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12/24V 3-Stage MPPT
Solar Charge Controller
Are you building the ultrasonic anti-fouling unit for your boat?
You will need a solar panel and a charge controller to keep the
batteries topped up. Or are you thinking of a large solar panel
for your caravan or 4-wheel drive? Again, you will need a solar
charge controller. This is the one to build.
is suitable for 12V panels up to
120W and 24V panels up to 240W. It
incorporates Maximum Power Point
Tracking (MPPT) and 3-stage battery
charging. It works with any 12V panel
from 40W up to 120W (3.3-10A) and
can also be used with 24V panels in
the 80W to 240W range, in conjunction
with a 24V battery.
Wouldn’t it be nice if you could
just wire a solar panel (or panels) to
a battery or two and leave it at that?
Unfortunately, for all but the smallest
panels, this is a very bad idea. The
battery will be overcharged on sunny
days and on cloudy days the battery
38 Silicon Chip
may not charge at all, even though the
panel is capable of harvesting energy.
So there is no choice – you need a
charge controller.
This Charge Controller is suitable for
charging Flooded Lead Acid, Gel-Cell
(Sealed Lead Acid or SLA) and AGM
(Absorbed Glass Mat) type batteries.
Ideally, any battery used in a solar system should be a “deep discharge” type.
Car batteries are not deep discharge
types and are not suitable.
Ultrasonic anti-fouling for boats
We have already mentioned the
Ultrasonic Anti-fouling unit for boats
(SILICON CHIP, September & November
2010). This must run continuously
to protect the boat hull from marine
growth and for those without shore
power, a solar panel and charge controller is the only solution. For this
application we recommend, at minimum, a 12V 40W panel with a 12V
12Ah SLA battery.
For continuous anti-fouling, the circuit draws an average of about 200mA.
Over a 24-hour period this amounts to
4.8Ah or 60Wh per day from the 12V
battery. This means that if a 40W panel
generates full power for 1.5 hours or
longer each day, this is enough for the
anti-fouling unit to operate. However,
if you are also concerned about
matic operation of bilge pumps etc, a
40W panel would be a good choice.
The reason we have specified a larger
panel and battery than strictly necessary is twofold.
First, for a boat installation, you cannot orient the panel for best efficiency.
If you are on a swing mooring, the
boat’s heading will constantly change
according to wind direction and even
if it didn’t, you would still install the
panel to result in minimum windage
and this means that it must be installed
horizontally. The same comment generally applies to a caravan installation.
Second, you need a bigger panel to
cope with sustained periods of bad
weather when there is little sun.
In Australia, we receive a yearly
average of five peak sun hours per
day. Seasonal monthly breakdowns are
available at
Fig.1: The current/
voltage curve for a
typical 120W solar
panel. Maximum
current, with the
output shorted, is Isc
and maximum voltage,
with the output open
circuit, is Voc. For
best efficiency, the
panel is operated at its
maximum power point.
MPPT & charge optimisation
Given that the solar panel is mounted horizontally, it is most important
to collect as much energy as possible
from it and this is where the Charge
Controller’s MPPT (Maximum Power
Point Tracking) comes in.
As shown in Fig.1, for a typical solar panel exposed to full sunlight, the
output ranges from maximum current
when the output is shorted (Isc) to
maximum voltage when the output is
open circuit (Voc). For a typical 120W
12V panel, Isc is 7.14A and Voc is
21.8V. But the maximum power from
a 120W panel is at 6.74A and 17.8V
which is hardly a suitable match for
a lead-acid battery.
If we were to connect that 120W
solar panel directly to the battery, the
charge current would be about 7.1A
at 12V (85.2W), 7.05A at 13V (91.7W)
and 7A at 14.4V (101W), ie, much less
than the 120W available from the solar
panel at 17.8V.
By contrast, MPPT keeps the so-
lar panel current and voltage at the
maximum power point while charging
the battery, even though the battery
voltage is lower than the solar panel
This is achieved by an intelligent
switchmode step-down voltage converter. To see how this works, refer to
the block diagram of Fig.2 below. Current from the solar panel flows through
diode D1 and Mosfet Q1. When Q1 is
Fig.2: this block diagram shows how the microcontroller (IC1) monitors the battery and panel voltages and the
current. It also shows how the switchmode step-down circuit for battery charging is arranged. When Q1 is on,
current (i1) flows through inductor L1 and into capacitor C2 and the battery. When Q1 switches off, the stored
energy in L1 is fed to the battery via diode D2 (current path i2).
February 2011 39
Fig.3: the three standard battery charging stages. First
is the initial bulk charge. Once the battery reaches the
cut-off voltage, the absorption stage takes over to fully
charge it. Finally, the float stage maintains its charge.
on, current (i1) flows through inductor
L1 into capacitor C2 and the battery.
This stores energy in the inductor’s
magnetic field.
After a short period, Q1 is switched
off and the stored energy in L1 is fed
to the battery via diode D2 (current i2).
The microcontroller (IC1) controls this
switching with a pulse width modulated (PWM) 31.25kHz gate signal to
Q1. The ratio of the on to off period
(duty cycle) for Q1 is controlled so that
Fig.4: the charging cycle with equalisation enabled.
Instead of the absorption stage, the battery voltage is
allowed to rise by 10% over the cut-off voltage to cause
gassing within the cells. This charges the cells equally.
the solar panel delivers its maximum
The solar panel is not required to
supply the peak current into the inductor as this is drawn from the reservoir
capacitor, C1. Both C1 & C2 are low
ESR (effective series resistance) types,
suited to operation at high frequency.
The voltage from the solar panel is
monitored by op amp IC2a, while op
amp IC2b measures the panel current
via a 0.01Ω current sense resistor. IC2b
12V Ah
Maximum Charge
Current (Typical)
Maximum Solar
Panel Rating
Recommended Solar
Panel Rating
40Ah SLA & AGM
40Ah Lead Acid
38Ah SLA & AGM
38Ah Lead Acid
26Ah SLA & AGM
26Ah Lead Acid
20Ah SLA & AGM
20Ah Lead Acid
18Ah SLA & AGM
18Ah Lead Acid
12Ah SLA & AGM
12Ah Lead Acid
Table 1: recommended solar panel power ratings for 12V lead-acid (flooded wet
cell) batteries, gel-cell (sealed lead acid or SLA) batteries & absorbed glass mat
(AGM) batteries.
40 Silicon Chip
has a gain of -45 and works as a lowpass filter. Both op amps feed their signals to IC1 which then calculates the
correct duty cycle for Q1 to keep the
panel at the maximum power point.
3-stage charging
As well as controlling the MPPT, IC1
also manages the charging of the 12V
(or 24V) lead-acid battery.
The battery is charged in three
stages, as shown in Fig.3. Charging
begins as soon as the battery voltage
is below 12.45V (assuming the panel
is generating power) and starts with
the “bulk charge” stage. During this
stage, maximum power is transferred
from the solar panel to the battery until
it reaches the cut-off voltage, which is
14.4V at 20°C.
After this, the charger switches to
the “absorption” phase where the
battery is maintained at the cut-off
voltage for one hour, to ensure it is
fully charged. Finally, the “float” stage
maintains the battery at 13.5V at 20°C,
to keep the battery topped up.
The cut-off voltage (for the bulk
and absorption stages) and the float
voltage are reduced when the ambient temperature is above 20°C, in
accordance with battery manufacturers’ charging specifications. For a
typical 12V battery, this is 19mV/°C
(or double that for a 24V battery). So
for a 12V battery at 30°C, the voltages
are reduced by 190mV, to 14.21V and
13.31V respectively.
The circuit measures ambient temperature with a negative temperature
coefficient (NTC) thermistor within
the charger. The assumption is that
its ambient temperature is similar to
that of the battery as they are usually
in close proximity. If necessary, the
thermistor can be connected to the
charger via a flying lead so that it can
be closer to the battery for more accurate temperature measurement.
No charging occurs if the thermistor
wires are shorted or if it is not connected. This is useful when the thermistor
is off-board, where the wiring could be
damaged. A LED “Thermistor” indicator flashes momentarily once every
two seconds when the thermistor is
open circuit and once a second when
it is shorted.
In addition, the charging state is
indicated by three LEDs, one each for
the bulk, absorption and float stages.
A battery that has been discharged
below 10.5V will be charged using
short bursts of current until it reaches
10.5V, whereupon the bulk charge
will begin. This initial charge state is
indicated by a short flash of the bulk
stage LED, once every four seconds.
In addition to the standard 3-stage
charging there is an option for battery
cell equalisation. When enabled, an
equalisation stage runs instead of the
absorption phase (after the bulk charge
stage). Equalisation is a process that
attempts to ensure that all the cells
in the battery are equally charged. Its
occasional use can extend battery life.
What happens is that, over time,
the electrolyte within the battery becomes stratified, with the acid solution
strength varying with depth in the battery. Generally the solution is weaker
at the top of each cell and stronger
toward the bottom.
In addition, because a 12V battery
comprises six 2V cells in series, it is
common for some cells to become
fully charged before others reach full
charge. This leaves some cells undercharged while other cells can be
In essence, equalisation is deliberate
over-charging to ensure that gassing
occurs in all the cells. This allows the
electrolyte in the cells to be stirred
up and to reverse any stratification
Features & Specifications
Supports 40-120W 12V panels or 80-240W 24V panels
Microprocessor controlled
3-stage battery charging
MPPT (maximum power point tracking)
Automatic maximum power point detection
Charge indicator LEDs
Adjustable temperature compensation for charge voltage
Optional battery equalisation
Battery standby current (all LEDs off):............................................3.6mA typical <at> 12.6V
Charge start voltage.................................................................................................. 12.45V
Bulk charge cut off voltage (20°C).............................................................................. 14.4V
Absorption voltage (20°C).......................................................................................... 14.4V
Float voltage (20°C).................................................................................................... 13.5V
Equalisation voltage (20°C)............................................................. 15.84V (14.4V + 10%)
Absorption/Equalisation time..................................................................................... 1 hour
Temperature compensation..............................0-50mV/°C relative to 20°C (stops at 0°C)
Thermistor warning.............................................................................. open or short circuit
Low battery charge..............................................below 10.5V charge duty cycle is 6.25%
Switching frequency..............................................................................................31.25kHz
Maximum power calibration.......................................................................20ms every 20s
Charge termination................................ battery voltage >15V (except during equalisation)
or panel voltage <12V
Equalisation............................................................................. once each time switch is set
Voltage error output............................... high (5V) if voltage is below 11.5V or above 15V
that may have occurred. It effectively
means that all cells are over-charged to
a degree, rather than just one or two.
Hence, during equalisation, the
battery is over-charged by about 10%
above the cut-off voltage. Fig.4 shows
the charging cycle with an equalisation
stage replacing the absorption phase.
Equalisation should not be done frequently, however. In practice, standard
lead-acid (flooded) batteries can have
their life extended by equalisation
once a month, while AGM and SLA
batteries should only be equalised a
couple of times each year. It is best
to check the manufacturer’s recommendations for equalisation intervals.
Because equalisation should only
be run occasionally, the 12/24V Solar
Charge Controller does not normally
run an equalisation cycle. When the
equalisation switch is turned on, the
equalisation LED will flash twice in
acknowledgement. It must remain on
for equalisation to occur the next time
the battery is charged (ie, following the
next bulk charge stage).
During the equalisation phase, the
equalisation LED stays lit. This LED
flashes momentarily every two seconds when equalisation is complete
and will continue flashing while
ever the equalisation switch is still
on. Equalisation will not occur again
until the switch is turned off and then
on again.
As shown in the photos, the Solar
Charge Controller is housed in a diecast aluminium case. Cable glands
are included to clamp the leads to
the solar panel and to the battery. The
five LEDs protrude from the side of
the case, indicating the charging state
and thermistor connection errors. The
charging LEDs do not light if the solar
panel is not delivering power to charge
the battery.
Circuit details
The full circuit for the Solar Charge
Controller is shown in Fig.5. It’s based
on a PIC16F88-I/P microcontroller,
IC1. The micro’s inputs monitor the
solar panel voltage and current, battery
February 2011 41
42 Silicon Chip
Fig.5: the circuit for the 12/24V Solar Charge Controller is based on PIC16F88-I/P microcontroller IC1. This monitors the solar panel voltage and current,
the battery voltage, temperature (via the NTC thermistor), the compensation trimpot position and the equalisation switch S1. The resulting PWM (pulse
width modulation) output on pin 9 of IC1 then drives Mosfet Q1 via transistors Q2 & Q3, while several other outputs drive the charge indication LEDs.
voltage, temperature (using an NTC
thermistor), compensation trimpot
position and the equalisation switch
(S1). IC1 then controls the drive to
Mosfet Q1 and also the charge indication LEDs.
For charging, a switchmode stepdown circuit is used as previously
described. Mosfet Q1 is a P-channel
type that switches on when its gate
voltage is negative with respect to
its source. The voltage at Q1’s source
(via the solar panel and diode D1) can
range up to about 21.8V when there is
no load on the solar panel.
Diodes D1 and D2 are each shown
as two diodes connected in parallel.
These diode pairs are within a single
package and are designed to be connected in parallel, to increase the
continuous current rating from 10A
to almost 20A.
Sharing the current
Paralleling diodes does not normally result in current being shared
equally and typically, one diode carries the majority of the current. This
is because the forward voltages of the
diodes are not normally well matched
and so the diode with the lowest voltage drop will carry most of the current.
To make the situation worse, the
diode carrying the most current will
heat up more, in turn dropping its
forward voltage and further increasing
its share of the load. That’s because
the forward voltage decreases with
increasing temperature.
By contrast, with a double diode,
the two diodes are manufactured on
the same silicon die and so each have
the same characteristics, including
matched forward voltages. They also
operate at the same temperature because they are thermally connected.
This ensures consistent and almost
equal current sharing over temperature. This is confirmed by On Semiconductor’s 20A rating for the two diodes
in parallel, compared to a 10A rating
for each diode.
The switching of Mosfet Q1 is controlled by NPN transistor Q2 which is
driven by the PWM output (pin 9) of
IC1 via a 100Ω resistor. Q2’s emitter
is connected to ground via another
100Ω resistor. With about 5V at Q2’s
base, the emitter is at about 4.3V and
so there is 43mA through its collector.
When Q2 is on, Mosfet Q1’s gate
is pulled negative with respect to its
source via diode D3 and the 10Ω
When charging with the equalisation cycle, the battery will produce hydrogen
gas which is explosive. For this reason, make sure that the battery is located in a
well-ventilated area during charging.
Additionally, if equalisation is used, the battery voltage will rise above 15V and
this could damage any equipment connected to it. If there is any risk of damage to
such equipment, it should be disconnected during equalisation.
A test point (TP>15V & <11.5V) is available on the PC board and this goes to
+5V when the battery is above 15V and during the equalisation. This output could
be used to automatically disconnect equipment from the battery when the voltage
goes above 15V.
A suitable circuit for doing this is the DC Relay Switch published in SILICON CHIP,
November 2006. The NC (normally closed) relay contact can be used to power the
equipment when the battery is below 15V. The relay is energised to open the NC
contacts above 15V.
This TP>15V & <11.5V output also goes to +5V when the battery voltage drops
below 11.5V. It only returns to 0V when the battery voltage subsequently rises above
12V. This output can be used to disconnect equipment when the battery voltage is
low, to prevent over-discharge.
A latching relay switch would be more effective for this application since the relay
only draws power when switching. We plan to publish a suitable latching relay switch
in a future issue of SILICON CHIP.
sistor, thus switching Q1 on. Its gate
is protected from voltages more than
18V below its source (which could
damage it) by zener diode ZD2. The
zener current is limited to 43mA by
Q2’s emitter resistor
While Q2 is on, NPN transistor Q3
is off as its base is one diode drop
below its emitter, due to D3 being
forward biased. Conversely, when IC1
switches Q2 off, Q3’s base is pulled to
Q1’s source voltage via a 470Ω resistor.
This switches Q3 on, pulling Q1’s gate
to its source and thus switching it off.
Battery monitoring
The battery voltage is monitored at
IC1’s AN0 input via a voltage divider
comprising a 22kΩ resistor and 20kΩ
trimpot (VR3). VR3 is adjusted so that
the voltage appearing at AN0 is 0.3125
times the battery voltage. This divider
is necessary since the maximum permissible voltage at the AN0 input is
5V. If the battery is at 15V, the voltage
at AN0 will be 4.69V. The voltage at
AN0 is converted to a digital value
within IC1.
Ambient temperature is measured
using thermistor TH1, which forms a
voltage divider with a 100kΩ resistor
across the 5V supply. IC1’s AN4 input
monitors the resulting voltage and
software running within IC1 converts
it to a value in degrees Celsius.
The temperature compensation setting is made using trimpot VR2, which
is monitored by input AN1 of IC1. The
voltage at this pin is converted to a
mV/°C value, which can range from
0mV/°C with TP2 at 0V (VR2 fully
anti-clockwise), up to 50mV/°C when
TP2 is at 5V (VR2 fully clockwise).
Panel measurements
In order to conserve battery power,
op amp IC2 is powered from the solar
panel. Since we only need to measure
the solar panel voltage and current
when it is generating power, IC2 can
be powered down the rest of the time.
IC2’s supply voltage is regulated
by 30V zener diode ZD3 and a 100Ω
current limiting resistor, in case electromagnetic interference is picked up
by the panel wiring. Diode Dl prevents
the battery from powering IC2 via Q1’s
integral diode and L1. D1 also prevents
the battery discharging into the solar
panel when it is dark.
The solar panel voltage is monitored
using a voltage divider consisting of
22kΩ and 4.7kΩ resistors. A 100nF
capacitor filters any noise picked up
in the panel leads. IC2a buffers the
resulting voltage and applies it to input
AN2 of IC1.
The voltage divider ratio allows for
measurements of up to 28V from a 12V
solar panel, at which point the voltage
February 2011 43
Note that the precision of the voltage
and current measurements made by
IC1 is not critical. Periodically (every
20 seconds or so), it sweeps Q1’s duty
cycle in order to measure the current/
voltage curve of the panel. It uses that
to determine the maximum power
point and then adjusts Q1’s duty cycle
to maintain maximum power.
The charge indicator LEDs are
driven from five of IC1’s outputs: RA7,
RA6, RB7, RB5 & RB6 for the Bulk,
Absorption, Float, Thermistor and
Equalisation LEDs respectively. Note
that four of these share a common 1kΩ
limiting resistor as they are only driven
one at a time. The Equalisation LED
can light at any time so it requires its
own limiting resistor.
Power supply
Fig.6: follow this layout diagram to assemble the board. Q1, Q2, D1 & D2 are
mounted vertically and are bolted to the side of the case for heatsinking, while
the leads for the LEDs are bent at 90° so that they go through holes in the side
of the case. L1 is held in position with a cable tie.
This is the view inside the fully-completed unit. You will need to install an
extra cable gland if you intend mounting the thermistor next to the battery.
at AN2 is almost 5V. Should a higher
voltage be experienced, the 2.2kΩ resistor limits the current through AN2’s
internal clamp diode.
Current through the solar panel is
measured by monitoring the voltage
developed across a 0.01Ω resistor.
With 7A flowing through the panel,
the junction of the panel and this re44 Silicon Chip
sistor will be at -70mV with respect to
ground (ie, -10mV per amp).
This is inverted, filtered and amplified by IC2b. Below 1kHz the gain is
-45, so IC2b’s output is about 0.45V
per amp of current flowing through
the solar panel. This voltage is applied
to the AN3 input of IC1 via a 2.2kΩ
current limiting resistor.
Power for IC1 is derived from the
12V battery via a TL499A regulator
(REG1). This is a low quiescent current
type that can run as a linear step-down
regulator and as a switchmode step-up
regulator. In this circuit, we are only
using the linear function.
Its output is trimmed to 5V using
VR1. This ensures that measurements
taken by IC1’s internal analog-to-digital converter (ADC) are accurate. REG1
is protected from excess voltage by a
30V zener diode and a 330Ω current
limiting resistor.
The 5V supply is decoupled using
a 100µF electrolytic capacitor and a
100nF capacitor at IC1’s supply pin
(pin 14). IC1 is reset when power is applied as its Master Clear Input (pin 4)
is held low by a 100nF capacitor. This
charges via the 33kΩ pull-up resistor,
releasing the reset after a short period.
This reset arrangement is necessary because the 5V supply rise time
is relatively slow due to charging of
the three 4700µF capacitors across
the 12V supply, which powers the
5V regulator. Diode D4 discharges
the 100nF capacitor at power down
so that it will provide the power-on
reset immediately when power is reapplied. IC1 also includes a brown-out
reset that operates if the supply voltage
drops below 4V.
Protection against reverse polarity
connection of both the 12V battery
and solar panel is included. If the
solar panel is connected with reverse
polarity, IC2 is protected because zener diode ZD3 will be forward biased,
clamping pin 8 at -0.6V. Diode D1
prevents reverse voltage being applied
must be 3mm diameter.
Fig.6 shows the parts layout on the
PC board. Assembly can begin with the
two wire links. These are made from
1.25mm diameter enamelled copper
wire. Bend each link so that it fits
neatly into the holes provided
on the PC board, then scrape
off the enamel coating at each
end using a sharp hobby knife or
abrasive paper, so that it can be
soldered in place.
Next, install the resistors, using
the resistor colour code table as
a guide. However, we also advise
you to use a DMM to check each value
as it is installed, as the colours can
sometimes be hard to read. Follow this
with diode D3 and zener diodes ZD1ZD3, which must be mounted with the
orientations shown. Leave diodes D1
and D2 out for the time being.
IC1’s socket is next on the list, followed by REG1, IC2 & Q3. Check that
the orientation is correct in each case.
Trimpots VR1 & VR2 can now be
installed, followed by the 2-way and
4-way screw terminal blocks. Make
sure that the latter are orientated with
their openings towards the outside
edge of the PC board. The 4-way terminal block is made using two 2-way
blocks and these must be dovetailed
This is the completed PC board, ready
for installation in the case. Note that
IC1 should be removed from its socket
during the setting-up procedure.
to the remainder of the circuit.
Should the battery be connected
back to front, diode D2 conducts via
inductor L1 and fuse F1. As a result,
the fuse will blow and break the connection.
Make sure the board is shaped so it
fits into the box. If not, the corners can
be cut out and filed to shape until it
clears the corner pillars.
Before starting the assembly, check
the PC board carefully for possible defects (eg, breaks in the tracks or shorts
between tracks and pads). Check also
that the hole sizes are correct for each
component to fit neatly. The screw
terminal holes must be 1.25mm in
diameter compared to the 0.9mm holes
for the ICs, resistors and diodes. Larger
holes again are required for the fuse
clips, while the board mounting holes
The 12V/24V MPPT Solar Charge
Controller is built on a PC board coded
14102111 and measuring 111 x 85mm.
This is mounted in a diecast box
measuring 119 x 94 x 57mm.
The PC board is designed to be
mounted on 15mm tapped spacers.
Table 2: Capacitor Codes
Value µF Value IEC Code EIA Code
100nF 0.1µF
10nF 0.01µF 10n
470pF NA
Table 1: Resistor Colour Codes
470Ω 1W
4-Band Code (1%)
brown black yellow brown
blue grey orange brown
orange orange orange brown
red red orange brown
grey red red brown
yellow violet red brown
red red red brown
brown green red brown
brown black red brown
yellow violet brown brown
orange orange brown brown
brown black brown brown
brown black black brown
not applicable
5-Band Code (1%)
brown black black orange brown
blue grey black red brown
orange orange black red brown
red red black red brown
grey red black brown brown
yellow violet black brown brown
red red black brown brown
brown green black brown brown
brown black black brown brown
not applicable
orange orange black black brown
brown black black black brown
brown black black gold brown
not applicable
February 2011 45
Parts List For Solar Charge Controller
1 PC board, code 14102111, 111
x 85mm
1 diecast aluminium case, 119 x
94 x 57mm
2 IP65 cable glands for 4-8mm
diameter cable
3 2-way PC-mount screw terminal
blocks, 5.08mm pin spacing
(Jaycar HM-3130)
1 SPST mini rocker switch (S1)
1 waterproof switch cap (optional)
1 2-way PC-mount polarised locking pin header (2.54mm pitch)
1 2-way polarised header socket
with 2.54mm pin spacing
2 M205 PC-mount fuse clips
1 M205 10A fuse (F1)
1 NTC thermistor, 100kΩ at 25°C
1 DIP18 IC socket
1 iron-powdered toroidal core, 28
x 14 x 11mm
4 TO-220 mounting kits (insulating
bushes and silicone insulating
4 M3 x 15mm tapped Nylon
4 M3 x 12mm countersink Nylon
4 M3 x 10mm machine screws
4 M3 x 6mm machine screws
4 M3 nuts
1 400mm-length of 1.25mm
enamelled copper wire
1 50mm-length of medium-duty
hookup wire
5 PC stakes
1 100mm cable tie
1 20kΩ horizontal-mount trimpot
1 100kΩ horizontal-mount trimpot
1 20kΩ multi-turn top adjust
trimpot (VR3)
1 PIC16F88-I/P microcontroller
programmed with 1410211A.
hex (IC1)
1 LM358 dual op amp (IC2)
together before installing them on the
PC board.
The low-value capacitors can now
go in, followed by the larger electrolytics. Be sure to orientate the electrolytics correctly.
The fuse clips are next. These must
46 Silicon Chip
1 TL499A regulator (REG1)
1 IRF9540 P-channel 100V 23A
Mosfet (Q1)
1 TIP31C NPN transistor (Q2)
1 BC337 NPN transistor (Q3)
2 MBR20100CT 10A 100V double
Schottky diodes (D1, D2)
2 1N4148 switching diode (D3, D4)
2 30V 1W zener diodes (ZD1, ZD3)
1 18V 1W zener diode (ZD2)
3 3mm green LEDs (LEDs1-3)
1 3mm red LED (LED4)
1 3mm orange LED (LED5)
3 4700µF low-ESR 16V PC
2 2200µF low-ESR 25V PC
1 100µF 16V PC electrolytic
1 10µF 35V PC electrolytic
6 100nF MKT polyester
2 10nF MKT polyester
1 470pF ceramic
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 100kΩ
1 1.5kΩ
1 68kΩ
3 1kΩ
1 33kΩ
1 470Ω 1W
2 22kΩ
1 330Ω
1 8.2kΩ
3 100Ω
2 4.7kΩ
1 10Ω
3 2.2kΩ
1 0.01Ω 3W resistor (Welwyn
OAR3-R010FI) (Element14
Cat. 120 0365)
Parts For 24V Operation
3 1000µF low-ESR 35V PC
electrolytic capacitors (instead
of 3 x 4700µF 16V)
2 470µF low-ESR 63V PC
electrolytic capacitors (instead
of 2 x 2200µF 25V)
1 51kΩ 0.25W 1% resistor
(instead of 22kΩ)
1 47kΩ 0.25W 1% resistor
(instead of 22kΩ)
1 1kΩ 0.25W 1% resistor (instead
of 100Ω)
go in with their retaining tabs on the
outside, otherwise you will not be able
to fit the fuse later on. Once they are in,
install the 0.01Ω 3W resistor, then fit
Q1, Q2, D1 & D2 so that the mounting
hole centre in each tab is 21mm above
the PC board. In each case, the metal
tab must go towards the outside edge
of the board – see Fig.6.
Installing the LEDs & L1
The LEDs are mounted with their
plastic bodies exactly 20mm above the
PC board. This is done by pushing each
LED down onto a 20mm cardboard
spacer inserted between its leads as
it is soldered into position. Take care
with their orientation – they all face
the same way, with the anodes (longer
leads) towards L1. These LEDs are later
bent over through 90°, to go through
holes in the side of the case.
Inductor L1 is wound using seven
turns of 1.25mm diameter enamelled
copper wire on a powdered iron
toroidal core. Space the turns evenly.
The wire ends are then stripped of
the enamel and terminated on the PC
board as shown. A cable tie that passes
through the centre if the toroid and
adjacent holes on either side is then
fitted, to secure it in position.
Finally, complete the board assembly by installing the polarised locking
pin header (at bottom right).
Preparing the case
Holes are required in the case for the
15mm tapped spacers (to support the
PC board), the two cable glands, the
LEDs and for mounting Q1, Q2, D1 &
D2 (the latter are attached to the case
for heatsinking). In addition, you will
need a cut-out in the lid to accept the
equalisation switch (S1).
Start by placing the PC board inside
the case and marking out the positions
for the four mounting holes. These
should then be drilled using a 3mm
(or 1/8-inch) drill. Countersink them
on the outside of the case.
That done, drill the holes for the
cable glands. These are located at the
end of the box above and adjacent
to the terminal blocks. If you intend
mounting the thermistor next to the
battery, an extra cable gland will be
required for its entry lead.
The next step is to drill the holes for
the LEDs. These holes are positioned
20mm down from the top of the case
and you can determine their horizontal
locations by temporarily positioning
the PC board in the case.
Drill these holes to 3mm, then fit
the 15mm Nylon spacers to the case,
secure the board in position and mark
out the mounting holes for Q1, Q2,
D1 & D2. Remove the board and drill
these mounting holes to 3mm, then use
The PC board is mounted
inside the case on four
M3 x 15mm tapped Nylon
spacers. Be sure to use
a cable tie to secure the
large toroidal inductor
(L1), to prevent it moving
and breaking its leads.
M3 x 10mm
Fig.7: Q1, Q2, D1 and D2 must
be electrically isolated from the
case using silicone insulating
washers and insulating bushes.
After mounting each device, use
your DMM (set to a high Ohms
range) to check that the metal tab
is indeed isolated from the case.
an oversize drill to remove any metal
swarf so that the area around each hole
is perfectly smooth.
This is necessary to prevent punchthough of the insulating washers when
The next step is to bend the LED
leads at right-angles, exactly 12mm
up from PC board. A 12mm wide
cardboard spacer can be used to get
this just right. That done, secure the
PC board to the 15mm spacers using
four M3 x 6mm screws, then secure
the TO-220 devices to the sides of the
case as shown in Fig.7.
Note that it is necessary to isolate
each device tab from the case using
an insulating washer and insulating
bush. Once they have been installed,
use a DMM (set to Ohms) to confirm
that the metal tabs are indeed isolated
from the metal case. If a low resistance reading is measured, check that
the silicone washer for that particular
TO-220 device not been punctured.
Using 24V Batteries & Solar Panels
The Solar Charge Controller can also be used with 24V batteries and 24V
solar panels. However, this requires some component changes to the circuit
and these are indicated on Fig.5. The changes are as follows:
(1) The 22kΩ resistor at pin 3 of IC2a is changed to 47kΩ, the 100Ω resistor
feeding ZD3 is changed to 1kΩ and the 22kΩ resistor at the AN0 input of
IC1 is changed to 51kΩ.
(2) The 2200µF 25V low-ESR capacitors are all changed to 470µF 63V low
ESR types, while the 4700µF 16V low-ESR capacitors are changed to 1000µF
35V low-ESR types.
(3) The number of turns for L1 is increased from seven to 10.
Note that the dissipation in Q2 will rise to around 500mW but suitable
heatsinking is already provided by the case.
Several set-up changes are also required:
(1) The voltage at TP1 (set by VR3) must now be the battery voltage x 0.15625
(instead of 0.3125).
(2) The voltage at TP2 for temperature compensation must be half that set for
12V operation. For example, for 38mV/°C compensation with a 24V battery,
TP2 should read 1.9V (not 3.8V).
February 2011 47
and TP GND and adjust VR3 so that the
DMM reads the calculated figure. For
example, if the battery terminal voltage is 12.0V, TP1 should read 3.75V.
(5) Adjust VR2 so that TP2 reads the
required temperature compensation
value in mV/°C for your battery. This
will be between 0V and 5V, representing 0-50mV/°C, ie, 1V = 10mV/°C.
You can find the recommended
temperature compensation for your
battery by looking up its specifications.
Usually the compensation is specified
on a graph showing its fully-charged
voltage against temperature. This can
be converted to a mV/°C figure by
measuring its slope.
(6) Disconnect the 12V supply, wait
for the 5V rail (at TP5V) to drop to 0V,
then plug IC1 into its socket.
Installing TH1 & S1
Fig.8: this full-size front panel artwork can be used help mark out the hole
positions for the LEDs, the cable glands. It can also be used as a drilling
template for the switch cut-out – see text.
The front-panel label (Fig.8) can
now be used as cutting template for
switch S1 which mounts on the case
lid. This label can either be copied or
downloaded in PDF format from the
SILICON CHIP website and printed out.
To make the cut-out, secure the
template using adhesive tape, then
drill a series of small holes around the
inside perimeter. It’s then just a matter
of knocking out the centre piece and
filing to a smooth finish.
Once the hole has been made, laminate a second copy of the label and
attach it to the lid using some silicone
sealant. Wait 24 hours for the silicone
to cure, then cut out the rectangular
switch hole in the label using a sharp
hobby knife.
Setting up
The step-by-step setting up procedure is as follows:
(1) Check that IC1 is OUT of its socket,
then fit the fuse and apply 12V to the
battery input terminals (leave S1 disconnected for the time being).
(2) Connect a DMM between TP5V and
TP GND and adjust VR1 for a reading
of 5.0V.
(3) Measure the voltage across the
battery terminals and multiply this by
0.3125 using a calculator.
(4) Connect your DMM between TP1
Cable Resistance Must Be Kept Low
When the Solar Charge Controller is used with a 120W panel, charging current to the
battery can be as high as 10A. Hence, the cable resistance between the Charge Controller
and the battery should be made as low as possible, otherwise voltage losses will affect the
changeover from the bulk charge to the absorption stage of charging. This will reduce the
overall charging efficacy.
To minimise these voltage losses, mount the charger close to the battery and use heavy
duty cables. For a total cable length of less than one metre (ie, total wire length for the positive
and negative wires), cables with a cross-sectional area of 1.29mm square (eg, 41 x 0.2mm)
can be used. This will result in a voltage loss of about 100mV at 10A.
For longer wire lengths use heavier duty cable. For example, 8-gauge wire with 7 x
95/0.12mm wire with a cross sectional area of 7.5mm can be used up to 5.5m in total length.
The specified Weidmuller screw terminal blocks (Jaycar HM-3130) are rated at 17.5A (IEC)
and can accept wire diameters up to 2.5mm.
48 Silicon Chip
Thermistor TH1 can either be secured directly to the 2-way terminal
block on the PC board or located near
the battery. In the latter case, you will
have to run a figure-8 lead from the
terminal block to the thermistor via
an extra cable gland. This lead should
be soldered to the thermistor and the
solder joints insulated with tubing.
Switch S1 is connected to the PC
board via the 2-way polarised header
– see photo. After that, it’s just a matter of connecting the panel and the
Keep in mind that if the panel is
made up from multiple solar cells, it
is best to connect a diode across each
cell which is reverse biased during
normal operation. Otherwise, if one
cell is in shade the whole panel will
not generate any power. These diodes
must be rated to withstand the shortcircuit current of the panel.
Finally, if you are using the unit in
a marine environment, the box should
be waterproofed. Any exposed M3
screws should be marine grade stainless steel, while the spacers inside the
case and the securing screws can be
Nylon or stainless steel.
The cable glands provide waterproofing for the lead entries but the
lid will need to be sealed with neutralcure silicone sealant. Additionally, the
LEDs will need to be sealed around
their entry holes using silicone sealant. The external screws should also
be waterproofed with silicone.
Switch S1 can be made waterproof
by fitting a waterproof switch cover,
as shown in the lead photo.