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Items relevant to "Internet Time Display Module For The WIB":
Items relevant to "A Multi-Function GPS Car Computer, Pt.2":
Items relevant to "Precision Temperature Logger & Controller, Pt.2":
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Part 2 - by Geoff Graham
Car Computer
Last month, we introduced our new GPS Car Computer and provided
full constructional details. But there’s a lot more that we haven’t
covered yet . . .
irst of all, we’d better run through some of the functions of the GPS Car Computer for those who might
have missed last issue. To build the GPS Car Computer
you will, of course, need to refer to that issue.
In operation the GPS Car Computer is easy to use. There
are seven “screens” that can be displayed and you can step
through these screens with the UP and DOWN buttons.
All screens have something that can be configured. For
example, on the speedometer you can set the over-speed
alarm and on the clock screen you can set the time zone.
To change a setting you press the SET button and then use
the UP/DOWN buttons to adjust the value. Pressing the
SET button a second time will save the value and return
to the main display.
Rather than manually press the UP/DOWN buttons to
show a new screen you can put the unit into “Auto Scan”
mode. Here the display will automatically flip from one
screen to the next every three seconds. When it reaches the
end it will wrap around and continue on from the beginning.
To enter Auto Scan mode you simultaneously press both
the UP and DOWN buttons. To exit this mode press any
78 Silicon Chip
To reduce the number of screens on show you can configure the unit to hide some of them. To set this up you must
hold down the UP button when you apply power. This will
put the unit into a mode where you can set the following
characteristics for each screen;
• Show.
• Hide in auto scan.
• Always hide.
The latter is useful if, for example, you have not connected
the unit to a fuel injector solenoid and do not want to see
the Fuel Economy display. When set to “Always Hide” that
screen will be skipped as if it did not exist.
The “hide in auto scan” setting is useful if you want to
hide some screens during the Auto Scan mode but still have
them available when you manually step through the screens.
A good example is the “Signal Levels” screen which you
would not normally need to see.
While in this mode pressing the SET button will step you
through the three settings described above and the UP and
DOWN buttons will move you through the list of screens
available for configuration.
To exit this mode you simply remove and reapply the
All settings including the currently showing screen are
One of the
features of
our GPS Car
Computer is
its ability to
integrate, via
USB, with
software on
a laptop;
in this case
ideal for “back
use. The raw
data is shown
on the GPS Car
Computer LCD
screen (at left)
– 93km, 52
minutes to the
destination –
but much more
information is
available on
the laptop
screen for the
to use!
automatically saved in non-volatile memory and restored
on power-up.
Data Display
Most of the displayed data comes from the GPS module;
it provides speed, time, heading, altitude, latitude/longitude and signal levels. Other displayed data is calculated
internally by the microcontroller. The GPS will put out fresh
data every second so this is the update frequency adopted
by the microcontroller.
The speed reading is averaged internally by the GPS
module so that the numbers do not jump around with
signal noise.
As a result it will take a few seconds for the speedometer
to settle down. The other readouts update much faster.
The distance and time-to-destination is calculated by
taking the speed every second and working out the distance
travelled during that second. This is then subtracted from
the total distance to the destination and the result displayed.
While not as accurate as a GPS with in-built maps, it does
give a good indication.
This function has two main uses. It is handy when you
Three of the more common displays you’ll use on the GPS Car Computer. At left is the speedo, arguably quite a bit more
accurate than the one on your dashboard! Centre is the distance and time to destination and at right, relative fuel economy.
February 2010 79
need to drive along a road for a certain distance to reach a
defined point (eg, “drive for 15km then turn left”).
It is also useful when you need to count down a larger
distance. For example, the next town might be 200km away
and you are planning to stop there for lunch. This function
will then show you how much longer you will have to put
up with hunger pains!
The time-to-destination is calculated by taking into account your average speed over the last 10 minutes. So, if
you get stuck behind a slow-moving truck you can expect
to see the time before lunch increase accordingly.
This function is also handy for children who continuously
ask “How much longer Daddy?”
Economy meter
The fuel economy meter is another function that is calculated internally by the microcontroller. While it sounds
complex it is quite simple to implement.
The microcontroller monitors the percentage of time that
a fuel injector solenoid is opened in any second. That, combined with the vehicle speed over the same second, is used
to calculate the amount of fuel used per kilometre driven.
This assumes that the pressure in the fuel line to the
solenoid remains relatively constant and that all solenoids
for all cylinders open for the same amount of time.
For this purpose these assumptions are close enough and
the upshot is that the percentage that the solenoid is open
is directly proportional to the amount of fuel consumed
by the vehicle.
The result is displayed as a bar graph. A longer bar means
that you are consuming more fuel per kilometre than a
shorter bar. You can adjust the full-scale sensitivity to suit
your car and preferences.
When driving you should try and keep the bar as short
as possible. You will find that during acceleration from a
standstill the consumption will shoot off the scale. Not much
can be done about this because you are consuming a large
amount of fuel for only a small (zero) distance travelled.
At cruising speed the graph will sit in the middle of the
scale and you can vary it markedly depending on your
driving habits.
Computer interface
The USB interface allows you to connect to any computer
with a USB interface. In this mode the GPS Car Computer
implements a subset of the NMEA-0183 standard for interfacing marine electronic devices as defined by the USA
based National Marine Electronics Association (NMEA).
This is an almost-universal standard and most software
will communicate seamlessly.
If you search on the internet you will find a wealth of software that will allow you to navigate, log your movements,
play with the GPS module and much more. We will only
cover a few here but you can check www.maps-gps-info.
com/fgpfw.html where over 450 free GPS-related programs
are listed.
While you are using the USB interface the GPS Car Computer Display will continue to operate as normal, showing
speed, heading, etc. So it is possible for the driver to have
whatever data is of interest showing, while a passenger can
be separately using a laptop for navigation or other GPS
related functions.
Before you can use the GPS Car Computer with your
computer you must install the appropriate device driver.
This can be downloaded from the SILICON CHIP website
where it is listed as “Silicon Chip USB Serial Port Driver.
zip”. The driver will work with Windows 2000, XP, Vista
and Windows 7 in 32-bit mode and Vista/Win7 in 64-bit
mode. It uses the standard CDC serial interface supplied by
Microsoft with all modern versions of Windows and there
are also Linux versions available on the Internet.
The USB standard says that all USB devices must have a
unique combination of two 16-bit numbers - the Vendor ID
(VID) and Product ID (PID). When you plug in a USB device
the first thing it does is send its VID and PID to your computer, which in turn uses them to locate the correct device
driver. If you did not use a unique VID/PID you could have
confusion where, for example, your computer might try to
This screenshot of the PuTTY terminal emulator program gives a good idea of what the data stream received over the USB
interface would look like. The format of the data meets the NMEA-0183 standard which is a universal communications
format used by most GPS related software.
80 Silicon Chip
Here’s a screenshot of the BSGPS software using a map downloaded from the OpenStreetMap project and live data from
the GPS Car Computer. You can see that we are travelling up Bland St approaching Birdwood Ave – not bad for software
and maps that cost nothing.
load the device driver for an Apple iPod.
Manufactures can purchase a Vendor ID (VID) from the
USB standards body and then use whatever Product ID (PID)
numbers that they need in combination with the VID to differentiate their products. Rather than purchase a whole VID
for this project we sublicensed a single PID from Microchip
for use with their corporate VID. These two numbers are
used by the GPS Car Computer and the USB Serial Port
Device Driver and ensure that our gadget is legally correct.
Driver installation
After downloading the driver you should unzip the files
into a temporary folder. The method of installing the software varies between versions of Windows but essentially,
when you plug the GPS Car Computer into an USB port
the operating system will prompt for a driver. You should
then point it to the temporary folder and install from there.
If, for some reason, you are not prompted to install the
driver you can navigate to Device Manager and you should
see an entry under Other Devices called “SC GPS Display”.
Right click on that and select Update Driver Software. You
can then direct the operating system to the temporary folder.
After you have successfully installed the driver you
should see the GPS Display listed in Device Manager under
Ports (COM and LPT) as “Communications Port - Silicon
Chip USB Serial Port”. Take note of the COM port number
allocated by the operating system, you will need this when
configuring software to work with the GPS Car Computer.
In this mode the GPS Car Computer appears as a virtual
serial port in the operating system. You can use any serial
terminal emulator such as Hyperterminal, PuTTY, RealTerm
or Hercules Terminal Emulator to access the data. When
you run the emulator and configure it for the correct COM
number you should see the data streaming from the GPS
module. The screenshot of the PuTTY terminal software
gives a good example of what you can expect.
Note that when setting the COM port number the baud
rate and other settings are ignored – the USB Serial Port
always runs at the highest speed it can.
A good utility for testing the interface is “NMEA Monitor”
( This will show you the
raw data as well as decode the NMEA sentences and will
give you a better insight to what is going on.
Using NMEA Monitor or a terminal emulator you can also
send commands to the GPS module. You should be careful
here as the microcontroller in the GPS Car Computer expects
that the module will be in the normal factory default mode
and it may not work if you have changed things too much. In
particular, you must be careful not to change the baud rate.
The GPS module communicates with the microcontroller
at 4800 baud and if you change this nothing will work,
including your USB serial interface, even if you remove
and reapply power.
If you have screwed up the GPS module you can try pressFebruary 2010 81
Here’s a larger view of the OziExplorer software shown on the laptop earlier, with a high resolution HEMA map. Position
and heading is shown on the map as a red arrow with the tip pinpointing our exact position. This is live data using the GPS
Car Computer. The map will move as the vehicle travels keeping our current position in the centre. The software also shows
our speed (98.1Kmh) and altitude (198m).
ing the Down Button while plugging the GPS Car Computer
into power. This will cause the microcontroller to send a
reset command to the GPS module and may recover the
situation, although it is not guaranteed.
Navigation software
The most impressive use of the computer interface is with
navigation software running on a laptop. With it you can
get a moving map, with your position pinpointed exactly.
It is worth noting that this is different from the normal
GPS units that you can purchase such as the TomTom or
Garmin devices. These are optimised for city driving and, as
a consequence, are focused on taking you to a certain place
rather than telling you where you are. In addition the accuracy of their maps is very poor once you get into rural areas.
This is no good for country travellers and in particular
4WD drivers who are navigating across country following
little used roads or tracks. In this case you want to see
your exact position on a detailed and accurate map. You
certainly do not need to be told when to turn right or left as
intersections are far between and generally obvious, when
you come to them.
A typical software package for this type of navigation
is OziExplorer with the HEMA map package for Australia
82 Silicon Chip
( and Both of these will
load onto your Windows based laptop and combined will
give you the equivalent of a detailed printed map.
The GPS Car Computer works fine with this type of software and the result is that your exact location will be pinpointed on a high accuracy map with a scale of 250 metres
per millimetre (depending on the maps that you bought).
The HEMA maps are rather expensive so OziExplorer
allows you to scan in your own maps but you still have to
buy the software. A number of lower cost alternatives exist
and a good example is BSGPS ( which
is essentially free (they ask for a donation). This software
also allows you to scan your maps so you can continue to
keep the cost low.
If you mostly keep to the more populated areas you can
use BSGPS with the OpenStreetMap project (openstreetmap.
org). This is a free editable map of the world and contains
reasonable detail for urban locations. Using BSGPS you can
download the sections that you are interested in and have
a very low cost navigation solution.
If you have Internet access on your laptop (perhaps difficult in the bush but not impossible!) you could use the GPS
Car Computer with Google Earth to dynamically download
and display maps. You could even have your position
Loading New Firmware
The GPS Car Computer includes a small program which
is called a bootloader. This enables you to reprogram
(sometimes called “flashing”) the microcontroller using
nothing more than a normal Windows computer with an
USB port.
To make it easy for us the GPS Car Computer pretends
to be a Microchip PICDEM FS USB board when it is in the
bootload mode. That means we can program it using software developed by Microchip to program their own products.
Both the device driver and software described here are
compatible with Windows 2000, XP (32 and 64 bit) and
Vista (32 and 64 bit). Windows 7 is not supported yet but
the software does work under the Windows 7 XP Mode.
There also may be Linux and Mac versions on the Internet
– check the Microchip website or Google for “MCHPUSB
Bootloader” or “MCHPUSB Driver”.
To start the bootloader, hold down the Set button on the
GPS Car Computer while you plug it into a USB port on
your computer. If you have not installed a jumper on JP1
you will then have to connect an external 12V power source
and hold down the Set button while you plug that in. You
can release the button a second or two after.
Your computer should make a sound to signal that it has
recognised the GPS Car Computer. Note that when it is
in the bootloader mode the LCD panel will remain blank
or may show some random lines, this is normal.
If you have not used the bootloader before on your computer you will be prompted to install a driver for it. This driver
is different from the virtual serial port driver used to receive
GPS data from the GPS Car Computer. Your computer may
attempt to find a driver currently on your computer or the
internet. When this fails select the option to choose your
own driver. The device driver is in the directory WinDriver
which should have been created when you unpacked the
zip file containing the updated firmware. Navigate to this
directory and tell Windows to search there.
When the driver is correctly installed you should see
it listed in Device Manager as a “Microchip Custom USB
When you
u n p a ck t h e
upgrade zip
file you should
also have a directory titled
and in that
directory will
exe. This is
the program
that uploads
new firmware to the GPS Car Computer and is actually
intended for use with the Microchip PICDEM FS USB board.
Because of this it includes many extra features that we will
not be using and can safely ignore.
Double-click on PDFSUSB.exe to run the loader. After
it has loaded, you can click on the dropdown list and you
should see listed PICDEM FS USB which is what the GPS
Car Computer masquerades as while it is in the bootload
mode. Click on that entry to select it, then click on “Load
HEX File” and navigate to and select the new firmware
that you want to load.
When you load the HEX file you should see a message
warning that the configuration data is different from the
board’s default setting. Click on Cancel – do not select any
other choice otherwise your firmware will not load correctly.
Finally, click on “Program Device”. You will see a series
of messages and after about 20 seconds it should display
the messages shown in the screenshot, which indicate
that the GPS Car Computer has been successfully reprogrammed. You can then unplug the GPS Car Computer
and use it as you would normally do.
Don’t worry about a power failure or accidently unplugging something while it is programming.
If something does goes wrong you can always restart
(ie, unplug, then plug back in while holding down the Set
February 2010 83
A challenge . . .
re input/
S Car Computer has two spa
As described earlier, the GP
. Do you
used for som
eal to
output lines that could be
your idea is useful and wo
have an idea for them? If
orate it into a future firm
our readers we could incorp
is not a
Drop us a line at silicon<at>s
lement everything as there
a try.
We cannot gua
program memory, but it is
lot of space left in the micro’s
also not restricted to
The GPS Car Computer is
n if there was suf
suggested that it could be
more radical, it has been
clock!) The
ck (no
accurate bedside alarm clo
r electric
used for timed contro
various outputs could be
n turn on the ket
blanket, your radio and eve
, display,
l purpose device with I/O
Just think of
k or 12V.
all powered from a plug
re is no
USB and an optional GPS,
be re-programmed so
of the
Because the gadget can
not be many diff
reason why there could
a different
firmware, each providing
ething interesting.
your idea could trigger som
e errata,
b page to provide up to dat
The author has set up a
the GPS Car Co
notes and new firmware for
it out at
ted on a moving satellite image of the country through which
you are travelling. Isn’t technology wonderful?
External connections
All external connections are made through CON1, a 6
pin mini DIN connector. Ground and 12V are on pins 3
and 4 (respectively) of the connector. An external input
from the vehicle’s headlight’s circuit can be wired to pin 1
to control the day/night backlight brightness (more on this
in the section on assembly options).
Pin 5 of the connector can be wired to a fuel injector
solenoid if you want to implement the fuel economy meter
function. The 82k and 47k resistors serve to drop the
vehicle voltage levels to 5V for the microcontroller.
There are also two spare connections (pins 6 and 2) which
can be connected to pins 9 and 10 of the microcontroller.
These are unused and available for future use. They can
be set by the firmware to be digital inputs, digital outputs
or analog inputs. Future firmware updates could use these
to measure voltages (eg, battery voltage or sensor outputs),
detect digital inputs (eg, switch closure or tachometer
output) or set them to be an output to control something.
In Part 1 last month we described the circuit for the GPS
Car Computer but it is in the firmware where the real work
is done. We will not go into detail here but if you are really
interested the source code is available for download from
the SILICON CHIP website.
On the surface it appears that the microcontroller only
needs to take the data from the GPS module and display it
on the LCD and that should be simple enough. As usual,
the devil is in the detail and the result was rather more
complex – the firmware runs to over 7000 lines of C code.
Part of the reason for this size is that we use a graphics
display and while this allow us to turn off or on any pixel,
it does involve a much greater overhead to drive. For exam84 Silicon Chip
ple, we have to create our own fonts - in total we use three
different fonts ranging from very large numeric digits for
things like the speedometer through to a small font used for
detailed screens like the latitude/longitude display.
Other features including USB and high speed refresh of
the graphic display also add up so that in the end the firmware uses most of the PIC18F4550’s 32KB program space.
In summary the operation of the firmware is easy to
explain. Firstly there are three interrupts that operate, one
when a character is received from the GPS module, one that
is triggered by a timer every 85S and one when the USB
interface has received or sent a packet of data.
The interrupt does just what it says – it interrupts the
processor and branches to a different segment of code to do
some special processing. For example, when a character is
received from the GPS the interrupt code will retrieve that
character and store it in memory. When the last character
of a message has been received the interrupt code will set
a flag to indicate that all the data has been received and is
available for processing.
Following the interrupt the processor will return to executing the main program at exactly the spot from where it
was interrupted. As a result the main program is unaware
that the processor has been “hijacked”, all it sees is that
a flag has been “magically” set to indicate that there is a
message from the GPS ready for processing.
Similarly the interrupt triggered by the timer every 85S
performs a number of tasks, one of which is to tell if a button has been pressed. There are three flags, one for each of
the buttons and the interrupt code will set the appropriate
flag when it detects a valid button press.
Oblivious to the interrupts, the main code runs in a high
speed loop checking these and other flags for something to
do. For example, if the main program discovers that the GPS
data flag has been set, it will process the data to extract the
information that we want. It will then construct an image
of the currently showing screen as a bitmap in internal
memory and transfer this image at high speed to the LCD’s
display memory.
“State Machine”
An important part of the main program is that it implements what is called a “state machine”. Each display on the
graphics display is represented as a “state”. So, when we
are displaying the digital speedometer the state machine
is in the “display speed state”. When adjusting the over
speed setting the state machine is in the “set over speed
state”, and so on.
The state machine is necessary because an event like
pressing the Up Button can mean different things, depending on what state the display is in. For example, when
displaying the speedometer, the Up Button will cause the
display to switch to the clock display but when adjusting
the over-speed setting the Up Button will increase the setting by one km/h.
The state machine keeps track of the current state and
changes states as necessary. It also directs processing according to the event being processed and the state that is
current. Generally a state machine is at the core of most
gadgets (microwave, dishwasher etc) and is not very mysterious. If you download the source code for the GPS Car
Computer and search for the main() function you will see
the state machine implemented in that function.