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Virtually all the parts for the Inductance
& Q-Factor Meter are mounted on a
single PC board, so building it is easy.
Here’s how to assemble it, check it out
and use it to make inductance and
Q-factor measurements.
& Q-Factor
Q-Factor Meter is quite straightforward. Fig.9 shows the parts layout
on the single PC board.
Begin by installing the wire links.
All of the links except one can be
formed from 0.7mm tinned copper
wire or similar. The link situated to
the right of Q1 must be fashioned from
light-gauge insulated wire instead.
Follow up with the resistors and
then continue with all remaining components in order of height. Note that
the high-profile components must be
mounted as far down on the PC board
surface as possible, so as not to inter64 Silicon Chip
fere with the keypad and LCD when
they are installed in the case later.
In fact, the tip of REG3’s metal tab
had to be removed on the prototype,
to clear the rear of the keypad. This
can be done using a hacksaw (with
the device held in plastic vice jaws)
and then carefully filing the job to a
smooth finish . Alternatively, you may
be able to bend the regulator to achieve
sufficient clearance.
When installing the IC sockets, be
sure to align the notched (pin 1) ends
as indicated in the overlay diagram.
Also, check that you have the banded
(cathode) ends of the diodes (D1-D8)
and the positive leads of the four polarised capacitors around the right way.
The keypad and LCD are connected
via lengths of 7-way and a 10-way
ribbon cable respectively. On the prototype, an 8-way header is used at the
keypad end, while two 6-way headers
are soldered to the first six and last six
contacts of the LCD module.
We’ve not included these headers in
the parts list because there are several
ways the keypad and LCD ends of the
cable can be terminated, as well as
several types of LCD modules with
varying pinouts. You could even solder the ribbon cables directly to the PC
Fig.9: follow this diagram when assembling your meter. In particular, make sure that all the
high-profile components are seated as close to the board as possible.
boards, leaving out the connectors.
Trial fit the assembly in the enclosure first to gauge the required
ribbon cable lengths. Wire up in
accordance with the circuit diagram
(Fig.5), noting that the pins of the LCD
and keypad will not be in the same
order as the wires on the ribbon cable.
Finally, in preparation for testing,
temporarily fit the three binding posts
directly to the PC board in the large
holes marked “A”, “B” and “E” on the
overlay. The posts must be removed
after testing and installed in the top
of the case as described later.
Basic checks & programming
The unit requires a 7.5-9V DC,
200mA power supply. Care needs to be
taken here as some 9V DC plugpacks
supply much higher voltages when
lightly loaded. This extra voltage
translates to power dissipation in the
7805 regulator, which may cause it
to overheat and shut down. If you’re
using an unregulated plugpack with
selectable output voltages, you may
find that the “6V” or “7.5V” setting
is sufficient.
As the first step, apply power and
check that the +5V and -5V supplies
are present on pins 7 and 4 of the
AD8055 (IC4) respectively. Also,
check for -1.8V on pin 2. Next, adjust
This view shows the fully assembled prototype PC board. Note that the final
version shown in Fig.9 differs slightly from this unit.
March 2005 65
the data entry screen should appear
on the LCD. To make measurements
using an external tank capacitor, first
remove the link between the “A” and
“B” terminals if installed earlier. Next,
connect a capacitor of a few nF in
parallel with an inductor of a few mH
between the “A” and “E” terminals.
You can now enter the capacitance
value. For example, if you’ve chosen
an 8.2nF capacitor, press “8” and
then “2”. The display will show “8.2”
followed by “100pF”, which is the
default multiplier. Pressing any key
except “*” has the effect of rotating the
choice between the 100pF, 1nF, 10nF,
and 100nF multipliers. As we’re using
an 8.2nF capacitor in this example,
press any key once to select the 1nF
Press “*” once you’re satisfied with
the two parameters. If you make a
mistake, pressing “*” at any stage
lets you enter a choice or abort a
measurement. The display should
now show the inductance, Q factor
and test frequency.
To make measurements using the
internal capacitor bank, insert a link
between the “A” and “B” terminals.
Repeat the procedure above but note
that only choices of 1.0 x (1nF or 10nF
or 100nF) make sense here since only
these values are present internally.
Q readings with the internal capacitor bank suffer due to the 0.5W (approx.) dynamic series resistance of the
transistors, which do the bank switching. This mode is to be used if you’re
not interested in the Q and just want
to make inductance measurements.
After the range is chosen, the micro
starts sampling at the maximum rate.
The first few acquisitions are used to
optimise the sampling rate and set a
sampling delay if required. The latter occurs when the ringing saturates
ABOVE: the LCD is glued in place behind the display window and is connected
to the PC board via ribbon cable – see text. Note that the diode shown connected
to the DC socket here is on the PC board in the final version (D9 in Fig.9).
the potentiometer (VR1) for optimum
contrast on the LCD screen. All you’ll
probably see at this point are faint grey
blocks of pixels, as the micro is yet
to be programmed; simply adjust the
pot to get the darkest possible pixels.
An ISP programmer can now be
connected and the program files LQMeter128.HEX and LQMeter128.EEP
Table 1: Capacitor Codes
μF Code
EIA Code
IEC Code
loaded into the Flash and EEPROM
memories, respectively. These files
are available from the SILICON CHIP
web site in a file named “LQMeter.
ZIP”. If you don’t already have a suitable programmer, then check out the
“AVR ISP Serial Programmer” project
described in October 2002. Kits for the
programmer are available from Jaycar
Electronics (Cat. KC-5340).
The microcontroller program occupies most of the available memory
space. It is quite complicated but
should you have the inclination, you
can follow its operation in detail in the
documented source code included in
the download. You can get a top-level
understanding of program operation
from the flow chart in Fig.10.
Power up and assuming all is well,
Table 2: Resistor Colour Codes
66 Silicon Chip
4-Band Code (1%)
brown black orange brown
yellow violet red brown
brown red red brown
brown black red brown
brown red brown brown
brown black brown brown
grey red black brown
green blue black brown
yellow violet black brown
5-Band Code (1%)
brown black black red brown
yellow violet black brown brown
brown red black brown brown
brown black black brown brown
brown red black black brown
brown black black black brown
grey red black gold brown
green blue black gold brown
yellow violet black gold brown
This close-up view shows how the
three 10mm tapped spacers are
fitted to the binding posts (after first
snipping off the non-threaded tips).
The PC board is secured to these
spacers using M3 x 6mm screws and
star washers (see text).
the input amplifier in the immediate
aftermath of the pulse.
After a valid sample is acquired the
micro performs an FFT and the centre
frequency is estimated. During a period of eight cycles, centre frequency
and bandwidth measurements are performed and the average taken. Finally,
the inductance, Q factor and centre frequency are calculated and displayed
on the LCD. A complete acquisition,
averaging and display period takes
about 0.1s for the 10MHz micro.
You may find that the large binding
posts are useless when testing physically small inductors. This is easily
addressed by making up two short test
leads to plug into the binding posts.
Each lead consists of an uninsulated
crocodile clip soldered to a 4mm banana plug via a very short length of
large diameter single-strand copper
wire or similar.
The completed meter will fit neatly
into a console-style instrument case.
This should be done after it has been
tested and found to be operating
Fig.10: this diagram gives a very basic idea of how the microcontroller
program works. For specific details, check out the fully documented
source code, which is available for download from the SILICON CHIP
rectly, as the keypad and LCD are
glued in place and will be difficult to
remove later.
An opening for the keypad must be
cut out and holes for the DC socket
and binding posts should be drilled
as shown in the various photographs.
Note that the binding post holes must
be positioned accurately otherwise it
will be impossible to assemble the unit
later. This can be achieved by using the
PC board as a template when marking
out the holes.
To give the finished unit a professional appearance, a faceplate can be
cut from thin aluminium sheeting and
fitted around the keypad. The easiest
way to achieve this is to lightly mark
out the contour of the keypad on the
aluminium sheet using a scribe or
needle and then drill four 8.5mm holes
at the corners.
Next, use a straight edge and Stanley knife to score the sheet front and
back, joining the four holes at their
perimeters. Cut away the centre of
the piece to be removed, then place
the sheet in a vice and bend along the
scored marks.
Work the metal back and forth at
March 2005 67
Another view inside the completed prototype. The keypad and LCD are secured to the case using epoxy adhesive.
Fig.11: check your
PC board against
this full-size
etching pattern
before installing
any of the parts.
68 Silicon Chip
the bend and it will break off, leaving
a clean edge.
The LCD, keypad and faceplate
can then be glued to the case using
two-part epoxy adhesive. To achieve
a good bond to this plastic, the mating
surfaces should first be sanded to a
rough finish. Make sure that the LCD
is centred left to right when you glue
it, otherwise some of the characters
will not be visible.
Note that even when centred, the
entire display width is not visible
through the case cutout. This is not
a problem, as the program uses only
12 of the available 16 character positions.
Binding posts
The binding posts are first attached
to the case using the supplied nuts
and spring washers. Next, snip off
the very tip of the binding posts,
leaving just the threaded portion. The
non-threaded part is not needed and
would otherwise obstruct the PC board
mounting screws.
Now remove the two small M3 nuts
and replace them with M3 x 10mm
tapped metal spacers, tightening
firmly. The PC board can then be held
in place by attaching it to the three
spacers using M3 x 6mm screws and
star washers. Note that the screws
and washers must also make good
electrical contact with the copper on
the PC board.
If there is a problem attaching the
PC board to the spacers on the binding
posts, check for interference between
the components and the rear of the
keypad. Some minor component repositioning may be necessary to fix
this problem.
Final word
In addition to L and Q measurements, some interesting physical phenomena can be investigated with this
meter. First, wind a small choke with
a few turns of enamelled copper wire
around a Philips screwdriver and
check its inductance and Q factor with
the meter.
Next, insert a small HF ferrite bead
into the coil and observe that the
inductance and Q factor increases,
as expected. Now replace the bead
with the blade of the screwdriver and
observe that the inductance hardly
changes and may even decrease, while
the Q drops markedly.
Ordinary iron is not a useful core
Par t s Lis t – Inductance & Q-Factor Meter
1 PC board, code 04102051,
139.7mm x 86.4mm
1 150mH miniature ferrite choke
(L1) (Farnell 432-090)
1 black 4mm binding post (Jaycar
PT 0454)
1 blue 4mm binding post (Jaycar
PT 0450)
1 green 4mm binding post (Jaycar
PT 0455)
1 6-way 2.54mm pitch header
(for ISP connection) (Jaycar
1 2.1mm or 2.5mm panel-mount
DC socket
1 20-pin IC socket
1 16-pin IC socket
2 14-pin IC sockets
2 8-pin IC sockets
1 16-character x 2-line LCD
module (DSE Z 4170 or
1 numeric keypad (DSE P 7810)
1 console style plastic case, 150
x 95 x 28.5/49.5mm (Jaycar
1 ribbon cable (see text)
1 miniature 10kW trimpot (VR1)
3 M3 x 10mm tapped metal
3 M3 x 6mm screws & star
1 AT90S2313-10 microcontroller
(IC5), programmed with LQMeter128.HEX & LQ-Meter128.
1 74HC00 quad NAND gate (IC1)
1 74HC390 dual decade counter
1 74HC4066 quad analog switch
1 AD8055AN high-speed op
amp (IC4) (Farnell 283-976)
1 MAX635ACPA switching regulator (IC6) (Futurlec or RS
2 2N4250 or PN4250 PNP transistors (Q1, Q2) (Wiltronics)
6 2N2222A or PN2222A NPN
transistors (Q3-Q8)
1 40MHz crystal oscillator module (OSC1) (Farnell 571-830)
1 LM334Z adjustable current
source (REG1)
1 7805 +5V regulator (REG2)
1 LM337 adjustable negative
voltage regulator (REG3)
1 1N60 germanium diode (D1)
(DSE Z 3040)
7 1N4148 diodes (D2-D7)
1 1N4004 diode (D8)
2 470mF 16V PC electrolytic
1 220mF 10V PC electrolytic
1 47mF 6.3V tag tantalum
11 100nF 50V monolithic
2 82nF 50V MKT polyester
1 4.7nF 50V MKT polyester
1 1nF 50V MKT polyester
1 820pF 50V ceramic disc
1 680pF 50V ceramic disc
Resistors (0.25W 1%)
1 10kW
8 100W
10 4.7kW
1 82W
2 1.2kW
1 56W
3 1kW
2 47W
1 120W
1 130W
Note 1: parts shown with catalog numbers can be obtained from the indicated
distributor(s). Contact details for all distributors mentioned are as follows:
(1) Dick Smith Electronics (DSE):
(2) Farnell InOne (1300 361 005):
(3) Futurlec:
(4) Jaycar Electronics:
(5) RS Components (RS) (1300 656 636):
(6) Wiltronics Research (1800 067 674):
Note 2: the 40MHz crystal oscillator module could also be obtained from an
old 386/486 PC motherboard.
material at RF. This is because its
magnetic domains cannot keep pace
with the fast changing RF field. Rather
they vibrate ineffectively and generate
heat, introducing nothing but losses
into the tuned circuit.
March 2005 69