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Here’s the second part of our short series on designing
your own PC bards. This month, we take up from where
we left off with component placement and design.
Part 2 – by David L. Jones
t’s often said that PC board design
is 90% placement and 10% routing. While the actual figures are
of no importance, the concept that
component placement is by far the
most important aspect of laying out a
board, certainly holds true.
Good component placement will
make your layout job easier and give
the best electrical performance. Bad
component placement can turn your
routing job into a nightmare and give
poor electrical performance – perhaps
not even work at all. It may even
make your board unmanufacturable.
So there is a lot to think about when
placing components!
Every designer has their own method of placing components. If you
gave the same circuit (no matter how
simple) to 100 different experienced
designers, you’re likely to get 100
different PC board layouts.
So there is no absolute right way
to place your components. It’s largely
a matter of experience. But there are
quite a few basic rules which will help
ease your routing, give you the best
electrical performance and simplify
large and complex designs.
Getting down to basics
Here are some basic steps required
for laying out a complete board:
Set your snap grid, visible grid, and
default track/pad sizes.
Throw down all the components
onto the board.
Divide and place your components
into functional “building blocks”
where possible.
Identify critical tracks on your
circuit and route them first.
Place and route each building block
separately, off the board.
Move completed building blocks
into position on your main board.
Route the remaining signal and
power connections between
Do a general “tidy up” of the board.
Do a Design Rule Check.
Check your board thoroughly.
Then get someone else to check it!
This is by no means a be-all and
end-all check list – it’s highly variable
depending on many factors. But it is
a good general guide to producing a
first-class layout.
A bit more detail
Let’s look in more detail at the procedure described above.
We have already looked at the grids
and track/pad sizes. These should be
the first things that you set up before
you start doing anything. No exceptions!
Many people like to jump straight
into placing all the components into
what they think is the most optimum
position on the board, all in one hit.
While this can work for small
circuits, you don’t have much of a
The very first step in
designing a PC board using
any PC board software is to
set the snap grid, visible grid
and default track/pad sizes.
This screen (from the popular
“Autotrax” freeware) shows
how it is done. Other software
packages will have similar
November 2003 85
hope when you have more complex
circuits with hundreds of components spread across many functional
circuit blocks.
Why? Because it’s very easy to run
out of “routing space” which is the
room to lay down all your tracks. If
you fix all your component positions
and then try to route everything, you
can easily paint yourself into a corner,
so to speak.
Alternatively, if you space the components out too much, you can end up
with a large board that does not make
efficient use of space.
The hallmark of an inexperienced
designer is a board that has every component evenly spaced out and then has
thousands of tracks and links or vias
criss-crossing the board. It might work
but it can be ugly and inefficient, not
to mention bigger and more expensive
to manufacture.
The best way to start your layout is
to get ALL of your components onto
the screen first.
If you have a companion schematic
package, then the simplest way to do
this is to get your PC board program
to import your schematic design and
select all the components automatically. This will also be discussed later. If
all you have is a PC board program,
then you’ll have to select each compo86 Silicon Chip
nent from the library and place them
With all the components on screen,
you should get a good indication of
whether or not your parts will easily
fit onto the size (and shape) of board
that you require.
If it looks like it’s going to be a
tight fit, then you know that you will
have to work hard to try and keep the
component spacing “tight” and the
tracking as efficient as possible. If it
looks like you have plenty of room,
then you can be a bit more liberal in
your layout. Of course, if it looks like
you have Buckley’s chance of getting
your components on the board, you’ll
have to go back to the drawing board.
Now analyse your schematic and determine which parts of the design can
be broken up into “building blocks”.
Often this is fairly obvious.
For example, say you have a complex-looking active filter in your
circuit. This would typically have a
single input line and a single output
line but will have lots of components
and connections as part of the filter.
This is a classic “building block” circuit and one that lends itself well to
combining all of these parts together in
the same location. So you would grab
all of these parts and start to arrange
them into their own little layout off to
one side of your board. Don’t worry
too much about where the actual block
goes on your board yet.
You will also need to partition off
electrically sensitive parts of your design into bigger blocks. One major example is with mixed digital and analog
circuits. Digital and analog just do not
mix and will need to be physically and
electrically separated.
Another example is with high frequency and high current circuits; they
do not mix with low frequency and
low current sensitive circuits. We’ll
have more about this later.
As a general rule, your components
should be neatly lined up: ICs in the
same direction, resistors in neat columns, polarised capacitors all around
the same way and connectors on the
edge of the board.
Don’t do this at the expense of
having an electrically poor layout or
an overly big board though. Electrical parameters should always take
precedence over nicely lined up
Symmetry is really nice in PC board
design. If you have something like two
identical building block circuits side
by side and one is laid out slightly
differently, it sticks out like a sore
If you have placed your components
wisely, 90% of your work will be done.
The last 10% is just joining the dots,
so to speak. Well, not quite –but good
placement is a good majority of your
work done.
Once you are happy with the component placements, you can start to
route all the different building blocks
separately. When finished, it is then
often a simple matter to move and
arrange the building blocks into the
rest of your design.
The Design Rule Check (DRC) will
be covered later but it is an essential
step to ensuring that your board is
correct before manufacture. A DRC basically checks for correct connectivity
of your tracks and for correct widths
and clearances.
Getting someone to check your
board may sound like an overly bureaucratic process but it really is a
vital step. No matter how experienced
you are at PC board design, there will
always be something you overlooked.
A fresh pair of eyes and a different
mindset will pick up problems you
would never see.
If you don’t have anyone to check
your board over, then you’ll have to
do it yourself. Get a printout of your
schematic and a highlighter pen. Now,
compare every single electrical “net”
connection (connection between two
points) on your board with the schematic, net by net. Highlight each net
on the schematic as you complete it.
When you are finished, there should
be no electrical connections left that
aren’t highlighted. You can now be
fairly confident that your board is
electrically correct.
Basic routing
Now it’s time for some basic routing
rules. Routing is also known as “tracking”. Routing is the process of laying
down tracks to connect components on
your board. An electrical connection
between two or more pads is known
as a “net”.
Keep nets as short as possible. The
longer your total track length, the
greater its resistance, capacitance
and inductance – all of which can
be undesirable factors.
Tracks should only have angles of
45°. Avoid the use of right angles
and in no circumstances use an
angle greater than 90°. This is important to give a professional and
neat appearance to your board. PC
board packages will have a mode
to enforce 45° movements – make
use of it. There should never be
a need to turn it off. Contrary to
popular belief, sharp right angle
corners on tracks don’t produce
measurable EMI or other problems.
The reasons to avoid right angles
are much simpler – it just doesn’t
look good and it may have some
manufacturing implications.
Forget nice rounded track corners,
they are harder and slower to place
and have no real advantage. Stick
to 45° increments. Rounded track
bends belong to the pre-CAD taped
artwork era.
“Snake” your tracks around the
board – don’t just go “point to
point”. Point to point tracking may
look more efficient to a beginner at
first but there are a few reasons you
shouldn’t use it. The first is that it’s
ugly, always an important factor in
PC board design! The second is that
it is not very space-efficient when
you want to run more tracks on
other layers.
Enable your electrical grid, which
is sometimes referred to as a “snap
to centre” or “snap to nearest”
option. Let the software find the
centres of pads and ends of tracks
automatically for you. This is
great for when you have pads and
tracks which aren’t lined up to
Both of these PC boards are electrically identical; both would of course work
the same. But you can see instantly just how much better the board on the right
looks with the tracks following the 45° design rule.
In this case, the bypass capacitors on
the power rails are too far removed
from the supply pins on the ICs.
Notice the difference? It not only
looks neater and also takes up a lot
less real estate – it will work better!
your current snap grid. If you don’t
have these options enabled then
you may have to keep reducing
your snap grid until you find one
that fits – far more trouble than
it’s worth. There is almost never
a reason to have these options
Always take your track to the
centre of the pad; don’t make
your track and pad “just touch”.
There are a few reasons for this.
The first is that it’s sloppy and
unprofessional. The second is
that your program may not think
that the track is making electrical
connection to the pad. Third, with
surface mount components, an
off-centre track-pad connection
can again cause solder surface
tension to pull the component out
of alignment. Proper use of a snap
grid and electrical grid will avoid
problems here.
Use a single track, not multiple
tracks tacked together end to end. It
may make no difference to the look
of your final board but it can be a
pain for future editing. Often you’ll
have to extend a track a bit. In this
case, it’s best to delete the old one
and place a new one. It may take
a few extra seconds but it’s worth
it. People looking at your finished
board may not know but you will
know! It’s the little touches like this
that set good PC board designers
Make sure your tracks go right
through the exact centre of pads
and components, and not off to one
November 2003 87
side. Use of the correct snap grid
will ensure that you get this right
every time. If your track doesn’t go
through the exact centre then you
are using the wrong snap grid. Why
do you need to do this? It makes
your board neater and more symmetrical and it gives you the most
Only take one track between 100
thou pads unless absolutely necessary. Only on large and very dense
designs should you consider two
tracks between pads. Three tracks
between pads is not unheard of
but we are talking seriously fine
tolerances here.
For high currents, use multiple vias
when going between layers. This
will reduce your track impedance
and improve the reliability. This is
a general rule whenever you need
to decrease the impedance of your
track or power plane.
Don’t “drag” tracks to angles other
than 45°
“Neck down” between pads where
possible. Eg, a 10 thou track
through two 60 thou pads gives
a generous 15 thou clearance between track and pad.
If your power and ground tracks
are deemed to be critical, then lay
them down first. Also, make your
power tracks as BIG as possible.
Keep power and ground tracks
running in close proximity to each
other if possible, don’t send them
in opposite directions around the
board. This lowers the loop inductance of your power system, and
allows for effective bypassing.
Keep things symmetrical. Symmetry in tracking and component
placement is really nice from a
professional aesthetics point of
Don’t leave any unconnected
copper fills (also called “dead copper”), ground them or take them
If you are laying out a non-platedthrough double-sided board, then
there are some additional things to
watch out for. Non-plated-through
holes require you to solder a link
through the board on both the top
and bottom layer.
Do not place vias under components. Once the component is
soldered in place you won’t be
able to access the joint to solder a
feed through. The solder joint for
88 Silicon Chip
Adding a
chamfer to a
“T” junction
doesn’t just
look neater, it
helps prevent
Likewise, “teardrops”
added to the joins
between tracks and
pads looks neater and
also helps prevent
etching problems.
the feed through can also interfere
with the component.
Try to use through-hole component legs to connect top tracks to
bottom tracks. This minimises the
number of vias. Remember that
each via adds two solder joints to
your board. The more solder joints
you have, the less reliable your
board becomes, not to mention
that that it takes a lot longer to
Finishing Touches:
Even though you have finished
all your routing, your board isn’t yet
complete. There are a few last minute
checks and finishing touches you
should do.
If you have thin tracks (<25 thou)
then it’s nice to add a “chamfer” to
any “T” junctions, thus eliminating
any 90° angles. This makes the
track more physically robust, and
prevents any potential manufacturing etching problems. But most
importantly, it looks nice.
Check that you have any required
mounting holes on the board.
Keep mounting holes well clear of
any components or tracks. Allow
room for any washers and screws
(especially when it comes to mains
voltage clearances).
Minimise the number of hole sizes.
Extra hole sizes cost you money, as
the manufacturer will charge you
based on not only the number of
holes in your boards but the number
of different hole sizes you have. It
takes time for the very high-speed
drill to spin down, change drill bits
and then spin up again. Check with
your manufacturer for these costs,
but you can’t go wrong by minimising the number of hole sizes.
Double check for correct hole sizes
on all your components. Nothing
is more annoying than getting your
perfectly laid out board back from
the manufacturer, only to find that
a component won’t fit in the holes!
This is a very common problem;
don’t get caught out.
Ensure that all your vias are
identical, with the same pad
and hole sizes. Remember your
pad-to-hole ratio. Errors here can
cause “breakouts” in your via pad,
where the hole, if shifted slightly
can be outside of your pad. With
plated through holes this is not always fatal, but without a complete
annular ring around your hole,
your via will be mechanically
Check that there is adequate physical distance between all your
components. Watch out for components with exposed metal that can
make electrical contact with other
components, or exposed tracks and
Change your display to “draft”
mode, which will display all your
tracks and pads as outlines. This
will allow you to see your board
“warts and all”, and will show up
any tracks that are tacked on or not
ending on pad centres.
If you wish, add “teardrops” to
all your pads and vias. A teardrop
is a nice “smoothing out” of the
junction between the track and the
pad and is, not surprisingly, shaped
like a teardrop. This gives a more
robust and reliable track to pad interface, better than the almost right
angle between a standard track and
pad. Don’t add teardrops manually
though, it’s a waste of time. But if
your program supports automatic
teardrop placement, feel free to use
Single-sided PC board design
Single-sided design can greatly
reduce the cost of your board. If you
can fit your design on a single sided
board then it is preferable to do so.
Look inside many of today’s consumer
items like TVs and DVD players, and
you will almost certainly find some
single-sided boards.
Just about all of SILICON CHIP’s
boards are single-sided. They are still
used because they are so cheap to manufacture. And in the case of SILICON
CHIP boards, single sided are much
easier for those who wish to make
their own from the printed patterns
or downloaded web files.
Single-sided design requires some
unique techniques which aren’t required once you go to doubled-sided
and multi-layer design. It is certainly
more challenging than a double-sided
Probably the biggest differences is
that some links (jumpers) may be required when it is impossible to avoid
tracks crossing over one another. However, links should be avoided if at all
possible. In fact, a single-sided board
design will be regarded inversely
proportional to the number of jumper
links used. “No links” earns the admiration of many peers!
Component placement can be even
more critical on a single-sided board,
so it won’t always be possible to have
all your components nice and neatly
aligned. Arrange your components so
that they give the shortest and most
efficient tracking possible.
It is like playing a game of Chess;
if you don’t think many moves ahead
then you will get yourself in a corner
pretty quickly. Having just one track
running from one side of your board to
the other can ruin your whole layout,
as it makes routing any other perpendicular tracks impossible.
Many designers will route their
board as though it is a double-sided
board but only with straight tracks on
the top layer. Then when the board
is to be manufactured, the top layer
tracks are replaced with jumper links.
This can be a rather inefficient way
to approach single sided design and
is not recommended. You must be
frugal in your placement, and don’t
be afraid to rip everything up and try
again if you see a better way to route
Double-sided PC board design
Double-sided PC board design gives
an extra degree of freedom for designing your board. Things that are next
to impossible on a single-sided board
become relatively easy when you add
an additional layer.
Many (inexperienced) designers
tend to become lazy when laying out
double-sided boards. They think that
component placement doesn’t matter
and that hundreds of vias can be used
to get them out of trouble. They will
often lay out components like ICs in
neat rows and then proceed to route
everything using right angle rules.
This means that they will route all
the tracks on the bottom layer in one
direction and then all the tracks on the
top layer perpendicular to the bottom
layer. The theory is that if you chop
and change between layers enough
times you can route almost anything
using a “step” type pattern.
This technique can be ugly and
inefficient and is a throwback to the
old manual tape days. Many basic PC
“auto routers” work in this way.
Stick to using good component
placement techniques and efficient
building block routing. Double-sided
design can also give you the chance to
make use of good ground plane techniques, required for high frequency
designs. This will be discussed later.
That’s all for this month. Next we
will look at more advanced topics like
multi-layer boards, ground planes, high
frequency design, auto routing and
design for manufacturing.
November 2003 89