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Calibrating, Setting
the Battery Capacit
Last month we presented the full description, operation and
construction details of our new Battery Capacity Meter.
This month we guide you through the once-only setup and
calibration. We also explain in detail how to use it!
Part 2 – by Mauro Grassi
SSUMING YOU have completed the Battery Capacity
Meter and installed it in its
case, now it’s time to calibrate it and
set it up, ready for use.
We’ve also shown the various LCD
readouts and what they mean – sorry
the type is so tiny but we had to get
a lot of information in!
After use, most of these screen
messages and sub-menus will become very much self-explanatory
and common sense. And you can
always refer back to this article if
you need to!
One Time Calibration
To calibrate the meter, you will
need to follow these steps:
(1) Measure the voltage between pin
2 (GND) and pin 1 (+5V Rail)
of CON4 using a DMM. Note
this voltage and enter it in the
(2) Measure the voltage between pin
2 (GND) and pin 5 (Low Battery
Voltage) of CON4 using a DMM.
Note this voltage and enter it in
the CALIBRATION>Calibrate
Lo. Divider SubMenu;
(3) Measure the voltage between pin
2 (GND) and pin 6 (High Battery
Voltage) of CON4 using a DMM.
Note this voltage and enter it in
the CALIBRATION>Calibrate
Hi. Divider SubMenu;
(4) Enter the value of your shunt
resistance (in mΩ) in the
80 Silicon Chip
STANDBY Mode: This flashes periodically when the meter is in standby mode. It
goes into Standby mode when the load & charge currents are below the set threshold.
USB must be disconnected for this to occur. In Standby mode, the meter consumes
minimal power, turning the LCD backlight off. Use S1to bring the meter out of standby.
SHUTDOWN Mode: This message appears briefly before the meter shuts down due
to the battery voltage being lower than the shutdown voltage. This is a fail-safe way
of protecting the battery. For example, a 12V SLA battery, should not be discharged
below 11V.
TURN METER OFF SubMenu Message: This message appears briefly if you've
requested to turn off the meter manually by going to the 'Turn Meter Off' submenu
and confirmed the action but the USB is connected. Since power is delivered through
the USB, the meter cannot perform the requested action.
This shows the typical view of a menu. A Submenu is enclosed in '<' and '>' brackets.
Here the top two entries of the Main Menu are shown. You can press 'A' and 'B' to go
up and down the menu and the corresponding number to enter the SubMenu. For
example, pressing 1 here takes you to the Battery SubMenu. The strings scroll from
right to left to show the entire name of the SubMenu.
The typical view of a SubMenu as a sequence of snapshots from top to bottom. A
submenu item that has no other SubMenus is enclosed in '[' and ']' brackets.
Top two entries of the System SubMenu are shown. Press 'A' and 'B' to go up and
down the SubMenu and the corresponding number to enter the SubMenu – eg,
pressing 1 takes you to the Beeper Status SubMenu to enable or disable the beep.
The strings scroll from right to left to show the entire name of the SubMenu, as well
as any values of the relevant settings. This sequence shows how the SubMenu items
scroll from right to left and how the value of the setting is shown in the scrolling
string. The top line contains the string 'Beeper Status: On' indicating that the beeper
system is enabled. You can change it by pressing 1. The bottom line contains the
string 'Average Samples: 30.0' indicating that presently, 30 readings are averaged at
a time. You can change the number of readings that are averaged by pressing 2. If
you changed the number of average samples to 120, then on returning to this
SubMenu, the bottom string would read 'Average Samples: 120.0' instead.
For numerical settings, enter the new value by using the number keys, the key '*' is
for a decimal point & the key 'D' is used as backspace if you make a mistake in
typing ('D' is for Delete). When you are satisfied with the entered value, press the
'#' key to enter the value. If no input is entered but you then press the '#' key to exit,
the current value of the setting is retained.
For values which are not numerical, you use the 'A' and 'B' keys to vary the value up
and down, respectively, and use the '#' key to exit the SubMenu.
Most settings are numerical, where the range is also shown and you must enter a
number in the valid range for the new value to be accepted.
Here are the various system messages and their meanings. Also shown is a
sequence of screens depicting how the SubMenus appear on the LCD readout.
Up & Using
ty Meter
CALIBRATION>Shunt Resistance SubMenu;
Enter the CALIBRATION> Calibrate Current SubMenu. Apply
a small load of say a few amps
to the LOAD terminal through a
DMM. Note the current registered
on the DMM and enter it;
Enter the value of the gain of
the load amplifier (usually 60.0
for the MAX4080SASA) in the
Gain SubMenu;
Enter the value of the gain of the
charge amplifier (usually 60.0
for the MAX4080SASA) in the
Gain SubMenu;
Enter the value of your sense
resistance (usually 10Ω) in the
CALIBRATION>Sense Resistance SubMenu;
Enter the CALIBRATION>Detect
Sense Resistance SubMenu. Connect the DMM in series between
the GND terminal of the meter
and the negative battery terminal.
Note the instantaneous circuit
current and enter it (in mA).
That completes the calibration.
One-time user setup
After the calibration is performed, you should run through
the following checklist to set up
your preferences:
(1) Go to the BATTERY SubMenu;
(2) Enter the full capacity of your
battery in the Battery Capacity
(3) Enter Peukert’s constant in the
Peukert’s Constant SubMenu
if you are using a Lead Acid
(4) Enter the cell chemistry in the
Cell Chemistry SubMenu;
(5) Enter the charging efficiency
in the Charging Efficiency
(6) Enter the cycle threshold in
the Cycle Threshold SubMenu;
(7) Exit the BATTERY SubMenu;
(8) Go to the DISPLAY SubMenu
and set up the display backlight
preferences like brightness and
time out period;
This shows all the available readings.
Each is chosen by a single digit press on
the alphanumeric keypad. For example,
if you wish to display the battery voltage,
type ‘3’. Or if you wish to see the battery
capacity in Watt Hours and the load in
Watts, press ‘*’. Notice that from here, you
may press ‘#’ to enter the extensive menu
system. The remaining panels illustrate in
detail the various submenus.
July 2009 81
(9) Go to the DETECTION SubMenu;
(10) Enter the voltage below which to shut down in the
ShutDown Voltage SubMenu;
(11) Enter the low capacity alarm threshold in the Capacity Alarm SubMenu;
(12) Enter the standby current threshold in the Standby
Threshold SubMenu;
(13) Enter the trickle current threshold in the Trickle Current SubMenu;
(14) Enter the minimum voltage of your battery in the
Min. Voltage SubMenu;
(15) Enter the maximum voltage of your battery in the Max.
Voltage SubMenu;
(16) Enter the Detection Period and number of detection
points in the Detection Period and Detection Points
(17) Exit the Detection SubMenu;
(18) Enter the SYSTEM SubMenu;
(19) Choose whether to enable or disable the audible alarm
in the Beeper Status SubMenu;
(20) Choose the number of samples to average in the Average Samples SubMenu;
(21) Exit the SYSTEM SubMenu;
(22) Enter the RELAY SubMenu;
(23) Choose whether you will use an external relay in the
Relay System SubMenu;
(24) If you are not using a relay, go to step 29; otherwise
(25) Enter the relay coil resistance in the Relay Coil Resistance SubMenu;
(26) Enter the overload current and its duration in the Max.
Load Current and Max. Current Duration SubMenus;
(27) Enter the relay off voltage in the Relay Off Voltage
(28) Enter the relay hysteresis value in the Relay Hysteresis
(29) Exit the RELAY SubMenu;
(30) If required, set up the logging options in the LOGGING
Full Speed (12Mbps) USB 2.0
The firmware implements a USB 2.0 full speed bulk
Fig.8: this Window appears when the meter is connected to
a PC for the first time, using the USB interface.
82 Silicon Chip
transfer bidirectional endpoint (EP1) with packet size set
to 112 Bytes. This is used to communicate with the host
program on the PC (battcap.exe) through the custom Microchip driver (MCHPUSB).
We explain how to install the driver on Windows OSs
below. Endpoint 0 is implemented as well, as that is mandatory for any USB device.
A transaction between the host program on the PC and
the battery meter consists in sending a 112-Byte packet to
the meter.
The firmware will decode the packet, according to the
sent command, and update itself accordingly.
The meter can also send logging data to the PC. Remember
that the USB driver must be installed correctly for this to
work. Instructions are given below.
Software setup and driver installation
for Windows
The meter’s USB device interface uses the generic Microchip driver for Windows. Before communicating with
the display using the PC host program, you will need to
install this driver.
This section explains how to install the driver in Windows XP, although other versions of Windows will be
You should have first downloaded the Microchip installer (MCHPFSUSB_Setup_v1.3.exe) from the SILICON
CHIP website and ran it. Note that you must use version
1.3. Older or Newer Versions may not be compatible. This
will (normally) install the driver in the C:\MCHPFUSB\
Pc\MCHPUSB Driver\Release directory.
When you first connect the meter to your computer using a USB cable, Windows will recognize the device as a
“Meter” and a “Microchip Custom USB device”.
The ‘Found New Hardware’ Window appears as shown
in Fig.8 and you should select the “No, not this time”
option and click “Next”. You will be presented with the
next screen as shown in Fig.9. Select “Install from a list or
specific location” and click “Next” again.
The final screen is as shown in Fig.10. Select “Search for
the best driver in these locations” and enable the “Include
this location in the search” box as shown. Now click the
Fig.9: use the “install from a list or specific location”
option to select the correct driver to install.
“Browse” button. In the “Locate File” window that appears, navigate to where the MCHPUSB files were installed.
Normally it will be C:\MCHPFUSB\Pc\MCHPUSB Driver\
Release. Choose the file “mchpusb.inf”. Select that file, and
then click “Next”.
Windows should install the driver.
If the driver is installed correctly you should be able to see
the meter in device manager (under Control Panel>System
(Hardware Tab)), as shown in Fig.11.
Using the PC host software
To install the PC host program, first download the
compressed file from the SILICON CHIP website (go to the downloads section
under July 2009).
Extract the files in the zipped file to a directory on your
hard drive. There should be these files:
(1) battcap.exe: this is the executable command line
(2) this is an internal file, needed for the
host program to work properly. As long as it is copied to the
same directory as battcap.exe the program will recognise it.
This file is produced by the C compiler of the firmware.
It contains memory mapping information for the firmware
produced by the linker. When and if the firmware is updated, the map file will change.
Using the software
Battcap.exe is a command line program () with three options. The -i option is used to get system settings (‘i’ stands
for information). A screen grab is shown in Fig.12. So you
would type at the command prompt: battcap -i.
The -x option is used to get the current readings which
will update continuously every second or so (a screen grab
is shown in Fig.13).
Finally, the -l option is used for data logging. You will be
asked to confirm whether you wish to transfer the data to
your PC (as this will empty the local buffer). If you choose
‘Yes’, you will be prompted for a file name (it should have
a .csv extension). The default file name will contain the
local time and date.
The data dumped to that file will be in Comma Separated
Fig.10: selecting the path to the driver previously
downloaded from the SILICON CHIP website.
Fig.11: a view of Device Manager when the driver has been
correctly installed and the meter is connected via the USB.
Values format and can be imported into a spreadsheet. Once
the data is in your spreadsheet you can use its graphing
functions to produce a graph, as shown in Fig.14.
Changing the hardware to suit your
application (advanced)
There are several hardware values which can modified
to suit your application. The sense resistor can be changed
from the default of 10Ω (you should enter the correct value
for your application in the CALIBRATION>Sense Resistance SubMenu).
You can choose to use a different version of the MAX4080
chip for the load or charge sensing if your charging currents are always much smaller than your load currents (to
increase the resolution).
You can then change the value of the gain in the corresponding submenu (hint: they are in the CALIBRATION
Moreover, you can choose different resistors for the two
voltage dividers as long as you then calibrate them by going
to the CALIBRATION SubMenu.
You can change the current shunt to get a different maximum current range. In this case, you should
both enter the new value of the shunt resistance in the
CALIBRATION>Shunt Resistance SubMenu and then go
to the CALIBRATION>Calibrate Current SubMenu and
follow the prompts.
To turn power on, press S1. To see a particular reading,
press the corresponding key on the keypad, according to
the readings panel shown on p81. For example, to see the
July 2009 83
Use this menu to declare that the battery
is now full. Press '*' to confirm the
action and '#' to cancel it.
the capacity of the battery in AmpHours from 0 to 999999 AH.
calibrates the low voltage divider. Enter
the voltage at the Low Battery terminal,
pin 5 of the calibration connector.
the value of Peukert's constant for your
battery. Allowed input is from 1.0 to 2.0.
Typically 1.1. This only applies to
Lead-Acid batteries.
calibrates the high voltage divider. Enter
the voltage at the High Battery terminal,
pin 6 of the calibration connector.
CHEMISTRY SubMenu: sets the Chemistry.
Use 'A' and 'B' to change the value and
'#' to finish. Allowed values are Nickel or
Lead-Acid. Note that Nickel includes both
NiMH and NiCad.
the value of the shunt resistance in
milliohms. This value can be further
automatically calibrated by using the
EFFICIENCY SubMenu: sets the charging
efficiency of your charger/battery
combination. It is a percentage between
0.1 and 100. Typically 80%.
calibrate the value of the shunt
resistance automatically. This is calculated from the entered instantanenous
value of the load current.
CYCLE THRESHOLD SubMenu: sets the
cycle detection threshold. It is a
percentage between 10 and 40. Typically
25%. This also clears the cycle count.
LOAD AMP GAIN SubMenu: sets the
value of the load amplifier gain.
Typically, this is 60 for the MAX4080SASA. For the MAX4080TASA it is 20.
CHARGE AMP GAIN SubMenu: sets the
value of the charge amplifier gain.
Typically this is 60 for the MAX4080SASA. It is independent of the load
BRIGHTNESS SubMenu: sets the
brightness of the LCD Backlight. Use
the 'A' and 'B' buttons to change and
'#' to set. The value is a percentage
of full brightness.
TIMEOUT SubMenu: sets the backlight
timeout period in seconds.
Typically 15 seconds.
battery voltage you press ‘3’. To enter the menu system,
press ‘#’.
Once in the menu system, use ‘A’ and ‘B’ to move up and
down the menu and the number digits to enter a SubMenu.
To enter numbers, you use the digits, the ‘*’ for the decimal point and the ‘D’ key as backspace.
In all cases you use the ‘#’ to exit the SubMenu and go
back to the previous menu.
From the main menu, press ‘#’ to exit the menu system
and restore the current reading. You should also refer to
the panels which explain the menu system in more detail.
Peukert’s Law and efficiency
For lead-acid batteries, Peukert’s law states that the
change in capacity is not a linear function of the current
drain. Specifically, Peukert’s law states that:
∆C = Ik∆t
where ∆C is the capacity, ∆t is the time, I is the instantaneous current drain and k is a constant higher than 1.0 and
typically between 1.1 and 1.3.
The meter will take into account Peukert’s law when
computing the capacity of the battery. The value of the
constant k will vary for different batteries and you must
set this in the BATTERY>Peukert’s Constant SubMenu.
There is no easy way to compute the correct “k” value
for your system. It is there as a way of adjusting the meter
84 Silicon Chip
SET 5V RAIL SubMenu: calibrates the
ADC system by entering the voltage
of the 5V rail.
SENSE RESISTANCE SubMenu: sets the
value of the sense resistor in Ohms.
Typically this is 10. This can also be
automatically set by using the DETECT
automatically calibrates the value of the
sense resistor by entering the value of
the instantaneous circuit current.
if you have enough experience with the meter and wish
to tune it.
Cell chemistry and synchronisation
By synchronisation, we mean that when certain conditions are met, the meter sets the capacity to either full or
empty capacity automatically.
You can see at any time when the last synchronisation
occurred by going to the DETECTION>Last Sync. SubMenu.
For example, when the meter detects the end of charge,
it sets the capacity to full capacity. The synchronisation
algorithms are different depending on the cell chemistry.
For Nickel-based batteries, the full capacity synchronisation occurs if the meter detects a trickle charge and
the battery voltage is above the maximum voltage for the
duration of the detection period.
When the battery voltage is detected to be dropping
and is below the minimum voltage (for the duration of the
detection period and is monotonically decreasing at each
detection point) then the battery capacity is synchronised
to zero.
This is because a Nickel battery’s voltage will, once it
has been discharged beyond a point, drop dramatically
and quickly.
For a lead-acid battery, the end of charge is detected if
there is a trickle current and the battery voltage is above
the voltage below which the meter will shut
down to protect the battery -- eg, 11V for a
SLA Battery.
BEEPER STATUS SubMenu: enables or
disables the beeper function using the
'A' and 'B' buttons. Use the '#' button
to exit.
CAPACITY ALARM SubMenu: sets the
capacity below which the meter will emit
an audible alarm. Use the 'A' and 'B'
buttons to change and '#' to set. Typically
0%. It ranges from -60% to 100%.
the number of samples that will be
averaged for all readings. Typically
this is 30.
current threshold. When the load and
charge currents are below this, the meter
enters Standby mode. Typically 0.05A.
the firmware version. Useful for
debugging or reporting bugs or errors.
TRICKLE CURRENT SubMenu: sets the
trickle current. When the charging current
is below this the meter considers the battery
to be trickle charging. Typically 1/100th of
the AH capacity.
MIN. VOLTAGE SubMenu: sets the
minimum voltage of the battery - eg, for a
SLA this may be typically 11.5V, whereas
for a NiMH battery this could be typically
1.1V per cell.
LAST SYNC. SubMenu: shows the time
elapsed since the last time the battery
capacity was synchronised. A value of
N/A indicates the capacity has not been
recently synchronised.
MAX. VOLTAGE SubMenu: sets the
maximum voltage of the battery - eg, for a
SLA this may be typically 13.8V, whereas
for a NiMH battery this could be typically
1.2V per cell.
LAST LOG SAMPLE SubMenu: shows
how much time has elapsed since the
last log sample was captured.
DETECTION PERIOD SubMenu: sets the
detection period in seconds for
synchronising the battery capacity.
Typically 30 seconds.
DETECTION POINTS SubMenu: sets the
number of intervals in the detection period.
Used only for Nickel batteries.
Typically 4 points.
LAST SYNC. SubMenu: shows the time
elapsed since the last time the battery
capacity was synchronised. A value of N/A
indicates the capacity has not been recently
the maximum voltage for the duration of the detection
period. In this case, the battery capacity is again set to full
Note that there is no empty capacity synchronisation for
Lead Acid batteries. However, you should note that Lead
Acid batteries should never be discharged beyond a certain
point or they will be damaged.
Set the detection period by going to the DETECTION
>Detection Period SubMenu. A typical value here is 30
You should also set the number of detection points (only
relevant for Nickel batteries). This is set at 4 by default.
The trickle current threshold can be set by going to the
DETECTION>Trickle Current SubMenu. This is typically
C/100 or so of the full battery capacity. So for a 20Ah battery this would be close to 200mA. It really depends on
your charger, however.
Set the Standby current (the current below which the meter
will go into standby), by going to the DETECTION>Standby
Current SubMenu. A typical value will be 50mA.
The meter considers any current higher than the standby
current and lower than the trickle threshold to be a trickle
current for the purpose of synchronisation.
Low capacity alarm
An alarm will be heard when the capacity of the
USB CONNECTED SubMenu: indicates
whether the meter is connected to a PC
via the USB. The number in brackets is
the state of the USB enumeration - eg
TOTAL LOG TIME SubMenu: shows
how much time has been logged in total.
It indicates that this period of time has
been logged.
RESTORE DEFAULTS SubMenu: restores
default values for most settings. Note
that hardware-dependent settings such
as the sense resistance aren't changed.
TURN METER OFF SubMenu: turns the
meter off. Note that USB power must
be absent for this. The meter will turn
off if the choice is confirmed by pressing
ter falls below the set level (as a percentage). Go to the
DETECTION>Capacity Alarm SubMenu to set the minimum capacity.
The minimum capacity ranges from –60% to 100%. The
capacity of the battery will go negative if it is discharged
beyond the zero point.
If you wish, you can disable the audible beeping by going to the SYSTEM>Beeper Status SubMenu and setting
it to OFF.
Overload and under-voltage protection
An optional external relay can be connected to switch
the load on and off. The charger can be left connected at
all times, however, as shown in Fig.4 last month.
The relay energises to connect the load to the load terminal of the shunt, so the shunt terminal can connect to
the relay common and the load can connect to the relay’s
NO (normally open) terminal.
Once the relay is installed, the microcontroller will
control it.
If you decide to use a relay, make sure it is able to switch
the required current.
For an 80A system we recommend a 150A relay (eg,
Jaycar SY-4073). If you are using lower currents there are
several 60A automotive relays available, eg, Jaycar SY-4074
or Altronics S-4339.
July 2009 85
LOGGING ERROR SubMenu: sets the
relative percentage error for logging RLE
compression. The lower the error, the
more resolution the data will exhibit.
Typically 20%.
RELAY SYSTEM SubMenu: enables or
disables the relay system using buttons 'A'
and 'B'. Use '#' to exit. When the relay
system is off, the relay remains off. Turn
off if you are not using an external relay.
the minimum absolute error for logging
RLE compression. The lower the error
the more resolution the data will
exhibit. Typically 0.1.
the resistance of the coil of the external
relay (optional). If you are using a dropping
resistor in series with the coil, enter the
total (ie, sum) of the coil & resistor. If you
are not using a relay, disable it in the
RELAY SYSTEM SubMenu below.
SAMPLE PERIOD SubMenu: sets the
sampling period in seconds. Samples are
taken at a frequency equal to the
reciprocal of this period. The range
is from 200ms-1day.
RELAY OFF VOLTAGE SubMenu: sets the
voltage below which the relay switches off.
Typically this is slightly higher than the
minimum battery voltage.
Ch. 1 LOGS SubMenu: sets what reading
channel 1 logs. Use the buttons 'A' or 'B'
to change and '#' to set. Here channel 1
is disabled.
RELAY HYSTERESIS SubMenu: sets the
voltage hysteresis added to the cut-off
voltage. The relay will switch back on when
the voltage exceeds this sum.
Ch. 2 LOGS SubMenu: sets what reading
channel 2 logs. Use the buttons 'A' or 'B'
to change and '#' to set. Here it is set to
log the battery voltage.
MAX. LOAD CURRENT SubMenu: sets the
maximum load current for overload
protection. If the load current exceeds this
current for the duration set below, the relay
switches off. A soft-fuse then trips. It is
reset by pressing S1.
Ch. 3 LOGS SubMenu: sets what reading
channel 3 logs. Use the buttons 'A' or 'B'
to change and '#' to set. Here it is set to
log the capacity percentage of full charge.
the maximum load current duration in
seconds. The relay will switch off if the load
current exceeds the max load current
setting above for this time.
Ch. 4 LOGS SubMenu: sets what reading
channel 4 logs. Use the buttons 'A' or 'B'
to change and '#' to set. Here it is set to
log the charging current.
shows the state of the overload fuse. The
fuse trips if there is an overcurrent
condition. The only way to reset the fuse is
to press S1. 'Short' means that the fuse
allows current, 'Open' that it has blown.
LOG MODE SubMenu: sets either
mode (Ovr.) for the RLE Buffer. Use the
buttons 'A' or 'B' to change and '#' to set.
shows the state of the RLE Buffer. The
brackets indicate the start and end of the
buffer and its position. The number of
bytes in the buffer is also shown.
This panel and the ones on previous pages show the various
SubMenus – Detection, System, Logging, Relay, Battery,
Display, Calibration – in more detail and how to access their
parameters. Each of the submenus has a number of options
and these are displayed in the LCD readout as you step
Note that these relays run from 12V.
If your battery system is higher than
12V, a dropping resistor (in series
with the relay coil) will be needed. Its
value is calculated using Ohm’s law,
taking into account the coil resistance
of the relay.
For example, if your relay coil resistance is 180Ω and yours is a 24V
system, a 180Ω 5W resistor would
be used. Similarly, for a 48V system
you would need a 560Ω 5W resistor
(actually 540Ω but 560Ω is the closest
standard value).
A 1N4004 (or similar) diode must
be connected across the relay coil to
quench any back-EMF when the relay
switches off. See Fig.4 from last month.
Enter the value of the coil (or coil and
series resistor) in the RELAY>Relay
Where to get the parts . . .
At least one supplier will be making a kit available for the Smart Battery Capacity Meter. It is possible there will be others but Altronics have indicated that their
stores and mail/web order will have a kit soon (Cat K1700) for $175.00 – see
If you wish to put together your own kit, then most parts are commonly available and
you should have no problem obtaining them. One exception is the PC board which (as
with all SILICON CHIP boards) is available in from RCS Radio, 41 Arlewis St, Chester Hill
NSW 2162. Phone (02) 9738 0330.
The only other component you may have problems obtaining is the programmed
PIC18F2550-I/SP microcontroller. This is available direct from SILICON CHIP for $25.00
including P&P.
86 Silicon Chip
Coil Resistance SubMenu, as well as
enabling the Relay System by going to
the RELAY>Relay System SubMenu.
On an under-voltage condition the
relay will turn off, switching off the
load and thereby saving the battery
from possible (and irreparable) damage.
Note that the relay “off” voltage is
usually slightly higher than the shut
down voltage (the latter, typically,
should not ever be reached and is only
a fail-safe measure as detailed shortly).
The relay will only turn back on
when the battery voltage rises above
the sum of the relay off voltage and
the relay hysteresis (both measured
in Volts). This adds a measure of hysteresis avoiding ‘hunting’. The trip
point and hysteresis are set by going
to the RELAY>Relay Off Voltage &
RELAY>Relay Hysteresis SubMenus.
For an over-current condition, you
set the maximum current and its duration before the relay switches off and
trips a software fuse.
Fig.14: this screen grab is from the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet program. We have imported the CSV file obtained by
running the command “battcap.exe -l” and graphed the battery voltage as a function of time.
The relay (and hence the load) will
remain off indefinitely after the fuse
The only way to reset this software
fuse is to press S1. The battery voltage
should bounce back up once the load
is disconnected.
Note that the relay will only turn
back on once the voltage is above the
sum of the relay off voltage and the
hysteresis voltage.
The relay system should be switched
off (RELAY>Relay System) if not used.
Fail-safe shutdown
When the voltage of the battery
drops below the level set in the
DETECTION>ShutDown Voltage
SubMenu, the circuit (as well as the
relay) will turn off.
This is a fail-safe measure and in
normal operation should never occur.
It is there to protect the battery in the
last resort. After power is lost, the
meter is turned on again by pressing
S1. If the voltage is still too low, the
meter will again shut down but not
before you have a chance to access the
menu system by pressing ‘#’.
This allows you to change any settings if needs be, before the meter shuts
down (so you are never ‘locked out’
Television & Video
Technology – by KF Ibrahim
New edition has a full and
compre-hensive guide to
video and TV tech-nology
including HDTV and DVD,
58 starting with fundamentals.
DVD Players and Drives
– by KF Ibrahim
DVD technology and applications - ideal for engineers,
technicians, students,
installation and sales staff.
Practical Guide To
Satellite TV – by Garry Cratt
The book written by an Aussie for
Aussie conditions. Everything you
need to know – including
what you cannot do! 7th ed.
Hands-On Zigbee – by Fred Eady
An in-depth look at the
clever little 2.4GHz wireless
chip that’s starting to be
found in a wide range of
equipment from
consumer to industrial.
There’s something to suit every
RF fan in the SILICON CHIP
reference bookshop: see the
bookshop pages in this issue
RF Circuit Design
– by Chris Bowick
A new edition of this classic RF
NEW LOW PRICE!design text - tells how to design
and integrate RF components
74 into virtually any circuitry.
Practical RF H’book
– by Ian Hickman
A reference work for technic90 ians, engineers, students and
NEW LOW PRICE! the more specialised enthusiast. Covers all the key topics in
73 RF that you need to understand.
! Audio ! RF ! Digital ! Analog ! TV ! Video ! Power Control ! Motors ! Robots ! Drives ! Op Amps ! Satellite
July 2009 87
Note that when the meter has lost
power and starts again, the capacity
reading will revert to 50% and may
not be accurate until the next synchronisation, or until you manually
declare the battery at full capacity by
going to the BATTERY>Declare Full
Now SubMenu.
RLE compression
Fig. 12: a screen grab showing the result of running the command “battcap.exe
-i” to get information on the current settings.
RLE (Run Length Encoding) Compression is used for data logging using
an internal buffer.
Run-length encoding works by
substituting a consecutive run of
similar readings by a single reading
and a multiplicity. For example, the
sequence 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 would
be encoded as (1.0, 5) to save space.
Depending on the set RLE Relative
Error and the RLE Absolute Error, the
compression is lossy or lossless.
It is lossless if both the errors are
set to 0. If not, the compression will
be lossy and can achieve a good compression ratio.
For example, if the relative error is
set to 5%, the readings 1.0, 1.02, 1.03,
0.98, 0.99 will be encoded as (1.0, 5)
since each is within ±5% of the first
reading. This can save a lot of space
in the local buffer allowing you to log
a greater period of time. The trade off
is of course accuracy.
RLE is simple to implement and
ideally suited to this type of logging
application, where the readings are
changing slowly over time.
You can log up to four different
readings at any time and each reading
can be one of the following: battery
Voltage, time remaining or charging,
load current, charge current, circuit
current, relay current, net current,
capacity (AH) or capacity (%).
To set up logging, you go to the LOGGING SubMenu. The logging data is
stored locally and can be downloaded
to a PC using the USB interface.
Over time, this can become a useful
set of data in monitoring the state of
batteries to allow you to not only get
peak performance but longest life.
Fig.13: this shows the result of running the command line “battcap.exe -x” – the
real-time readings are displayed every second.
88 Silicon Chip
As you can see, the SILICON CHIP
Battery Capacity Meter has comprehensive features that will allow you
to monitor the health of your battery
and charger system.
It is not difficult to build and can
be easily calibrated using a digital
multimeter (DMM).