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Part 3 – by
Geoff Graham
Over the past two months we introduced
the Maximite, a tiny microcomputer that
can turn its hand to many things, from teaching programming to
controlling your greenhouse. In this final article we provide an
introduction to the BASIC language running on the Maximite and
show you how to use this tiny marvel for measurement and control.
efore you start, it would be worth downloading
the “Maximite User Manual” from the SILICON CHIP
website. The following description will give you a
summary of the device but the user manual is the ultimate
We suggest too that as you go through this article, if
programming is new to you, that you try out each of the
examples to get the feel of them.
If your Maximite is completed and ready to go, you can
of course use it – but if not, you can get a version of BASIC which will load and run on your personal computer.
It should even be available as a free download on the net.
computer systems. There are quite a few versions of BASIC
but that used by the Maximite is fairly close to the original.
However, because it does have a couple of minor differ-
A few bits of BASIC
Fig.1: when you turn on the Maximite you are greeted with
the prompt (>). You can try out the language simply by
typing in a command and it will be executed immediately.
This example shows the result of running the PRINT
command with the argument of 1÷7.
The Maximite runs the BASIC language (BASIC is an
acronym for Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction
Code), a very common programming language used in many
66 Silicon Chip
USB 2.0
programs and data
from your PC
20 I/O pins.
Can be a combination
of analog input or
digital input/output
Standard IBM PS/2
keyboard input
(7V to 15V DC)
Composite Video
304x216 graphics
(512 lines 50Hz)
Select power
from USB
or external
Bootload Button.
Update the firmware
via USB from a PC
VGA Video
480x432 graphics
Sound output
20Hz to 5kHz
single tone under
program control
BASIC Interpreter
with 128KB RAM.
Similar to Microsoft BASIC
with long variable names, arrays,
floating point, string handling
and graphic capabilities
MMC/SD card.
Save and load programs
and data within BASIC
in PC compatible formats
The Maximite has a lot of capability built into a small package. The core component is the PIC32 microcontroller
which in addition to running a powerful BASIC interpreter handles the video, keyboard, SD card, USB and sound.
ences, we’ve called it MMBASIC. Oh, come on now . . .
MaxiMite BASIC, OK?
When you first turn on the Maximite you are presented
with a prompt as shown in Fig.1. At this point you can type
in a command and try it out. This is one of the reasons that
MMBASIC is so easy to learn. Almost any command can
be entered in this way and you can instantly see what it
does. For example:
> PRINT 1/7
The PRINT command will evaluate whatever is on its
command line and display the result. In this case it evaluated the result of dividing 1 by 7 and printed the result,
just like a pocket calculator.
PRINT is one of the most commonly used commands in
the MMBASIC language and it comes in handy when you
are experimenting with expressions and functions.
If you prefix the line with a number MMBASIC will save
that line in memory along with any other lines prefixed
with a line number.
You can then run the program with the RUN command.
For example, type in the following:
> 10 A = 1/7
> 20 PRINT A
Hey, you’ve just written your first computer “program”!
It’s the same as the first example except that this time we
evaluated the expression 1÷7 and saved the result in the
variable “A”. Then, in line 20 we printed out the value of
“A”. The RUN command then ran this program.
You can delete a line in memory by entering the line
number without a following command and you can replace
a line with a new one simply by entering the new line using
the same line number. Try it out with other variables, such as
> 10 A = 12345-12344
Program lines are always executed in ascending numerical sequence so you can enter the lines in any order. And
MMBASIC makes calculations following the standard rules
of arithmetic/mathematics – ie, 1+2÷4 would be evaluated
as 1.5, not 0.75.
You can save programs on the Maximite’s SD card using
Fig.2: the input protection for the
PIC32 consists of two reversebiased diodes. These are
adequate for most tasks
but will not protect
against a high-voltage
May 2011 67
Fig.3: two
additional resistors
will provide extra
protection for any
Maximite pins
configured as
External input/output
R2 4.7k
the SAVE command and later load them using the LOAD
command. You can also list them on your monitor with
the LIST command.
Another valuable instruction is the IF … THEN command
which is used for making decisions. For example:
> IF A < 5 THEN PRINT “Less than 5”
Less than 5
The “less than” symbol (<) is used in tests like this and
if the value of A is less than 5 the command following the
THEN is executed. Note that in this case we did not use
line numbers so the commands were executed immediately
they were typed in.
Also note that we used a sequence of characters in the
PRINT command. This is called a string and they can be
saved in variables and manipulated in various ways. For
> T$ = “Hello”
When you use a string in your program it must be surrounded by double quotes. Also, string variables are terminated with the dollar character ($) to differentiate them
from numeric variables. Other than this, strings are handled
in a similar way as numbers.
Variable names in MMBasic can be up to 32 characters
long and can be any mix of uppercase or lowercase characters as MMBasic ignores character case. This means that
you can use descriptive variable names such as “CurrentBalance” in your program. Similarly MMBasic ignores case in
commands and function names, so “print”, “PRINT” and
“Print” are all equivalent.
This is a very quick introduction to the BASIC language
but it should show you how easy the language is to use. At
the risk of repeating ourselves, to learn more you should
download the “Maximite User Manual” from the SILICON
R xV
R1 = 2 MAX – R2
In most cases R2 should be
10k and VIN 3.3V, so
10000 x VMAX
R1 =
– 10000
Fig.4: this circuit will be needed if the
input to the Maximite will exceed 3.3V
68 Silicon Chip
CHIP website and look on the Internet for a tutorial such
as the one at
Before we discuss the input/output facilities of the Maximite we should warn about two events that could damage
the PIC32 chip. These are static discharge and SCR latch-up.
The input/output pins on the PIC32 have some protection against static discharges. This is in the form of two
reverse-biased diodes as shown in Fig.2.
These diodes will conduct (and therefore protect the
inputs) if the input voltage goes above 3.6V or below -0.3V
and are adequate for moderate use (for example, when
soldering a connector).
However, you can still damage the chip if the static
discharge is large enough (for example, if it is enough to
produce a spark). That amount of energy will destroy the
input circuitry and possibly the chip itself.
The other dangerous circumstance is if you force too
high a current (greater than 20mA) through the protective
diodes, for example by directly connecting an input to a
power supply that is set to a voltage greater than the supply voltage to the PIC32. This can cause a phenomenon
called SCR latch up which will instantly destroy the chip.
We could have included a protective circuit for every I/O
pin in the Maximite but that would have doubled the PC
board size and would have been unnecessary in the majority of applications. The solution is to be aware of these two
factors and take some simple precautions.
In the case of static electricity, do not handle the I/O
pins unnecessarily and make sure that you are grounded
by touching the shield on the USB connector before you
touch an I/O pin. In any external circuitry where an I/O
pin may be floating (not connected to anything), include a
100kΩ resistor to ground to discharge any static build up.
To avoid SCR latch up you should include a series resistor of 1kΩ to 10kΩ in the input if there is any chance of the
source being able to supply significant current. The input
impedance of the PIC32 is quite high so a series resistance
like this will not affect normal operation. Be particularly
careful of circuits which might apply power to the external
circuitry before you apply power to the Maximite as that
is a common source of this phenomenon.
Both of these precautions are illustrated in Fig.3.
Digital input
A digital input is the simplest type of input configuration. If the input voltage is higher than 2.5V the logic level
will be true (numeric value of 1) and anything below 0.65V
will be false (numeric value of 0).
In the digital world, voltages between 0.65 and 2.5 are
indeterminant – depending on the circuit they are in they
could be interpreted either way or simply ignored – and
should be avoided.
If the input voltage can be over 3.3V you should use a
voltage divider on the input. Fig.4 shows the basic arrangement. R1 and R2 form a voltage divider and because the
PIC32’s input impedance is very high (leakage is less than
1µA) you could use almost any values for the resistors so
long as the ratio is correct. For example, in an automobile
application R1 could be 22kΩ and R2 10kΩ with the result
that logic high would be any voltage above 8V.
In your BASIC program you would set the pin as a digital
program would be:
Fig.5. To detect a switch’s
position a pull-up resistor
is required.
input and use the PIN() function to get its level. For example:
10 SETPIN 9, 1
20 IF PIN(9) = 1 THEN PRINT “High”
Line 10, with the SETPIN command, configures pin 9 as a
digital input and the PIN() function will return the value of
that pin (the number 1 if the pin is high). The IF command
will then execute the command after the THEN statement
if the input was high. If the input pin was low the program
would just continue with the next line in the program.
Because the PIN() function will return 1 when the input
is high and the IF … THEN command treats any non zero
number in its conditional statement as true, you could
rewrite line 20 in the above code fragment to read:
20 IF PIN(9) THEN PRINT “High”
To sense the position of a switch you will need a pull-up
resistor as illustrated in Fig.5. When the switch is open the
PIN() function will return true and false when it is closed.
A good value for R1 is 47kΩ but you could use anything
from 1kΩ to 500kΩ.
I/O pins 11 to 20 have the special facility of accepting
input voltages of up to 5.5V and this means that you can
connect them directly to 5V circuitry without the need for
voltage dropping resistors. You do not have to do anything
to enable this facility, it is automatically available.
Analog input
Pins 1 to 10 can be configured to measure the voltage on
the pin. The input range is from zero to 3.3V and the PIN()
function will return the voltage.
Again, the SETPIN command (this time with the number
2) configures the pin (9 in this case) as an analog input.
For example:
> SETPIN 9, 2
> 10 SETPIN 9, 2
> 20 PRINT PIN(9) / 0.2041
The precision of the measurement would depend on
the accuracy of the resistors used for R1 and R2 and to a
lesser degree the value of the 3.3V power supply to the
PIC32. Rather than finding precision resistors for the voltage divider, a better approach is to simply measure the
input voltage using a digital meter and use that value in
the BASIC program. For example, run this program to find
out the voltage measured by the Maximite on pin 9:
> SETPIN 9, 2
At the same time measure the voltage at the input to the
voltage divider. If you measured 13.1V on the input the
resultant would be:
10 SETPIN 9, 2
20 PRINT PIN(9) / (2.983 / 13.11)
Depending on the accuracy of your meter this will give
you the voltage with an accuracy approaching that of a
normal digital multimeter. Too easy!
Small voltages
For small voltages you may need an amplifier to bring
the input voltage into a reasonable range for measurement.
Fig.6 shows a typical arrangement using the popular and
inexpensive LM324 quad operational amplifier.
The LM324 can operate from a single 5V supply (as
provided by the Maximite from CON8) and contains four
identical amplifiers in the one 14-pin package.
The gain of the amplifier is determined by the ratio of R2
to R1 plus 1 and using the components in Fig.6 the gain is
101. This number should be used in the BASIC program
so that the readings are scaled to represent the input voltage. For example:
2 LM324
You will need a voltage divider if you want to measure
voltages greater than 3.3V as shown in Fig.4. Note that to
retain the accuracy of the reading, the source resistance
needs to be 10kΩ or less.
This means that in most circuits R2 should be 10kΩ
or less. The reading also needs to be scaled in the BASIC
program to allow for the voltage divider. For example, to
measure a car’s battery voltage you might use 39kΩ for
R1 and 10kΩ for R2 giving a divide ratio of 0.2041 [R1/
(R1+R2)] and a range of about 16V full scale. The BASIC
Fig.6: this simple amplifier will allow the Maximite to
measure voltages as little as a few millivolts.
May 2011 69
20 PRINT PIN(9) / 101
Again, you could just measure the input voltage and use
that value to scale the input.
For better accuracy, use lower value feedback resistors to
minimise bias current error. Even better would be a precision DC op amp (such as an OPA251) but the improved accuracy may be at the expense of higher power consumption.
Temperature measurement
There are many ways to measure temperature but for a
simple solution the circuit in Fig.7 is hard to beat. The
output of an LM335Z is a voltage proportional to its temperature. An output of 2.73V represents 0°C and a change
of 10mV is equivalent to a 1°C change. The accompanying
BASIC program would be:
10 SETPIN 9, 1
20 PRINT (PIN(9) – 2.73) * 100
This would print the current temperature in degrees
Celsius from -40°C up to a maximum of 57°C at which
point the output of the LM335Z would be at 3.3V. If you
wanted to measure higher temperatures you should use a
voltage divider on the output of the sensor and scale the
reading in your program.
Because the output from the LM335Z has a large offset at
zero degrees (2.73V) this amplifies any error in measuring
the voltage. The accuracy of the Maximite’s measurement
is in turn dictated by the accuracy of the 3.3V supply voltage which is used as the reference when making voltage
For this reason you should measure the supply voltage
of your Maximite using a digital voltmeter and use this
value in your program to correct for any error. The following fragment illustrates how to do this.
20 V = PIN(9) * x.xx / 3.3
30 PRINT (V - 2.73) * 100
Line 20 measures the voltage and corrects for any error
(you should substitute x.xx with the measured supply
voltage). The corrected voltage measurement is saved in
the variable V and then used in line 30 to calculate the
Many devices generate an output voltage that represents a
physical quantity. Examples include accelerometers, strain
gauges, pressure sensors and humidity sensors.
You can use this same technique to measure the volt-
Fig.7. Temperature
measurement is a
common requirement and
this is about the simplest
way to measure it using
the Maximite.
70 Silicon Chip
age output from these sensors and scale the reading to a
meaningful number.
Frequency and period measurement
Again using the SETPIN command, this time with the
operator 3, pins 11 to 14 can be configured as counting
inputs to measure frequency, period or just count pulses
on the input.
For example, the following will print the frequency of
the signal on pin 11:
> SETPIN 11, 3
In this case the frequency is 110.374kHz.
The frequency response is up to 200kHz and the measurement is returned in Hz with a resolution of 1Hz. The value
is updated once a second (ie, the gate time is 1 second).
For accurate measurement of signals less than 10Hz it is
generally better to measure the period of the signal. When
set to this mode the Maximite will measure the number of
milliseconds between sequential rising edges of the input
signal. The value is updated on the low to high transition
so if your signal has a period of (say) 100 seconds you
should be prepared to wait that amount of time before the
PIN() function will return an updated value.
Pins 11 to 14 can also count the number of pulses on
their input. When a pin is configured as a counter (for
example, SETPIN 13,5) the counter will be reset to zero
and Maximite will then count every transition from a low
to high voltage up to a maximum count of 4,294,967,295.
The counter can be reset to zero again by executing the
SETPIN command a second time (even though the input
was already configured as a counter).
The response to input pulses is very fast and the Maximite
can count pulses as narrow as 10ns (although the maximum
frequency of the pulse stream is still limited to 200kHz).
As an example of using this facility you could count the
number of contact bounces when the switch in Fig.5 was
closed. You could also count the number of objects on a
conveyor belt, number of people through a door or anything
that takes your fancy.
Digital outputs
All I/O pins can be configured as a standard digital
output. This means that when an output pin is set to logic
low it will pull its output to 0V and when set high it will
pull its output to 3.3V. In BASIC this is done with the PIN
command. For example PIN(15) = 0 will set pin 15 to low
while PIN(15) = 1 will set it high. Incidentally, any non
zero value can be used to set the output high.
When operating in this mode, a pin is capable of sourcing or sinking 10mA to 18mA (depending on the required
output voltage) which is sufficient to drive a LED or other
logic circuits running at 3.3V.
Pins 11 to 20 have a couple of additional properties
that make it easy to connect to 5V circuitry. As already
mentioned, as inputs they can be directly connected to
a circuit that generates up to 5V without the need for the
voltage dropping resistors.
When configured as outputs these pins can also be set
May 2011 71
Fig.8: so-called “open collector” outputs
(actually, in this case they’re open drain
outputs) allow the Maximite to drive
circuits that require a 5V signal.
up to have an open-collector output.
Open-collector output means that the output driver will
pull the output low (to zero volts) when the output is set
to a logic low but will go to a high impedance state when
set to logic high. If you then connect a pull-up resistor to
5V on the output, the logic high level will be 5V (instead
of 3.3V using the standard output mode). The maximum
pull-up voltage in this mode is 5.5V.
Fig.8 illustrates how an open-collector system works. To
set an output as open collector you use the SETPIN command in BASIC (for example SETPIN 15,9 will set pin 15
to an open collector output). Note that the circuit should
really be called open drain because the PIC32 uses a FET
as the driver but open collector is a more common term
and for consistency we will keep using it.
For driving high voltage and/or high current loads you
should use an external transistor (either bipolar or FET)
to drive the load.
Fig.9 provides an example of using an inexpensive power
FET for driving a large load, in this case a power relay.
To provide sufficient voltage to turn on the FET, a pullup resistor to 5V is used and the output pin is configured
as open collector. This circuit can switch a load of up to
50V and 20A with the RFP30N06LE, so it could be used
to drive larger loads such as the solenoid valves used in
irrigation systems.
Switching mains
This is not for the inexperienced. Normally we wouldn’t
suggest it but we know that some readers will want to use
the Maximite to switch mains devices on and off. All we
can say is be careful – and if you don’t know what you’re
doing, don’t!
You could use a standard (and appropriately rated) relay
to switch 230V AC (as shown in Fig.9) but a more elegant
(EG, 12V)
D1: 1N4004
Fig.9. To drive high powered devices such as relays or
solenoids a power MOSFET can be used.
72 Silicon Chip
solution is to use a solid state relay such as the Jaycar SY4080. These have full isolation between their input and
output and can switch 230V AC loads with a current of up
to 3A. The SY-4080 will turn on with an input level greater
than 3V so it can be directly connected to a Maximite pin
configured as a standard digital output. Other solid state
relays may need a drive voltage over 4V and in that case
you will need to use an open collector output and a pull
up resistor.
Another useful output device is the reed relay. They
can be directly driven by an output pin but generally they
need a minimum of 5V to turn on so you would need to
configure the output as open collector and connect the reed
relay between 5V and the output pin.
Most reed relays can switch up to 50V at 500mA and
come in a DIP plastic package (ie, they look like an IC).
A reed relay should include a reverse diode between the
open drain and 5V (eg a 1N4148) to prevent destroying the
internal mosfet (as shown in Fig.12)
Interrupts are a handy way of dealing with an event that
can occur at an unpredictable time. An example is when
the user presses a button. In your program you could insert
code after each statement to check to see if the button has
been pressed but an interrupt makes for a more cleaner
and readable program.
When an interrupt occurs the MMBasic interpreter will
execute a special section of code and when finished return
to the main program. The main program is completely
unaware of the interrupt and carries on as normal.
As an example, the following code fragment will detect
if the user has pressed a button (connected to pin 16) and,
if so, will set the output of pin 15 high (this could operate
a relay or something similar).
10 SETPIN 15, 8
20 SETPIN 16, 7, 100
30 DO
40 ‘ main processing loop
50 ‘ more processing
80 ‘
90 ‘
100 ‘ interrupt routine
110 PIN(9) = 1
In line 10 we configure pin 15 as an output (this will
drive our relay or whatever) and in line 20 we configure
pin 16 to be a digital input that will generate an interrupt
on the high to low transition. The interrupt code starts at
line 100 and this is specified as the third parameter to the
SETPIN command.
Lines 30 to 60 represent the main processing loop which
runs forever. If the user presses the button connected to pin
16, MMBasic will automatically interrupt the main program
and execute the program starting at line 100. This routine is
very short; it just sets the output high and returns from the
interrupt (the IRETURN command). Meanwhile the main
processing loop is completely oblivious to the interrupt.
An interrupt can be set on any pin and can be triggered
on a low to high, or a high to low transition of the input.
How Good Is Your Refrigerator?
A simple demonstration of the capabilities of the Maximite is to use it to monitor the temperature regulation
of your refrigerator.
This project will measure up to five temperatures within
your refrigerator and also detect if the door is open or
closed. This data is saved to the SD card in a format that
you can load into a spreadsheet to draw graphs, calculate
temperature variations and generally analyse.
Because most SD cards have a large capacity you could
log the data for months to get an accurate long term picture
of your refrigerator’s performance.
Fig.11 shows the basic circuit. There are five temperature monitors which are based on the LM335Z temperature sensor described in the main text. The sixth input
comes from an LDR (light dependent resistor) which is
used to detect when the fridge door is opened. Because
the circuit is so simple we built it on a piece of strip
prototype board and used a length of ribbon cable with a
crimped 26 pin IDC socket for connection to the Maximite.
We placed the Maximite on top of the refrigerator
and ran fine wires (so as not to break the refrigerator’s
door seal) to the sensors inside. Two were placed in the
freezer compartment (one at the back and the other at the
front near the door). The remaining three were placed
in the main body of the fridge – one at the top back, the
second at the bottom back and the third in the middle of
R1 1.8k
TS2 – TS4*
R5 1.8k
Fig.11: schematic for the refrigerator monitor and logger.
Over a long period it will log up to five temperatures and
the status of the door for later analysis.
100 FOR i = 1 TO 5 : SETPIN i, 1 : NEXT i
110 SETPIN 10, 2
130 PRINT #1, “DATE”, “TIME”, “T1”, “T2”, “T3”, “T4”, “T5”, “DOOR”
140 CLOSE #1
150 DO
170 PRINT #1, DATE$, TIME$,;
180 FOR i = 1 TO 5
190 t = (PIN(i) / 3.3 * x.xx - 2.73) * 100
200 PRINT #1, FORMAT$(t, “%4.1f”),;
210 NEXT i
230 CLOSE #1
240 PAUSE 2000
250 LOOP
the door. Finally, we placed the LDR where it would be
illuminated by the fridge light.
The BASIC program is listed above and is also available
for download from the SILICON CHIP website. This will
record the data into a file called TEMPLOG.XLS which
can then be read by most spreadsheet software. Line 240
sets the recording frequency which is every 2000ms (or
every 2 seconds) and you can change that (or anything
else) to suit your requirements.
Because the temperature measurement is sensitive
to the value of the 3.3V supply (which is used by the
PIC32 as the reference voltage) you must measure this
voltage with a digital multimeter and, before you run
the program, insert its value in line 190 replacing the
x.xx characters.
The program should be saved to your SD card with
the name AUTORUN.BAS. This means that it will automatically start running when you apply power to the
Maximite and you therefore do not need to connect a
monitor or keyboard.
One important feature of the program is that it always
closes the data file after any data is written (see line 230).
Closing the file means that any data buffered in memory
is immediately written to the SD card and that allows
you to stop the recording by turning off the Maximite
without corrupting the data file.
By the way, creating an Excel compatible spreadsheet
file is easy.
All you need to do is write the data out as plain text
with a TAB character between each data element. This
is done in line 200. The comma (,) near the end of the
line will output a TAB character while the following
semicolon (;) tells the PRINT command to not output the
normal carriage return and line feed characters.
Lines 100 and 110 setup the inputs, lines 120 to 140
write the header to the spreadsheet file and lines 150 to
250 form a continuous loop that reads the data (line 190)
from each sensor and writes it (line 200) to the file. Line
240 controls how often the data is recorded.
May 2011 73
Because there are 20 pins you can have up to 20 interrupts
with each interrupt executing separate or shared sections
of code. All that matters is that the interrupt routine must
be terminated with an IRETURN statement.
Normally MMBasic will respond to a single interrupt
within 100s so you can use interrupts to catch reasonably
fast events (for example, ignition pulses in a petrol engine).
MMBasic has a number of features that make it easy to
time events and control external circuitry that needs timing.
The PAUSE command will freeze the execution of the
program for a specified number of milliseconds. So, to create
a 12ms-wide pulse you could use the following:
10 SETPIN 4, 8
20 PIN(4) = 1
30 PAUSE 12
40 PIN(4) = 0
Another useful feature is the TIMER function which
acts like a stopwatch. You can set it to any value (usually
zero) and it will count upwards every millisecond. This
is handy for timing events as illustrated in the following
code fragment:
10 SETPIN 4, 8
20 PIN(4) = 1
30 TIMER = 0
40 GOSUB 1000 ‘ do some work
60 PIN(4) = 0
This is similar to the previous code fragment in that it
will generate a 12ms pulse but it allows your
program to do some work while waiting for the
pulse to finish rather than simply freezing the
program’s execution. Line 30 sets the TIMER to zero and
then line 40 will keep calling the subroutine at line 1000
until the TIMER function has counted up to 12ms.
A very useful timing function is provided by the SETTICK command. This command will generate an interrupt
at regular intervals (specified in milliseconds). Think of it
as the regular “tick” of a watch.
For example, the following code fragment will save
the current time and the voltage on pin 1 in a file (called
“DFILE”) on the SD card every second. This process will
run independently of the main program which could be
doing something completely unrelated.
10 SETPIN 1, 1
20 SETTICK 1000, 500
30 DO
40 ‘ main processing loop
60 ‘
500 ‘ tick interrupt
520 WRITE #1, TIME$, PIN(1)
530 CLOSE #1
Line 20 sets up the “tick” interrupt, the first parameter
of SETTICK is the period of the interrupt (1000ms) and
the second is the starting line of the interrupt code. Every
second (ie, 1000ms) the main processing loop will be interrupted and the program starting at line 500 will be executed.
This simply appends the current reading to the data file
and returns to the main program.
Loading and saving programs
When you have entered your program into the Maximite’s memory you
will then need to save it, otherwise it
The rear panel of the Maximite is a busy place with connectors for the VGA video, keyboard, external input/output, USB
and power. Two headers on the main board provide the composite video and sound outputs. Inset at top is the input/
output connector, viewed from the back (as show in the photograph). You’ll need to refer to this when connecting inputs
and outputs to the Maximite.
74 Silicon Chip
will be lost when the power is turned off. The Maximite treats
the SD memory card as disk storage and there are a number
of commands that you can use to save and load programs.
The command SAVE “FILENAME” will save your
program in the current folder with the name FILENAME.
BAS. Note that the double quotes are necessary and that
MMBasic will automatically add the .BAS extension if
none is supplied.
Later you could load the program using the LOAD “FILENAME” command. You can also load and run the program
by adding the filename to the RUN command. For example:
As well as being run from the command input this command can be used within a running program and it enables
you to launch one program from within another.
The argument to all these commands can also be a string
variable, so the following fragment will run a program called
“TT.BAS” from within another program.
to change up to the parent directory. Eg, the following will
change back to the parent of the BACKUP directory.
> CHDIR “..”
You can also create directories using the MKDIR command and delete them using the RMDIR command. All
these commands can be used at the command prompt or
within a running program.
File Input/Output
An important feature of MMBasic is the ability to save data
on the SD card. To do this you must first “open” the file on
the SD card using the appropriately named OPEN command.
The following example will open the file “TST.DAT”
for writing:
You can then use the file number (#1) in a print command
to write data to the SD card:
20 PRINT #1, VAR1, VAR2
10 FNAME$ = “TT.BAS”
All file and directory names must use the 8.3 format. This
means that the maximum file name length is 8 characters
followed by a full stop (.) and up to 3 more characters for the
file extension. File names can be in either upper or lowercase.
Unfortunately Microsoft has patented a portion of the
mechanism used for long file name support with the result
that we were prevented from implementing that feature.
All BASIC programs are saved to the SD card as straight
text files and you can edit them using a desktop computer.
If you do this you must make sure that your editor uses
standard ASCII characters. This means that in the Windows
world you should use Notepad and not Wordpad or MS
Word, both of which embed strange characters in normal
looking text.
To find out what is on the SD card
you can use the FILES command. For
Each time the print command is run it will save a line
to the SD card containing the data that you specified (in
this case the contents of the variables VAR1 and VAR2).
When you have finished you need to close the file using
the CLOSE command.
30 CLOSE #1
The close command will flush any data held in memory
to the SD card and update the file records on the card to
show that this is a valid file. You should never remove the
SD card before the CLOSE command as that might result
in a corrupt file or even render the SD card unreadable.
The above example opened the file for “OUTPUT” which
means that when the file was created it would have overwritten a file with the same file name. You can also open
a file for “APPEND” which means that the file will also be
Directory: \
The first entry in this particular
listing is a directory (marked with the
<DIR> symbol) and MMBasic includes
a number of commands to work with
these. The command CHDIR “directory” will change to a directory, for
example the following code fragment
will change to the directory in the
previous files listing:
The special directory of “..” is used
An example of the graphical capabilities of the Maximite. The line graph is the
voltage on pin 1 while the bar graphs show the voltage level on all 10 analog
inputs. This graph can update rapidly to show the voltages in real time.
May 2011 75
opened for writing but it will not overwrite an existing file,
instead any writes to the file will be appended to the end of it.
Similar to writing to a file, you can also open a file for
reading using the INPUT mode. You could then read from
the file using the INPUT command as follows:
20 INPUT #1, DAT1, DAT2, DAT3
30 CLOSE #1
Note that the INPUT command requires that the data
elements in the file be separated by commas and terminated with a carriage return/line feed combination. You
can also use the LINE INPUT command to read the whole
line into a string variable in one go and then pull the data
line apart using the string manipulation functions in the
BASIC language.
MMBasic allows you to have up to 10 files simultaneously
open. For each file you would use a unique file number, for
example, #1, #2, #3, etc. Other commands and functions
within MMBasic allow you to delete files, rename files and
tell when you have reached the end of a file.
The old adage “a picture is worth a thousand words” is
true in computer output too.
Within MMBasic you can draw fancy graphs like that
shown aboove. This shows the voltage on pins 1 to 10 as a
bar graph and the voltage on pin 1 as a line graph. You cannot see it in the photograph but the Maximite has enough
speed to update the graph rapidly showing any variations
on the inputs in real time.
The simplest graphic commands are the PSET and PRESET commands. These will turn off or on any pixel on the
screen. You also have at your disposal the workhorse of
the graphics commands, the LINE command which will
draw either a line, or a rectangle, or a filled rectangle. The
LINE command can also be used to erase a portion of the
screen as well as drawing lines.
The CIRCLE command will draw a circle (actually an
oval as the Maximite’s pixels are not exactly square). As
with the LINE command, the circle can be filled with pixels that are turned off or on. Finally there is the LOCATE
command which is used to position the next output of the
print command to anywhere on the screen.
All graphics commands use screen coordinates expressed
in pixels. The top left hand corner of the screen is the zero
position (x = 0 and y = 0) while the bottom left coordinate
will vary depending on the video configuration (VGA or
Battery Capacity Meter
Another excellent demonstration of the Maximite’s
capabilities is to use it as the brains behind a battery
capacity meter.
Like most people we have amassed a collection of AA
and AAA rechargeable batteries (mostly NiMh chemistry), some of which have reached the end of their life.
But, which ones? And, how good are the good ones?
It would also be interesting to test new batteries when
we purchase them. Do they really match the rating
printed on the outside?
You could test each battery by fitting it into a piece of
equipment and timing how long it lasted before the equipment stopped - but that is tedious and not very accurate.
A much better solution is to build a low cost add-on to
the Maximite designed to measure a battery’s capacity.
Fig.12 shows the circuit of this add-on. Each of the four
reed relays can switch a load resistor across the battery
and by turning on a combination of the reed relays the
BASIC program can vary the load on the battery in 16
steps. At the same time, the program can determine the
battery’s level of charge by measuring the voltage on pin 1.
To avoid the need to purchase accurate resistors the
program is designed so that you can measure the resistors using a digital multimeter and enter the values as
constants into the BASIC program. The program will then
use these numbers to determine what relays to turn on/
off to maintain the desired load and also calculate the
current drain on the battery.
Note that when you are measuring the resistance of R3
and R4 you need to measure the total resistance of the
The Maximite was conceived as an enabling piece of
technology, something that would enable readers to build
more sophisticated devices without having to spend a lot
of money and learn a specialised programming language
such as C or C++.
The two boxes “How Good Is Your Refrigerator?” and
“Battery Capacity Meter” give a couple of interesting examples where the Maximite could be used.
Do you have an interesting project in mind?
For up to date errata, notes and new firmware for the
Maximite go to
76 Silicon Chip
The battery test add-on connected to a prototype of
the Maximite. The reed relays and load resistors are
contained in the UB5 jiffy box and connected to the
Maximite via 26 way cable and IDC connector.
to use. Most batteries are tested at 0.2C or 0.1C which
is another way of saying 20% or 10% of the batteries
claimed capacity.
We were testing a 1000mAH battery so 200mA repreR1 51
sents the 0.2C current drain.
Our circuit has four relays and therefore 16 different
levels of load and this results in a rather
coarse control of the load. That is not a
PIN 11
concern as it will have little effect on the
R2 22
resulting battery capacity measurement
and it is a much simpler technique than
trying to accurately control a FET to proMAXIMITE
duce a specific load current.
The software also asks for the terminaPIN 12
voltage. When that voltage is reached
the program will remove the load and print
out the resultant battery capacity.
The photo at left shows the completed
battery tester with a prototype of the
3 x 10
PIN 13
We mounted two battery holders (AA
and AAA) on the top of a UB5 jiffy box and
built the circuit on a piece of strip protoREED
type board inside the box. A short length
14 13
9 8
of 26-way ribbon cable and a crimped IDC
PIN 14
socket completed the device.
D1–D4: 1N4004
All the necessary power is supplied by
the Maximite and when you want to test a
1 2
6 7
battery it is simply a case of plugging the
Fig.12. Schematic of the battery tester. The Maximite
add-on into the Maximite and running the
can control the relays to provide different levels of load
BATTERY.BAS program from the SD card.
on the battery while monitoring its level of charge.
The program will monitor the battery
paralleled resistors. At the start of the BASIC program
while it is discharging and at completion it will display
you will find a series of assignments as follows:
the battery’s capacity. You can then unplug the add-on
and use the Maximite for something else.
145 R1 = 56.00
You could add many other features to the program,
150 R2 = 22.00
for example the ability to draw a graph of the discharge
155 R3 = 8.20
curve or the ability to store the battery’s performance in
160 R4 = 3.33
a data file on the SD card for later comparison when you
test the battery again.
This is where you need to enter the measured values
Ah, the possibilities !!
for R1, R2, R3 and R4.
Note that the resistors do not need to be in
an exact binary sequence (ie, 1 -2 -4 -8) as you
would normally expect. The program will work
with whatever values you use and calculate the
combination necessary to maintain the load as
near as possible to the specified value.
Using some simple calculations it is then easy
to add up the current drain over time to come up
with the battery’s capacity in milliamp-hours.
The program is too large to list here but it
is also available on the SILICON CHIP website
for download. Because it is written in BASIC
you can easily modify it for other tasks such as
testing higher voltage battery packs or different
types of batteries.
Fig.13 shows the opening screen of the pro- Fig.13: when you run the battery test software it will request the
gram. First the program requests the current drain desired test current and the terminating voltage.
May 2011 77