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Adding Voltage and Current
to the Bits’n’Pieces Battery
here are three easy ways to
add voltage and current meters
to our battery charger. One is
relatively expensive, one is dirt cheap
and one is in the middle. Let’s look at
these in turn:
(a) Using Mechanical
(Moving Coil) Panel Meters
This is arguably the easiest way to
go because you can buy panel meters
already set up to read exactly what
you want. For example, the Altronics Q0421A panel meter reads 0-20A
“straight out of the box”, while their
Q0523A model reads 0-20V. The other
big advantage of these panel meters
is that they don’t require power to
86 Silicon Chip
operate so that also simplifies things
All you need to do with these meters
is cut suitable holes in the charger
case, mount the meters and then connect the ammeter in series with the
output and the voltmeter in parallel
with the output.
Bingo – simple. But this is the most
expensive way to go and it’s not all that
accurate, simply because the meter
scale only lets you read to about the
nearest amp or volt. In many cases this
might be all you need but sometimes,
you want more accuracy than that.
And unless you can snaffle a couple
of suitable meters from junked equipment, you’re going to be up for around
$15 per meter. That’s a significant
proportion of what the charger without
meters would cost!
When we said “suitable” meters a
moment ago, you’d probably be aware
that just about all meters can be set up
to read whatever you want them to.
The same basic meter, with an appropriate shunt (a low-value resistance in
parallel) will read whatever amperes
(or parts thereof) you set it up to read,
or with appropriate multiplier (a much
higher resistance in series with the
meter), whatever voltage you want.
A typical moving coil meter without
shunt or multiplier might read, say,
1mA full scale. This meter would have
a resistance of 210Ω. But if you put
Last month, when we put together our
bits’n’pieces battery charger, we promised to
show how to add meters to show both current
and voltage. Sure, it’s getting out of the realms
of a dirt cheap charger but, what the heck . . .
another 210Ω resistor in parallel with
it, it will read 2mA full scale – half the
current flows through the meter, half
through the shunt.
The lower value you make that resistor in parallel, the more current flows
through it but the current through the
meter movement (and therefore the
reading) will stay in proportion.
To read high currents, the vast majority of current needs to flow through
the shunt so the values of shunt resistance become very low indeed – fractions of an ohm.
It’s similar with voltage: the resistance of the meter movement is still
210Ω so if you put, say, a 20kΩ resistor in series with it, the voltage will
divide in the ratio of 210:20,210 and if
there is 20V across both the meter and
multiplier, the meter will read 20V (or
very close to it).
So as you can see, if you can find a
couple of old meters and (carefully!)
work out what their resistance is by
slowly increasing the current through
them until they read full scale (also
called their sensitivity), you can use
Ohm’s law to work out their resistance
(ie, R=V/I), you can then make up your
own shunts and multipliers to make
the meters read what you want.
Before we finish with mechanical
panel meters, you might have heard
of “expanded scale” meters. These
are invariably standard meters which
have shunts and multipliers set up so
that they read only a limited range of
values – for example, 10-15V – which
means that they don’t start reading
until the voltage exceeds 10V and it
One of these moving-coil
meters reads 0-20V, the
other 0-50µA. But they are
exactly the same meter
movement – to read voltage,
you add a series multiplier;
for current, you add a
parallel shunt. Obviously
scales are changed to reflect
the different measurements.
by Ross Tester
These little
from Jaycar
are so cheap
you could
justify using
one as a
panel meter.
Powering on
and off
could be a
problem –
unless you
use the
tricky little
in this
reaches maximum scale at 15V. This
gives much greater accuracy as the
divisions on the scale are further apart
(or there are many more of them).
(b) Using cheap DMMs
This is the lowest-cost method and
for many people, it will be more than
Elsewhere in this issue we show
how to add auto power-down to cheap
($4.95) digital multimeters from Jaycar
That’s right, the whole DMM is just
You can set it to read what you want
(eg, 20V or 10A) and measure the voltage or the current in the normal way
– voltage in parallel, current in series.
At the price, you could afford to
have two of these meters dedicated
to read voltage and current, simply
by leaving the dial set and turning the
meters on when needed.
But it doesn’t matter if the meters
are turned on or not when using the
battery charger, charging current will
still flow through the shunt in the
meter so it will make precious little
difference and as a voltmeter, it is in
parallel with the output so might as
well not be there.
Unfortunately, you cannot power
the multimeter from the same source
as being measured but with the simple
modification mentioned, the 12V battery in these cheapies should last for
quite a long time.
If you got really enthusiastic, you
could work out a way to mount these
DMMs inside the charger case and
bring the “power” pushbutton out to
the case.
Incidentally, the rotary switch on
a multimeter merely selects various
shunts and multipliers to read amps
and volts over various ranges. To
measure resistance (Ohms) it uses an
internal battery to push a small current
through the resistor and reads that
current but displays it as resistance.
To measure AC voltage or current,
in the vast majority of cases the AC
is rectified inside the multimeter and
the resulting DC voltage or current is
displayed on an “AC” scale.
(c) Using Digital Panel Meters
This is the preferred approach – it
will cost more than using cheap DMMs
but not as much as using mechanical
In our case, we are using a couple
of Oatley Electronics’ 3.5-digit Digital
Panel Meters (DPM1). One is set up to
read volts, the other amps – just the
same as the panel meters above.
However, these digital panel meters
do need power and, once again, you
cannot simply power them from the
device being measured. But the power
they need to operate is “flea power” –
May 2013 87
Preparing the box
Now we’re talking!
These $9.95 Digital Panel
Meters from Oatley
Electronics (Cat no
DPM1) can be set up to
read current or voltage
– which is exactly what
we’re after.
just a couple of milliamps. If you add
Oatley’s K-265 Interface Kit (K265) it
will supply all the power you need
from the battery charger itself.
3.5 or 4 digits?
Before we get into it, though, we can
already hear the question: 3.5 digit? I
can see four digits!
It’s long been a source of confusion
– but the explanation is pretty simple.
It’s more expensive to produce a meter
which reads 9999 (a 4-digit display), so
many are made to read 1999 instead.
Therefore, a 3.5-digit display can
show any value up to 1.999 (or 19.99,
199.9, 1999). In our case, we want it
to display up to 20A and 20V – well,
it can just about do that – it can never
quite get there (it’s 1mV or 1mA short!).
OK, so how do you use them?
9.1V zener – the circuit won’t work if
you do – and also note that the zener
mounts in the opposite direction to
the other four diodes.
One other point to note: the overlay
on the PCB was different to that supplied in the instructions – the overlay
is correct, with a 2k trimpot (VR3)
instead of a fixed resistor (R6 – 390Ω).
Once completed and before the interface is connected to the digital panel
meters, though, we need to adjust the
output voltage (using VR3) to get 9V.
Using a 12V battery, connect power
to the interface board and adjust VR3
to get as close as you can to 9V at the
output “V” and “I” DPM terminals
(they should be identical). Once done,
disconnect the battery and put the interface board aside until you’re ready
to assemble everything.
From here on, we are assuming that
you are using the preferred approach.
The first task is to determine where
you want to mount the DPMs. The
main thing to remember is to keep
them away from the “bitey bits” on
the left side of the box – we chose a
spot on the top right.
Mark the positions of your meters
remembering that there is an escutcheon which is larger than the meter
itself. There should be around 20mm
between the meters if mounting them
Mark the two cutouts, which should
be 50 x 25mm, in your chosen positions, and cut them out.
Whether you use the tried and true
method of drilling a lot of small holes
and cutting out the panel (filing it
smooth), drilling a larger hole and nibbling out the panel or perhaps using a
metal blade in a jigsaw, make sure that
you don’t get any swarf in the case. In
fact, it’s a good idea to open the case
right out – that means your blade or
drill can’t do any damage either.
Mark the four holes for each of the
mounting screws (attached to the escutcheon) and drill them out to 3mm.
These holes are centred around the
display, 60mm wide and 24mm deep.
Remove the nuts from the displays
and separate the back halves from their
escutcheons. Make sure the four bolts
attached to the escutcheons fit easily
through the mounting holes and that
Basically, using a digital panel meter
is very similar to using a mechanical
panel meter, as detailed above. The
instructions supplied with the meter
show how to set it up as a voltmeter,
with a series multiplier, or an ammeter,
with a parallel shunt (now where have
we heard those terms before?).
Building the interface board
This is simply a matter of following
the diagrams supplied with the kit
and on the PCB component overlay.
Just a couple of tips: three miniature
transformers are supplied; it doesn’t
matter which one goes where.
However, you will find there are
three pins on one side and two on
the other – which determines which
orientation they have! And before
soldering the PCB-mounting terminal
blocks in, slide them together so they
link. Finally, don’t mix up the four
1N4148 small signal diodes with the
88 Silicon Chip
Oatley’s K265
Digital Panel Meter
Interface Board is specifically
designed to supply power to
the panel meters and also make
adjustment of voltage and current
really simple. It sells for $16.50
~ 35A/400V
Modifying the DPMs
As supplied, the DPMs are set up to
read 200mV (well, actually 199.9mV).
To make them read 20V we need to
change the multipler and move the
decimal point.
Rather than try to disassemble the
panel meter PCB (which is not easy)
and reassemble it (which is almost
impossible!) provision is made on the
interface board.
You would have earlier (during
construction of the interface board)
selected a 1MΩ resistor (R1) so the
DPM would read 20V; all you need
do is connect the DPM to the interface
board (both power and voltage input),
connect a known voltage source of,
say, 12-20V DC to the BAT+ and BATterminals of the interface board and
adjust the “V CAL” trimpot (VR1) to
NC – 90o
the escutcheons cover the edges of
the cutouts.
Before we mount the DPMs we need
to modify them slightly to act as the
0-20V and 0-20A meters.
T1-T3: 230V – 12V AC
– +
that voltage.
For example, you could use a 12V
SLA battery and your digital multimeter to get the known voltage.
Changing the decimal point is not
quite so simple. It is wired to suit a
“199.9” reading; we want it to suit a
“19.99” reading. Theoretically, that’s
just a matter of changing a link on the
PCB from P3 to P2 – but as we said
earlier, disassembling the PCB to get
at the P3 link is not a good idea.
Instead, we are suggesting you carefully cut a track on the PCB and solder
a link between that cut track and the
right-hand pair of P2 pads – the photo
below shows the detail.
To solder to a solder-masked track,
carefully scrape some of the green
mask off the track to reveal bright
copper and equally carefully solder to
that. Be careful – it doesn’t take much
heat to lift thin tracks.
The current meter needs to have the
same decimal point modification as
we want it to read up to 19.99A. Once
again, the interface board is set up to
Fig.1: the main
between this
and last month’s
charger circuit
is the addition of
the 0.011Ω shunt
resistor, adding
connections for
the voltmeter
and ammeter
panel meters
and a smoothed
DC supply.
allow it to read this with a suitable
shunt connected.
The shunt is actually two parallelconnected 1.5m lengths of resistance
wire (supplied in the interface kit). A
single length of this wire has a resistance of 0.0146 ohms per metre, so 2x
1.5m lengths in parallel will have a
resistance of 0.011Ω.
If reading 20A, this will result in a
voltage drop of 0.22V. While this is
slightly too high (it should be 0.199V)
this error can be corrected via the use
of the “I CAL” trimpot, VR2.
Connecting the shunt
The shunt is simply wired in series
with the charger output. You need
to break the connection between
the bridge rectifier and the negative
output terminal and wire the shunt
in its place.
A pair of much thinner wires (as thin
as you like!) connect from each end
of the shunt to the “SHT” and “BAT-”
terminals on the interface board.
We wound the shunt into a pretty
The panel meter is supplied with P3 joined, which means it will read
199.9. To make it read 19.99, P2 must be joined instead. As it is very
difficult to disassemble and reassemble the PCB, we suggest cutting
the track shown, baring some copper and soldering a link between the
point shown and the bare track.
May 2013 89
Fig.2: adding the meters is quite simple, especially
when using the K265 interface board. Effectively,
all you need to do is to cut the connection between
the bridge rectifier “–” terminal and the output
post and replace it with the coiled shunt wire.
Connections to the meters themselves is all via
terminal blocks on the interface board. We also
added a small smoothing circuit (on the 4-way
terminal block) to ensure the meters weren’t
trying to work with a pulsating DC supply. Refer
to the first article (last month) for the remainder
of the wiring details.
"V" IN
"I" IN
small coil and placed it near the output
terminals. A two-way terminal block
is provided in the kit but we replaced
this with a much larger 4-way block –
this is much easier to connect to as the
shunt wires (and the output wires) are
quite thick and securing them in the
small terminal block is not the easiest
thing in the world.
Besides, we wanted another two
terminals for some more components.
Connecting the multiplier
It’s already done for you – on the
interface board!
Connecting power from the
As you would realise, the output
from the bridge rectifier is pulsating
DC and there is very little in the way
of smoothing on the interface board.
To make use of the charger output,
90 Silicon Chip
we used a diode in series (to isolate
the supply from the charger output)
and a small electrolytic capacitor to
give a smooth supply for the interface.
Again, this can be placed wherever
it will fit – the same terminal block can
Parts List –
Adding Meters to the
Battery Charger
2 3.5-digit panel meters (eg, Oatley
Electronics DPM1)
1 DPM Interface Kit (Oatley
Electronics K265)
1 100µF 25V electrolytic capacitor
1 1N4004 power diode
1 4-way large terminal block
Hookup wire
Nuts, screws and washers as
hold these two components.
Connecting the modules
These are pretty-much self explanatory. You have four terminal blocks on
the interface board – the ones labelled
“V” are for the voltmeter and the ones
labelled “I” are for the current meter.
Fig.2 shows the connections – “V” &
“I” DPM supply power; + to + and –
to – respectively.
“V IN” and “I IN” are the connections for the measurement terminals
(again, + to + and – to –).
The only slight wrinkle here is that
the solder pads on the modules are
very small. Be careful soldering to
them (ignore the centre terminal in
all cases).
It will probably be easier if you
connect the modules and shunt before
screwing everything into place. Don’t
forget, the wire between the interface
(Above): here’s how we “wound” the
shunt resistor. It consists of two 1.5m
lengths of insulated resistance wire,
wound together. Final resistance is
0.011Ω. Actual number of turns is
immaterial – just make it as small as
practical! The 2-way terminal block
(which comes with the kit) was later
replaced with a much larger 4-way
block, which also connects the power
supply components.
(Right): the new components to drive
the panel meters are all mounted on
the right side of the case, as seen here.
Ensure there is plenty of clearance
between the meters and interface
board/terminal block when the lid is
closed and that there is enough wire
to avoid them being stretched.
and panel meters doesn’t have to be
at all thick. We used rainbow cable.
The only thick cables needed are
those required to pass the battery
charging current – most of what you
need should already be in place from
the “meterless” version of last month.
In fact, the only extra length of heavy
duty cable we needed was to connect
the terminal block (shunt connection)
back to the negative output terminal.
Use cable ties to ensure all cables
are secured and won’t come adrift,
especially when the case lid is opened.
Where do you mount
the interface?
Wherever you can! There should be
enough space for it (and the terminal
blocks for both shunt and diode/electro) near the rectifier. You might have
to move things around a little bit but
there should be tons of room.
We mounted ours on the end of the
case and stood it off the surface by the
thickness of one nut and washer (see
photo above).
Connect everything up, check your
wiring twice and you’re ready for the
smoke test. If you don’t get any, you’ve
To finish off, mark the case with a
couple of labels showing which is the
voltmeter and which is the ammeter.
Got an extra transformer?
Not long after the April issue went on
sale we received a note from one of our
readers, Charles Tivendale, who told us
that he had made a similar charger some
years ago but he used an extra transformer
to give improved performance.
It wasn’t, as you might expect, simply
in parallel with the other transformers.
He used the fourth transformer to boost
the primary voltage slightly to the other
three, thus giving slightly higher secondary voltages.
This was done as shown in the circuit
below, with the secondary winding of one
transformer connected in series with the
primary and used as an auto-transformer.
In other words, the 230V mains voltage
was applied to the primary with the output
taken from the 230V + 12V winding, resulting in a nominal 242V output.
This slightly higher voltage was then
applied to the primaries of the other
transformers, resulting in a slightly higher
output voltage to the bridge rectifier.
Naturally, this gave more output
from the charger – not a huge amount
but enough to make the whole exercise
worthwhile (especially if the transformer
cost you nothing!).
The phasing of the new transformer
windings is important – if you connect
them up incorrectly, you’ll get less than
220V out. If this happens, simply reverse
the connections to the 12V winding.
One point to note: as there is no current
control on this simple charger, if the battery is fully charged (ie, it’s gassing) the
extra voltage might be enough to cause
an overcharge. Just something to keep
your eye on!
T1-T4: 230V – 12V AC
Here’s how to
add an extra
(in autotransformer
mode) to give
a slightly
higher output
May 2013 91