the hole locations using a very sharp pencil. That
done, use a small hand-drill fitted
with a 1mm bit to start the location
of each hole. This is important as it
will allow you to accurately position the
packed and in the same direction, then
bend the wire through the opposite slot
and cut it off 25mm from the bobbin.
To hold the windings in place, cut
a 10mm length of 20mm diameter
heatshrink tubing and slip it over the
bobbin, then shrink it down gently using a hot-air gun on a low setting. Trim
the two protruding wires to exactly
20mm from the base of the bobbin then
strip 5mm of the enamel from each end
using either emery paper or a hobby
knife/scalpel and tin the leads.
To get the specified performance,
you must mount the inductor as shown
in Fig.6, Fig.9 and the photos. Two
slots are provided for a cable tie to
hold it in place. Bend its leads down
through 90° to fit through the PCB
pads, then fit and tighten the cable
tie before soldering and trimming the
Don’t try drilling the holes in one go.
When drilling aluminium, it’s important to regularly remove the bit from the
hole and clear away the metal swarf.
If you don’t do this, the aluminium swarf
has a nasty habit of jamming the drill bit
and breaking it. Re-lubricate the hole
and the bit with oil each time before you
resume drilling.
holes (the locations are critical) before
stepping up to larger drills in a drill press.
Be sure to use a drill press to drill the
holes (there’s no way you’ll get the holes
perfectly perpendicular to the mounting
face without one). Use a small pilot drill
to begin with (eg, 1.5mm), then carefully
step up the drill size to either 2.5mm or
3mm. The holes have to go between the
fins so it’s vital to accurately position
them. In addition, you can drill (and tap)
three holes in the base of the heatsink
so that it can later be bolted to a chassis.
Be sure to use a suitable lubricant
when drilling the holes. Kerosene is the
recommended lubricant for aluminium
but we found that light machine oil (eg,
Singer or 3-in-1) also works well for
jobs like this.
leads. Note the way we’ve orientated
it; each wire from the PCB runs up to
and then under the coil former.
Drilling & tapping the heatsink
If you are upgrading an earlier version of the module, or if you are building this from a kit, you may already
have a drilled and/or tapped heatsink.
Otherwise, refer to the accompanying
panel and the drilling diagram (Fig.8).
Ideally, the seven transistor mounting holes should be tapped with an
M3 thread. Take your time doing this
since it’s quite easy to strip out a hole
in aluminium, in which case you may
have to start again with a fresh heatsink (or drill the hole right through, as
described below).
If you don’t want to tap the holes,
you can drill all the way through the
To tap the holes, you will need an
M3 intermediate (or starting) tap (not a
finishing tap). The trick here is to take
it nice and slowly. Keep the lubricant
up and regularly wind the tap out to
clear the metal swarf from the hole.
Re-lubricate the tap each time before
Do not at any stage apply undue force
to the tap. It’s easy to break a tap in
half if you are heavy-handed and if the
break occurs at or below the heatsink’s
face, you can scratch both the tap and
the heatsink (and about $25). Similarly,
if you encounter any resistance when
undoing the tap from the heatsink, gently
rotate it back and forth and let it cut its
way back out. In short, don’t force it.
Having completed the tapping,
deburr all holes using an oversize
drill to remove any metal swarf from
the mounting surface. The mounting
surface must be perfectly smooth to
prevent punch-through of the transistor insulating washers.
Finally, the heatsink should be thoroughly scrubbed cleaned using water
and detergent and allowed to dry.
Fig.9: bend
inductor L2’s
leads and fit
it to the PCB
as shown here
to ensure that
you get the best
2.2 mH
September 2015 95
M3 x 10mm
M3 x 1 5 mm
M3 x 10mm
MJE15030 OR
Fig.10: this diagram shows the mounting details for the TO-220 driver transistors (A), the BD139 VBE multiplier (B)
and the four output transistors (C). After mounting these transistors, use your multimeter (switched to a low ohms
range) to confirm that they are properly isolated from the heatsink – see text for details.
heatsink and use longer machine
screws (fed between the fins) and nuts
to secure the transistors. However, you
must drill the holes with a high degree
of accuracy, otherwise the screws may
not fit between the fins.
After you have drilled and tapped
the transistor mounting holes, you
will also want to do something about
mounting it in the chassis. Our pre-
ferred method is to drill and tap three
additional holes along the bottom of
the heatsink, as shown in the photo on
the following page. However, it’s also
possible to fit right-angle brackets to
the fins at either end of the heatsink.
That can be done by drilling right
through the fins and using screws and
nuts to hold the brackets in place.
Once all holes have been drilled, de-
Three M3 or M4 holes can be drilled and tapped in the base of the heatsink
so that it can later be attached to a chassis. Make them about 10mm deep.
96 Silicon Chip
burr them using an over-sized drill bit
and clean off any aluminium particles
or swarf. Check that the areas around
the holes are perfectly smooth to avoid
the possibility of puncturing any of the
insulating washers.
Fitting the heatsink
Now it’s time to mate the PCB with
the heatsink but first re-check the face
of the heatsink. All holes must be deburred and it must be perfectly clean
and free of any grit or metal swarf.
Start the heatsink assembly by
mounting Q7, Q8 & Q9. A silicone
rubber washer goes between each of
these transistors and the heatsink. Q7
and Q8 also require an insulating bush
under each screw head. Fig.10 (A & B)
shows the mounting arrangements.
We specified a TO-126/TO-225 insulating washer for Q9 as it is smaller
than the TO-220 packages for Q7 & Q8
but if you can’t get one of these, you
can always cut a TO-220 washer down
to size. Just make sure it’s still large
enough to cover Q9’s exposed metal
pad completely, taking into account
any slop in the screw hole.
Be careful not to get Q7 & Q8 mixed
up as their type numbers are similar.
If the holes are tapped, these transistors can be secured using M3 x 10mm
machine screws. Alternatively, if you
have drilled non-tapped holes, you
will need to use M3 x 15mm machine
Scope 1: amplifier output for a 1kHz square-wave into a
4-ohm load. As you can see, there is a small amount of
overshoot (around 5%) but it recovers quickly with very
little ringing.
Scope 2: the same test as Scope1 but with a 2μF capacitor
across the load. This results in more overshoot (~20%) and
some ringing but it’s well under control. This is a standard
test for amplifier stability.
Scope 3: here the amplifier is delivering a 1kHz sinewave
into an 8-ohm load at around 150W, ie, well into clipping.
As shown, negative recovery is quite clean. Positive
recovery has a small step due to the high open loop gain
but it resumes its normal slope after about 25μs with only
a small amount of ringing.
Scope 4: distortion residual at 100W into 8Ω at 10kHz. The
distortion level is so low that a significant fraction is noise
even at this power level and frequency as shown by the
display persistence. The distortion mainly occurs around
the negative-most part of the waveform, hence it is even
less significant at lower power levels.
screws, with the screws coming through from the heatsink
side (ie, the screw heads go between the heatsink fins).
Make sure the three transistors and their insulators are
properly vertical, then do the screws all the way up but
don’t tighten them yet; ie, you should still just be able to
rotate the transistors in each direction.
The next step is to fit an M3 x 9mm (or 10mm) tapped
spacer to each corner mounting hole on the PCB. Secure
these using M3 x 6mm machine screws. Once they’re on,
sit the board down on the spacers and lower the heatsink
so that the transistor leads pass through their corresponding PCB pads. Note that you’ll probably have to bend Q9’s
leads away from the heatsink as shown in Fig.10.
screw with a flat washer (or M3 x 20mm for untapped
holes). That done, hang the insulating washer off the end
of the screw and then loosely screw the assembly to the
The remaining three devices are then installed in exactly
the same way but take care to fit the correct transistor type
at each location. Once they’re in, push the board down so
that all four spacers (and the heatsink) are in contact with
the benchtop. This automatically adjusts the transistor
lead lengths and ensures that the bottom of the PCB sits
9-10mm above the bottom edge of the heatsink.
Now adjust the PCB assembly horizontally so that each
side is 32.5mm in from its adjacent heatsink end. Once you
are sure it is properly positioned, tighten all the transistor
screws just enough so that they are held in place while
keeping the insulating washers correctly aligned.
The next step is to lightly solder the outside leads of
Q10 & Q13 to their pads on the top of the board. The assembly is then turned upside down so that the heatsink
transistor leads can be soldered.
Before soldering the leads though, it’s important to
prop the front edge of the board up so that the PCB is at
right-angles to the heatsink. If you don’t do this, it will sag
Installing the output transistors
The four output transistors (Q10-Q13) can now be fitted.
Two different types are used so be careful not to mix them
up (check the layout diagram). As shown in Fig.10(C),
these devices must also be insulated from the heatsink
using silicone insulating washers.
Start by fitting Q10. The procedure here is to first push
its leads into the PCB mounting holes, then lean the device
back and partially feed through an M3 x 15mm mounting
September 2015 97
Improving The Distortion & Stability
Our first prototype of the UltraLD Mk.4 incorporated a number of
changes which we expected would
lower distortion compared to the
previous version. For example, the
improved magnetic cancellation of
the new PCB layout, the non-inductive
surface-mount emitter resistors and
the greater open loop gain provided
by the new transistors should have
each provided benefits. So we were
disappointed to find that the distortion
levels were initially very similar to the
Mk.3 version.
Convinced that it should perform
significantly better, we investigated
what might be holding the performance back. We made a number of
interesting and important discoveries
during this process. One was that using different load resistors affected the
distortion measurements significantly,
especially at higher frequencies.
The output inductor’s impedance
rises with frequency and it forms a
voltage divider with the load. With
a purely resistive load, this will only
cause a roll-off in the frequency
response. But if the load has any
non-linearities, it will create distortion
across the load even if the signal from
the amplifier is perfectly clean.
We use the Dummy Load Box described in our August 1992 issue for
testing amplifiers and were assuming
it was linear on the basis that it had
given good results to date. But when
we fed a 14V RMS signal from the Audio Precision System Two’s ultra-low
distortion generator into one end of
the load box and connected a polypro-
pylene capacitor from the other end
to signal ground, forming a low-pass
filter, we found this wasn’t the case.
Doing this test with a resistor we
thought would be very linear (a 5W
wirewound type) gave 0.00025%
THD+N at 10kHz with an 80kHz
measurement bandwidth. However,
using our load box as the resistor gave
a higher reading of around 0.0008%,
ie, three times higher. Thus it’s likely
the load box itself was contributing
to the higher distortion reading from
the amplifier.
To determine the cause, we soldered a couple of wires directly across
the resistor banks in the load box
and repeated the test. The reading
dropped to 0.00025%. We therefore
believe the problem is in either the
connectors or the relay switching arrangement in the load box. So we had
to continue testing using the soldered
connections as this was the only way
we could find to get a true reading of
the amplifier’s performance (we will
need to further investigate the source
of the distortion in the load box at a
later date).
under its own weight and will remain
in this condition after the leads have
been soldered.
A couple of cardboard cylinders cut
to 63mm can be used as supports (eg,
one at each corner adjacent to CON1
& CON3). With these in place, check
that the board is correctly centred
on the heatsink, then solder all 29
leads. Make sure the joints are good
since some can carry many amps at
full power.
Once the soldering is completed,
trim the leads using a steel rule as a
straight edge to ensure consistent lead
lengths. That done, turn the board right
way up again and tighten the transistor mounting screws to ensure good
thermal coupling between the devices
and the heatsink.
Don’t over-tighten the mounting
screws though. Remember that the
heatsink is made from aluminium, so
you could strip the threads if you are
too ham-fisted.
98 Silicon Chip
Tweaking the output filter
We then measured the amplifier at
around 0.0015% THD+N at 10kHz, a
slight improvement on the Ultra-LD
Mk.3 module under the same conditions (at around 0.002%). But we
felt the new module should be more
of an improvement than this and
subsequently discovered that if we
measured the distortion before the
output filter, it was dramatically lower,
Checking device isolation
You must now check that the transistors are all electrically isolated from
the heatsink. That’s done by switching
your multimeter to a high ohms range
and checking for shorts between the
at around 0.0008% <at> 10kHz.
Since the filter was still in-circuit
and the load current was still flowing
through inductor L2, this meant it
wasn’t due to any interaction between
the output filter and the front end. So it
had to come down to the output filter
itself; either the capacitor or SMD
resistors were not linear enough or
there was something odd happening
to the signal in the inductor.
We then separately tested a number of different resistors and capacitors, using a similar method as before,
ie, hooking them up as RC filters and
using the Audio Precision gear to test
the performance. This gave the SMD
resistors a clean bill of health as the
four in parallel performed just as well
as a 6.8Ω wirewound resistor.
But the X2 polypropylene capacitor
we were using on that prototype gave
distortion of around 0.0006% in this
test. We tested three other polypropylene capacitors, two other X2 types
and an MKP. The MKP and one of the
X2 capacitors got a clean bill of health
(ie, reading around 0.00025%) while
one of the other X2s also gave higher
than expected distortion. We therefore
put the better capacitor on the board
but this only made a tiny improvement
to its performance.
Having essentially ruled out the
capacitor and resistor as being the
problem, suspicion fell on the inductor.
But was it also possible that the connection routing on our PCB was not
100% correct, especially in the earth
tracks? To rule this out, we removed
the RLC filter from the PCB and
heatsink mounting surface and the
collectors of the heatsink transistors
(note: the collector of each device is
connected to its metal face or tab).
For transistors Q7-Q8 and Q10Q13, it’s simply a matter of checking
between each of the fuse-clips closest
to the heatsink and the heatsink itself
(ie, on each side of the amplifier).
That’s because the device collectors
in each half of the output stage are
connected together and run to their
respective fuses.
Transistor Q9 (the VBE multiplier)
is different. In this case, you have to
check for shorts between its centre
mounted it entirely off-board, between
the output connector and test load.
This completely solved the problem,
giving the excellent performance indicated in the Audio Precision plots
last month. But why? We moved the
inductor and resistors back onto the
PCB but left the connections the same
and the measured distortion doubled
again. This pretty much ruled out a
routing problem. So we mounted the
inductor on short lengths of flexible
wire and experimented with changing
its position and orientation.
Both the position and orientation
of the inductor affected performance,
however the mounting location mattered a lot less with the inductor rotated to rest on its side. Presumably this
is due to its magnetic field affecting a
plane orthogonal to the tracks on the
PCB. And this is how we ended up
with the final mounting arrangement.
The only reason we can figure that
this matters is that high-current pulses
in the PCB power supply tracks were
being picked up by the inductor and injecting a distortion signal into the load.
This effect is greater at higher frequencies because the inductor’s higher
impedance with these signals more
effectively isolates the loudspeaker
output from the low-impedance junction of the output transistor emitter
By the way, we’re fairly sure that this
amplifier has lower distortion than the
20W Class-A amplifier published in
the May-September 2007 issues. The
main advantage of a Class-A amplifier
compared to a Class-B or Class-AB
is that it doesn’t have any crossover
distortion since all the output transistors are conducting all the time. Well,
if this new Ultra-LD design has any
crossover distortion, we certainly
can’t detect it!
In fact, if you make direct comparisons between the distortion curves
in the July 2011 issue with those
published last month (August 2015)
you will see that the Ultra-LD Mk4
is a dramatic improvement on the
previous design. Is there likely to be
an audible difference? We think that
is highly unlikely!
We suspect what little distortion remains is mostly due to non-linearities
in the front end – which a Class-A amplifier would suffer from equally. The
bottom line is, there isn’t really any
point in building a Class-A amplifier
any more. You might as well build this
one and get much more power, higher
efficiency and less heat dissipation.
Stability improvements
While tweaking the amplifier’s
performance, we changed some components which compromised stability
and occasionally triggered oscillation,
although no damage occurred as a
result. This did, however, allow us to
discover some ways to improve overall
This happened almost by accident.
What we found was that when the amplifier was in an unstable condition and
started to oscillate, touching certain
components on the PCB would cause
the oscillation to temporarily cease.
We isolated this effect to two specific components: Q4’s collector resistor and the 2.2kΩ resistor from the
junction of the two 150pF capacitors
to the negative rail (part of the compensation network around Q4/Q6).
We figured that connecting capacitors
Thin Film SMD Resistor Values
You may have noticed in the parts
list published last month that we specified some odd value resistors. For
example, 6.49kΩ, 332Ω, 47.5Ω and
so on. As we explained then, many
of the resistors in the circuit must be
thin film types for good performance
(many SMD resistors have thick film
construction which is not suitable).
The best SMD thin film resistors we
found are made by a company called
Stackpole Electronics. Besides being
thin film, they also have a relatively
high wattage rating for their size (3.2 x
1.6mm) of 0.5W. However, this series
of resistors (RNCP1206FTD) comes
in the E96 series of values rather than
the E24 series we are used to.
The E24 series is as follows: 10, 11,
12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 27, 30,
33, 36, 39, 43, 47, 51, 56, 62, 68, 75,
82, 91. It then repeats scaled up (or
down) by a factor of 10. In other words,
within every 10:1 ratio of resistances,
there are 24 values to choose from
and each value is roughly 10% higher
across these resistors would have a
similar effect on stability to touching
them with a finger and proved this by
modifying the prototype in this manner and curing the oscillation entirely.
We explained the reason for the first
of these two improvements in Pt.1:
it eliminates the Early effect on Q4
which causes a form of local feedback.
This change alone appears to make
the amplifier much more tolerant and
allows reduced compensation without
prejudicing high-frequency stability.
The advantage of the 15pF capacitor in the compensation network
is less clear. Simulation suggests
that it slightly reduces the phase shift
around the VAS at very high frequencies while having a negligible effect on
gain. But the combined effect of these
two changes appears to be that if the
amplifier does “misbehave”, it’s far
less likely to go into damaging highfrequency oscillation.
By the way, we tested all of the
circuit changes in SPICE simulations
to check that they were sensible but
ultimately had to try them all on the
prototype to verify their effect on performance and stability. Simulation is
a good way of quickly finding out if a
change is a bad idea without blowing
the amplifier up, but when simulation
shows that something should work,
it’s far from certain that it actually will.
One area in which simulation excels
is the ability to see what’s going on in
the circuit. For example, you can easily
display the current passing through
any component in the circuit whereas
doing this on the real prototype would
involve de-soldering the component
and inserting a shunt which might
upset the circuit’s operation.
than the next one down.
As you may have guessed, the
E96 series has 96 different values for
each decade. But while the E24 series
contains all the values of the E12
series and simply adds new values
in-between, the E96 series does not
contain all the E24 series values. So
the RNCP1206FTD series of resistors does not offer 6.2kΩ, 330Ω or
47Ω. In practice this does not matter
as we simply picked close values;
this circuit will tolerate values a few
percent higher or lower, as long as all
resistors of the same nominal value
are closely matched.
September 2015 99
This power supply board can
run two Ultra-LD Mk.4 amplifier
modules and will be described in
Pt.3 next month.
(collector) lead and the heatsink.
In either case, you should get an
open-circuit reading. If you do find a
short, undo each transistor mounting
screw in turn until the short disappears. It’s then simply a matter of
locating the cause of the problem and
remounting the offending transistor.
Be sure to replace the insulating
washer if it has been damaged in any
way (eg, punched through).
Completing the assembly
The PCB assembly can now be com-
This view shows the mounting details
for the VBE multiplier transistor (Q9)
and the two driver transistors (Q7 &
Q8). Check that these transistors and
the four output transistors (Q10-Q13)
are all isolated from the heatsink
100 Silicon Chip
pleted by installing the two 1000µF
63V capacitors – assuming you have
decided to fit these. As stated last
month, they can be left out as long as
the power supply leads are kept short
and made from thick wire. Otherwise
the maximum output power will drop
a little bit, due to losses in these cables, but performance should not be
One of the changes we’ve made in
designing this PCB was to place these
capacitors so they don’t interfere
with access to the heatsink mounting
screws to the same extent as they did
on the Mk.2 and Mk.3 versions. However, working on the PCB is still easier
if the large capacitors are not fitted and
due to their proximity to the heatsink,
they will probably dry out eventually
(albeit probably after more than 10,000
hours of use, assuming they are goodquality capacitors).
Now remove the two support
spacers from the edge of the board
adjacent to the heatsink. In fact, it’s
quite important that the rear edge of
the board be supported only by the
heatsink transistor leads. This avoids
the risk of eventually cracking the PCB
tracks and pads around the heatsink
transistors due to thermal expansion
and contraction of their leads as they
heat up and cool down.
In short, the rear spacers are in-
stalled only while you fit the heatsink
transistors and must then be removed.
They play no part in securing the module. Instead, this edge of the module is
secured by bolting the heatsink itself
to the chassis.
As previously stated, this can be
done by tapping M3 (or M4) holes into
the main plate on the underside of the
heatsink or by using right-angle brackets. The front of the board is secured
using the two M3 x 9mm (or 10mm)
spacers fitted earlier.
Power supply & speaker
protection modules
That completes the assembly of the
power amplifier module. The next step
is to build the power supply module
(shown in the above photo) and we’ll
describe how that’s done next month.
We’ll also explain how to power up
and test the amplifier and give some
basic details on housing it in a metal
Finally, we’ll present the revised
speaker protector module, which can
also monitor heatsink temperature.
You will need it (or our previous
design) to prevent an amplifier fault
from destroying the speakers and poSC
tentially causing a fire.